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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. You'll know what it is if and when the dog takes a bite. A quick snip snip snip of the sleeve when pushed or just a bad front toothed bite .... nup bad and training needs to go back quite a few steps or reassess the animals suitability. Quick hard bite and you're onto a winner - for protection. No point having a Sch dog that spits a slipped sleeve and goes in for round 2 Last dog I saw had little to no prey in there. It was a silent, staring dog and when it engaged dear god ... It did it in such a calm, confident manner. Even passing the car the dog just stared at you quietly. Never jumping that blokes fence I can tell you But would never be a good sport dog, just not interested in that type of thing. Schutzhund is a sport. If you want clean methodical bites then a lot of prey work will do that. They're not interested in dogs that will re-engage the decoy or take leg/shoulder bites, but then again thats not what it's about. I think some dog's are just in the wrong job :laugh: but then again that comes down to ensuring people choose the right lines, and not because the dogs sire/dam are really 'awesomely hard' etc. If you want a sport dog, buy a sport dog. My pups sister was a total sportdog ... prey prey prey all the way, LOVED everyone and everything and just wanted to keep going. She's ready to start her Sch1 test at 15 months old, nice solid grip too even in pure prey. My dog though, has the drive but she's gone past just preywork. KNPV lines.
  2. I agree with Pav lova. What's the point? You're actually going to make your dog eat more by feeding it some poor quality food. If you're not well off then why not mix a mediocre food with something like fresh meat. Otherwise you're just pushing the protein content through the floor.
  3. yup you sure can http://www.greyhoundproductsdirect.com.au/products_ranvet.htm right down the bottom, the allwormer tablet. comes in 25kg size tablets as well.
  4. You will find that a lot in working animals here in Australia as there are, in the scheme of things, so few. Malinois are a bit too but there are people bringing new blood in at least to expand the gene pool. It's something I'm thinking of doing as well, at least one litter from imported semen and see how they go from there.
  5. A toy or treat in the pocket gets a pups attention very quickly despite not having the pup for long... pop over to any puppy class and watch how many of the little buggers you can have glued to you I too have never used a harness on a young pup, they need to learn so it's collars all the way and they live in them 24/7. I just don't like avoiding the problem of a pup pulling, they're only little and quite manageable, plus it's a great opportunity to teach who the focus should lie on at a really young age. how fast was your puppy going to cause himself that much injury? Saying that did the breeder do any collar work with them at all or was his first experience of being on a leash with you? That could be part of it, pups should be knowing what collars and leads are from as young as possible. I do see where m&m is coming from with making the bond first then putting collar and leash on for moving about, I do a similar thing but with separating new dogs from existing until they are well bonded with me, then they get a bit more free reign with the other dogs in the house. I don't use harnesses for everyday, they're work only.
  6. That type of dog you describe is really not good for anyone or lacks a handler with the experience to control it properly. The problem with looking at an adult dogs behavior is you may not necessarily be looking at a true picture of this dogs behavior or what it will pass on. I do wonder how many potentially great dogs have been ruined by poor handling and training, written off as rubbish and aggressive when in fact they were just in the wrong hands. I know there are cowboys in protection, oh how I know. I had one dog dumped on me once and the end result was horrific - the dog was dangerous to the point of one day I had to yell for my brother and partner to go shut themselves in the house. Yes I do agree, and it's a byproduct of really no benchmark standard especially here in Victoria where it's limited. If it was out in the open for scrutiny like it used to be at least there would be quality control. There is a difference between civil aggression and just a flat out crap dog which is what you're describing. I have seen some incredibly steely nerved dogs that have no interest in prey when staring at a decoy, you can see it's pure focus. But the dogs are controllable, out perfectly and pay no heed to bystanders. When you look at a pedigree unfortunately you don't get the scores and comments about a dogs Sch test. Many are simply Sch 1 to push them through - now was that an excellent performance or did the dog scrape through for the sake of paperwork? I'm not knocking schutzhund, god KNOWS we need some sort of benchmark for working animals :laugh: but I think the point is that people should always ask questions and see as many of the dogs, if only videos, when wanting to make an investment. I've seen great dogs on paper, look at videos/real life and find they're not really all they're cracked up to be or see behavioral traits I personally don't want in a dog. But I agree 100% if the dog can't possess stability and intelligence it shouldnt reproduce!
  7. Get yourself something like a Furminator/Noahs Deshedding tool etc. I would also be looking into diet, my youngest Malinois barely sheds and I think I've only brushed her 3 times since I got her?! My older one is going through stress and illness so sheds maniacally. You will always have a little shedding but if its a massive amount it means you need to give the dog a more thorough brush with the right tool (slicker is just for fluffing coats, not removing undercoat on double coated breeds) Conversely pay for the dog to be professionally brushed and blow dried out a couple of times a year.
  8. There will always be the good and the bad in all parts of training. I'm sure not every SCH dog is a steely nerved dog either. Actually a good protection dog should not be a fear biter nor highly reactive. That dog should never have been trained for protection in the first place and should have been rejected. Protection is not about instability and explosive aggression, thats nothing more then a dangerous nutter on a leash. I've seen dogs like this, they make a lot of noise and when confronted, piss themselves and run away. Once I worked with a guard who had a dog like this he was mortified he then had to be left on his own to patrol for 12 hours with a useless animal. Protection is about self confidence and not backing down as you have to trust this dog to not only protect you, but to be able to settle and be a safe animal to have around in society. We seem to have lost that idea in Australia a bit with the way some people think training should be. Not all PP dogs will be Sch lined. They may for GSDs but in other breeds you will find titles that go beyond Sch, like ringsport and KNPV. Really liking KNPV line dogs they have an extra edge to them.
  9. Nahh come on whats DOL without a good slinging match every now and again ... all thats really happening is people are throwing out miles of proverbial rope really and getting tangled in it. I always thought working people would do what they always wanted and stick together but hey, they can do as they please. I already know I'm speshal I know Ken Paxton here in Geelong has a pair that were imported http://www.czechgermanshepherdbreeders.com I havn't met the dogs but some fresh blood might be something to look into. I also know that Von Ultimate and Schutzshep kennels have some Czech dogs there. Always comes down to go have a look and see if it floats your boat :) :laugh: you do realise the gene for flopped ears is a recessive trait? That means that a dog that is mated to her and has good ears, and doesnt carry the floppy ear genes will produce pretty much straight ear pups? Both her parents have straight, firm ears, we didnt tape them in time so they stand 100% of the time ... they do when she runs about a lot or plays tug. Considering dogs here in Australia are happily bred despite being carriers for quite serious genetic diseases I don't see what the bee in your bonnet about my girls ears are all about, I think there's bigger issues happening in the dog world. Even if she is mated to a homozygous male there is less then 25% chance a pup will have ears that need taping in order to be show quality perky. Something so trivial when the dog ticks 110% on all the other boxes like health, conformation and temperament would be just silly now wouldn't it. As for calling Ivan Balabanov an idiot ... not touching that one :p
  10. Found an IPO 3 Border collie in Canada the other day too :D it's such a great sport pity more people can't access it. By the way Mace what lines of Malinois have you seen? I'm happy to discuss some of the lesser known lines floating around, you probably wont see a lot of these coloured dogs out and about in Oz but they are more popular overseas.
  11. I'll be sure to pass on your remarks to the person who spent a lot of time and money developing her lines. There's more to Mals then being tan with a black mask, have a look around some of the kennels in europe and america. I'm sure you would be happy to email people like Ivan Balabanov who has dogs that share my girls genetics and tell him what rubbish the lines produce. He even has one with floppy ears. Dont forget the undershot jaw Jeff it makes him look adorable! I'm sure we could get a couple of teacup blue masks out of the litter, we could double the price on those
  12. I think the aim was efficiency and reliability ... he did train all the Disney dogs for movies ... people recoil a little when you tell them that :laugh:
  13. Actually there was a waiting list before mum popped them out. One prospective owner was refused as the breeder was not 100% on them hence why there was an offer, he does love these dogs and has their best interests as priority. Yes there are some awesome homes lined up for this litter it will be great to see their progress. There would never have been any cause for worry about the future of these pups.
  14. There was a couple of pups left, I was merely putting the word out to the right demographic that there was pups available as a couple are already going to Schutzhund homes. It's OK all gone now :) snapped up very quickly.
  15. well not formally ... imagine you could have a dog that could fetch a dozen donuts and not have to hold ONE in her mouth! Brilliant! When I got my first one I was told to wear two pairs of jeans ... the breeder pulled one off my legs and said 'this ones yours' ... I then had the dilemma of trying to hold a squirming, chomping puppy and trying to swat off the other 9 who thought I was the best tug toy ever
  16. nawwwwwwwwwwww I do love them at that age ... I'll raise you again I got to roll around in a litter of 5 week old Malis last night ... cuteness overload!
  17. I see your flying Malinois ... and raise you a LEVITATING DOGUE! less graceful, hell of a lot more terrifying to small children
  18. here's the applause you're obviously vying for. On flat terrain she is very fast. As I have said a few times, this was nothing more then impromptu fun and if I want to talk in that manner to my dogs when we're out MUCKING AROUND AND JUST HAVING SOME FUN then where's the law against it. As for how supposedly rubbish my dog is compared to yours I think come down and meet her, and know her genetics before making insinuations like that. Have a read of the thread again you will see why I posted the video. This is not an obedience dog from Sch1 lines. Once again, this is my previous malinois who I asked to jump a waist height fence on command ... what, in about 2007? By the way the other one is tan with a black mask, this young bitch I also have now is a totally different colour and shape. I never wanted a competition and I dont know why it turned into one. Everyone's dog is individual I dont know what bug Pax got up her butt in the first place. If I wanted a Nordenstamm dog I would have bought one.
  19. As in Nordenstamm Prix? My bitch doesnt need to learn how to jump, she's got her grandfathers genetics to help her do that. I'd rather her do what she's doing, I don't have anything to prove with a dog that flings itself into novel situations and hurts itself.
  20. I shouldnt show dogs scrabbling over old cars and climbing trees then? darn.
  21. Well gosh darn it I'll just throw everything in because on an impromptu stop at an underpass/park I decided to play with my dog while OH played on the same rocks with his RC rock crawler, I'm sure you saw that bit in the video too? I'm sure I'm one step away from an abusive spouse for letting my OH hop up there too. As for eating the car that is my other Malinois. I'm sure you also would have read about the issues I had with her while she was going through that stage, the part where I was working against very poor critical period socialisation issues? How many hours a day I socialised that dog after her not leaving a garage until 10 weeks of age? Anyway ... I really am surprised how a tiny snippet of me just having a bit of fun with my dog could turn into this slinging fest. I expected a little more maturity from you Pax, considering you have not personally seen my dogs and how they behave in general. As for your dog, which I have never seen and barely heard anything about, I dont know that how a dog with patience could cut up its paws and mouth just clambering up over a few rocks unless he really didnt have any and went at 'malinois speed' as you call it. I don't know, you tell me which one it is?
  22. If it has AmBull papers I wager it will say 'Scott Type'. There is so much variety within the breed. Basically the Scott are the leaner, more AmStaff look to them whereas the Johnson then have the typical 'bulldog' head on them and more tankish. Then there is the 'hybrid' of the two which could look like whatever. Saying that google American Bulldog and you come up with a thousand different looking dogs.
  23. I believe in teaching a dog patience. It wasnt a race it was helping her to be deliberate in her actions through play. I had actually started just tossing the same stick about in the area around for her to find and progressed up to this. I don't believe in 'Malinois speed' and a dog hacking itself up, they don't have to spend life wound up like energizer bunnies. Sorry, did I do something horribly terribly wrong playing with my dog?
  24. Is he a Johnson or a Scott? Or a combination of the two? With a breed that big he will be still growing, he'd be going through the gangles right now too. He'll fill out, give him time dogs like that need a couple of years to grow.
  25. It only becomes vilification when people come on and pronounce that method to be the be all and end all, or bag out other methods people use and 'tsk tsk I would NEVER dog that!' type comments. I don't think I would ever purely positively train a human aggressive, biting dog, and not have the option of a corrective aid to use. But if you think you can and it's working without the dogs quality of life and learning being compromised then hey, go for your like (and I use that situation purely as an example) If I think the use of something outside the set parameters of what the person is limiting themselves to (be that trainer or handler) will work better, I'll make the suggestion. It comes down to take it or leave it.
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