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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. dammit why dont I have a farm ... I would take that dog from you no worries Lilli Saying that we do need a LGD for my workplace, to guard the many acres we are on, deer and patrol the property. If the dog needs a home I'm sure the boss would take it he sounds like what we need.
  2. Why would Barkley need a blood test? Did you actually try some hands on methods or did you just open a vein and have a chat?
  3. When she grabs you reach down and scruff her, growl and walk off. If she comes and wont bite offer her a toy or treat. She doesnt know any better but biting needs to stop ASAP
  4. weak nerve can be genetic. It comes down to proper diagnosis and management. And the fact that some dogs are just happier to stay at home in their own little world.
  5. The vet you saw was the one that got my Rottweiler up and walking from a complete cripple unable to lift himself. She's worth the money
  6. The first dog I bought when I left home was an entire working line Malinois bitch we both lived
  7. Did the vets take you seriously about the possibly toxicity? Organophosphates like Glyphosate (roundup) in large enough doses can do the same thing. You take a Cholinesterase blood level for that There is also deadly nightshade which can cause staggers, I know one man who had 3 horses with the same thing because he thought they just wouldnt eat it :rolleyes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_poisonous_plants long but it can be a start. If you need a hand deciphering it just PM me You can also try Neil Meurer in Lal Lal he has had experience with paralysed dogs
  8. I have access to two working line Malinois and a 4 year old ... I accept the challenge
  9. Try the Leerburg youtube is she has internet. Otherwise get them to email me at [email protected] I'm happy to advise bother owner and trainer how to handle the situation
  10. DDB are a fabulous breed especially with children. Pig headed, yes but the bitches and dogs are different. I have an entire 6 year old male and he's just awesome, doesnt care at all, loves kids, was a therapy dog for the disabled. I use him for aggressive dogs and he is so indifferent everyone ends up relaxing and laughing. I thought your dog Oscar was the dog in question lol ahhh AmStaffs. Those pig headed buggers, it's like someone handed a whole breed an 18 year old complex and a Holden Commodore. You need to teach him self control, he's old enough. The trick is to stay one step ahead and teach him the alternative behaviour you do want, so if he wont listen, on lead and go to bed time or in a controlled space until he's ready to listen.
  11. I bought some of that bitch spray once ... basically citronella spray you spritz around the girly bits my boy got a bit excited, ran over expecting some tasty bitch scent and copped a nose full. He shut up after that I found rubbing a little perfume around the dogs nose too can help if they get particularly vocal
  12. if only it was that easy Ali My DDB tries to do that, walks over to the water, refills then here we go. If I catch him I simply shout and 'OI GET OUT OF IT' and he will stop. Think of it this way, if you are not there to control it you cannot change it. If you catch him widdling on another dogs bed he's claiming as his own and going by your photo he's an American Bulldog? Dominance is something they're good at desexed or not. Get tough on him, dont let him go on a pissing spree when you visit somewhere and keep him with you, if he wont listen tie him up or pop him in the car. My bitch marks too, 7 1/2 years old, entire, extremely dominant and will pee over ANY dogs pee male or female. She even lifts her leg if we're at a communal dog area.
  13. Just ignore his baulking and give him corrective pops, lots in a row while walking foreward. He'll get up. No dog of that breed is that big you can't move him
  14. My previous Shep was 14 years old wheras the last one I had was put to sleep on his second birthday. It's luck of the draw when it comes to dogs
  15. contact Monelite here on Dogzonline she will give you direct contacts
  16. if there is nothing medical just keep walking and pop the leash quickly to get him up and walking. The trick is not to stop just keep going or he's getting the best of you. Reward him for getting up and following.
  17. check chain. Mot bulldogs will pull a truck no matter what you use if you're relying on discomfort from a walking harness in order to curb the pulling habit If you're worried about getting one big enough to put over the head and then being too big for the neck Herm Sprenger make check chains with toggles on one end that thread through the ring at the other making sure it's the perfect size either online or any retailer should be able to order through Hannoverian Riding Wear
  18. a dog does not have to be aggressive in order to need a corrective aid. Have you tried standing still and calling him back every time he dashes away or have his favourite treats in your hand on the side he walks on and drop little bits as he stick near you?
  19. no my dog and cut the amount of biscuits in half. If they're hungry give them more carrot.
  20. you dont want corrective aids - what happens if they are what the dog needs? I travel to Melbourne or if you are willing to come to Geelong for a session you are more then welcome
  21. is there a reason you cannot use a collar to train the dog?
  22. you dont go to the GSD club you go to the Schutzhund club. A dog that chews mortar and concrete to that level of destruction is not something to wait around to get to. The dog needs to work and should have started as a pup. Who sold you such a high drive dog in the first place?
  23. clip some hair around off, Betadine dripped in, wipe clean, then superglue most of it shut by pinching together the skin and dripping it on (never in the wound) works for me every time.
  24. still have my Royal Canin plastic bin with the click on lid that I got like 10 year ago almost dog proof until the DDB put his canines through the lid trying to carry the whole bin of 15kg of food
  25. regular farting is not something a dog should do either. It means his digestion is out of whack.
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