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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. bath? Mina keeps shaking out the water like OMG how hideous, the other two have never had a bath yet lol. Although as I'm mowing Rogue insists on rolling in the freshly mown grass like a malinois earthworm after me :laugh:
  2. you would be better off giving the dog something like &affp=&"]Recharge for Greyhounds then pure glucose. It's pure sugar in the form cells use, but your dog needs electrolyte balance instead of short term burst energy which will increase the chance of cramping and muscle damage since the dog is not replenishing itself properly. Remember to due to panting, sweating and urination valuable salts are being lost which you are not putting back, pure glucose wont do that. If you want something for long days try http://www.sprintergold.com/#!ace and if you find your dog cramps or has muscle fatigue a sprinkle of bicarb on the breakfast can prevent acid build up. I also use Neutradex for my older girl as it makes her drink more and is a urinary buffer. I'm also using the muscle powder on my old girl and its helping build her stamina and muscle condition again without cramping. If you're going to do long trial days your dog needs to be prepared before hand properly with proper nutrition and conditioning. Any dog that needs glucose to keep going is being pushed too far, it's like you going to a sports day and sucking down coke and a chocolate bar. It's short term energy without the rest of the good stuff to prevent you pulling up sore when the sugar rush disappears.
  3. Thats OK we have dog whisperer kev here in Victoria ... and thongs or bare feet are mandatory *sigh*
  4. Who knows under what situations they caught it. If the other dog was not vaccinated properly and they were not in good health then they could have caught it, you never know the owners could have opted PTS after they heard the costs too and not let that info slip (I've seen that happen a few times) Dont let random people into your house and disinfect all shoes if you're really worried with a virkon footbath before they enter the house.
  5. the yoghurt plus one? Sounds good but a lot of fillers
  6. if you think it has been exposed, drip and plasma injection ASAP, high quarantine for all.
  7. I prefer the horse tube calming pastes. Good Manners, 4 Calming Paste and Troy ones have worked for me
  8. yeah I now have 3 Malinois he hasnt nipped me hard once. He just toddles off and does his own thing. Good guard dog though I think someone jumped into my backyard today, Rogue has run out and is scanning behind the bushes with her hackles up and teeth out, Boyan is right in there barking and looking for something. Not a frightened pup by any means. family photo! only one that worked Malinois just can't sit still lol
  9. nawwwwwwwww the blokes are always the first to be converted :laugh: I may or may not have snuck him into bed with me under the doona last night *cough* he was cold. He had his front paws wrapped around my arm it was so cute. So I woke up this morning and he had put a pair of shoes into bed with me as a present how he managed to tuck them under the covers so neatly is beyond me
  10. He should actually darken quite a bit as he gets older :) He is the spitting image of his father and he is a very dark dog, as is his sister
  11. everyone gets little puppies ... I got a biggun :laugh:
  12. with dogs like yours you should follow your vets recommendations. Taking advice off a dog forum when we are not medical professionals or know what levels your dog actually needs may prove extremely detrimental or even fatal. If you want something apart from Hills I suggest you have your vet send your dogs medical results to Dr Bruce Syme and see what he recommends as a diet http://www.vanahc.com.au
  13. the .22 was a warning shot. It never would have killed a dog of that size. If the dogs were not wandering out of their owners supervision there would be no problems. Who knows what the dogs got up to in the neighbours gardens, wouldn't be the first person crying their dogs are so well behaved at home while rampaging the suburbs/farms
  14. it's cheap, it's made by a stock feed mill, in all probability from their left overs from what the ingredients say.
  15. apart from the Cobber, what type of farming areas are around you? I would hazard a guess chemical drift is a greater problem. Another question is how related are all your dogs? Keep samples and batch numbers from your dog food and go send them to laboratories from analysis if your worried, I would be sending the puppies and adult dogs bloods too. It is made by Barastoc I know as soon as they change recipes for feeds we get calls from customers. At the moment Breed and Grow is literally making a few horses turn away from any hard feed meals its in.
  16. I don't understand your point ... no one is forcing you to purchase a limited reg dog as the only option. If you want main register, go buy it and do as you want I'm sure you'll find a breeder who will sell you whatever you want with main reg. As far as making choices with 'your' dog as you see fit, the trading post is littered with people with your attitude. See how far that it got them. And you wonder why people put dogs on limited reg. You should do what is in the interest of the dog and its lines, your attitude seems to reduce animals to nothing more then an object. Will you throw it out when you get sick of it or need to update the model? And this is why any dogs I breed will come with big fat contracts, you decide to neglect the dog or breed willy nilly you will have a knock on your door. What is left of the bloodlines won't be ruined like others that are now dead due to your attitude.
  17. ask your vet about antihistamines if he's scratching himself a lot. Unfortunately mechanical stimulation does nothing but encourage more histamine release and make it more itchy.
  18. she very well can be dogzrule :) she just needs a bit of help at this delicate stage. I train a lot of dogs like yours and there is nothing to say she cannot be a social dog, but the fact it has lasted 2 months says she needs more then just riding out a developmental change. I have a cattle dog in my classes that is similar with other dogs, its only taken her 4 classes to give up on panicking around other dogs
  19. for a well rounded, well socialised pup no this is not a normal reaction, particularly cattle dogs who are meant to be confident dogs. What you then worry about is the other reactions she is showing, the guarding and being snappy - they are a breed with no worries using their teeth and she's not even mature yet. There is fear period and then there is just swinging way too far on the behavioral pendulum. I own one of the most moody, difficult breeds there is and one of them changing to this degree would be setting the old bells ringing for a thorough check. Quite a serious change of behavior firstly warrants a good health check, particularly bloods and hormones. Then I would be enlisting the services of a very good trainer/behaviorist to assess her if nothing shows from the health tests. I will put money on the fact that some of this is genetic, but you still need a professional to fund the root cause of her behavior in order to have a safe and happy dog long term.
  20. How? You're still getting a pedigree dog you just have not got the right to use it for ongoing pedigree breeding. If you don't agree with that idea find another breeder. What's wrong with that? Not every dog that is bred SHOULD be then bred on and breeders should be able to make that decision to a degree particularly after they put so much time, effort and money into the whole endeavour in the first place. There is more to pedigree breeders then show ribbons.
  21. where did you get her from? Has she always been that way?
  22. would you be perchance looking at staffords or amstaffs or a mastiff breed? Desexing will prevent breeding, but usually all on mains reg (depending on breed) means price bump. If you have a bad feeling, move on. You need to feel 100% with the breeder as you are trusting them to provide you with a healthy pup. I can tell you I have had dogs from bodgy registered breeders and it just sits in the back of your mind their whole life. I am friends with my current dogs breeder, he's open and welcoming and it just makes the whole experience so much more pleasant.
  23. there is a product called Sprinter Gold Whelp n Grow, if you want to make up a diet it is a total nutritional powder for growing dogs. How about a brown rice, lentil, fish, cheese, and vege mix? Very little animal protein but with the powder will be nutritionally complete.
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