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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. My first post clearly is not, all I said is not to bottleneck the dogs experience. But read what you will. Just because more people pat the dog doesnt mean the dog will start reaching out for attention ... it all depends how you handle the dog and the situation. You can have a million people pat your dog and have it still prefer you, or meet a few and be a nutter. But I suppose you'll get to see this more when you get some more practical experience in the training and socialisation aspects in the long term I havn't had a problem even with our school pups and they learn to naturally gravitate to their owners, we test it out too with people walking up offering treats and making kissy noises etc.
  2. the thing is - you are always with your young dog. It should never be out of reach of you or the lead out of your hand in a strange environment hence it should not be a big deal if a someone walks over and has a pat or gushes over them... you are always right there to help your dog learn what to do. If your dog starts getting excited you then redirect the dog back to you, if you cannot get that happening you need a professional to show you how. Not letting your pup at such a great age be exposed to random things and types of people you will invariably run into throughout the dogs life to me, is doing things backwards. Like I said every time this happens its an opportunity to teach the pup you're better and that those weird noises people make are nothing to go spastic over. a bad tradesman blames their tools. It's not the people that have been damaging it's the owners permissiveness of the behaviour that has allowed it to go on. Now it's annoying - because there wasn't enough forethought into trying to shape the dog to behave properly when in that situation. Puppies need to be exposed to things to learn action and consequence, as well as be put in a position where they can learn so practically. Life is random - people will touch your dog, brush against it, bump it, hell i've had people kick one of mine whilst walking through a market and they can deal with it because it's been the overall idea taught to them - no matter WHAT happens look to your handler because they're awesome and they will deal with it. I think the idea of not allowing certain people to touch your dogs is something that needs to be thrown out ESPECIALLY if you plan to have this dog as more then one that lives in a secure run and doesnt go out socially. I shoved my dogs into peoples arms, let them be gushed over, poked, prodded, hell even let kids take the leash and cuddle them. Doesnt make them any less serious when it comes to work and training at all in fact I have seen how much it actually helps... and my dogs will never have a WTF I DONT GET IT look on their face when something random or weird happens.
  3. Life's not a controllable thing. The trick is to see all these annoyances as opportunities to get your dogs focus back onto you, you'll find your dog naturally snobs people who are too much. But dont get upset with people who are not fitting your mould of 'suitable' or your pup will pick that up. Stonecutter your pup is still a baby, and at that age I kind of expect most dogs to put their fingers in their ears, give you the bird and stop listening
  4. you dont need to bottleneck your dogs experience to get better focus. Breeds like this should see people as neutral compared to you and that requires a degree of interaction with them. It never ruined any dog I had, nor my new bitch who I actually pushed under peoples noses. She turned out brilliantly and actually doesnt pay heed to other people around because she understands what they're about and any element of curiosity about them is gone. Your dog should always be well socialised especially with small children I dont care what work you want to do with it.
  5. nothing happened. What are you complaining about? Oh dont councils have rules about dogs and food areas like BBQs and playgrounds?
  6. tear it up and throw it in the rubbish bin. Conversely I'm sure it will be the most expensive chew toy your dog will shred. I dont agree with him especially his letting dogs mouth people ... Email me ASAP, [email protected], I'm going to be having some beginner tracking lessons over the Xmas break if you want to join too.
  7. it's starting to become one of those modern pop words and for some reason suddenly everyone wants one. Until most people actually meet an animal that is 'high drive' they dont really understand what it is. Saying that high drive, whichever drive that happens to be we're talking about, is not the one and only point you want when you buy a dog. Plenty of high drive dogs out there with absolutely shocking temperaments that deserve nothing more then a one way trip to the vet. Actually for what most people want to do they don't actually need a massively driven dog. They use a dog's supposed lower drive as an excuse for their own shortcomings, oh he's too low in drive for what I want to do. Really? Or are you not working to bring out the best in your dog with what it already has. I dont see dog sports being on the up and up so why are we wanting more high drive dogs? If an animal has an innate need and desire to focus themselves and work why could it not be high drive - drive is not just prey drive. Just because a dog does not throw itself as an orbee ball does not mean it's low/moderate drive particularly if it is an animal that has never been focussed onto artificial drive items. There are plenty of dogs that would dig out a rabbit for hours just as much as a WL mal would chase a ball for hours. We're just not used to a lot of the 'out of the box' drives as we dont use dogs for what they're for as much any more... if I wanted to hunt deer or pig I wouldnt care if the pup I got ignored tennis balls over sticking his head to the ground, pulling to get to a scent and trying to struggle free to follow the scent he's on. I also do not believe in labelling a drive as negative or positive. Depending on what you want or need from your dog will shift that categorization. I'll also agree to disagree that avoidance is a drive. Mochi there are a lot of free articles here http://leerburg.com/dogtrainingebooks.htm to read about drives and dog behaviour
  8. you dont have to add smells to a toy. They already have their individual smell, once she works out which one is a toy she will scent it out too. What does she like doing with toys (as in searching or chewing etc)
  9. what vaccine did it get for the first one? they wont order it in for you?
  10. any dog having done bitework on a man in victoria is deemed to be registered as dangerous. You can do Schutzhund but not the bitework component.
  11. contact innotek directly innotek.com.au
  12. what kind of personality are you looking at? If you're after something bigger there is always dogs like belgians, rottweilers, giant schnauzers, standard poodle, cane corso, dogue de bordeaux, irish wolfhound etc it will all depend on what temperament and end result you want from the dog
  13. oh thats old fashioned pish posh. If you march up to someones dog and stare them straight in the eyes and try staring them down, well there's a chance you will make them feel uncomfortable. All my dogs and my clients dogs look them in the eyes, in fact we work on it. Many go from nervous to happy and relaxed when they have eye contact from their handlers as they're getting quality feedback and some bonding with the dog.
  14. labradors can be a nusience barker, most often then not the bored ones. They have the biggest monotonous woof known to man if they are to develop the habit.
  15. no not the vets all natural mix, but the actual veterinarian. Maybe your specialist can run Dr Syme an email (as between doctors you find they wont have as big a fee) and see if he has any ideas to help? That way he can have all the notes and tests you've already done without having to repeat information.
  16. Nekhbet


    our neighbours in Anakie used to leave for the whole weekend and leave their old blind dog alone outside with the garage roller door up a little. He was confused some nights and I had to go give him some big bones and show him where the garage was, if they took the little dog with them he couldnt find his way inside to his bed. Makes you wonder.
  17. cross that bridge if and when you get to it. I say give the whole idea a rest for a bit and look after yourself, then worry about a puppy ;) Don't buy gadgets unless you need them or you will end up with an empty wallet in no time!
  18. I used to have a mix of Belgian Malinois F, German Shepherd M (desexed), Dogue de Bordeaux M and Rottweiler M I am now down to 2 Belgian Shepherd bitches and the male Dogue Honestly get the opposite sex. Saying that there is a massive difference between a german shepherd and a toy poodle in their needs, temperament etc. How old is your son? How much training and care has he contributed to the labrador you have now?
  19. if you're anywhere near the ocean take him for a regular dip ;)
  20. have you tried Dr Bruce Syme, he does phone consults too and is into raw diet
  21. its such a great sport, many dogs overseas like aussie shepherds, terriers and labs do it. Pity Australia sees it as making vicious dogs!
  22. I agree with Aiden, you need to start adding distractions in slowly. Start at your front door, when she's learned that move out to the yard etc. Small bits every day and she will get used to it. If she gets too distracted just bring her back inside for a bit then start again
  23. http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/german_shepherd_dog/dog.html?id=576839&p=progeny-pictures shows you Vegas' sons/daughters. Black and tans should retain the colour unless their lines wash out as they grow. I would be more worried about health and temperament then colour especially if you're not showing. Puppies usually will retain some personality traits so if it's a pushy bitey dog you in all probability will have a harder dog. I would never purchase a shy, sooky pup.
  24. Nekhbet


    you have undone yourself letting her sleep inside some times. She doesnt understand why sometimes she's allowed with her pack and then totally separated. I never understand why the dog is allowed inside at all if you're going to confuse it and then put it away where it can have no comfort from its family. Get a crate, put the dog inside. Your husbands theory really has little logic to it to not allow the dog inside to sleep yet at other times is.
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