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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I wont touch pro plan, even if it was free. If your dog has problems dont go to the cheap stuff, you're better off with a fresh diet of raw with a fibre source. Cheap foods are mostly filler and byproducts to bump the protein content up cheaply ... never seen a dog look god on supercoat, I dont think its even possible considering the rubbish in there.
  2. depends - what do you find and acceptable level of condition and what do you want from your dogs? Even when I had 5 dogs I still paid whatever I could to buy food like Royal Canin. After trying so many foods I found it the best across the board but it's price has gone up recently. See what condition you get for the price. You will notice within a few days the consistency of the poos, the energy level, farts etc if its going to happen. Coat condition can change quite quickly as well. If you're happy by the end of the bag stick with it. Saying that I will never feed any of the cheaper foods, I would rather raw diet and make it up with something like the Vets All Natural powders to make sure they're getting the essentials then something roughly with the same constituents as most commercial chicken pellets.
  3. what breed and what are you feeding at the moment?
  4. nalaridge can you email me the details, also which trainer you left her with. I have a few ideas as to why she's acting the way she is.
  5. I wouldnt do anything at all until the dog had a very thorough blood test and health test. Aggressions doesnt just pop up unless the dog has a massive testosterone problem (ie his testicles are roughly the size of his head) but after the health test, a very good trainer to properly assess him.
  6. if you have no luck try hannoverianridingwear.com they're a distributor for quite a distinct range of sprenger chains
  7. persephone is right. Bad behaviour wont stop until you teach the dog otherwise. If your sister is having trouble get her to spend some time with a good trainer to right the behaviour and probably some other little things that could make the whole situation more enjoyable for dog and owner :D
  8. targeting is good as a distraction exercise but I would be doing some more in depth behavioural training with the dog. If you find the dog is uncomfortably with children in the mean time it would be a better idea to try and avoid 'cornering' the dog with children or always have a pocket full of treats and work on distracting the dog (eg lure the dog away from staring at children and praise for calm, focussed behavior)
  9. 7 week old single pups do NOT belong outside. He's a baby, he's separated way too early and he's alone, no wonder he cries. If you wanted a more self sufficient animal you should have bought an older dog already used to pack separation, bull breeds dont do well as backyard only animals. Get a crate, put the pup at least in the crate inside if the idea of an animal inside is so disgusting to you. You have a life to look after now you have to make some concessions to ensure the animal gets its requirements fulfilled. Amstaffs are not beginners dogs and require a lot of work and attention. They also bond very strongly to their owners. I'd be questioning your relatives breeding practices considering he broke the ANKC code of ethics letting you take him under 8 weeks and OKing you to let a pup that young live outside 24/7 pretty much. He should know that bull breeds need all the socialisation they can get AND dog to dog interaction which is why they should stay with their littermates and mother.
  10. I'm in Geelong, run me an email and we can get together to see whats going on [email protected] Julie
  11. if you're smart the risk of parvo is quite low. Considering you can bring it into your house on your shoes from outside you can never be totally free from it. Don't take your pups to dog parks/beach but you should be at least taking them for drives, carrying them around people/noise etc to make sure they're properly socialised. Also the week after a vaccine they will be more sensitive.
  12. its something you need to ask a specialist if it can be done although for hormonal based incontinence I have not heard a better option then life long tablets. Once you find the maintenance dose though it's not that bad. A packet of unscented baby wipes in your pocket while you're out can help to prevent staining or skin irritation. It's another reason that gets my goat when vets push early desexing on people. None of them mention the risk of spey incontinence and other lifelong problems to owners.
  13. ahhh I have had a lot to do with VicPol in the past few years. If they survive the incident they get the promotion. Trust me there's more holes then swiss cheese in our force. Lilli is right. It's a big fat joke. I have a Dogue and the amount of people who walk up and go 'wow thats a pitbull' :rolleyes: except for the fact he's 3 times the max size of one ... dogues snort, grumble, growl and make horrific noises as part of their normal vocabulary. Mine has been accused of being aggressive when he's simply taking a breath to grab his favourite fluffy ducky toy to cuddle :rolleyes: http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/149674/its-coming-right-for-us
  14. go to a feed store and purchase a goopy tin of Crib Stop. It's basically pepper spray in a can. Grab a brush and apply liberally to everything you can in the backyard then wear the hell out of that dog. If you have a treadmill teach it to hop onto it while you do things like get ready for the morning, eat dinner etc. Saving that bullys are known for compulsive behaviour does your dog have rockers or spinners in the lines?
  15. it's hard when you own an entire Dogue de Bordeaux male. They seem to think he's ready to mate whatever mongrel they put in front of him. I tell them the fee and his pedigree and they shrink back into their little holes. So far the best wad of cash I've had in my hand is $5000 for the dog and I threw it back at the man.
  16. it depends what the problem is. I can tell you putting a dog through huge microsurgery (if it can be done at all as it's usually a muscle toning issue regulated by hormones that is the issue) for the sake of your turf is the wrong way round. My friend has her early spayed dog on hormone tablets, the dog is only 18 months old, and will be for the rest of her life. Like I said, new turf is shocking in regards to its resilience to any sort of pH change. If its that big an issue keep the dog off the grass.
  17. ignore them totally and excuse yourself politely. You get more flies with honey then vinegar. If they are insistant on say, using your dog, I put the price of the stud fee at $10,000. They scuttle at that.
  18. I have to stay away from Ebay ... I couldnt resist a 50 year old copy of Konrad Most's book on dog training ... but it's actually not too bad price ways when you buy them from the UK :p
  19. take a bamboo cane with you, the thickness of your finger. A good crack to the ribs or nose will make them back off as will the swishing sound. I find the double ended leads handy, last time a kelpie and boxer x rushed my bitch with teeth bared they both copped a brass clip to the face. Owner nearly did too.
  20. dogues already have soft palate and sinus problems most of the time, a good dose of capsicum spray makes the mucus membranes swell and the animal can suffocate. Horrible way to die.
  21. take a soil sample and have it pH tested. A little lime might be in order as a lot of the turfs and their underlay substrates can be already a little on the acidic side. I have people come into work with a similar problem, its the turf that is sensitive not the dogs urine. New turf takes a few months at least to become more resilient. Scratch out the dying turf to allow the new grass to cover, add a little lime and keep it well watered to help dispell the urine. It will look fine in no time.
  22. you never ever let muzzled dogs off lead with one another, it builds frustration and muzzled dogs can grip and head bash another. Crate and rotate, set a pattern and a lot of time on lead play together/walks etc. Sounds like neither dog really has a pecking order set so you two need to put your foot down and be the boss of them. DOnt leave toys out there with them, food or bones either. The new dog is settling in, you're wanting your dog not used to this whole situation to accept a new human AND canine (and your dog is a bit protective of you) so you need to give it time. They can get along it comes down to management and training them that things will be like this from this point on. Set your expectations and stick to them. From the sounds of it the fight was a lot of noise and BS on their behalf. Your dog is not used to another dog standing up for itself and hence you hear this noise. SEPARATE SUPERVISE CONTROL AND REWARD POSITIVE INTERACTION I never leave two new dogs out in the yard together anyway for quite a while until a house routine is established. Most of all go buy yourself a stiff drink and have a lie down ;) I know its scary my rottie and bordeaux decided it was on for young and old once, but that was 50kg vs 60kg latched onto each others necks and thrashing down the back steps. ETA if you do not have vocal control of your dog to call it off you do not let them off lead. Your dog is your partner Jaybeece but he's the type that takes advantage of your kind heart and nature. He needs you to grow a set of balls as it were lol not being mean just really firm and not give an inch.
  23. Nekhbet


    Drontal suspension doesnt do tapeworms I'd be tempted to put an allwormer down her throat the next time. If she's dragging her bum she may have something stuck, poor anal glands or if she's a fluffy breed the hair can get caught and matted over the anus preventing her to toilet properly. as for the collar get heavier duty or leather.
  24. rottie used to get that all the time ... eye boogers and sometimes they were quick big and sticky. Just wiped them with a baby wipe and never affected him.
  25. wow. just ... wow. Does the attitude come with the program too or is that a bonus? Why start a thread then if all you wanted was to complain about the people brazenly invading your space while you're in public?
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