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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. many dogs don't use their nose as much as they should, it's one of the senses that is deadened through lack of stimulation. I was teaching scent detection at dog club last week most of the adult dogs had so much trouble since they could not sniff out a treat to begin with - they either went for the treat hand or just sat down confused. It can be a combination of things. I find my DDB is targeted to, it seems to be his facial structure that just gets launched at. I can have dogs approach him from behind, or the side, he remains nonchalant and they still get very on edge when they look him in the face. I've noticed this in a few other novel breeds as well, most dogs that have not been exposed to so many other breeds get the wrong idea. Your dogs body language may not fit convention or could be misconstrued due to her size and movements and hence gets picked on. If other dogs are not used to a dog like your they can easily become confused and do what comes naturally. The other dogs will realise that she is a dog in one way or another, that connot really be missed, but are probably misunderstanding her body language over species.
  2. just find the nearest kids party, give them all a heap of cordial and chuck in the pup. She'll sleep for days.
  3. I still doesnt see how that makes one animal more edible then another, just due to numbers. Or is it just the fact it's a marketed cute animal? In a country where affluence and luck is a big thing to aim for they dont see it the way we do. Just need someone to go there and educate them really.
  4. whats the difference? I dont think that's a koala ... look at the size compared to the carrot? If that is an adult koala that is one giant carrot. The head and coat look wrong too, I reckon it's some giant rodent type creature marketed as something exotic. When you're upset you see what you want to see.
  5. i'm able to flail enough the Malinois don't think i'm finally gone and eat me
  6. better idea ... ROAD TRIP! :D you come to my place lol call it socialisation ... if my back wasnt so screwed I'd pack the hell beasts into the van and come for a trip to SA
  7. I've seen the Kramar ones decimated in no time. I seem to work in an area that has a plague of chewers ... http://www.kennelsolutions.com.au/about/kuranda_dog_beds.html
  8. she's hit the ground running hasnt she if you go nuts pack her over to me, need another nutter. Rogues climbing trees about 2 meters into the air now by the way. It's like watching a giant fruitbat launching herself at it then gripping maniacally because Marcus throws the toy up there for her. Pity you're not closer we could have crazy play dates!
  9. if you're going to do something like this consult a professional. It can be easy to get wrong, NEVER DIY something at this level. Call up Steve he may be able to put you onto someone closer or give you some pointers on how to do it properly. You cannot use a mechanical snake like I said. Also lizards smell different and also move differently. I have pet snakes that my dogs know are off limits, if you can at the very least get a hold of some snake poo for the beginning. Don't use anyones pet snake it's not fair on the snake they can be very easily stressed or damaged.
  10. love the stuff, I use either the TuffRock poultice or SwellDown. Both are available from stock feeds/saddleries etc slather it on really thick then wrap with some gladwrap overnight. Works like a charm just wash off in the morning. used it on OHs haematoma when he decimated his calf muscle, doctors could not believe how much faster the swelling and bleeding went down.
  11. Steve Austin does with his detection dogs at Pet Resorts Australia, and the only way to truly proof them is with an e-collar. Difference between rubber snake and a real one. Considering a dog goes on movement they may still investigate a basking/hidden snake as they have not learned to avoid the smell too.
  12. Try Midaswell here in Vic. As for early desexing speak to the breeder about it she may already come desexed
  13. only 22? wait until she wakes up again this is just the tip of the iceberg too. If she wants to sleep during the day, trust me, shake her awake and keep her up or she'll be up screaming again all night.
  14. I love dobermanns. They are excellent companions and active enough to go with you jogging etc. If you don't know much about them go visit some breeders or shows and meet some dogs. Thats sometimes the best way to guage if a breed is for you or not, also which breeder would be good to get a dog from. Working line dogs, definately out of the question ;) PM Monelite here on DOL she's a breeder with some fabulous dogs
  15. the dog has also rushed at and bailed up a child and had to be pulled away. The problem is he now has 2 official strikes against him and 2 council reports of such aggression. He previously rushed at my friend and her dogs while loose on the street and she had to kick him away - she ended up nipped on the leg. Can he be rehabilitated? Yes. With skill he can be managed very well. But the owners have not upheld their end of the dog ownership bargain and now it's either live in an enclosed run and muzzled all the time, never walked or PTS. It's now the law is involved to this extent this dogs options have gone down the toilet. They should have put in more effort the last 2 times he was given a chance by the ranger for them to pick up their act. The dog is not a restricted breed at all. A common guarding breed. The reason I didnt mention the breed is really, it doesnt matter. I see this similar behaviour from all manner of breeds. My point is that if you know someone that has a dog and they're fence sitting with management, they should make at least an attempt at sourcing a solution. There are far reaching consequences to lazyness and simply procrastination. Most of all a dog that knows NO better then what its genetics and envrionment allow loses it's life.
  16. One of the girls decided they wanted to run away to Mexico as they don't have any dog laws there and he would be safe the poor thing. I helped them understand today about how he's the wrong breed in the wrong situation and now he's done this with a second council report he will be declared dangerous. They can't afford to build a run in a rental, or to manage his needs properly if he is that restricted. Broke my heart to do it too. We all had a cry together and I helped the mother arrange cremation for the dog. This is not the side I want to be doing on a regular basis as a dog trainer.
  17. Poor bugger was only a little over 12 months of age as well. A present from the ex husband for the daughters.
  18. I spent today consoling a friend of mine after a shocking morning. Looking out her front window she noticed a local man waking his two staffies. One older potterer and the younger female, impeccably behaved. She heard barking and walked outside, her neighbours dog had gotten out the front gate as one of the daughters friends had left it open. The dog made a beeline straight for the staffies and grabbed the young bitch on the neck. My friend ran over screaming the dogs name and trying to pull it off the SBT and the owner, hearing the commotion, quickly ran over trying to help. Both staffies are at the vet, one bruised the other requiring stitches for puncture wounds. I got there as fast as I can to my friend who was in tears and in shock having to break up a fight between 3 such powerful dogs. I went to visit the owner and her and her daughters were all in tears, they decided to have the vet put him to sleep in the morning as this is not the first time he has gotten out and aimed for other dogs and once, ran over to and slammed over young children. The girls are spending the last night with their dog feeding him pizza and ice cream. They are upset with their mum for destroying their dog and in turn their mother feels horrible. We should have desexed him we should have trained him we should have locked him in the backyard with no access to the front we should have put our foot down and made sure he was socialised properly we should have ... Now the dog has another 14 hours of life left. There are dogs hurt, several people traumatised from having to be involved. This is not a story to blame anyone. But a story to show that please don't think - do. Don't wait. If you have that niggling idea in your head, well gosh darn get out there and do something about it. Don't let anyone tell you it's too late. Don't let anyone tell you you're crazy, or wrong, or that THEY don't think its a good idea. It's your dog. The only loser in this stories, and so many like it, is the dog that had no choice of being in that situation. Another fine dog I patted on the head and held close today. And said sorry.
  19. wooohooo! When the sprog monster pops out some more for me I'll keep what I like from her first litter if they're good
  20. or forever ... you can never stop at one can you Jeff you get your first one then end up like me O_o RUN
  21. Remember gundogs require a lot of mental stimulation and work, which is separate to just going for a run every day. If you want to do dog sports, training, tricks, hunting etc go for it have not really seen a young gundog that is happy to just go for the odd walk ;)
  22. No your not too anal. I found a good vet and I'm sticking with him for everything from now on as he listens and respects wishes totally as well as being up with the latest concepts and research. I too am sick of walking in and being lectured. Worst was working for a clinic and had everyone lecture me on having entire dogs :rolleyes: oh they're going to die from cancer, it's horrible not to etc etc ... It stopped when I genuinely cracked it one day. My dogs, my choice. Considering they were all happy, healthy and in impeccable condition I dont see what good lectures are for or that know better attitude.
  23. oh god have gone nuts on their pricing. They buy from whoever and dont care about pedigree papers. I've been in there before and saw a woman walk up with a few runty, wormy pups that they bought on the spot. $2000 for a petstore pup? He can rescue 10 blue staffies for that price.
  24. Reconcile is about 8mg per tablet whereas prozac is 20mg starting dose (up to 80mg/day). You can't split the human ones and you have a small dog which requires quite a specific dosage. You can't mess dosages with drugs like this as you can some others.
  25. Dont have it here with the Malinois, both are working line prey maniacs. Considering the extreme safety risk of a dog self rewarding its prey drive or (as some have seen) the danger of redirection they all get taught these items are NEVER a prey item. If it means a correctino they get one for showing any interest. They're in the yard when I do the garden and they just meander off and do their own thing. I have to get the dogue up otherwise he wont move for the mower If you can get a hold of a good trainer for a session it would be a great idea then you can transfer it over to other items they go bananas at. Basically it will come down to shutting down drive on unwanted items and then showing the dog what is acceptable items to show prey towards.
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