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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. thats why I don't ask ... saying that he didn't say no to ferret number 10 the other night ... well she was a rescue
  2. boiler chickens, big maryland, rabbits, lamb flaps etc something that cant just be hoofed down. My rottie had all this and a great kibble, he head pearly white teeth his entire life.
  3. I used to be a rep for Eagle Pack. If your dog is already active the power formula can actually work to your detriment, it gives the dog more energy and up n go. They end up losing weight then putting it on ;) About corn free food, I tried a couple and found they did nothing good for my dogs at all. Saying this it's horses for courses. Try a bag and if it doesnt work or has adverse affects return it to your retailer for a refund (EP is one of many brands that will do this) and try something else. I went off EP as it just wasnt working for me, I prefer Royal Canin as it does all my dogs well across the board. 10 dogs in 10 years looking fab on RC over everything else says it for me.
  4. If Craig is putting his name behind your instructor as a behaviourist and you are not happy she is a behavioural trainer, contact Craig direct. Very nice man, extremely knowlegable dont feel you cannot approach him
  5. I think I'll say yes to the one you won't wait for ;) I have no self control at all do I
  6. not all working litters are presold considering you dont know what's going to pop out of the bitch. Some breeds are incredibly hard to place properly. Some breeders would rather wait for the right home to come along then just promise a pup to whoever puts down a deposit and go 'yup I will have something to fit'. You usually find the homes to fit the pups, not the pups to fit the homes if you get my drift. I would also not say that just because a working litter is not presold it's not good quality. I have an awesome working line dog sitting on my lap right now that took months to sell, and her sister. Doesnt mean they were poor quality at all, they're both incredible little dogs and people are enquiring about a repeat mating.
  7. sucker ... have fun with that show me the photos of your arms.
  8. you will get a million different suggestions but since no one has actually SEEN the dog it's all just random suggestions. Your dog may be easily walked on a flat collar with the right technique or it could require something like a check chain etc. But without training you will end up with a draw full of junk and a few hundred dollars out of pocket. Find a good trainer, they should bring equipment with them for you to try and show you what to do.
  9. Nekhbet

    Puppy Limping

    you need x-rays but see a good dog chiro first. I had the same problem with my dogue at 9 months, he couldnt walk more then 5 minutes before being totally lame. Vet said he needed a shoulder reconstruction, chiro found out he had a bad back and was throwing all the weight foreward. Dont go in for surgery until you have had an experienced muscle person give him a good look over.
  10. there is too little protein in that diet. Instead of fiddling with so many additives get a GOOD dry food and add some raw meaty bones. Royal Canin make a Golden Retriever food why dont you give it a go?
  11. The constitution also recognises the states rights to set their own laws. Sect 118 http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/general/constitution/chapter5.htm The American and Australian constitutions are two different things. Their 'Bill of Rights' is actually an amendment to their constitution (ie where it is the right to bare arms, the right to free speech etc) ours is not necessarily as clear cut as what you see on the TV. The right for states to create a legislature that they enforce is within the Australian constitution. The Federal court will not interfere until all the state courts are exhausted.
  12. my older Mal bitch play bows with the toy between her front paws and miniacally chews on the toy until the squeaker stops working, then the tearing noises begin. Eventually after the 40 seconds of manic terror her pupils return to normal size and she discards the now pile of drool covered detritis all over my house.
  13. they're $15 each now yeah dont worry I get new stuff in at work, have a SQUEE moment and then end up with a loungeroom that looks like a murder scene
  14. the vet needs to insert a drain tube or at least drain it properly and stitch the layers of tissue back together with a framework. You risk filling the swelled ear with bacteria by pricking it yourself or permanently ruining the ear if it doesnt stop.
  15. question - are you ever ready for a mal? its OK by the time it goes spastic at the 12 month mark you'll either be insane or have eased into a false sense of security O_o borrow mine please
  16. should have told me, I just made an order ;)
  17. snakes have been out for a month and a half, they're just super active now especially in areas with rodents/rabbits. Where my friends place is inundated
  18. www.fordogtrainers.com I still have it from about 5 years ago and it's like new. Get the brass fittings it will last forever
  19. I dont see why it would be a total waste ingredient considering horse people pay good money for a 20kg bag
  20. dont worry Dogues are total bed hogs. My boy loves a cuddle and thinks he can easily fit in your lap even at his massive size. They are incredibly human driven dogs and she wants your attention. I get the same thing if I dont give mine enough attention it's usually a massive paw splatting me followed by a big sigh for being ignored
  21. contact Craig A Murray www.dogschool.com.au when it comes to dogs and children consult a professional, never use someone elses children in case you are reinforcing the wrong behaviour.
  22. training is not a competition. I tell everyone at our club that. I dont want people to look at other peoples dogs etc you are there for your dog. If people are going to make snide comments or huff then find a different club. It should be about training, every dog is different and every owner has a different skill level hence being there to learn. Take Lola, have fun and let the trainer work on it with you. Dont leave the 'too hard' dog or the bad habits just stick.
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