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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I found the sports strapping bandage/tape was the only thing a Malinois couldnt chew through. Get it off by soaking it in Metho
  2. tollers if the snakes are in a double enclosure like the rattlers were and an experienced trainer doing it, it can work, but yes to find someone to donate a couple of live snakes would be hard.
  3. it can be done and a few people do it with their dogs. It's finding a snake to use in that situation which can be problematic. I wouldn't put my snakes through the stress despite them being used to the scent of dogs.
  4. he managed to rig it in one continuous loop, I agree Jigsaw it's a stupid design that lets the product down
  5. OH has gotten the taste for it ... first working dog, first time doing agility the orbee ... it confuses him
  6. The dogs need to be trained on real scent articles and the feral cat is dead ... I think get over it considering how much this man has contributed over the years to specialised detection dogs that help our country out.
  7. not every breeder wants their premises seen by puppy buyers all the time due to potential theft. I think the ANKC should make provisions that somehow the premises is inspected, even if it means by police checked volunteers. Offer an incentive of free ANKC reg or something like that in return.
  8. not keen on injecting my animals with a scheduled poison that lingers in the system for 12 months
  9. Pig hunting is a niche of its own, some people try to get purebreeds but they come to the two biggest problems 1) most pedigrees dont have the instinct in them, and most hunters want pups from proven animals 2) most breeders are mortified at the prospect of a dog going to a hunting home and wont sell them a pup (saying that there is a few that hunt with their own dogs) Pedigree is form over function. And the expense - pig dogs you can easily pick up for a few hundred, you know the parents are good workers and the pups have been bred with that in mind. It's not totally uncommon to see a purebred in the ranks but most will be purpose bred for the job. There are 3 different types of working pig dogs, the finder/holder which tracks it down and holds onto the pig until the hunter comes, the bailer which will just run it down and bail it up for the boar to be shot and the holder which just goes in at the last minute to help hold the pig down.
  10. No it doesnt. I have owned some of the most pig headed, dominant breeds around and they all hop up on the couch with me, or sleep on the bed if I let them. I still rule the roost. That is an archaic concept because people don't train their dogs properly. Jumbaar is right, set the rules and dogs stick within them, you have no issues but can still get snuggles.
  11. A few people from Deakin ran a working dog survey, supposedly to help in discovering good management techniques with working dogs. Ended up in the Herald Sun in a typical shoddy article saying the results found that people used cruel equipment in training (prongs, e-collars etc) because it was so non specific in the actual survey. I read it, it was just yes/no without allowing people to explain themselves. Research at its worst I refused and a lot of people I knew did too. ETA Cosmolo nothing against Catherine at all I know she's a real dog person and is doing it with the right intentions
  12. if you're asking if she's pure ... you need to find another breeder. AFAIK they don't come in 'red', they are a sable with varying shades of fawn/white/grey but not red There is a breeding pair in Australia but the pups are few and far between. Unless you are very experienced with dogs I wouldn't be getting one at all, not something to mess with in a hurry.
  13. put them onto raw, if you're feeding a dogue I can tell you they dont do well on grainy cheap foods at all.
  14. after the way the last university survey was used I think a few people will be baulking at the prospect of it.
  15. depends what you deem the temperament of the bullmastiff. Met a couple, one I would consider extremely dominant and pushy, not something you jump the fence with
  16. which mastiff breed are you looking at?
  17. I worked out that feeding high end with my dogs cost me only a dollar or two a meal. Can't fault that.
  18. never had good results with any animal on cheap dry foods, dog, cat or ferret. If it's out of your budget per bag then a raw diet is the way to go with something like the Vets All Natural
  19. wow they look wonderful! Have you done the puppy squee dance yet :laugh:
  20. what gorgeous healthy puppies ... I'm sure you're almost bursting lol
  21. you can it will take a lot more work, and you will have to make an effort to separate them so they bond more to you then each other on a regular basis. 2 feeds a day at that age is nowhere near enough what are you feeding them?
  22. I cut it just a smidge smaller then her ear shape and down into the base so it would stand upright too. We caught it too late I did it more as an experiment to see if it would work. Leave it on a week, take it off then redo for another few weeks, cartilage doesnt grow that fast.
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