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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. It depends on the dog - most breeds will be fine with a variety of bones. You cannot rely on marrow bones alone as they do not work the entire dentition properly. If you mix it up and give them bones they can literally sink their teeth into to the gum, yes it will work. I had a 'dental specialist' tell me that bones are too dangerous, dogs should not get ANY except massive marrow bones once a month and should only eat Hills Dental and Greenies :rolleyes: Bones work for all my dogs wonderfully except my dogue. They work for some teeth, others are being missed because of the way he eats and chews plus being undershot. So I'll get a little scraper for him to help him out he doesnt mind.
  2. an adolescent male dog in an excited dog scrum - he's just doing it because he's going through that stage. He's allowed to play but once you see him about to reach the point where he wont listen call him back to you and go play with him. Dog parks only really teach dogs to keep acting like lunatics I dont see the point of them. The dogs just keep getting more and more worked up until they start exhibiting behaviours they wouldnt normally do, then the habit sticks. Never let a dog play with other dogs while on a long line PLEASE. If they get knotted and panic it can be hard to pull them apart or they may injure themselves.
  3. there is an old woman in the area where my work is ... she apparently has 70 chows on her farm. Reg breeder AFAIK ... and it is true ... more people are attacked by ferrets then grizzly bears
  4. funny story one of the ferrets got out the past week, OH went to get the laundry (it's in a room off the garage) and suddenly one of the ferrets threw hiself at the window ala suction cup garfield style he went on a rampage and cleared out garage of rodents and was high on the smell of victory Saying that he was standing on top of the rabbits cage ... who was staring up at him egging him on .... my rabbit is psychotic
  5. no that psycho arse of a rabbit is still alive. I just bought him 20kg of food so now he's going to live forever... Sir Reginald goes to puppy class and last hot day he decided to lie in the dog shell pool just squinting at the dogs like 'my pool everyone rack off'. he attacked an AmBull a few months back ... there is a VERY large dog with a complex out there
  6. full moon ... dogs are bound to go berzerk
  7. it was a teeny tiny dog jumper I modified on the spot it had an M on it anyway and his name was Monty I rehomed him to an english lady who used to come visit him every day. I couldn't believe that rabbit sat there and didnt flinch once while I shaved that giant matt that was his coat off him. Not one nick or clipper burn either *SHIMMY*
  8. get yourself a stainless steel scraper and do it yourself. I will have to start doing my dogue his teeth just cannot get cleaned properly no matter what he eats because of the mouth shape
  9. does she need to lose weight or has she suffered from Pancreatitis? What % fat can she process?
  10. you can do what one woman did ... take sports tape and wrap the dogs muzzle then put a nylon muzzle on top. Poor thing the dog tried to eat her in the process, she was 7 months pregnant and it was her husbands dog.
  11. I have also done cats without sedation and a rabbit from this ... to this ... god I miss grooming sometimes someone give me a poodle
  12. OH came home to our DDB having gotten into the flour ... unfortunately he is the type of dog that just sat there, covered in flour and now glue (flour + mastiff drool) "yeah ... I ate the flour ... WTF you gonna do about it" and sauntered off leaving a trail of white pawprints
  13. yup I got some high end clippers when I had to do a Malamute that had stopped being clipped ... 2 years ago ... and surface brushed with a slicker on veterinary advice of course me and that poor dog together for over 6 hours. At least she was friendly
  14. frisk the owner for a valium bottle next time
  15. wow and you survived? every chow I have met has had a severe attitude problem :p glad you're enjoying the job you will have a lot of fun!
  16. she sounds like a dog dog. If she has little capacity to interact with humans you have to totally separate her off from other dogs for at least a month or two and take her with you as much as you can. If that still doesnt work any breeder or multi dog owner who needs a 'companion' dog for their own dogs would probably be happy to take her. Not the first working kelpie I've seen with this personality. Rather be out doing their own thing or working then cuddling.
  17. unless you can prove the dog does have health issues not disclosed to you at the time of the deposit being put down I dont see why the breeder should just hand you back all the cash for your broken promise. I dont know of one type of transaction that lets you off scott free when you just change your mind for no good reason after handing over a deposit. I find it also incredible that you knew nothing about a breed you want to make money off puppies with until you blew a wad of cash on a bitch you also seem to know nothing about. The term ethical breeder is not really jumping off the page at me.
  18. I sell it at my work I introduced the line into the store you can order it online too, but any store has premium foods should be order it in for you, Dr Neils and Animal Supplies are both suppliers
  19. no clinic will ever admit that it's probably there your animal picked up an infectious disease - it's not about an open mind it's about reputation. When the average dog owner hears from one owner their dog *probably* picked it up there, it can ruin their reputation in the local community quite quickly and their income. One of your neighbours dogs could have it and thats where she got it from, more likely then the vet clinic. Unless you have direct proof she got it from there I dont know what you are trying to achieve by insisting it is. And I agree with PF, in all probabilty your dog could have been incubating it and the anaesthetic/desexing helped it along.
  20. Royal Canin is easier to get a hold of. I have used the Vets All Natural skin powder and that worked incredibly well with my dogs. It has protexin in it as well
  21. Poodles are awesome dogs, so glad it has worked out for you! You won't regret it at all
  22. why have her on kibble at all? Why not try a raw diet and just add in the Vets All Natural Health Bosster powder to ensure it really is complete. I dont find ProPlan a good food, none of the Purina range are really anything special. If you have your heart set on a kibble why not try Royal Canin or Black Hawk Holistic?
  23. how many dogs are you buying? Starting up one heck of a breeding operation or what?
  24. you will probably need to call abbetoir's directly to ask about its availability to the public.
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