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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I drove him to the crematorium today and gave him one last pat. God I miss him so much
  2. ordered through the website. I'll resend you the information now, it wasnt crates.
  3. I posted him the bottle I got from you sway :) barely used any really
  4. Never had a problem with topbuy. Still waiting on someone to contact me with my tracking number since last week from K9Pro, stuffs well overdue.
  5. vet now! Looks like hand raising will be the way to go, that dog is way too immature. Drop the bitch off for speying while he's there too and a full health check she could have something wrong as well
  6. if you need to board him contact Pet Resorts Australia if they are close enough to you, definitely worth the drive if not. Boarding and training as well. You can call them about the problems you're having now anyway. Meanwhile have a little read at www.leerburg.com
  7. There is a big enough problem with feral cats and diseases they carry in Geelong. All very well about a trap and release program but there is a lot of native and domestic animals being destroyed, and sick cats running about. Sometimes it's better for the cat.
  8. lectric soda you get from most pharmacies and supermarkets you just have to look around. It is quite basic, and is an irritant hence why it causes vomiting. Dont go shoving a heap down their throat considering you can unblock drains with the stuff.
  9. I'll pop it in overnight express for you today if you like, just send me your address.
  10. nah I just used the normal insole one from the safeway shelf, it was made from foam. My girl needed heavy duty because her ears didnt flop forward they actually flopped as a fold over to the sides
  11. still liquid too I'm shaking the bottle a bit and its sloshy. I'll tape up the lid tight so it doesnt dry up, only bought it last year from whelping supplies
  12. I do have a bottle in fact, I can post it to you if you email me [email protected]. I used those latex foam shoe insoles cut to shape, tear mender to the ears then just sports tape over the top. Didn't remove them every day, left them on.
  13. superglue and dermabond both require a solvent to be removed. Yup go with the tear mender, if you get it on your fingers you can just roll it off it's rubbery and doesnt seep into the skin here's our effort ...
  14. GAWS has made a major turn around. It's not the dead little corner it used to be I can tell you that. The animals are being fostered, people keep visiting and they swap dogs with the RSPCA in order to get the breeds rehomed instead of sitting around. That is if you can get through on the phone and the staff pull themselves away from their computer screens to be bothered talking with you.
  15. And why not. I have two entire bitches, one for breeding and one past the point but I'm not ready to spey yet. I'm seeing the benefits of letting them go through a season or two so why not. No one should pressure you into doing something you're not comfortable with if you're being responsible.
  16. our Malinois is lying in his crate on his bed. She was there when we tried CPR and took his body to the vet. She's going to need time too poor thing she's so young
  17. I can't bloody believe it. OH and I are still in shock. He just looked like he just fell asleep too at least my baby went in peace. God I miss him so much it still hasnt sunk in
  18. Our beautiful Bordeaux died of bloat today. We found him bloated, we tried CPR in case we could revive him but he had passed. Goodbye my baby boy, just shy of his 7th birthday.
  19. I knew a vet like that, I think it's horrific ... he also saw no problems putting his own dogs under full anaesthetic every 6 months to clean their teeth ... easier then trying to make them chew :rolleyes: Wow. That vet sounds surgery happy. I would definitely be writing a letter of complaint about her saying that she also sounds like she knows very little about the breed ... or dogs in particular O_o
  20. How many dogs are fine then grow hideously large soft palates that end up choking them? I think the vet needs to read up on anatomy a little more. She's causing panic and potentially risking unnecessary surgeries on healthy animals. If she's not the practice owner I would be writing a letter of complaint.
  21. Again ... passing the buck ... let's take on an animal with a major problem and expect the fairys to come fix it and all the costly aftercare it will need!! If not, oh well we'll just let the animal potter on and do nothing about it. I don't expect much more from Frankston. And we don't know why the vet actually said to put them to sleep, for all we know there are bigger problems then being let on.
  22. so the vet suggested a preventative surgery in an extremely delicate area, in a dog with no problems, just on the off chance it may have it? Find a new vet.
  23. I know there is that one in a million chance of getting a whole litter dealt a bad hand, I just don't understand why it's now the worlds responsibility to pay for it.
  24. it's odd they're all blind. What are the chances of the entire litter having congenital cataracts. As for being bred for guide dogs, since when did they outsource to random backyard breeders? As for donations, I'm a little suss on that. A wedding and just purchased a 30 acre property ... and asking for every cent from everyone else? You breed it you look after it.
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