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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. http://www.steveaustindogtrainer.com/ Steve does it with his dogs. There's no nice way to do it with dogs and if you're going to ambush the dog at least make sure they cant smell or hear the ambusher
  2. You can't discount the theory totally, but to rely on it 100% as being the root of all problems is not believable either. I'm inclined to agree though, on spoiled, no consequence labrador flexing her now adult muscle at an owner that has shown little consistency or leadership in the dogs eyes, and shes fighting fire with fire.
  3. Yup but it's not like you can have time off really or put the dog aside if something comes up. I have a new Mal here, 13 month old male who knows nothing at all, he's a blank slate. He's needing at least 1-2 hours one on one attention a day from me, on top of everything else I have as well, he cant miss out at all and neither can the others. *twitch* I will get to sleep one day
  4. Google showed a few photos they think are similar so she must be one
  5. It's probably more worrying pound staff are making things up and they're the ones selling the dogs. I'm sure because she's quiet in the pound it can be taken as her normal temperament. Thats how it starts, how it ends can be extremely different. Sarplaninac are not dogs you mess around with, they'll literally be able to bring down an adult human if they feel their territory has been violated.
  6. There are a couple of breeders of Sarplaninac down here in Victoria but they are proper ones, there is also someone in NSW doing it. There is also a man crossing them with Kangals in Vic as well but from my info many of them develop blue eyes and are quite NQR temperament wise. Sarplaninac dont take that long to produce a coat to be honest, if she has Sarplaninac in there it's a cross with something else.
  7. Thats not an illyrian sheepdog, it's a cross of one at best. By the way an Illyrian Sheepdog is basically a Sarplaninac, her coat is not long enough and she looks crossed with anatolian. She's a LGD, give her time to settle in and watch her go. She needs to be assessed either way by a LGD expert. Where does the name divide come in? Illyrians are basically modern Albanians. They occupied areas including the Sars Mountains which stretch from Kosovo, northwest Macedonia to northern Albania. Now we all now how much people love each other in these areas how many names do you think the Sarplaninac has?
  8. OMG that poor puppy, I would throw that damn collar in the bin. It's not made for babies, I agree with Rebanne call the RSPCA and the council, take photos the collar is on the pup.
  9. they are in families as I get them as well but very tiny. You cant really go too wrong to be honest, nothing terrible will happen at all. But if you're too nervous just wait for the vet to do it with a local.
  10. I'm genuinely interested in the thought process of such an extreme diet for a dog that does not require it medically. Keeping chickens for eggs by definition is not a vegan ideal I thought so if the dogs are getting eggs why not give them humanely raised meat? Again, chemical wise it cant just be the issue since the dogs are not fed a 100% certified organic diet. By the way certified organic does not mean chemical FREE it means residues are below a threshold level in some cases.
  11. Feed him indoors with little stimulus and also use them as a way of teaching him to chill out, have a meal and sit on it so he doesnt develop gastric upsets too. You may find he ups his intake. Feeding times and ratios are really important for the long term physical health of your dog particularly if you want to do a lot of structured activity with him :) Look into the sprinter gold, it may be worth just a raw diet then for him as you can fiddle more with the protein vs carb levels and can add you additives. Personally he's still growing, so I wouldnt go too crazy with supplements and high energy diets for a little more, as long as it's enough to keep him up and going he will grow into a more mature look in a few months :)
  12. I didn't assume anything at all I actually asked a question about what your thought process was. Why are vegans so defensive all the time? As for lack of contaminants, grains are actually one of the most contaminated products on the planet compared to meat to ensure they 1) actually grow to maturity and are not smothered in weeds and 2) whilst stored to not be decimated by moulds, bacteria and insect pests. I sell a lot of these chemicals at work and they are horrific. Your dog food is not certified organic and only where possible does the company add organics. Again I was asking would you have a problem feeding your dogs a home made diet if you saw the animals were raised humanely and killed humanely. You keep chickens and take their eggs so really you're not totally living the vegan ideal. I think too many people forget that without food, an animal will die. WHen you are starving, desperate and have no other option you eat what you get or you fade away. Many animals will resort to eating food on the path of least resistance, so when wolves, coyotes, wild dogs etc scavange at dumps and eat all manner of SALT, SUGAR and FAT filled foods to keep them going they will. It doesnt mean if they suddenly spot a limping screaming rabbit they will glaze over and turn back to a few berries or roots. Food is about survival, and our modern dogs are like that as well - they have no option but to eat what you give them or die. No normal animal will starve itself, so they will eat it, they may not like it or it may not be really that good for them but they deal with it or risk death. The body has ways of preserving itself on some absolutely shitful diets people insist their dogs are doing well on, which is again where the mistake comes in that the dogs do 'fine' on crap.
  13. Pets Corner Store on corner Albert Street and Port Highway, Moolap should sell it, I buy all my meat from there and its at a great price, they mince it themselves
  14. I use Muscle pro and no, it's not for every day use. You use it a week at a time like Rebanne said but really thats all you need. Look into the Sprinter Gold Energy E oil, it's cheaper then any other fish oil you will find and it's magic stuff. The ACE is an antioxidant you can use before exercise with a meal, I also use Recharge when training and for my bitch that ended up with acidosis I found that Neutradex worked a treat. Before you go too far into supplements get some advice, especially if you want to use some of the more specialty greyhound ones. Meantime they're best price from www.greyhoundproductsdirect.com.au Your dog is still young, watch giving him too much 'high energy' and energy giving foods as it increases activity levels which in turn decreases weight gain. I was warned by a Royal Canin rep an already hyperactive dog can just be more active and not conditioned on the 4800, that too is 30% fat so watch adding more oils to the diet :) At least yours has the excuse of a picky eater, mine eat like horses and still go through skinny minny stages.
  15. do what my grandmother does ... get some fine strong cotton, double reef knot it and tie it around the base very tightly. Rub some straight alcohol on it every day and they dry up and fall off.
  16. No I understand metabolism and digestion, it was your bracketing of the word cooked that led me down a different path as to what you meant. As for contaminated animals I'm not understanding really your point as to not feeding a commercial dry food or making your own raw diet from animals you know have been humanely dispatched. Basically it's just coming down to the fact you dont like animal products in your house or is it a genuine health choice for your dogs?
  17. Donna I'm just curious as to what you find so great about an ingredient list like this? All ingredients are GMO free and human grade; organic where possible. Full fat soya, corn gluten, corn, rice, flaxmeal, yeast, brewer’s yeast, sunflower and soy oil (cold pressed organic), vital amino acids, vitamins and minerals, natural enzymes, spirillina, kelp, yucca extract, Omega 3 and Omega 6, Taurine, LCarnitine, Amylase, vegetarian chicken flavour, Prebiotic, Aa, DHA and EPA. compared to something like BARF or Vets All Natural diets? I'm also wondering what dyscrasia exactly you found without animal protein like eggs in the diet?
  18. Am I saying training is the cause and solution to everything? No. In some cases medication can help but at the same time a knowledgable professional needs to be involved to help. I have seen BCs with that same frozen look in their faces, it is very hard to get through to them when they start that. Genetics can play a big part, and in no way am I saying your dog is something you can fix with the click of your fingers. I think working with an experienced herding breed person is a great start for you. Geelong has a LOT of BCs, most off farms or backyarders and some you just push the wheelbarrow up hill for quite a while to get their behavior to a normal level. Not impossible just a lot more work then the average dog. Changing a dogs behavior will also come down to what people are willing to do. Sometimes you have to confine them in a small crate and put a blanket over them, use equipment you dont necessarily want to reach for first time, sometimes let them throw almighty fits until that rubbish anxiety purges itself and they can use their brains once more. Snook you have struck gold and I think you actually found a behaviorist not a trainer. You cannot change a dog without proper evaluation and understanding about what is driving the reactions. You're not fixing a wonky sit for competition you're looking at the whole picture. This is what gets me with a LOT of people who are now advertising they are more then trainers. You're not going to sort anything out long term or make a dog happy if you dont truly understand what every little twitch and movement being exhbited is backed with in that dog you're trying to help. Get it wrong and the mistakes can be horrific with the wrong dog. As for my comment being 'poor form' as someone has said, Corvus over time has gladly made a point that her knowledge is supposedly far superior to mine and that my advice is worth nothing over her own. Fact. So yes I am very surprised that her dog at a young age had been put on prescription medication. I have read Corvus problems with Eric at a young age and over time so frankly, I think I'm well enough informed to be a bit taken aback that medication was used on this dog - unless what I read is not true. Yelling at a dog achieves nothing particularly when he has not been taught to stop. Cuddling a dog that has frustrated you, that's enough to give you a two pad salute from that animal that you're not consistent or that nothing really comes along from you to stop him doing it. Bringing arousal down allows a dog to learn the alternative desired behavior, it wont stop a behavior totally, that's when you really hit the dog with a massive amount of reinforcement at low arousal and catch them before they escalate again. All you're doing is opening that brain for learning, not extinguishing a behavior. If it was that easy we'd all be out of a job :laugh: They are ready to think, hey why do X when you can be REALLY rewarded for doing Y? I know you're not into corrections so your road will be longer and you will have to be more on top of this dog, and he will shit you for a lot longer because there is really no punisher for his annoying behaviors. OK there is no reward but then, does he care there is no reward from you for exhibiting the unwanted behavior like barking or taking it upon himself to guard the place?
  19. I'm feeding mums pug on it too now and the smell from her ears, skin and nose fold has gone. Before she needed daily wiping and cleaning, washing once a week now I only have to do her now and again. Coats shinier and she's bloody fast for a 10 year old :laugh: First few days on it though, hooooooly dooly the poopy intestinal detox *phew*
  20. Corvus I can't believe you actually put your dog on prescription medication instead of just putting your foot down with his behavior I am really flabbergasted particularly since you spend so much time preaching to other people with what to do. A dog that wired just has not been taught to sit down and calm down - the owner needs to do it. He's no different then the many adolescent dogs throwing themselves around pens at pounds supposedly for being too hyperactive/out of control. TSD is right routine is the killer, but consistency and patience is a different thing. Entrench a dog in routine and breaking it rocks their world, you keep eroding their ability to cope with change.
  21. kibble wont prevent tartar build up at all, I am yet to see a dog on even premium kibble with shiny white teeth. Get bones bigger then your dog can possibly swallow. Teeth cleaning has to involve ripping of bits of meat, connective tissue etc and using ALL the teeth, not just those gluten and glycerine laden dental chews that only the molars chew. A dog doesnt use its canines or incisors to chew kibble either so how do they get clean? The smallest dog I have on a raw diet is a pug who had a dental. No more dry food it's rubbish, she even gets nice big bits of bone to molest lol no smell and her teeth are staying clean
  22. no the point is more 99% of people like to think that aggression is fear based, makes the whole thing seem more softy wofty and less real that a dog would actually WANT to bite a person through any other reason. Why is your dog growling to make it get down from you? That is NOT your dogs place to do that. Your dog follows the pup everywhere because you allow it and it's something new to try and corral around the house because you have not taught it otherwise. Aggression in labradors is not totally unheard of, I know of one labrador male that almost ripped the door off a delivery truck on its property. This pup needs a proper assessment as well as learning NOW what the right thing is to do. Your veterinarian is not a behaviorist and frankly should not be putting a BABY on medication. If needs be I'm happy to take the pup for a few weeks, see how it goes in a pack situation and learn from some other dogs. Gloves, meds and castration is not how to handle a puppy like this at all.
  23. Frankly I think we spend too much time anthropomorphising - hence we think our dogs have things like ADHD, aspergers etc which is not true. We also feed our dogs behaviors to fulfill our ideals, don't say 'no' because everyone does it to a degree. Some people are just blatantly worst then others. We are shrinking the natural world. Our dogs are living in a more sterile, artificial environment and it's only getting worst. Look at the products available now - artificial treats, artificial chew toys, artificial freaking grass! No wonder our dogs are displaying more and more manic behaviors, they can't be 'dogs' or we think there's something wrong with them. They chew our stuff, they piss on our carpet, they dig a hole in our manicured gardens, they bark when they hear another dog from within their confined space of a yard with high fences they can't see through and suddenly we're up in arms about their behavior. Routine is also the maker of anxiety - entrench a dog in a massive routine and they will stress when you have to break it. Mix life up, the simple pleasures are often the ones that make a dog the happiest. Chewing a bone, making a mess, zooming about barking, it's all part of the doggy way to let out their innate behaviors. We stress and obsess about our dogs happiness and needs, somehow so many people forget to actually do things that genuinely fulfill canine needs. I agree with you Cosmolo MANY dogs are not taught an off switch. I think it also comes back to us where we feel the need for constant entertainment and stimuli on a day to day basis. Dogs need quiet time, they need to learn to just go sit down, shut up and relax. I have working Malinois, my GOD if I had to entertain them all the time they would never sleep. From the minute they're mine they learn quiet time. Not go chew a bone or play with a toy, just lay down and relax. If I have days at home they will lounge about me and sleep or just relax for majority of the day. It doesnt mean come dinner time they're vibrating because they haven't been entertained at all, in fact they just keep sleeping. Any dog can do it. As for less anxiety with exercise, I think you're right in part but at the same time you're redirecting that internal anxiety that manifests as an unwanted behavior into a structured exercise that the dog has to actually think about. Instead of working on auto pilot, ding ding the light globe has to come on and we have to think about what we do. Once that brain kicks in you see a lot of the reacting stop. A lot of exercise also helps wear the dog out in general and not sit, bottling up all that unused energy into an explosive habit. We also come back to just plain old training. A hundred bad walks does nothing but reinforce unwanted behavior, the owner gets frustrated and the basic relationship that is used to work with the dog breaks down. The more walks, the worst it gets. The dog is also self rewarding because nothing is preventing it acting poorly. I tell clients with reactive dogs if you DONT feel well or are frustrated/tired/angry spend quality time with the dog AT HOME and dont just force a walk until it all falls apart. The dog learns nothing, you dont get a consistent improvement instead a constant up down because you're forcing it. I would rather 2-3 great walks a week then 7 shite ones, the rest of the time bonding and relationship building at home through other exercises. Dog still sleeps and doesnt tear the place apart.
  24. just add calcium powder or calcium sandoz syrup at the ratios on the container to any raw diet you make or just use the VAN mix which will balance it out. Bones are for teeth too, get big meaty bones she cant eat and remove them when she's done tearing the edible bits off.
  25. I put the required amount of dry in a tub and soak it for a couple of hours, then mix the meat into it with my industrial sized spoon lol THe complete mix has dried veges and fruit, rolled oats, flax seed, cracked barley, whole oats (which come out whole in the poop) and dried herbal additives like garlic, parlsey, barley grass, kelp, yeast, calcium, lecithin, Vit C. Smells quite nice. I add a couple of Sprinter Gold greyhound products in there to help with muscle mass and energy/prevent cramping when they work as well. The ferrets get meat mixed with the Health Booster powder as the whole oats are too big for them to process properly, they get some soaked minute oats in there during the cooler weather or some bran to help with fibre.
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