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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. Some dogs will have a strip of fur running down their spine and neck that is a different texture and darker then the rest. My Malinois bitch and DDB both have it. A ridge is the hair growing in a totally opposite direction and will be pronounced from a very young age.
  2. No reasonably better now I've had two solid meals today ... the iron fist has returned ... as has the pouting from the dogs whos short lived spree of destruction and mayhem has ended ... it makes me realise I need to invest in some more e-collars I may be sick but I can still reach you mwahahahahaha
  3. The only thing that has kept us alive so far is the knowledge if we fall and cannot get up we will be eaten ... I dont think loyalty runs thick in my lot
  4. so not... This week OH and I have both been sick with a massive case of food poisoning. Thursday night I had a re-attack and went downhill so yesterday I could not move at all. I was lying on the couch, one step away from drooling on myself due to the sheer amount of medication I had to pump into myself to stop myself exploding. OH went out for a bit and made me a little stack of Saladas with a fine smear of butter and vegemite. A nice big jug of orange-ade too. The rottie toddled over, gave my Salada a sniff from a foot away... DIESEL NO ... looks at me, looks back at the Salada ... NO ... slowly walks closer to the Saladas ... DIESEL GET AWAY ... Standing above my Saladas he realises that I cannot get my half sedated butt off the couch. He gives the top Salada a lick and turns quickly to me ... his face ... OMG SHE CAN'T GET ME! JOY OF JOYS! He them proceeds to delicately take a wonderful, perfectly schmeared Salada and slooooooooooooooooowly crunch it in front of me. Looking at me the whole time mind you. 'Oh wow mum these Saladas are awesome ... I might have another' *meanwhile Nekhbet is lying half dead on the couch pawing ineffectually at the rottie who is just out of reach* The bastard ate all 3 very slowly in front of me and licked up all the crumbs THEN had a drink of my orange-ade right out of the jug. He then farted in my general direction and walked outside to go nom a bone. Mmmmmmmmmm love ... don't worry the others went on a little spree too since they realised mummy couldnt get off the couch ... Why do we own dogs again?
  5. I had my first solid meal for the week so I may make sense .. Elbie is looking good, for Hoover you are rewarding him for mistakes. In the one where he sits away from you, you let him come to you and then say good boy - he had nothing to let him know he did wrong. When he breaks in the second before you say fetch you let him finish the entire retrieve behaviour and still say good boy, hence you will find he will keep making 'mistakes' at that point. Dont reward when the dog makes a mistake. If Hoover breaks position you are better to go 'ahh no', go get the dumbell and start again. As for not coming over to you, same thing again but next time 1) dont throw the dumbell as far and 2) have a reward available to guide Hoover in to you to limit the dogs chance of making a mistake. If you are going to treat the entire cycle - throw 'FETCH' retrieve return sit 'GOOD BOY' - AS a whole cycle you break the dog from completing the cycle, you dont just reward otherwise to the dog you are rewarding the 'mistake' as part of that cycle. Uta Bindells does this with her Malinois, but she takes it in baby steps and if they do a stuff up she goes 'uh uh' and turns her face away from the dog showing they made a mistake. The dog gets a clear message the behaviour it exhibited was not required and to try again the next time
  6. Although I like the way they still say on the Australian site : ahhh too confusing
  7. If they are veterinarian approved. Remember its not always the dose or the drug but the other chemicals within the medication which can cause problems. Many human meds are fine but legally only a veterinarian can give you off label advice.
  8. It's about the Villalobos Pitbull Rescue. Great place, great advocates for the breed and extremely realistic about their dogs and their requirements. They also educate about how ABPT's are really meant to be. http://www.vrcpitbull.com/home.htm
  9. Hills and Royal Canin both make a vet only food, in Hills its the L/d and Royal Canin is the Hepatic LS. Dont use ANY diets off the internet and get onto your vet about a proper diet. If they are not sure get a second opinion ASAP. Diets and things like liver, kidney, IBS etc are nto something to be done from the net and particularly without supervision. ETA the value that you got what exactly was it for?
  10. I'd make it the life of a badly bred, ill socialised dog from birth to sale to adolesence to one way trip to the vet. The conditions they are bred in, the difficulties these dogs have coping in life and then the lack of home they have when they have such poor genetic temperament and social skills. It might make more people stop buying dogs out of sheer pity or out of their capabilities and STOP encouraging these shonky a-holes from continuously breeding bad dogs, then making money from tugging on heart strings.
  11. just because two dogs are in the position doesnt mean he's the father particularly if other dogs were around. I really dont understand that these days people worry about what their dog is and STILL purchase animals of no provable heritage. Your dogs breeder has no reason to provide you with a DNA sample if push comes to shove or the animals may not be available anymore. If you want proof get papers, apart from that, your dog is an inderterminant crossbreed.
  12. Just remember whatever you do, if you have a behaviour you dont want you're in all probability moving too fast. As for training like that I would never allow competition. It should never be around competition it should be about focus can you tell I'm lazy lol and not read everything
  13. it depends what causes the reactivity. Decreasing the incidence of stumulation can sometimes frustrate the dog and cause a greater reaction when in fact you do end up meeting the taget of its anxiety. You cant fix behaviour by avoiding things. It's not always practical and not always fair on the dog either. I dont advocate people simply trying to shove their dogs into situations that elicit responses WITHOUT professional help but with professional help it can be a good learning experience for the dog.
  14. I'm commenting on the first video. You release the dumbell for way too long. You should release, let him hold, take hold before he chews or spits and click. So give, release, take, click. He spits the dumbell and you say good boy - so he was rewarded for the wrong behaviour. Take it right back, extend it more slowly because you now have to get past the chewing. Also no other dog in the room when you train things like this as the competitive edge can make them exhibit behaviours you dont want and they cannot concentrate straight on you.
  15. teach him a swap game. Its normal for dogs to bolt their food if you interfere too much they think they're going to lose it! Have two chicken wings, offer him one and when he takes it, hang onto it but offer him the other and say 'give'. When he lets go and takes the other let him go eat it in peace. Do this every time for food and treats, he will learn that there is no loss if you say 'give'. I do the same thing with toys for my dogs and they end up throwing things at me in no time since they know something better is going to come of leaving it ;) we have dogs at dog club leaving fresh raw bones in a session, no correction and no force. They can walk over them since they know they will be rewarded by something equally tasty from their handler ;)
  16. I cant find a good australian dog food either that suits all of my dogs. Majority of australian foods pale in comparison to international formulas.
  17. I swapped for the same reasons. Healthier, smarter, faster and better then the GSD. But get them popular enough they will be ruined eventually too. A few of our forces require a lot more education and update their training before committing themselves to Malinois.
  18. Not really. I think you're making too big a deal over it in general and working off a massive assumption. This thread was nothing but you crying victim over a situation where you had no proof that was the reason. Enjoy your pup instead of bashing a person you have no real proof about. Bigots work in both directions.
  19. Sounds weird but I'd put the dog on a vegetarian diet if proteins are such an issue. That and/or a white fish source like whiting.
  20. Well I can go ferreting in the next couple of weeks if you like. I'll get as many as I can for you, I'll strip most but do you want a few with the fur on too? I'll get a heap together and see how I can get them to you ETA all the rabbit you find in stores is farmed. It's kept in cages and fed artificial feed, plus they put preservative onto the meat since they never bleed it properly and it tends to go a weird colour. I will only eat rabbit I catch myself. Much nicer flavour.
  21. I have found that gradually the good staff leave/get pushed out and get replaced with cheap teenagers with little to no skills.
  22. obviously was. I think she's just clutching at straws really.
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