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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. Dogs regurgitate what they cannot digest. That is normal canine behavior. Weight bearing bones of animals such as shanks/marrow bones/chicken drumsticks are not as digestible due to their density and growth pattern, hence a dog will vomit them up, usually black too. What your dog can digest depends on their diet. Dogs on a raw diet will regurgitate less often as they should have the stomach acid to handle raw bones. Dogs on processed diets that do not eat them regularly will have trouble and they're usually the ones that have them get stuck.
  2. I do it because I get better focus and work out of them during the day, if we're not doing anything they sleep the meal off. Working days get a smaller meal given early in the morning so they dont sit on a massive meal. I feed twice a day so they dont get used to eating massive meals, and ocassionally they have to miss out so it's not a big deal ... mine would eat me alive if I only fed once a day anyway
  3. You need to feed your dogs in the morning not the evening. I dont know where this habit started. Give them 3/4 of what you are feeding now in the morning, and something raw like a chicken neck or 2 at night before bed. Supercoat is as good as pig food, so it wont keep them trim and well muscled in the long term. Feeding evening only puts the dog in starvation mode all day while exercising, then they sleep on their meal during the night. Swap to raw feeding if you really want premium body condition, it wont cost the earth with two small dogs. BARF patties or the Vets All Natural mix which is very easy to use.
  4. yup indeedy which is why I dont like it. Animals cannot comprehend what is happening to them and a proper freak out whilst on them or trying to then wean them off is not uncommon. Have a crate handy, a strong one.
  5. they're one and the same breed no matter the colour. DDR/Czech/East Block/West Germ/show etc they're all the same dog. I apparently have a Belgian x Malinois ... she also started life in the pound as a 10 month old male ... suddenly she became a 20 month old female :laugh:
  6. to haredown whippets. He's not a baby and it's not cute because he's orange and fluffy. Blow him up to the size of a rottweiler and tell me if you would think he's just a baby and his behavior is not that bad. As for your room mate, it's YOUR dog and up to YOU to not allow aggressive behavior towards humans. Sorry but you are partly to blame in that situation as you did not protect her from your dog. Mums pomeranian latched onto me one day. I can tell you it hurts like hell, it's not cute and frankly it's dangerous as he managed to sink his teeth into my palm to the bone. Put him in a crate, teach him it's none of his business to guard the place, thanks for the warning but it's the humans job to manage.
  7. demodex is linked to a weak immune system, the body cannot fight the mite and hence it keeps taking hold when the medication stops. A good diet and supplements that target immune function are a good start as well as probiotics - a healthy gut is a healthy immune system.
  8. not every burglar is afraid of dogs, a lot of crims do know what they're doing. Also that man didn't do what a lot of people could have done which is whack them with a stick or weapon - it causes immense emotional trauma to an untrained dog. Even that shepherd the best it did was a cornered fear nip which an intruder probably would have punched it for. Conversely the 16 year old delinquent from across the road now has a massive Malinois phobia ... I lock my dogs up to protect them from people, not intruders from them. I have already had my dogs injured and payed massive vet bills to have them patched up after 2 break ins to steal my bordeaux as a pup, the first had me come home to my Malinois' hind leg gashed open, the second they bashed the bordeaux over the head with a piece of timber and he almost lost his eye. Both had permanent physical scarring from it, and the Skoota had to have weeks of constant medicating and vet visits to save his eyeball.
  9. I have a school just behind the GODC grounds, I accept all breeds and behaviors. www.inlinek9.webs.com
  10. Conversely people need to start looking at alternative pets like rabbits and goats.
  11. Dont go reading up about all the chemicals and what they do to your vegetables then you'll stop eating all together. There's more to suffering then a pair of brown eyes and lashes. Your dogs shouldn't have to suffer an unnatural diet because of what people read on the internet. Worry about your own dogs health BEFORE anything else.
  12. If your hand is in his mouth put your thumb under the tongue or push it further into his mouth if he has a good grab. Your dog has not learned a limit on what is acceptable. He's not a baby anymore but in his mind he never progressed past the baby stage of teeth supposedly being allowed on you, hence when he gets revved up it's game on. Make it unpleasant and he will remember that, he's way too big a dog to still do it.
  13. Congrats Jo, I know how hard you all have worked to get to this!XOXO
  14. well the old dear hasnt the best vision so unless we're in a fenced area she has to be on lead, otherwise she just tends to put her head down and not pay attention where she's going :laugh: as for stubborn, yeeesh never knew a pug was happy to bail up a working malinois under the dining table and proceed to hold her there growling like a demon
  15. saying that a lack of leash worked well on the pug Minimax :laugh: you should see those little legs pump away to come back off lead ahh food drive
  16. Why a harness? All my pups get started on collars and leads and no one has died a horrific death or suffered some unimaginable emotional distress. None of my clients dogs have either. Harnesses and all this fiddle faddle equipment are fairly recent, we did fine without them for many many years before. I believe in starting how you want to end. Why use a harness or some other rubbish if you want to end up on a collar. People want too much. They want to be able to go on big walks and have a well mannered dog without 1) learning handling skills and 2) without successively training the dog to respond to them. Sorry but you NEED handling skills. Its why everyone used to go to dog club, to learn how to handle the dog and others you bought afterwards. Now people think you head straight to the pet shop and the equipment will help you. Dog training is not rocket science despite what some people try and make it out. You dont need to keep buying rubbish, if you cannot walk your dog and it wont listen to you, instead of running off to buy another piece of equipment you need to think 'well hang on, why isnt the dog interested'. Most of the time it's because there is no relationship built between the owner and the dog, and the owner is worth little under distraction. No equipment will fix that. Save your money and just relationship build. If your dog cant go for a big walk well do a half to one hour training session in your front yard instead. Teach the dog slowly to accept distractions and test yourself how exciting you are when someone walks past. Oh I have seen someone that runs on that theory O_o no. I mean gimick equipment that promises to solve the worlds problems. We have also forgotten how to use a lead properly, it is not just a tether it is a tool to help you communicate with your dog and help it learn.
  17. People ... people ... people ... we have totally forgotten the thing that will actually fix the dog! TRAINING! *faint* throw the equipment in the bin and train the dog. Really, stop worrying about what the dog likes and doesnt like, it's why the dog is needing more equipment and changing it.
  18. seen plenty that do it :laugh: tell him off, if you dont like it, dont let him. Easy. It's not just a male dog thing either.
  19. I think she's a backyard breeder, I have PMd you the link I found for her had a bit more of a dig, she's a horse breeder and none of her whippets have papers she just breeds them on the farm too. Find yourself a new breeder with papers
  20. try the leerburg formula I have found Di Vetalact and the RC puppy starter mousse blends easily with not too much water added and stacks weight on quickly. You can add nutrigel or mince to the mix
  21. What breed is the dog? Call me crazy but I see a lot of frustration and potential in a working breed not necessarily a maniac. If there is no one skilled to handle a dog like this then its nothing but warehousing and a waste - of course shitty behaviors escalate when people who dont know what they're doing are handling the dog. If there is someone who could take all this energy and harness it then there is a chance. It always comes down to is there a safe place for an animal like this, NOT is it straight off the cuff good or bad. I've rehomed a couple of pretty extreme animals and they're living their lives happily in their new homes because they're right for them.
  22. I recommend Mark Singer http://www.caninetraining.com.au/ As for the owner stipulating how the dogs are to be trained, frankly if owners like this knew what they were doing well enough in the first place these problems wouldn't be there. He's a great trainer, he's not going to abuse the dogs and he is extremely experienced.
  23. Nekhbet

    Crating A Puppy

    You're better off building a section of your backyard as a run with a kennel. This is way too much time in a crate for a puppy at that age. At this stage you're looking at 15-16 hours in a crate a day minimum, and he should be outside pooping, running about, eating dirt and causing havoc. I can tell you you're in for a dog that learns to mess up his crate or develop boredom habits, even a giant crate, which I own, I would never leave a pup in all day. What happens if you're late home from work or can't get back at lunch time? You have a bursting pup in a sectioned crate that now has to either hang on whinging and squealing to be let out or sit in his own poop until you get back. Dogues need to be outside, they are a mastiff breed that needs to stretch their legs and build that skeletal structure. If your place needs more work I'm sure your breeder wont have an issue holding him back until it's secure. If dogs can get into your yard, no matter the age of the dog you're in for problems. An adult dogue wont tolerate intruders too well, build a fence or put up electric.
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