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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. jumabaar it's not hard to knock one up yourself, there's plenty of patterns on the internet/youtube about how to do it. Erny even without the scent wall, I found it was an easy, novel exercise that really excited people. We just used food for the dogs, initially putting the food on the container which sat in a cardboard box. Once the dogs understood putting their heads in the box, the food was moved under the target odour container. Then we moved the container behind the wheel of a car, the command SEARCH was given only when the dogs were audibly sniffing hard, and rewarded when they found the target odour. Easy as pie for all of them. One even self corrected on residual I was rather impressed. Malinois are enthusiastic enough, I think if my little one became active alert we'd have to rename her Storm :laugh: I don't want her trained on household substances though otherwise she will tear the house apart, I'll have to get a hold of something more 'novel' to train her on. I learned my lesson when I helped a student train an active alert dog on oregano, and I forgot I left the packet on the kitchen bench broken stuff everywhere ... and I had to praise the dog as technically she did find the target odour.
  2. we started with active which is to dig it out from under things (hence why we didnt put things IN people's cars!), we will do passive at the school but I need to build a scent wall for that, makes the job a heck of a lot easier ... just finished the A Frame and Walkover today in the school colours covered in paint now lol so this type of thing but the ball launcher will be a well timed volunteer :laugh: I don't mind active alert dogs, but the scent wall is not for that, and I dont thing too many owners would be happy with a well rewarded active alert dog tearing up their house if the chosen substance accidentally enters the premises
  3. I'm going to start doing it at my school, I did it at the last school I was teaching at as a fun thing, active alert dogs and by the end of one session we had 3 dogs finding oregano packets hidden in the car park (I hid them behind wheels, under body work etc) Definitely a good thing to do no matter what the motivation is, food or toy.
  4. this video contains GSD, Malinois, Dutch Shepherd and x's ... you will be able to tell the difference between all of them if you watch closely. Malinois also grip with their paws something fierce, it can be annoying if you havn't trimmed their dew claws :p
  5. The structure and temperament are very different between the two. If you met them you would definitely be able to tell them apart there is no mistaking. Working line GSD on the left, Malinois on the right. She is a bitch so she's not as solid, it's also the lines she comes from that produce finer dogs. Malinois are a square dog, evenly proportioned. They come in black/tan, if they are darker it is not due to solid black but black guard hairs darkening the coat, they are still tan underneath. There are no real solid blacks to the skin Malinois, they are unpapered and usually have dutchie in there too. so they go from this to this. Still tan with black mask technically. A lot lighter on their feet the GSDs too, you will find when they are in a full sprint the body stays almost horizontal and the legs just move under them. GSDs have a different body proportion and also their tail consistency. The skull is also differently proportioned in the GSD. Ears will usually always have that little patch of fine fluffy fur at the base of the ear whereas the Malinois will not. As for drive, Malinois just turn everything up to 11 :laugh: Their movement is much more deliberate too, if you watch enough videos you will get what I mean. They pour their hearts into everything, sensitive creatures that want to be with their owners and doing something all the time. Very one person dogs, more so then the GSD.
  6. oh you have to meet the new ones trojka ... and see my arms from the little beasties ... you can be on diving duty then :p mumtoshelly can't be any worst then when I fed half a whole rabbit to our ferrets and one of the rescues snuggled into it's fur and made friends with it *sigh*
  7. pig in mud ones are now apparently going to start being imported as a fold in half version ... so you'll have a lovely line across the middle of your insert ...
  8. That organisation is as if they're simply proving how stupid, gullible and sheep-like the human race can be, participating in yet more farcical activites at the whim of a crazy person ... wow vegan porn. I wonder how they get around a sexual context involving the idea of animals not being outside legal parameters of the US porn industry.
  9. If he's a ferreter you could ask him to leave the skin on. In gutting he should be able to leave all the organs in bar the 'pooey' bits. We usually take the intestines/blood out straight away when killed the leave the rest of the organs in for the dogs. Man he's making a fortune on those rabbits I better get back into it ASAP at that price!
  10. what state and how old is the dog? You can get micro prong collars with which the dog will self correct before pulling them over, coupled with what you're doing it could be the safest option as there really is no scope for the dog to ever pull.
  11. People shouldn't feel guilty eating. Period. Animal abusers should feel guilty for causing unnecessary harm, pain and anguish to another living being.
  12. Because as soon as one video is released there is a plethora of people who suddenly convert to vegetarianism. This has been happening since before you were born and the whole time you were eating meat. I don't see how now suddenly it's really a statement of how fed up you are with animal welfare practices. As for being a vegetarian ... what about eggs, fish and dairy. All of those industries have their own poor practices too. Vegetables ... what land did they clear and what poisons have they been spraying which has been killing the environment for years. Do your grains come from farmers who poison native wildlife? Keep going like this until you starve to death. If people want to make a difference they need to support DPI, RSPCA and other welfare related groups in regularly checking establishments and doiung random spot checks at least 4-5 times a year. All abbatoirs and knackeries should have surveilance installed as a rule as far as I'm concerned, and not only should the staff member be charged but the entire company too for not keeping staff in check. If you watch why that staff member hit the pig, it passed the stunning point and he obviously was not given anything else like a captive bolt to make sure.
  13. yes and I think the OP is getting there ... DRJ1510 what you are missing is when you tell him to leave, you dont offer him an alternative behaviour you want and keep rewarding for. He's still learning. Now you've told him no, but in the dogs head, given no reason why and nothing else to do. So you simply become a barrier to what he wants which is why he ramps up. Take food or a toy on the walk with you. There needs to be greater incentive to not bother about those dogs. Walk him quite far from playing dogs, if at all until you build focus, as they will still be more then your rewards at the moment.
  14. That is definitely not right, what has the breeder had to say about it all? Was it even a registered breeder? I personally would have sent the dog back, I know it sounds harsh but none of this is something that a well socialised and genetically stable puppy should be doing. Contact K9 Pro and see who is close to you trainer wise that would be able to help and who they recommend as having the necessary skills to handle this dog.
  15. This scene would also be repeatable in backyards and on farms all around the country, and not just to pigs and sheep. People will still behave in that way whether you eat meat or not. Becoming a vegetarian won't stop the practices and change Australians attitudes towards animals at all. Really the only statement you would be making is to yourself.
  16. look up Bart Bellon on Youtube, he does a lot of backwards heeling both beside and as a send out
  17. where in Melbourne Huck House, there are lots of people on this forum who know good schools it just depends on the area or just drive down to Geelong for mine
  18. you can use e-collars as positive punishment you just have to be careful the stim level is suitable. Correction chains can also be used for negative reinforcement. What do you think they use to try and save a stock killer ...
  19. I prefer to nip things in the bud the moment they start. As for people who do a lot of hands off work ... it's an animal currently causing you a lot of pain and treating you like a chew toy ... I never advocate harm but be firm and stick to your convictions with them. Beagles are very intelligent dogs and they'll have you trained before you even start on them :laugh:
  20. No. We refuse to fully read your post and provide a logical statement underneath
  21. http://www.njboxers.com/satin-balls-recipe.htm actives dog need protein, get rid of the pedigree working dog and I would swap it with something like good complete mince or some nice lamb flaps especially if she's really active. Keep the puppy food for the mornings while she's growing at least.
  22. Hey don't laugh I had a pomeranian attached to my boob once ... little bugger swung up and latched on, growling and thrashing. Then got me on the hand too. Those little one's bite like a rabid ferret I wouldn't be game either
  23. why are you so far away ... I'd come and clean out most of that ...
  24. And that is why I don't believe in limiting equipment used. I know how to use it and I'm happy for clients to use it if it 1) works for them and 2) is safe for them and the dog. So you would tell a client to miss out on a potentially good school because a few dogs may be wearing correction chains, and its a piece of equipment you dont like? A good trainer will assess the dogs behavior and work with the owner as to what is right for that dog, not what the 'school' says all dogs must wear. I can be a little militant :laugh: I have had people call me drill sergeant but it was all in fun. Hey why command your dog when crazy loud trainer lady does it for you from across the field but seriously, I don't see why they wouldn't be interested in the dogs. Owners can have their own spin on what they think the dog needs and how it is ... now not saying owners are wrong but sometimes they can misconstrue behaviors. I like to see the dogs, get close up and look at the body language in the reaction, it can tell you more then a conversation sometimes. If you don't have a good feeling, you can try one class or just watch a couple, and if you don't like it move on if you can. You have to be happy there too :)
  25. http://leerburg.com/articles.htm#PupSect this is a great place to start :)
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