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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. These tests are useless for several reasons; Firstly, they rely on common markers found in their breed samples. It's not 'breed' dna, just common markers in that breed from that sample group. Considering dogs are the same species and all breeds share the same genes just different variants of those genes, how many crossovers do you think you will get. Secondly, it's just done on probability calculated from their samples. They missed breeds and took markers from specific gene pools totally removed from the dogs we have available now. The whole thing is a marketing marvel and a rather iffy exercise into statistics - lets LOOK all scientific to the public and charge them through the nose for it :D If you want a dog of known heritage, buy a pedigree dog. Simple. Otherwise fork out for an even less educated guess then you could probably make yourself with a few experienced dog people to help you.
  2. you have to bond with the dog first. Make a sound, as soon as it looks give it a reward. Repeat this a hundred times and make a fuss over the dog every time as well as give the reward. Bingo bango dog learns that attention pays off without having to put a command to it which makes it a 'sometimes' behavior instead of a base line standard of behavior all the time. No means nothing to a puppy. Grumbling and telling off is all well and good but achieves little unless you immediately show the dog the desired alternative and reward it for that. Don't leave them hanging and don't give them dead air, or they do the unwanted behaviour anyway and you're the one left escalating. NILIF does not mean being that harsh, nor am I saying be a treat dispenser. Be fair and worth working for, just like a good boss at your own work. You want to work, they motivate you and reward you at the end for your efforts, give you constructive criticism. Conversely how hard would you work for a boss that offered minimum wage, rarely told you you're doing right and is quick to point out everything you're doing wrong.
  3. I agree, the mini poodle would be an easier size with children. Schipperke, pinschers, most of the terriers like the jack russel, fox, irish, etc are robust enough to live in a family as well as do obedience and agility :)
  4. put the puppy outside, he's not that delicate and he needs to be out in the fresh air and sunshine - also better running amok outside then destroying your house. Take him in the car, carry him if you must but dont lock him away or you end up with nothing but a shy pup. Simply avoid areas that are frequented by a lot of dogs and their poo, hence carrying or car is a great idea. If the pup prefers raw, stick with raw. There are the BARF and there are products like Vets All Natural, just make it up with the protein source your dog prefers and it takes the guess work out of raw diets as it's complete. Frankly both of those foods are not that good in quality, if he's not keen on it save your money and go with the raw. As for feeding bones, get yourself a nice dog crate, put some paper or a towel down and let him go for it in his crate and not make a mess :) also helps making crate time super fun!
  5. I don't have a photo of Lada, she's a mix type on the smaller side, brindle and cute as a button. Tell your friend to ring tomorrow morning Protection of Our Mother of God Ukranian Catholic Church Ihor/Olena Holovko (03) 5278 8349
  6. another thing to consider is if she has ringlock / strand fencing to change that. THe country is usually a lot of temptation for new dogs :p
  7. an 8 week old pup does not need soaked food, they need to learn to chew properly so I would be giving it dry. I did an experiment with supercoat and I think personally, it's abysmal food in the scheme of things. Massive poos, bad coats, little muscle tone and fleas. Yup. Fleas. Changed the diet back, fleas went away. If you are stuck on the dry food idea, try Royal Canin Labrador Junior. Otherwise have a look at the Vets All Natural diet you make up yourself.
  8. pups can eat raw from the minute they get off their mums booby. It's the pet food companies that have frightened us that raw meat is somehow dangerous. I know plenty of breeders that give their pups raw bones to crawl all over and gnaw from the minute they can and none of them have come to harm. Raw will always be best.
  9. I don't know if his accommodation over there is pet friendly in any way, I think he might be staying in church property. The church down here allowed it but he's far from the norm when it comes to that culture to be honest having an indoor dog in his house.
  10. Ukranian catholics are a weird inbetween of catholic and orthodox, they can be ordained if they are married, not married after becoming a priest, hence why so many of them sometimes wait until after marriage to finish. Yes it's too late to arrange anything for Lada to go to Austria with them and they do not have family here in Australia, they are originally from Ukraine. I was going to say I'm surprised no one from the church stepped up to take her, but I'm not really considering I grew up in that church and most of them are my relatives (including him in a distant way I do believe) He asked me but I don't have any space at all.
  11. If the dog is self harming to that extent PTS is the kindest option. I had a bull breed that did the same thing, he was a rescue, even proper sedatives didnt stop him he dragged himself paralytic across the floor screaming. Personally I think it's a genetic thing in some of these cross breeds, and when it's that ingrained it cannot be fixed. When management doesn't work there's only one option left. That option is not a failure, it's about standard of living.
  12. I just had a phone call from the priest in charge of the local Ukranian Catholic Church, he has to go to Austria for 2 years for his study and his family is coming with him. Unfortunately the home he had teed up for the dog has fallen through and he's leaving on tuesday The dog is Lada, she's a staffy cross, lovely nature, desexed, microchipped, good with kids, cats and other dogs. He's willing to pay for all food, medical etc for her or if the family loves her and she is too attached they can keep her when they return. If anyone knows of anything we need info ASAP, PM me and I can pass on their phone number to Ihor Thanks all!
  13. She came from Skyline Kennels in Melbourne, I think he really only bred one litter then skipped town :laugh: I got stooged on the papers, DogsVIC have them but still wont give them to me either. If her grandparents are anything to go by then in all probability yes she may be older but she's still spritely. Oh and now that she's officially 'old' she decided she's getting away with things, like climbing into OHs lap and pawing his face with her nails so he can't watch the telly. When he says down she pulls the 'but I'm old, you have to accept it' face
  14. you don't have to be jaundice to have liver problems, if the lipase was high and creatinine was low that means bloods are pointing to something out of the ordinary. It could just be the very beginning I would be doing bloods every day to see if the levels are changing.
  15. I can't believe my girl turned 10 years old today! From big eared, no brakes puppy to this wonderful, loving and loyal lady that bosses the house today. She's never left my side in all this time, she's the type of dog that would literally walk over hot coals for you out of loyalty. 10 years today and a lot more years left from the way she still outruns the youngun's! Thank you for being there for me Wilhelmina, and so you will be with me forever 10 weeks 6 months With her leg stitched back together after defending the backyard from intruders. Someone came over 2 fences to steal my Dogue, ende dup slashing her hind leg open. Didn't phase her one bit I found her hopping around the backyard on 3 legs with a ball in her mouth She may have the age, but she still has the youth, in mind and mostly in body lol
  16. it sounds like something is wrong with the dogs liver, it's similar to people who have liver disease including the fever, shaking, pain and dehydration. Check if the dog has an enlarged liver with ultrasound, conversely the high lipase levels could mean pancreatitis. If the urine output is looking good then it's not kidney disease which low creatinine levels could point too as well.
  17. that sounds like flea bite around the back end. Pug does that too and I found a flea on her under her curly tail, flea bathed and we're happy as larry.
  18. no the sprenger stainless is not just a coating, chrome chips and is a much lesser quality like Erny said. Chrome doesnt have to be near water to corrode and break down either, you get a better quality product avoiding it. Yup just like most of our BS laws can't do this, can't do that, and yet we have one heck of a major dog problem which is only going to get worst with restrictions on equipment and training.
  19. And thats why I tell people always go get a second opinion, third opinion, tenth opinion. If they're all the same then, well, you have a decision to make. I have not made PTS calls often at all, they have been very rare, and in the times I have I was the one that actually contacted other professionals on their opinion of the animal (which pretty much all but 1 was dumped on me). Those decisions weigh extremely heavily on my conscience still despite them being the right thing. And their problems were caused by people which made it harder. The day a decision like that doesn't affect me any more I'm hanging up my hat. Trust me, it has to be one very seriously dangerous or deranged dog for me to say PTS as an only option. I'm known as the person you come too when everyone else gives up :p
  20. I would never consider it a PTS case. I actually said your trainer set the bar too low in their expectations and that your dog has a potential for being better behaved then they told you as it's not that bad a problem. I said that a dog that has severe issues that have deep roots either genetically, physically etc and that can never be better are a case considered to be PTS if they have NO chance at long term quality of life. I was speaking in general with that sentence. And I mean dogs like one I had that broke open stainless steel vet cages while medicated, and ripped a window frame out of a wall because he couldn't see me. That type of problem.
  21. you can own them and buy as many as you want, you just cant use them. By the way, stay away from the chrome plated HS collars they're rubbish, go the solid stainless in all of the HS range and you wont regret it.
  22. I'll throw the spanner in the works ... OH did have a monster rottweiler, I have seen photos of this thing it was ridiculous. Paws on shoulders type, had a pedigree so he knew it was pure. Old throwback, unfortunately bone cancer took the dog. Some people do have stupidly large rotties, pure or not nothing stops people breeding outside of standard.
  23. you can use calcium sandoz syrup or why dont you get the Vets All Natural Health Booster powder which will make your diet complete. I would not feed any raw bone at all even minced after that type of problem.
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