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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. Prozac is a selective seartonin reuptake inhibitor. It prevents the presynapric cells from mopping up seratonin. Did the pup ever come off it or did it stay on it long term? Also what behaviour modification did they try before Prozac? Considering its one of the most overused drugs for humans did they manage to pull the pup off and maintain the happy behaviour or was it a long term case?
  2. because GSD threads get 1) boring and 2) overthought. This is what Von Stephanitz, the creator of the GSD consider to the the ideal shepherd in his eyes. As for straight back etc it all comes down to personal preference. Considering the GSD has now been bred into every conceivable shape, size, colour, temperament and degree of originality, find someone that suits your ideals, buy a pup and call it what you will. It's the most bastardised breed on the face of the planet.
  3. squirt bottle and teach the dog 'quiet'. I had one of those too it's a horrible noise at dog club and with visitors redirect her attention to you and reward for being super quiet and bum glued to the ground. Sounds like prey drive gone off a little the left ;)
  4. any drug that aims to alter the mental state of the animal will muck around with the physiology and have further reaching effects then just the period of medication. I dont care how modern they are. They're an all too common tool by some veterinary behaviourists who have the power to prescribe. In some cases, yes very worthwhile. But a lot of the time they replace true hard work and hands on experience. Never seen a medicated animal that you could consider it being an improvement. More like a bandaid.
  5. Thats what I dont understand. With a problem that is so severe it requires medication why is the OP on here asking about what equipment would be best for a reactive GSD. This is why they need someone with hands on experience in these matters to see the dog and make an educated decision.
  6. maybe you're just making gross assumptions about Mark ... why not have the opinion of someone experienced in such situations if it can possibly help? Dont let your ideals constrain the dogs potential ability to rehabilitate. Considering the dog is having to be medicated and there is no corrective implementation involved ...
  7. if he doesnt need to toilet then just a squirt and roll over ignoring him. If he bites you, scruff him or make your hand into a claw shape and zap him one in the side of the neck 'NO!' I do agree with Persephone poodles are incredibly smart, they are working dogs in a tiny packet. Start training him now in whatever you can, look on Youtube there is always people putting up how to videos for tricks. Put it this way, I taught a toy poodle to play a piano in half an hour
  8. I would not always worry about the look of the dog when it comes to friends playing - no matter the breed if you dog bowls someones kid over and scratches them up like some labs are GREAT at you will be unpopular If you can handle and love a rottie, go with what is good for your family, not what suits everyone else. You're the one living with it! I dont see a rottie pup being any more trouble for an experienced owner then most other 'typical pet' breeds like labs or goldens. We see more of those needing calming down at training then we see guarding breeds.
  9. come on .. attitude, intelligence, fight and they can dance... give them opposable thumbs and they will rule the world!
  10. its owners who buy the wrong dog and dont treat it with the respect it deserves that cause problems NOT dogs bred for HA/DA. There seems to be an attitude in this country that a dog should just shut up and act like a backyard ornament no matter what breed you buy.
  11. yes another reason I want a Chihuahua ...
  12. which one, the super premium or the Dogpro? I still cannot get a hold of the list of ingredients of the Hypro Superpremium range
  13. I say go for another rottweiler, you seem keen on them A well bred rottweiler would be great and you already sound like you're on top of the training needs of any family dog. bull breeds are a personality of their own, you need to meet a few of them before you can decide if its something that suits your lifestyle. A staffy pup is no less boistrous then a rottweiler pup and you would not leave a toddler around a puppy no matter the age. Chevorne I dont really picture the kelpie as being a dog that gets dressed up and sat in a pram by kids... rotties on the other hand ....
  14. no it's the human enablers. I have 4 dogs here that if you got it in your head that they were an 'eating' breed they would eat until they literally exploded. It is in the nature of the canine, especially the working breeds, to eat like pigs. They are a scavenging species that gorges as it didnt know when the next big meal would come. Retrievers want to put things in their mouths, they want to work. We dont work them, we keep them as backyard ornaments so of course they eat until they pop. People buy labradors, then go 'oh they eat a lot' and feed them tonnes of food. Then the excuse for the poor obese creature is 'oh they just like food'. Considering a dog CANNOT make purchases from a supermarket, McDonalds or feed themselves it is the owners fault they look the way they do. When you have the expectation in your brain you subconsciously enable it. So many times we see the same thing when people get a rescue dog then enable bad behaviour because 'oh we dont know its history and we will put it down to a bad life/abuse not us'. A number of vets have also told me my dogs will die a horrible, twisted death because they're not desexed and I feed them bones. Oh and a raw diet will kill them as it's so nutritionally deficient it's almost neglect. A degree does not make an educated person.
  15. the newspaper said the dog usd to get too much human food and human JUNK food ... I can imagine was probably filled with cheeseburgers and pizzas ...
  16. I found the rottweiler way too high in fat and oils for my rottweiler he mustn't be pure then I suppose. I do love their range, and their breed specific range does the job for a lot of people
  17. e-collar and a very good trainer
  18. There is a breeder in Matravale NSW, http://www.petsonline.com.au/view_print.asp?id=50175299673103264
  19. I find a loud 'OI' is enough to stop most bad things and I somehow taught my dogs 'GIT' as in a southern accent GET! ... so redneck ...
  20. no one suggesting to kick the dog lol he just needs a big surprise
  21. do a google search, plenty of AmBull sites in Australia and US. Remember there are two types, the Johnson and Scott
  22. I hate dog parks full stop. A good boot in the butt never killed anyone. Saying that your dog should respond to 'OI' or 'NO!' and you should be keeping an eye on him. Sounds like your boy just needs a good dose of manners in general if he's pissing in the house when a new dog comes in. Taking him to dog school should be minimum and implement the idea that you do not ASK your dog to do things, you tell them. I dont have maybe in my household and I dont have dogs pissing all over the place either. It's not being mean or rough at all, just set the rules and stick to them yourself, as well as being extremely clear to the dog what is expected and what it should do. There is no point letting the dog run riot then just punish, punish, punish. They learn nothing. You show your dog how to behave and if you cannot supervise the dog you contain/tether in order to limit the ability to do bad behaviours whilst they are learning.
  23. the best things to use (if you dont have masses of the stuff lol) is the food grade white tubs with the clip on lids. Your food smells in summer more because the heat and air are making the oils in the food go rancid slightly. Keep it in the cupboard or laundry or somewhere cool and out of the light to keep it fresh, and with a tight fitting lid
  24. I find it interesting how afraid we are of entire dogs in Australia and how entrenched the idea that whipping out vital organs is the answer to all our problems. The veterinary profession has a LOT to answer for.
  25. Desexing wont fix what you need to train him out of. Really there is nothing to say he has an over-testosterone problem, and all he really has done is wee on people when he's over excited .... we had a couple of LOOOOOOOOOOONG desexed males do the same thing at dog club then there is my bitch that lifts her leg on everything ...
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