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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I think she means Advantix is meant to repell them, it contains permethrin in order to do that and imidacloprid to kill them.
  2. if father in law is sneaking her in she wants to be in there with you. Why don't you let her into the house a little more and teach her some house manners. Dog just wants to be involved and near you from the sounds of it.
  3. if we can't take them ... we just don't go anywhere ... unless the one boarding kennel willing to take on Malinois has space but that costs more then the holiday
  4. Is your Em from the dogs Steve Austin uses? Met a couple of the pups when I went up there for a conference they were intense little things. Almost convinced me to get one
  5. I feed whole lamb necks no problems, dont get them chopped up. Dogs are meant to vomit up what they cannot digest, that is perfectly normal. Sorry I meant tether the bone not the dog you tie the bone somewhere shady on only a couple fo feet of something like thick nylon line or thin chain.
  6. what do you think of the creation of a snake friendly 'habitat' further away from the habitable area? Especially people who have larger properties, putting felled trees, letting bush grow a little in a strip to give the snakes an alternative habitat to gravitate to, as well as clearing up around where you/dogs live?
  7. if you have a dog that buries bones, I tether them to something solid like under a pergola where there is shade. Remove the bone when they're finished. No more festy bones or holes in your backyard ;)
  8. Oh it wasnt really a fear period, more a get out of my house you weird man very territorial little bitch this one, never was going to just a sport home. When you have a 7 week old pup guarding the back step you know you're onto a winner. I'm one for allowing them to be a little feral in the first 12 months. They're still babies then anyway and such an epressive breed I dont find them one to just plug obedience at day in day out. I would rather dogs that learn through experience and use their brains too Rogue literally shat herself when she was a baby, a skateboard went past her. Now she doesnt even acknowledge them. I don't know I seem to just deal with their little tanties and tell them to get over it, and they do. Mali's are not that hard, just more the fact you need a LOT of consistent work all the time. Ahh hormones. She's over her first season it was quite subtle compared to Mina. And she was a total tart, she kept backing into my dogues nose or sitting on his head got a long way to go before she gets rumpy pumpy, the HUSSY! You will notice your dog improves with every season too, tends to level them out quite nicely which is why I dont like early desexing in dogs like this.
  9. it's true remove the food and the shelter the snakes will move on. It's the same when people ask us to come clear out the rabbit problem they have, we see piles of rubbish everywhere, timber lying down, overgrown boundaries and plants etc I'm not risking my ferret in garbage. Remove the ability to hide and availability of homes that predators cannot access and most of the rabbits will not survive or move on. A little effort goes a long way for pest control.
  10. pig ears are quite fatty so I wouldnt be feeding them all the time for a dog that small. Kongs are meant to be frustrating. I would not be feeding him out of a bowl but just a kong so he has to work on it. Put some easy bits in there to keep him going to the more difficult stuff. Some people have success with pieces of deer antler to chew on, or try the Triple Crown Everlasting toys they're quite awesome
  11. my rottie managed to wedge his under a door and rip the tip. I put iodine on it, then taped a toilet roll over the tip. You snip a few slits into one end, then bend them in like a cone. Plenty of sports tape which the dog cannot remove over the last quarter of the tail and the toilet roll, leave the end open for air to get in. If thats too soft you can use the tubes from silver foil/glad wrap. If you want to remove the tape just pour some methylated spirits on it and it softens the adhesive.
  12. if it's off the cuff then I would hazard a guess the other dogs are not socialised to her types of movements and look. Your main thing will be to teach your dog to ignore them and come back to you as long term it can be confusing for her as well.
  13. yeah OHs mum never believed in containing animals properly :rolleyes: I learned with bones since my Dogue can almost swallow large chicken maryland whole, and has tried half a rabbit. Either crunchers or massive hunks they just drag around like pig heads. In the wild there are no sliced up bones why would I feed them to my dog. The ferrets are worst at getting bones stuck, they only get meat on the bone or that the raw diet has extremely finely minced carcass. I used to buy a coarser mince frame meat and a couple got the bones caught between the top teeth on the roof of the mouth, then rip themselves stupidly to get it out. Havnt had a problem since we changed to a finer grade mince.
  14. and not every trainer costs that much. Plenty of good dog schools around that charge minimal fees too. Yes equipment is a start but it's not something to rely on. If it works and keeps working, great, but if walking is taking that muh effort a session with a trainer will pay off long term as you learn the skills to deal with any problems that may occur down the track.
  15. yes us humans have created a bit of a problem in that way. So many novel breeds and sometimes its not easy to introduce your dog to so many different ones when they're younger. I find too some dogs are just targets for other dogs because of their behaviour, especially those that a lot of people consider 'happy go lucky'... if you look at some of these dog's they're actually quite obnoxious as they just la la la around the other dogs, bump them, get involved and don't back off when told off ... then usually just derp there or roll over and flail. If you find you have a targeted dog watch closely what it seems to be that sets off the other dogs. It could be a natural breed trait, movement or simply the facial expressions which some breeds cannot help (eg mastiffs, novelly coloured breeds etc) A dog will recognise the smell of a dog, the confusion will come from the fact that the look associated with the smell doesnt fit what dog considers a 'dog'. Thats usually where the flinching and backing off like Kaos does comes in.
  16. you can't really go that wrong unless you constantly allow kids to terrorise the pup. Just watch the pups mood if its not in the mood don't push it but that goes for every dog really. Rogue went through absolute horror periods this year, launched at a couple of male friends and bailed up her breeder in the entrance hall when he visited then again I didn't go for a sport dog in this one. She's fine now, nothing a level head and just riding the hormonal wave out wont fix. gsdog2 are you doing any prey training/bite development/obedience with your dog?
  17. My dogs dont get worms or fleas either, only one dog ever needed worming and that was the Rottweiler when we went hunting and he tucked into deer poo, then ate a few rabbits. Could put it down to diet but I have not feed a 'holistic' brand for 7 years. I think more health in general then holistics are the answer and the body behaving like it should finally.
  18. how about consult a trainer who will help you overall with your skills. Usually ends up cheaper then the amount of equipment people end up with long term. A piece of equipment that works for you wont necessarily work for other people either.
  19. Something to remember too is some people can bring out the worst in an animal.
  20. your dog should understand that children are something that is part of life and not to be chased - they're a Malinois greatest trigger with their squealing and fast movements. Some people dont want their dog touched but if it is to interact with your family and not be a military grade dog, single handler, in a run etc then why not socialise it to accept being touched by other people to a degree. All mine are trained to tolerate, they dont have to adore kids/other people etc and they dont really. But they wont launch or bite either, they have to be safe to have in society as well. Remember there's a midpoint between positive and negative - and that is neutrality. That is what you aim for. The dog sees and understands these things exist but they elicit neither excitement or fear. They're just another part of the scenery. ETA those that say your dog will be ruined because you allow other people to touch it 1) are not good trainers or 2) work with a lot of poor quality dogs. Socialising hasnt ruined mine and I have had european breeders/trainers agree with me.
  21. depends on the issue - my one and only horse was an absolute arse of an animal. He attacked, was sneaky and tried to kill me by pressing me into a wall and then kicking out at my mother when she tried to get him off. A couple of experienced trainers had a look and one ran out of his stall in the stables and refused to go back in. If he wasnt a free lease horse I would have sent him to the knackery. He was no good to anyone including himself. Dogs and horses have different behaviours though. A prey animal kicking out because you sneak up out of eye shot, well, you deserve it. A dog annoyed to its limit will lash out with its teeth. But when animals of any species make a bee line to a person or other animal and intentionally go out of their way to cause serious damage/death you have a big problem.
  22. Nekhbet

    Lead Training

    keep the pup on a collar or you make a rod for your own back. Collars help in control down the track, if the dog doesnt like it I just go, tough, this is how life is and they get over it quickly. The more you pander to their protests and try and bribe them the more some little monsters think 'cool this is what I do for attention'. I just start wandering around with some treats and let the pup throw it's little fit. I just keep walking and if they stop, little jiggles and pops on the lead ignoring them until they start following. They get rewarded when they hang around me and I find I dont have the problems of lagging or pulling.
  23. never had a problem with bones but I never feed small sliced bits, they have no value and an osso bucco bone would choke my dogue. It's either bigger then their heads or small edibles. OHs old rottweiler did that trick with a tin can ... he went bin raiding and firmly wedged an old dog food can on his bottom jaw, then waddled home with a mournful look like 'dad, fix it'. Big vet visit later :p
  24. as with all natural things you will see the fine print 'may or may not aid in the prevention of XYZ ...' Two dogs is not really a big enough sample to know for sure. Plus you are using Advantix and still finding a couple of ticks a day so you cannot say it is the food! If you were using NO chemicals and finding NO ticks then we'll buy into the food theory. Healthier dogs are better able to cope with parasites but during infestations that risk my animals life I would not just trust holistics if something sure was available.
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