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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. You have no direct proof the breeder was not willing to reply due to your sexuality. People have their own lives for all you know she could be having a family crisis or life issues preventing her from answering everyone's emails. Don't go crying victim where you really have nothing concrete to say that is the actual reason. I think you really have nothing to complain about, she's not the only breeder in the country and you've moved on and had success.
  2. The glass enclosures at the ends of the isles are for rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens and whatever they can cram in there. Cats and dogs are not sold, some stores do pet 'adoption' for kittens etc. I dont give that place a cent of my money. I can tell you money comes before the care of the animals in store and they will take animals from people that just walk in off the street. Plus they are hidously overpriced. My workplace now has most of the stuff they do, plus REAL animal care products and I'm nowhere near the price they are.
  3. the other stores sell pets. I used to work in the vet clinic within one, the chain is owned by the Good Guys. The idea was all about animal care but that soon went downhill as far as I am concerned.
  4. give the cremation places a call I'm sure they also do exhumation + cremation. I have a dog that needs this too but its been 2 years just about now.
  5. have you been shown how to use a check chain properly? A correction should have nothing to do with your knee at all if used in the correct manner.
  6. listen to your trainer. A 6 month old Rottweiler is fine to have a check chain used on him. As long as you're not just correcting constantly with no rewards and ripping the dog off its feet for no reason I say stick with your schools advice. Otherwise you'll sit here for months trying to sift through information that in all probability will confuse you before help you.
  7. get her off the pro plan its too full of grains - great for keeping dogs looking like piggies. Personally I would put her onto straight raw or get a better food like Royal Canin mini weight loss plus whatever fresh you like to feed.
  8. wheaten is not a recognised BC colour, its red and white. If you bought from someone breeding 'wheaten' and its a rare colour there's a high chance of genetic temperament fault if there is nothing medical. Get a crate and lock the kids away from the dog now. Or put it outside when they're playing in the house until you get professional help before something terrible happens.
  9. never ever rehome an aggressive dog. Give Steve at K9 Pro a call NOW and book that dog in for a brain scan/blood test especially for thyroid and hormone at the vet. If she's not fixable then a one way trip to the vet. Dogs showing human aggression like yours are never in a rehomable category.
  10. yup. Many dogs take on the mentality that new dogs need to be shown they're big and tough and take no crap hence they end up carrying on for really, no good reason even if the other dog presents signals that doesnt warrant the behaviour. Problem is it ends up a self fulfilling prophecy since the target dog either fights back (and hence your dog goes 'HA SEE I KNEW IT! I NEED TO TRY HARDER NEXT TIME!') or rolls over and submits which then teaches your dog its behaviour works towards its ultimate goal - not being attacked again. A lot of attacked dogs do not act rationally, I have seen some that aggress towards younger, non mature dogs too which is totally unnatural. They're not really thinking, just reacting which adds to the randomness to their targets. Anxiety goes up, behaviour exhibits.
  11. It is amazing the difference. In the wild pups would be venturing and exploring the minute they can get about. Life is about trial and error, they need to develop physical control and confidence somehow :D
  12. she simply needs to relearn how to behave with dogs. It's very common that an attacked dog now has an expectation of another random attack and hence overdoes introductions and presents unwarranted behaviour. It comes down to time and conditioning the dog to change its behaviour when presented with that situation.
  13. Erny would you like me to go hunt you some organic rabbits? I'm happy to go bump off and dress some fresh rabbit for your boy if you think it would help. Personally I would just get him right off dry food and what about vets all natural nutritional powder with cooked novel protein and plain rice?
  14. Good. I wish more breeders would do this they should be out there the minute they can get up of their fat little tummies and build strength. Too many lazy whelping box coddled pups in the world.
  15. dooooooon't take attacked dogs to dog parks. She's allowed to exhibit behaviour without it being modified. Controlled interaction with other dogs and under guidance is the best thing. If you're near Geelong please bring her over to visit this is one of my specialities. One current dog is playing with my little bitch in the 3rd lesson which he has not done in years.
  16. Rogue despises it ... it means gripping her collar and a lot of 'OI STAND STILL YOU IDIOT' just because I'm trying to strip out the damn dead undercoat she's leaving all over my house. Her Aunt is better at least she appreciates the Noahs version of the Furminator twice a year. The rottie and DDB I dont think I hydrobath and blow dry more then 3 times a year. Low maintenance FTW
  17. yeasts and bacteria are two different kettles of fish. Even within bacteria you have various groups such as gram positive and negative, and antibiotics are not just a general 'cure all' either I wouldnt be using a regular low dose antibiotic either on my animals. I find it surprising its legal, just like Founder Guard for horses.
  18. neither of those dogs are pure amstaff, particularly the second one.
  19. The active ingredient is not an anti-mycotic it is an anti bacterial which are two totally different things. Even if it did the dose would not be high enough to treat a full blown infection. Speak to your vet before just deciding to medicate your dog.
  20. just a heads up as some people dont really realise how loud the little poppets can be
  21. I know Ruth Weston (widow of the late David Weston), she has her dog training school down from my place of work. Her current husband is a gem of a man. Wonderful bloke. Scottish.
  22. you do know Dachshunds are not the quietest of breeds? Do you have a body corporate or otherwise that would object to barking?
  23. They are basically a kong Wubba with an animal head, the fabric looks pretty tough actually. Wubbas also come in 3 different camo colours, traditional camo, pink camo and blue camo, then there are the water wubbas covered in neoprene.
  24. no but you're welcome to call me at work and we can work out a way I can express post one to you. We also have Herm Sprenger jute tug toys available, single and double handle By the way the XL sell at my store for just under $20 I am at Wallingtons WRG (03) 5250 2056 mon-thurs 8am - 5pm
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