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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I just got them in stock at work ... THEY ARE SO AWESOME!!! *ahem* anyone who stocks Rudducks products will be able to order them in for you
  2. go for it. I made the website so people can see what actually happens from the owners perspective.
  3. this one was 9 months by that stage. It started the same as yours from the moment they bought it. And mine was desexed by 6 months. Remember, dogs mature, if they're doing that now imagine in 12 months.
  4. rememberdiesel.webs.com if she wants to email me go for it. Conversely come visit Diesel while he can still stand on 4 legs. I'm sure the idiot who bred him thought his parents were 'stunning' too Dont worry I had even bigger idiots telling me that because Diesel was so big he should go make puppies. Doesnt matter he has no hip sockets the bitch will fix that
  5. not much younger then the one I got, well when I first saw it anyway. I was just lucky there was an extreme niche that this dog fit into otherwise it was only destined to be PTS. Once a dog requires 3 grown adults and a catch pole to be extracted from a crate I kind of put my foot down.
  6. Bilbo I sent you a PM about it. Sounds like a repeat of the last white shepherd that was surrendered to me.
  7. you need to gut the rabbits as this way you can also check if they're riddled with worms. If the rabbits are in heavy livestock country they can have big parasitic cysts on the main leg/shoulder muscle. Make sure you worm your dogs really well if you do feed whole rabbit. For squeamish people dont go staring at this video but yes, hold the rabbit with the back legs hanging down and press in the nook between to emtpy the bladder, then gut them for the dogs. You can leave the liver heart lungs and kidneys in too for the dogs. If the liver is a deep deep red colour with no white marks then the rabbit is fine.
  8. raw bone, and bones in an animal, are actually a living, changing system. Its not just hard calcium, they are made up of various proteins, cells, fats etc. Bones are a storage reserve for calcium to help maintain the bodys concentration which is required for nervous fucntion as well. Now when you cook a bone, heat especially denatures and breaks down proteins, cells etc as well as dehydrates the product. So what was now a digestible matrix has been turned into whats not affected by the actualy cooking process - hard mineral matter which is what you see dogs poop out after eating a raw bone. In essence you're feeding your dog a lump of rock and hoping it passes through. It's the shape of bones, especially long bones, that make them shatter in shards. Most grow in a reasonably spiral manner so when you do crack them you notice big slivers. Some dogs have always eaten cooked bones, my grandmother would snip all the bones with pliers for her rottweiler. Saying that it only takes one cooked bone to pierce the stomach/intestines. If you know its not a digestible product why tempt fate?
  9. yes but when you use self justified warm and fuzzy rubbish you can have a self conceited feeling of 'trying everything nice and hence its the dogs fault'
  10. Call me arrogent. I'm not bothering with this thread anymore as my standpoint is clear. If you have not seen one used or been shown one in use on various situations then you dont have an educated enough opinion on one to say yay or nay. You're up there with all the law makers who just read emotive BS. Get one, feel one, use one, then say yes or no. Apart from that it's just more BS tying my hands since me and a few other trainers are willing to use whatever tools we can to help YOUR dogs live and become productive members of society. Fuzzy honestly you're so biased it's not funny. You cant tell me you actually made a proper decision about them. Considering I have seen dogs throw themselves into their owners to have a prong collar put on them so they can go have some fun and go walking etc you cant tell me they need to be banned. Ban morons ... oh wait we harbour those people under wrist slaps and human rights.
  11. for all the naysayers ... I had a dog today that a prong made only a slight difference to him. His focus in on children and launching at them. Am I a lazy trainer for using one? Check chain and all manner of all other things mean nothing to this dog at all. What is your wisdom then? ETA Euth is neither warranted nor an option.
  12. no probs catch me through facebook or just email me. The dog will only be with a few adults and owner wants something highly territorial. And dont worry I work there so I'll teach them about it. Like I said if I had a farm I'd take the pushy thing myself
  13. puppies have to learn their place. Just keep interaction under supervision and dont let the older dog go too far with its cranking. I never let new pups spend all their out of crate time with my other dogs anyway otherwise they just want to bond with them instead of you.
  14. I think people also misunderstand that trainers dont exlusively plug away with nothing but a prong and thats it. It's not that we want one side or the other we want it as an option to use IN CONJUNCTION with other methods. There is no one umbrella out there and to say using one is just lazyness is plain wrong. Using just one method on all dogs is lazy and uneducated no matter what that one thing is. As for sensory deprivation and locking dogs in crates for extended periods to get them to work better all the time, I believe that is cruelty. A dog is not a toy it is a living, breathing creature. If you call that part of positive training you need your head read.
  15. If you are on the west side of melbourne or Geelong/Ballarat etc give me an email [email protected]
  16. My point Mita was that any training equipment has the capability to have a harmful effect and all these are commonly sold in pet shops and even in clinics themselves. Why is not all training equipment put under the one umbrella then of veterinary supervision? Not just the one that 'looks' spikey and evil and all that clap trap
  17. what does a check and a vet to supervise help? Why nto make that mandatory for ALL dogs no matter the equipment. There are a glaring majorty of dogs needing professional supervision out there that will go nowhere near a prong or e-collar. I constantly see dogs with bruises and rubbed bare skin from 'gentle' equipment but noone seems to have an issue with that. As for making it through a trainer, the Government recognises purely positive organisations as dog trainers, so Delta, Gentle Modern School of dog training etc. None of which would advocate or use them, same with e-collars. As for veterinary behaviourists show me one that can actually use any myriad of equipment properly in a physical context. I have not seen one yet that has the efficiency of a well versed behavioural trainer. Leave the bloody things be. Have a few select retailers with some brains and just leave it be.
  18. This is all down to again, meddling from people who have no need or no education about this equipment or the type of dog that requires it. And you would think the RSPCA has bigger cruelty issues like, oh, puppy mills and farmers creating pyres of dog carcasses from their unwanted animals then a few prong collars.
  19. The point is not the fact that everyone HAS to use one but professional trainers in particular and working dog people who require them should be allowed the option of using them if required. Does every dog need one? No. Will everyone come across one in their lives? No. But there are a select few that really do need them. Why should they suffer without them? Enough dogs have had their li.ves spared because these collars have made a difference to NOT have them banned
  20. If the pup tries again you have not done it hard enough. Remember to offer the dog something different. Conversely a squirt bottle with water and some lemon juice in it tends to get the point across.
  21. most animal meats will contain it unless they specifically say preservative free. It makes cheap rotten offcuts look half decent.
  22. It's not hard to socialise a pup with 100 different people in that time. The trick is to realise that socialisation does not necessarily need to be shoved under their noses and have them cuddle it to death. Socialisation is about teaching the dog how to react in a situation. What that is depends on the dogs and your long term goals. And never let a pup bite you at all. Ever. It's not cute. And I prefer black or white when training dogs, particularly dogs that can be pushier or less biddable down the road
  23. I never recommend Ian Dunbar. Maybe if you buy the most sedate laidback CKCS go for it, working or herding breeds .... nope ... never
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