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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I have samples of it at work. It smells dry, tastes bitter and has hunks of pure grain in it Yes. I ate it. In front of the rep who was mortified. I said to him, if you're freaking out with me eating a couple why would i want to give it to my dogs. It's a supposedly higher end version of just cheap food. They use cheap eggs to bring up the protein contents.
  2. conversely just PM me and I'll get it first thing in the morning if thats easier for you
  3. can you email me [email protected] I'll get to it tomorrow, had to PTS one of my dogs today and not really in the right headspace to reply properly
  4. mason you dont have to feed the muesli mix. You can use the vets all natural skin and coat powder with the health booster powder in your raw food of choice. Thats how I used it and it worked excellenty. The Skin and Coat powder definately made a difference.
  5. I just dont understand all that fiddle faddle ... then to be feeding something so rubbish like supercoat puppy and wheet bix.
  6. http://www.australianpetshop.com.au/shop/products/575.php take a look at the Kramar dome tether stakes
  7. what in gods name is that why would you feed so much slippery elm ... and cayenne? Get a good premium dry food like Royal Canin Labrador Junior or Maxi Junior and some raw meaty bones, keep the dog lean and dont over exercise.
  8. I have confirmation that the AmStaff club has also been contacted about this and they are seeking clarification IN WRITING from government departments about pedigrees not being included as well as with the ANKC. They have been told no but councils seem to be doing what they like in relation to public information.
  9. Am I one to compulsively wind up over nothing Greytmate? No. This is a letter send to an AmStaff owner in Werribee. Looks like they're going through council records to see who has what too. As for Geelong, they are complying to CURRENT law. My friend (who is an extremely trustworthy source and I know personally, not just a passing acquaintance) wrote notes of time and who she spoke to. The wording was they are waiting for the laws to include AmStaffs and SBTs, not that they are right at this moment. Either a hideous miscommunication from an uneducated staff member in the Animal Control department or the staff member accidentally let slip. But from the looks of Wyndham council they're targeting outside their parameters anyway.
  10. These dog bites are more happening because councils are not managing their municipalities then dogs just suddenly snapping.
  11. Raz she has the notes from the phone call, apparently because they 'look the same' they're trying to push them to be included
  12. keep me in the loop Tapf, if you're on facebook add me
  13. problem is the law says they are to be restricted, and if not restricted then destroyed. I dont care how hungry I was I could not drag an innocent dog to its death. The ability to make decisions will also be taken away from council officers with these laws.
  14. no one can force anyone to do what they don't want to do. If council officers walked off the job in protest it would also be a beginning. But it seems to be a pattern of just go with the flow here in Australia.
  15. We have one 'pound' here, Geelong Animal Welfare. The woman in charge admits any bull breed/cross pups are 'born to die'. No mercy here. Ironic from a place that does no temperament testing at all to dogs it adopts out too. Hypocrit.
  16. Go viral. Scream it from the bloody rooftops. Before it's all too late.
  17. There are things happening we don't know about and that is the part that is frightening. The media is pushing hard, too hard, with their propaganda of dogs being dangerous. This is NOT A DEMOCRACY. People need to pull their heads out of the sand and realise laws are going to be passed without our opinion or knowledge and we're going to be forced to comply. No one will take my dogs or force me to do anything with them like desex/euthanise. Councils get massive registration fees for registered dangerous/restricted dogs. Here in Geelong it's $160 a year. Imagine that. Scores of dogs at that rate, plus all locked in cages or muzzled. Don't comply and even MORE money through massive fines. It's sad the authorities choose to eradicate and not educate. Just all too hard I suppose when you can wipe out a species and line your pockets in the process.
  18. I would believe that We need to stop this rot now. I don't believe ANKC will help. What are we going to do.
  19. Tapf serious as in adversely affects the health of the dog long term or is it just a cosmetic fault. Considering her lines are not within 'show' standards anyway I'm not writing off a high end working dog unless her health scores come back less then perfect. yeah no chubby dogs here at Casa de Nekhbet That photo was taken a couple of days ago, she's just turned 11 months old.
  20. Well DogsVic sent lambs to the slaugher before with Victorian Schutzhund laws, I dont see this being any different. I hope to god this is not true or doesnt happen. Geelong has a massive proportion of bull breed type dogs.
  21. My friend with a pedigree AmStaff was told today by city of Greater Geelong that she would have to call closer to the deadline to find out if her dog would be included under the laws, along with pedigree SBTs. The councils seems to want all bull breeds eradicated off the face of the planet.
  22. Don't worry, City of Greater Geelong is apparently waiting on word to include AmStaffs and Stafforshire Bull Terriers into the new laws, pedigree or not. There's more to this then being said. We wont know what the hell is going on until our dogs are being dragged out of our backyards with catchers poles and sent off to slaughter.
  23. If they let pedigrees be on there it wont be long until dogs like bull terriers, rottweilers, german shepherds, mastiffs etc are included. Currently getting in touch with the SBT and AmStaff clubs too
  24. My friend who has a pedigree AmStaff rang the City of Greater Geelong today to ask if she needed to provide a certificate of pedigree for their records They informed her that the council is considering American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers in the amnesty of restricted dogs, and they were waiting on government word to implement the inclusion - PEDIGREE PAPERS OR NOT. They have told her to ring closer to the deadline for confirmation. So basically they can do an 11th hour inclusion on a dog previously OK under law and then not extend the deadline for those just included. The only way this information is being spread is if PEOPLE CALL THE COUNCIL TO ENQUIRE. This is the SECOND person to be told this by the coucil and now people are terrified their dogs will be seized and destroyed, pedigree or not. We need to nip this shite in the bud. This is now becoming the wholesale slaughter of dogs. It will also open the door for any breed the council doesnt like being on the list of destruction. I urge all Victorians to call their councils and ask the information, get the persons name, details of the phone call and start writing letters of complaints to your mayors. I'm going to get things in the works for City of Greater Geelong but I need information and help from all sides if we're going to beat this head on.
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