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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. You're not allowed to put different litters and species in the same enclosure together by standards. If they're mixing them or over crowding call the local council, take photos and give them also to centre management. Mmmm school holidays and christmas, when any compassion towards living creatures dies in the arse.
  2. Noel Mercieca is the corso person for Vic, he works with Itacor I believe, contact them or Noel through the Mastiff Club of Vic *she writes, resisting the temptation for another mastiff*
  3. I have used the Vetafarm Probotic on dogs too, works well but at a good price.
  4. yeah I'm the dumb bum who read the sentence about 3 times and thought nooo that doesnt make sense ...
  5. I missed the positive bit ... My brain should come with a warning on fridays "May make some sense occasionally"
  6. How about increasing the distance between the dog and the stimulus. The more times the stimulus 'goes away' to the dogs mind, the more they ramp it up to make it happen. It doesnt have to make sense to us it has to make sense to the dog that it's behavior has been perceived to achieve the end goal of distance increasing between it and what is causing it to react. It's how you test and start protection dogs. The reinforcer is the stimulus running off or backing up, the dog can escalate its behavior quite quickly, and they tend to get louder and faster to react. Totally separate to the dog having a handler or not. When you want to apply some pressure the decoy walks in when the dog is reacting, dog then learns more reaction to make the decoy 'go away' and when you get the reaction you want, big fuss and run off in supposed fear.
  7. Ooooh schmackos? nooo wheres the deli spread of cheese, kabana, hot dog etc fresh foods are ALWAYS better, schmackos I find loose their shine out in public unless the dog is a total pig or starving :laugh:
  8. www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmUi7qFW4uY Look at this example. Now this has real world applications with pet dogs too. Watch what the handler does - not much, hang onto the lead and yes he's praising the dog because he wants the dog to continue, but he does nothing to redirect or discourage the dog from reacting to the decoy. Now you have a reactive dog. You stop, do nothing and just hang on. What will happen in your dogs mind? Nothing is stopping or changing the behavior hence it runs an extremely high risk of reinforcing itself. If you don't see the dog and wait her out you are teaching her a cue - if you do not redirect her before the stimulus comes within critical distance, GO FOR YOUR LIFE! Look at the dog in the video, it's finding the fact it can act like a lunatic rewarding and hence keeps going, even when the decoy runs off. Wow what fun, hey you do it again! You find dogs like yours can be scanning and looking out for a reason to react because they either 1) find it so great they want to do it again or 2) feel the need they have to because you don't step in to show them it's not necessary. Why don't you turn her around, walk her away and regain focus when she quietens down? Depends what is causing the reaction but corrective equipment can be applied to diminish the drive and show her the behavior is unwanted. You should be reinforcing calm behavior throughout the whole walk, another thing to consider is your dogs body language... is she actually calm or is she just bottling, waiting to explode?
  9. I second Jane Harper or Craig Murray at dogschool.com.au
  10. I have used Dogtainers, but if you're on the flight the dog will go on contact your airline about putting them on as your freight allowance, a lot cheaper
  11. no main register papers means you can only ever backyard breed with him. Desex or not to desex is your choice, I would leave him until at least 18 months of age, but breeding I wouldn't because you cannot put him to registered health tested bitches. Your boy is an absolute stunner though, you are very lucky! Gorgeous!
  12. What are you doing to redirect his attention to you. You are totally right, he is anxious and ready to go because he is getting his rewards from the outside world, you dont have anything to offer him except to be the one trying to hold him back (thats what his mind sees anyway) What does he go bananas over? Ball? Tug? Cheese? Kabana? Smoked Salmon? Whatever it is, you reserve that as a super special thing he gets when he focus's on you. So you're ready for a walk, start in the drive way. Natural focus should be rewarded all the time, every time he looks at you praise, extended look at you give him a reward as a jackpot bonus. Constant trickling of treats I dont do, I would rather the dog work hard to get that super special one then just the same reward for whatever level of behavior. Start your walk, when he pulls ahead turn around, call him, engage him and reward for focus. Border collies are dynamic dogs, but they can also be tenacious when in drive. He'll want to bark but in fact take advantage of his excitement and harness it to be directed towards you. Your value increases, other things decrease, bingo bango suddenly you're the best thing since sliced bread. Takes a little time but be mindful of the speed these dogs brains work at. If you're one step behind they'll leave you behind very easily!
  13. I have come to learn unless they're securely in a metal crate, keep them noisy. If they go quiet you know that means something is blocking the whinge mechanism and invariably it will be a lot smaller and in a lot more pieces then it started as
  14. Yeah we borrowed a friends car once when our panel van died, while we were in buying a new one Rogue (as a puppy) decided to chew on the bottom of the steering wheel ... lucky it was an old bomb we almost died! Ironically Scooby is wonderful in the car, she lounges along the front seat of the van, squinting and lapping up the comfort. I think she knows, chew the mercedes and out the front door quick smart O_o Noooo ... this cant be the same dog who ripped the tail off the guy in the cat suit and did victory laps around my back yard with it (yes, Nekhbet can throw one hell of a party) See Paco can be a party animal ... here he is sprung on the lap of a very drunk German tattooist
  15. Well Snooza confirmed they can't resuscitate this one
  16. Oh I know destruction ... rescue working line GSD after a little stint in the car ... Actually I just had to have one of my front windows replaced, someone came into the front yard and one of the Mals decided to head but the glass. Hey, at least she didn't go through it :laugh: I told her she owes me $150. I've known of a couple of Malinois that have actually jumped straight through windows and chased people off the property. Comes with having a dog not really scared of much and a high guarding instinct.
  17. Yup. I'm one of the few females that rock up ... mmmmm more eye candy for me
  18. Goodness I completely forgot about that, I have to run them an email with photos
  19. I know it's like an old chook's club ... they all get together to complain about the out of control young of today Interestingly Scooby doesn't want to really interact with other dogs, she barks at most of them confused. She has a boyfriend which is a GSD x though, he's just as special as her
  20. Extremely typical. They're up themselves, snobbish and control freaks. The first time Scooby met Rogue she went in hackles up, stiff posture, poked Rogue in the face repeatedly and I had to put a broom between them as she was looking for a confrontation. A couple more weeks interacting through a dog pen/barrier and after the hormones had flushed out she's the bottom of the pile at my place. My eldest bitch is a total cow. She makes it her mission to go see what everyone is doing, it has to be to her standards, not too much noise or she has to tell everyone off ... hence being called the Fun Police. Hence why they're also not for most people. Yes Scooby was apparently a 10 month old male Belgian Shepherd x Malinois ... then turned into a GSD x ... then *poof* suddenly it's an 18 month old bitch (she was at the pound for a month) She's a Malinois for sure, we're pretty sure we know what lines she comes from too as there is a certain dog that throws this body shape even in bitches.
  21. limit water but dont deprive them totally, it needs water to soften and pass through. Get ready for some massive poos! My rottie ate 5kg of royal canin once, he wasnt fed for 2 days. Despite looking like a pregnant cow he still somehow managed to pull the 'I'm starving' face :laugh:
  22. I still don't understand what this 'bed' is that you speak of ... white stuff? Was there when I got out here Rogue's closer... I blame her Scooby continues her air of nonchalance ...
  23. Only taken her a couple of months Persephone ... she's finally wanting to play with toys, and now she can fetch. She has the sweetest excited face on her when she returns the toy to you, it's like her greatest achievement :laugh: she still wont play tug, it's too confrontational for her. We're sloooooooowly breaking down that big mental wall of fear and lack of confidence We think someone wanted a big tough guard dog, beat her until she broke to try and get her to do it, then just 'set her free' because she wasn't what they wanted. She was found wandering farms, starving and shy. Now that she's coming out of her shell she's SUCH a fast learner, she will do backflips for a little lick of food and is enjoying basic training. That's why we're not totally mad at her lol we're just not going to let her have any nice beds for a while
  24. Would you believe my lot won't use them. I got some from Aldi last time they had some, they wobbled around on them with a WTF look on their faces, then the bordeaux lay on one and it collapsed. Threw one out, gave away the other :laugh: OH just rang to see how my day is going, he cracked up laughing when I told him what his little princess Scooby had done. Must have been the ferrets O_o I have an overwhelming notion to dump a dozen of them into all that foam but I have a niggling voice somewhere in the back of my mind screaming BAD IDEA BAD IDEA
  25. I don't see why people are quick to say Kirislin's actions could cause the woman trouble at work her OWN actions create a complaint. That is inappropriate behavior in a workplace and she should be reported particularly because she's also insulting a customer. There are repercussions for one's behavior, if people complained a little more about poor service you would probably find it would improve.
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