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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. www.thisplaceisazoo.com www.stuffed-animals.com both ship internationally www.teddytreasures.com.au conversely a lot of the 'furries' here in Australia make their own wearable costumes or know places that import costumes/life sized stuffed animals.
  2. if you want to just try a rinse I have had success with chamomile rinses, not actually shampooing the dog but making a big bucket of lukewarm chamomile tea and gently pouring over the dog, then towel drying. Some people have success with Calendula as well (a type of marigold flower) this level of itching that a regular vet cannot sort definately is worth visiting a specialist for. If they can work out what exactly he is allergic to then you can help avoid it. Sometimes these dogs are allergic to a few things (hence the constant itching) but a pile up of allergens then comes out as major rashes.
  3. the drug is not a hormone. It affects the brain hormone levels which in turn creates different reactions. In the adjustment period the brain can cause some peculiar behaviours. There is no confusion - follow your vets advice. No one but a veterinarian can give you advice about prescription drugs and that is the law, hence why they are licensed to give them in the first place. If you are not happy with this vet you find another that maybe has more experience in these matters
  4. do you mean taxidermy? You may have to contact AQIS about it first as there are restrictions on importing animal material into the country.
  5. wheat free brands are Royal Canin Maxi, Nutro, Nutrience, Eagle Pack. I would grab a bag of one type and stick with it for at least 2-3 weeks, see if the coat consistency improves. The dandruff could also be a lot of washing with harsh shampoos, how often are you washing him? Sometimes you can make shampoos into a rinse and dab it on. Antihistamines are a better thing for regular use compared to something like cortisone.
  6. sorry but yes keep your humpers and wankers ON LEAD AND UNDER EFFECTIVE CONTROL AT ALL TIMES :rofl: not productive at all was it :p
  7. actually it's ME that needs convincing now all you need to do with OH is put it in his lap and he's sold. Thats how we got the rottie. And the other Malinois ... 'but honey she's so bonded to me, she loooooooooves me!'. We did give her back after babysitting but caved in a couple of months after, even the breeder was against me on that one now she's daddies girl. I have to keep him as far away from frenchies and bulldogs as possible, if he could pinch one he would
  8. step one, get him off the supercoat, too full of grains and rubbish. Put him on a dry food that is at least wheat free, or feed him all raw if thats better for you, at least you can control the ingredients. step two, since his itching is so bad I would be taking him to a specialist. Meantime keep him out of the clover or get him a rash vest/barrier cream.
  9. what was the complaint? Unless the dog has actually done something outside the parameters of the law (protecting it's owner from being attacked etc) there is little reason to take it.
  10. nothing that makes sound lasts long enough with a Malinois ... my older bitch sees it as a hyperactive personal challenge to maniacally chew and bite until destroyed. Lucky I dont pay much through work
  11. yeah Malinois have no problems vs furniture. We woke up this morning and Rogue had rearranged the living room again ... she build forts and then ninjas you from within a pile of cushions and blankets lol
  12. considering health tests should be so comprehensive including spinal x-ray of the parents they should be more ... saying that for that price I'd rather invest in a good working dog ...
  13. Study of destruction and nonchalance - B/W
  14. rogue and her sister at 7 weeks ... if I cant chew on the toy I'LL CHEW ON YOUR FACE
  15. personally, as an outsider who considered showing with her dogs, its the atmosphere. I have been a few times, you try and ask questions or just watch and there are so many sour faces. It feels like if you're not part of the 'in' crowd you're not welcome or encouraged. Such a shame really that so many seem to see it as a threat instead of something to encourage and more good dogs being perpetuated and shown publically.
  16. find a 4 year old and give it a LOT of sugar and cordial, spend all day with it constantly feeding it sugar and periodically put your hand in a blender. Close enough
  17. if the dog has food, water and shelter, and they refuse help there is nothing you can do. Legally they are doing everything right by the dog if the 3 basics are being met. Sometimes you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. Sometimes I don't know why people own animals if they're just backyard ornaments, especially working breeds.
  18. if you're lacking in the training side get those clackers out at the very least and get him doing obedience. Male Labs tend to be one of the greatest perpetrators of rude behaviours and especially the entire ones. I had one 12 month old entire male jump on my 6yo entire male Dogue de bordeaux's head recently, while he was laying on his side calmly. It's not the first male lab to do something provocative and silly like that towards him or my other dogs. If your dog has no recall or vocal control NO offlead play in the park - lack of vocal control is against the law anyway as to what 'effective control' is deemed to be by your council and if a ranger saw that you could be fined. When he learns respect he can earn some freedoms. You cannot prevent what you cannot control at least verbally. Either that or he humps the wrong dog and its on for young and old.
  19. yeah is she making you a coffee yet and driving the car
  20. the first few weeks there are bizarre behaviours as the brain is adjusting to the new hormone levels. Did the vet mention the creation of a 'safe' zone for her to go in line a crate etc sounds like she doesnt have a place she considers safe anyway and is not dealing with things in general hence the shaking and wandering around.
  21. well if that woman says she is an RSPCA inspector I would be forewarding her email to the RSPCA and saying is this what kind of people you employ? You can't just go around saying you are a vet especially either that is fraud! Vet board would like to hear about it too. That's two phone calls she wont like. Serve her right for being a douchebag.
  22. how stupid. Many breeders of solid dogs actually have to watch what size dog/lines they put over a bitch since they tend to get stuck or the bitch has a lot of trouble carrying them. FFS people are incredibly stupid. Those 5 vets need to not be practicing either.
  23. depends on the lines, some are better at dog sports, others are more protection type. Either way they tend to do well at scent detection, tracking, agility, protection sports etc
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