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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I use oats and milk powder as a fattener, if I have a dog that just wont get the weight on BUT it's not used long term. Enough to get the condition on and it's an extra meal added in the day, I wouldnt feed it long term.
  2. yup slippery floors are a no no too but backyard zoomies are grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! My Malinois used to run as a 10 week old and the only way she stopped was to run head first into the fences :laugh: 10 years old and going strong, I dont think it affected her too much *twitch*
  3. nope, it's not from Africa or Europe and you have 10 minutes before I have to leave lol
  4. nope lol let me know when you need clues two word name, here's another colour
  5. All I can say is look at the dog food and treat industry. How massive it is, and how much crap we give our dogs. I get asked on a daily basis what is good for a dog to chew on to keep its teeth clean! Because so many vets and companies have them scared that bones and raw food will somehow kill their dogs but its OK to feed them grain and industrial byproducts shaped into something cute instead. And big low protein, mill run kibble at $100 bag that says dental on it. Chewing is a satisfying part of a dogs life, to sit there and scrape, gnaw, crack away at meat on the bone for a few hours how awesome is that. Its as good for their mental health as it is for their physical because a set portion takes so long to eat and satisfy. I cringe when I hear dogs that are 'too lazy' to chew bones - too well fed. Processed products are killing us and they're killing our animals at the same time. I dont see what is wrong with dogs eating little bits during the day, especially dogs that have owners that are alone or older, as long as there is a line drawn somewhere as to quantity and what is given. My mums pomeranian lived almost 15 years eating tid bits off the side of her plate the most spoiled little dog in Melbourne, every vet praised how young he looked and I agree, he did. Food as love is understandable, but at least balance it out with exercise or low calorie alternatives if you have the need to feed. But yes, some vets too need to understand the concept of truly fit condition of good muscle tone and low body fat compared to just crap food fed at lower portions. I visited two poodles once which their vet said were in fabulous condition because they were not fat - well they had no muscle either and their coats were so dry. That is not 'fit' either.
  6. That pup needs a serious temperament test ASAP. Desexing is not going to change his behaviour if he has been displaying it from 8 weeks old and how do I know? Because I lay down a lot of money on a dog I get at that age showing the guarding/drive traits I want and will grow. My bitch was guarding the whelping box and my back step at 7 weeks of age, she's 2 years old now and she's no different. Her brother was the same and in fact by 7 months old was ready to take on the world temperament wise. Your BYB sold you a dog with probably a genetic temperament problem. Get the dog assessed by a professional ASAP as well as working out a proper behavioral regime, but desexing is by no means your cure at all in fixing this behavior. You're buying a lottery ticket on that theory. Unless the dog has massive hormonal problems, which puppies do not, it can help make a dent in the dogs attitude at times. But you dont know until you try it and then it can swing one of three ways - better, worst, or nothing at all. Frankly, you should have returned the pup to the breeder by 9 weeks with this level of reactivity which is NOT tolerated in the breed. Either that or he is not pure labrador.
  7. I dont make meal sized portions I make a weeks worth at a time and leave it in a big tub in the bottom of the fridge. I do 10kg of meat at a time :laugh: 4 dogs and 17 ferrets on the stuff I cant fault it
  8. way too much grain, and she's lacking vital nutrition and balance with that diet. Sounds like something you would feed a pig. Why dont you look into the Vets All Natural range if you are not keen on processed foods, at least she wont be lacking and it's not 'dry' food. www.vetsallnatural.com.au
  9. Why are you preventing her running around the back yard? A dog has to develop, exercise and grow, physical activity is a vital part of that. As long as it is not forced prolonged periods, jumping or falling off things let her go. Nothing worst then a locked up pup all grown up then watch the joint problems follow once they start 'normal' dog life.
  10. They're the best thing since sliced bread to be honest and I wish Victorian law would go die in a hole so we can get some dogs trained properly instead of sending them off to die because everyone wants to be so nauseatingly PC about everything. I believe ANKC grounds do not allow them, the RSPCA does not like them despite them being legal in those states and hence they just want to make life difficult. It's about bullying tactics, you're allowed but they'll make your life miserable. Keep using it if it works and tell everyone else to mind their own business.
  11. daaawwwwwwwww close but no cigar fbaudry, espinay got it! There are 4 different types of Sennehund actually
  12. OK Ill be a meany about this one ... it's a toughie!
  13. I know the dog is a hero, but how is that poor animal going to live out its life with half of its face missing. $20,000 will save a lot of dogs in the phillipines that need the help
  14. I use the Rudducks Flea Di shampoo on everything, especially new ferrets. You dont need to suds it up too much at all, they seem to die and fall off very quickly As for the bare patch on the rump, go the old Cetrigen purple spray
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