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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. She has a cutey face anyway :p the low growl emitting tends to let people know she's not a teddy though yes that is Pugsley, he was her little brother for the weekend. She was totally in love with him despite the fact he pinched all her toys
  2. pigs like to hide and it can be extremely hard to get a clean single shot that can drop a big one.
  3. ear set for quite a few breeds has signifigance. I mean quite a few people dont really care if the ear flops a little or dont sit perfectly but you can sometimes notice the difference. I minute I taped Rogue's up her eyes widened and she kept flinching to small noises she couldnt pinpoint previously.
  4. do they seriously hand out dogs without being vaccinated?
  5. Two things get me ... 1) someone is actually paid a full time decent wage to write this crap 2) people are dumb enough to read it and believe it as the truch omg I can't breathe from laughing. It's one step away from the Onion now
  6. lack of pigmentation in many breeds is undesirable as a whole. Blue colouration and other dilutions means the dog has less pigment causing these 'blues' and 'livers'. There are usually genes that go hand in hand with dilute genes that are bad for the dogs and overall breeds long term health. Yes sometimes dogs crop up with different colouration and if you find one, good for you it fits your idea of cuteness. If you have ever seen a hideous case of cherry eye and the surgery that goes with it, it's not something to sweep under the carpet. I have seen paler coloured dogs suffering skin infections and just plain bad skin/ears, then there is looking after the teeth, making sure the dog has access to climate control during the warm weather. There is also entropian, elongated soft palate, constricted trachea, and hips especially. They're not really that low maintenance a breed. Go for a good breeder who health tests and provides you with support and guarentees to ensure you get a healthy bulldog and not an overpriced lemon. Maddiebell some colours can just crop up when you breed, and depending on the quantity of pups that are simply mismarks but physically/mentally healthy then you make a choice from there. Good breeding is about making educated decisions. If your bitch has a litter and say one mismark pops out you're not going to just cut the genetics out of the pool because of that. A lot of these are simply recessive (ie mum and dad both carry the gene and the pup who gets a copy from each parent exhibits it) types and good breeding can avoid producing dogs out of standard. Saying that genetics is genetics and we cannot control things like random mutation, recessive carriers for unrecognised genes etc.
  7. considering RC is not such a dry tasteless food sounds like fuss potting. Eat kibble or nothing. The more you pander the worst the dog will be long term.
  8. I did it simply because they were not flopped foreward, they were actually flopped to the sides which was blocking her ability to hear properly, especially since the bases were weak too. I also wanted to make sure she had air flow getting in there to prevent rubbish being stuck in there. Ya purely for educational purposes she will be 12 months old next month
  9. OMG so will swap He looks like a Malinois with the ears up like that too
  10. By the way have you taken him for a health check up for pain etc? Could be causing his short fuse with her behaviour.
  11. You would be best to contact the ANKC or CCCQ direct about getting it in writing. I know they all have their knickers in a twist about it. Good on you for standing up for being able to use them
  12. It was a fail. The bases became a little firmer and more open at least which has helped a lot with her hearing. When she works a lot one ear just pops up most of the way but she's going to be flopper for life. Ahh well she was never going in the show ring anyway :p
  13. once dogs fight to that level you HAVE to keep them separated and remove all contentious items when they are together - food bowls, beds, bones, toys etc. I suggest at least start with two dog crates and teach them to sleep in there. It will be easier if they are crate trained too as if one needs 'alone time' they now have their own exclusive bedrooms and can be put in there quietly. A good behaviourist is a start too. It is less common for male vs female fights but not impossible.
  14. People are afraid because nothing is clear in black and white - there are the words 'criminal conviction' and 'can snap any time' and 'eradication' banded about. The general public is not smaaaaaaaaarter then the average bear. Enough hysterical propaganda and people just panic. And thats all this has come down to ... propaganda.
  15. why do you think antihistamines are unhealthy? It comes down to your dogs wellbeing. They are not meant to be a cure but to at least provide the animal some relief in the short term.
  16. DIY is the best way to get a nice kennel right for your dog.
  17. has your vet given an opinion about antihistamines from the pharmacist? I use things like Zyrtec and Phenergen when my lot get allergies
  18. I found the only thing that prevented yeast infections for rottie was a raw diet with NO wheat sources or ingredients at all, or RC Maxi adult (only that one type) But high grain content, biscuits, treats etc all make it come back in no time. All he needs to pinch is one Salada and we're back to stinking reeking ears.
  19. I dont know if anyone mentioned to you Corvus but it's not a dogs size will not dictate the amount of damage it will cause to another dog. Even if the other dog is twice the size of yours, Eric can cause damage resulting in a big vet bill for you. How you can knowingly let your dog do this is beyond me. The fact you admit your dog gets into fights wont make life easier for you if he does damage another dog either you know.
  20. And what does the government say? It's just a mass slaughter of dogs. Lo Pans right councils DO have the right to reject the laws. I bet the smug ignorant arses down here at Geelong Animal Welfare must think they're doing a community service mass murdering. This is a bloody horrific mess. I'm embaressed to live in this country. We can NEVER complain about other countries welfare standards for animals after this.
  21. Disposal. Wow. What a horrific term. It's a life not a piece of used toilet paper.
  22. Another dog food that is absolute garbage. When will people understand dogs are NOT chickens or goats. They cannot possibly live a long and healthy life on crap foods we keep churning out in this country.
  23. can he eat minute/rolled oats? adds weight to my lot quickly soaked and some livamol added.
  24. Royal canin is great, it even has a Dachshund food
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