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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I can tell you a working mind in a limited body doesnt do itself any favours. If you could find a family that could provide enough mental stimulation without having to get her running around then you have a change. I know one herding breed that had a tree fall on her and she lost a hind leg. She still gets about OK but you can see she's frustrated at not being as fast as she was before
  2. meat byproducts are not meat - they are the heads, feet, feathers, intestines including the contents. It's an extremely cheap way to increase the overall protein content but it's not actually quality digestible protein that contributes to your dogs overall health.
  3. I find the RC gets the weight off quickly just use less then the packet as they tend to overestimate quite a bit. If you're one that gives the dog treats etc take the dogs ration for the day out in a bowl and put it on the bench. Dog only gets stuff from the bowl and if you want to give a treat put a massive pinch for each half pinch of treat back into the bag.
  4. because apparently some reputation makes your rants validated. I think I lost interest after the first pop of rant began. Too used to all this rubbish it's not even worth reading anymore. Hey hey hey now, Corvus spent a lot of time at university and reading books to get to this level. ALL HAIL THE BIG WORDS
  5. put her in a crate, for her safety and yours. If she cant see it she may be more willing to settle, especially if you give her food/toy to occupy herself with. Meanwhile I would be working on training while someone else drives, you should not be trying to pay attention to a dog/training and driving for your own safety more then anything else!
  6. I dont add anything to kibble unless it's leftover and needs to be used now, or I make all the fresh stuff a meal in itself.
  7. Yup missymoo it is we might as well all pitch in to find the little scrumpet a home he's awesome and loves being a lapdog especially over a coffee at the local cafe
  8. I'll see if my suppliers have it but unless its passed through all the AQIS paperwork it wont be allowed in. Have you tried Rapigel? Or TuffRock poultice?
  9. I do indeed Bisart, can you email me at [email protected] and I'll send you info. He comes with limited reg papers too
  10. wow no wonder penalty yards didnt work, just reading the overall page gave me a headache. Way too complicated. If you have 2 dogs you need to divide and conquer. You need to teach the dog to focus on you, reward the dog for not pulling and for looking to you. If you have a compulsive puller or one disinterested in rewards/escalates too far then corrective aids can help the dog learn by reducing its reaction. You never try and train two pulling dogs at the same time. You cannot give them enough attention or get your timing right. You get the work on each then start slowly together. If it's difficult consult a professional trainer. Walking dogs should not take a week or three if you do it correctly or get the right help. Last multi dog walk took me an hour.
  11. its the same when people say something they think the dog understands. You see they change their tone, body language, facial expression etc even if they dont realise. Say the same thing in a different position and tone the dog wont react. My friends are convinced you cant say 'hungry' in their house without their dogs going berzerk. So I said it monotone without going 'hey puppy ... are ... you ... HUNGRY!' like they do. I danced around the dog going 'hungry hungry hungry' in a boring manner and the dog just looked at me. No running to the food box and going spastic like usual. I dont understand people that feel the need to spell words out ... yes ... they even spell it out to me in case the dogs go off. We manage to convince ourselves, and dogs being an opportunistic animal wont say no to an opportunity for attention/reward or simply follow apattern they see as part of life - the 'oh dear the humans are doing that thing again I have to react this way' routine. But if it makes peopl feel better ... yes they feel guilty :p
  12. I know of a lowchen ... 5 months old ... FABULOUS dog!
  13. it's called training repeat things enough times, keep rewarding it with attention then convince yourself the dogs totally understand what you're saying
  14. do you mean the Maxi Sensible (Sensitive Digestion)? Rice, dehydrated poultry meat, maize gluten, animal fats, hydrolysed animal proteins, beet pulp, vegetable fibres, minerals, fish oil, vegetable oils (soya, borage), psyllium husks and seeds, ydrolysed yeast extract (rich in mannan-oligo-saccharides), egg powder, hydrolysed crustaceans (source of glucosamine), taurine, L-carnitine, hydrolysed cartilage (source of chondroitin). Medium Sensible Rice, dehydrated poultry meat, animal fats, hydrolysed animal proteins, beet pulp, vegetable protein isolate, maize gluten, egetable oils (soya and borage), minerals, fish oil, fructo-oligo-saccharides, east extract (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), egg powder.
  15. yeah no red meat wont do that. In fact its probably a little healthier then over processed cheap chicken meat. If you are informed one ingredient was carcinogenic can I have the proof please? I feed all my dogs that and I have not seen anything to prove so.
  16. what is suspect in terms of cancer? I find it one of the best around? Red meat, if your dog can tolerate it, is better then all poultry diet.
  17. I tried it and ended up having to feed way too much compared to dry food. Mine all lost weight despite getting over a kilo of food each a day. I stuck with a good dry food which I worked out to be under $2 a meal, then whatever meaty bones were cheap or free.
  18. If you're going to use Robert he wont want the dog on herbal treatments in order to properly view the dogs behaviour. I have used the Value Plus 4 calming paste, 1/2 ml per day for a dog of her size. You also need to start working more on separation, false leaving (so go through the motion like you are going to leave the house, then dont and go do something else) provide the dog with more exercises that utilise her brain in order for her to start concentrating and learning as well as wearing herself out. medicated dogs require a lot of behaviour modification therapy while medicated in order to make it worthwhile. Otherwise you just pill pop to mask the symptoms.
  19. big and boof headed enough to be a harrier. A customer who came into work one day had the exact same looking dog in the back, he rescued it as a beagle as a pup and it grew... and grew I told him it's probably a harrier, he drove all the way back to my work the next day excited after the dog and him spent all evening looking at google Great looker, hope he makes a lovely pet! Whats his nose like?
  20. get her properly assessed. Meantime something like a calming paste or herbal supplementation may be the way to help her take the edge off the stress. http://www.caninetraining.com.au/ Give Mark a call as soon as you can, if he is not close enough he could probably recommend someone.
  21. OH came up with a great idea we need to fight the media back with their own weapons - words and pictures. Photos of our dogs how they REALLY are. Playing with children, hogging couches, frolicking in the backyard. All breeds. A dog is a dog and their true purpose to be with us is being tainted by the medias flooding of vicious looking animals. come up and plaster them all over the wall of the coucil offices. Let them see the true nature and face of the animals they want to ban
  22. if you feed only out of the food toys it will make the pup use them ... no point working hard if you know you're going to get an easy meal elsewhere ;) in summer you can also fill an icecream container with raw meaty treats, fill with water and freeze. Tip out the next day, great on stinking hot days too
  23. depends on the dog and the breed. If you're going to desex the dog yourself I dont see the issue. It comes down to don't like the price move onto someone else. Although some breeds will always be just cost blow outs.
  24. k9 pro also has a list of recommended trainers interstate available either on the website or email them.
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