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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I used just under a capful for my 24kg bitch. You cannot go too wrong with it it's a natural product. My difference is Cartrophen didnt work for either of my dogs at all. NSAIDs I reserve only for emergency use as they did nothing useful for either of my dogs. Pain to a degree can be a good thing - it lets the dog know it needs to not push itself and damage itself further. Unfortunately I lost my Rottie to this a few weeks ago, saying that the dog had a collapsed hock, no hip sockets and extreme ED. At 50kg he was just too heavy to hold himself up for more then 4 years. I found chiropractic, acupuncture and exercise like wading/swimming to be the best thing for both him and my previous GSD.
  2. A breed predisposed to things like bloat should not be fed large quantities of food if can be avoided. Like I said you can ADD fibre into the dogs diet quiet easily instead of feeding him a food that requires twice to 3 times the amount per meal. The vets all natural diets are still an option or email Dr Syme and ask about a modified version which will benefit the dog.
  3. If your dog is healthy, well muscled, not fat or too thin then leave him be. The worst thing you can do is get hung up on numbers. I dont weight my dogs unless the vet makes me do it I go by eye and by touch to see their body condition and that is a heck of a lot more useful in knowing what they need/dont need then plonking them on the scales. Considering how much growing he has to do why are you comparing him to adult dogs? I wouldnt be looking at it for at least another 2 years. Food guides always are simply that - a guide. A company will never underestimate how much food your dog will need due to legal reasons so they tend to be over the top. If your dog does fine on that amount then stick to it.
  4. by the word of the law the dogs have 1)rushed at your son and 2)caused physical injury so yes they should be declared dangerous. If not I would be pushing that they are considering it was an unprovoked attack. You seem to have done your bit it's up to the council to do everything now.
  5. find yourself an extremely good chiropractor for a check out - the greyhound track should know some names if there are no local veterinary ones.
  6. pocket rockets incorporated I cant wait for the fear periods and first season ... call me will you I'm going through first time Malinois owner schadenfreude
  7. I would also be taking him to a very good dog chiropractor ASAP
  8. in saving the bloodline like that it can sometimes be the downfall long term. Try looking in Vic and NSW for some of the similar dogs.
  9. I found that the Ethical Nutrients high strength liquid fish oil and the Vets All Natural joint powder combined were the best. You need a capful per dog of the fish oil. Everything else was just too expensive for me to use long term as I had a 50kg dog, and they did the same if not less then the two products I used.
  10. I was not referring to your own vaccinated dogs but your dogs pups - you will want them to go out on your back lawn to start frolicking. They wont be old enough for a vaccination. Exelpet products are not exactly lollies - I have used them for wormy dogs when nothing else was available and it did the trick for that dose. Asking what the cause of death was without an autopsy is a negligible exercise. Without proper pathology it will always be stabs in the dark.
  11. what breed are you talking about and what gender?
  12. have you had him checked for pain by a chiro? If there is no pain then he's too well fed and too spoiled ;) why work when you dont have to! Try the flirt pole and cut back feeding on training days to next to nothing.
  13. parvo can live in your soil for months to a year or more did you know that? There are several viruses and bacteria that could have caused illness in this pup but without veterinary attention who knows. I've ripped car seats out because a suspected parvo puppy threw up on them. Remember the saying - the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The pups health was not really a priority to anyone and you have now put your own breeding plans under risk by bringing an unvaccinated, unhealthy pup onto your property. No excuse can save the fact many people knew about this animal and it's downward decline yet it was allowed to die.
  14. I wouldnt purchase from the breeder. There are breeders that perform tubal ligations on their limited register dogs to allow them to develop normally but not be bred from. What type of GSD are you after? PM me I know a few breeders around the traps with different types.
  15. he's not getting enough quality protein at all. I would either swap him to a better brand like fuzzy has recommended or look into something like Vets All Natural which is a raw diet. Supercoat is too full of grains and grain byproducts to really be satisfying for a dog.
  16. your daughter should have taken that pup to the vet several times after purchase for vaccination, faecal parasite count and blood tests. Such a heavy worm burden would have put the pup backwards in the first place and basic wormers do not always totally fix the problem. If the pup has been in your backyard and vomiting/defecating all over the place and does confirm parvo, you risk having contaminated that area with the virus. I would be virkoning the hell out of anywhere that pup went to the toilet even if your lawn then looks terrible. I think if you want to breed you need to start learning more about disease, quarantine procedures and how to protect your own animals. Knowing that your daughter has not totally cared for this pup properly in regards to its overall immunity and health, you should have implemented quarantine procedure and kept it in a crate the whole time, never in your yard, and dispose of everything this pup touched. This way even if it did come up with parvo the stress of cross infection is not there on your behalf particularly since you want to have your own litter of pups soon. How many places did you take this pup exactly if you are worried about other peoples dogs too? The pup died from dehydration and lack of veterinary care. What caused the symptoms is irrelevent. Tell your daughter not to get any more puppies if she doesnt have time to afford them proper care. Dogs are like babies at that age they cannot wait for everyone to decide who needs to be responsible for taking it to the vet.
  17. Squinter, a 16 month old dog should not be on weight control. Its not high enough in protein and fat, you can always add fibre into a diet through things like bran, whole prey animals etc. Be careful reccomending things like this to people you can make their animals ill or underweight. Why dont you just try a home made diet www.vetsallnatural.com.au would be a start if you have never fed a totally raw diet before.
  18. I think it depends what you describe as timidity ... and it also depends what options you offered to the members of the survey - if you offer nothing closer then the term 'timid' to descibe the behaviour then thats what people will pick despite there being maybe better terms like 'aloof' or 'standoffish with strangers'. If you want to test timidity I would be putting the dog in the position for which is was bred and would genetically excel ... eg put a sighthound with its owner on lead and let a rabbit go, if it tries to hide from the rabbit and buries its face into it's owner when the rabbit is close you could probably say it's timid ;) My little bitch would be backing away from your advance and not want to be touched by you in the slightest if you just walked up to her. Timid is the last thing I would call her. As for being sensitive, many other 'groups' could fall under that category. If you look at many breeds that work very closely with a primary human figuire they too tend to be what you would consider 'emotionally sensitive'.
  19. I'm more concerned that the temperament of this dog is going to be a bigger train wreck then it's physical health ... What was the appeal of this cross? If people want to go out and buy them at least buy ones that make sense O_o
  20. depends what the dog actually does, and if the owners are willing to rectify it. Plenty of good trainers around they should contact one ... conversely get some details and pass them along to them if they seem genuinely interested. Dont be pushy but 'oh I know you were saying you wanted some help with your dog these trainers are really good etc'
  21. so sorry to hear Grotty is gone him and my Diesel can frolick together now free
  22. I dont mind any dog but I find myself constantly dropped by labradors. I must be wearing a tshirt that says 'swift punch and body blow to the mid region!' they do it to me or one of my dogs every time.
  23. yeah Malinois and nice walking seem to be like magnets of the same polarity
  24. no I'm not a rep at all now, I just prefer RC to all the other foods I've spent oodles of money on. I used to love EP but it became annoying to get a hold of, I must admit their giant breed puppy is a great food. Didn't find the adult foods as effective but I know quite a few dogs that benefit from their holistic/novel source protein range. Also haveing a couple of very sensitive dogs I've had to learn dog food inside out :p
  25. why are you cutting them? They are meant to be huge and the dog is meant to be sitting there gnawing away at them. Raw meaty bones are not made to be swallowed they are made to be chewed and ripped for the dogs teeth and jaw muscles. As long as it's meat on edible bone he will be fine to have them as part of his diet. I've never fed any of my dogs 100% dry food day in day out. They are perfectly fine to be fed every day, remember you have a very large dog. And much healthier then buying chemical junk to keep his teeth clean.
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