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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I have found the Troy Calming paste works the best and is one of the cheapest
  2. Hey I've been to Corio Village ... and lived
  3. Yeah I didn't recommend that Jelly just leave her in there straight away, we still need to take things step by step so Roo actually learns by achievable goals life's not that bad when Jelly's not around. Home will be hard because so many habits are there but the fact she happily sat in the van with no stress reactions at all shows how situation specific her behavior actually is. A really bad separation anxiety dog I expected to carry on like a pork chop in my van especially as it's just so different, extremely confronting and the owner is not there to be the safety blanket. There's patterns that Roo has that she uses to set off learned behaviors, and as we all know old habits are hard to break. Not impossible, just take some time and patience. Once Roo learns some alone time with the crate, then we're going to tackle the backyard issue :) I think we'll get to a level that Jelly has more then one option to safely keep Roo at home while she's out. If her pain threshold wasn't as high as it is though half the problems would not be there :laugh: It is good to see she's doing so well already! She will exhibit old behaviors but like I said, let her brain kick in and she'll see how silly they actually are when such a good option is there ready for her to enjoy.
  4. Exactly right. OK he got a scare but he has to learn to deal with it because they will happen in life. There's a rather sterile notion of raising dogs recently and it's creating more problems then answers. Stress in dog training is not a bad thing at all UNLESS you let the dog decide the reaction and roll with it long term. That is how you create a reactive dog, because dogs make up some wonderful behaviors that make sense to them, and cause us quite a bit of distress :laugh: If you help a dog deal with the bad behaviors it possibly exhibits, teach it, guide it, long term you dont see problems. All puppies go through phases, how those phases exhibit themselves depends on gender and genetic temperament. There is variation even within a breed so don't think your dog is 'not normal' compared to what others may say to you unless they are very worrying behaviors like extreme fear, aggression, shyness etc that you cannot control whatever you do. A ridgeback is a hunting hound, a dog that is vocal and will show it's emotions through sound. The fact it may howl or bark at something that confuses or stresses it is a sign for you to step in and go, OK you don't need to do that right now, how about you earn a really awesome reward from me by doing X behavior I show you how to do instead. Your just had a howl and a bark, mine bailed the breeder up in the entrance hall at a few months old :laugh:
  5. I agree don't worry at all. Fear periods do NOT mean the dog is going to freak out, but that they start exhibiting 'abnormal' or more extreme behaviors in response to stimuli that normally would be quite normal to you or I. Your pup needs to be exposed to those scary things and you need to show him how to deal with it. If he has a fit or a loud session just calmly tell him enough, show him the alternative behavior of something like bed or crate and reward for decreasing anxiety and losing interest. The fear is not permanent unless you make it that way. Trust me, I have a breed that clings onto fears something fierce and even my beaten within an inch of breathing Malinois now shows guarding and prey drive like she should. Unless the genetic basis of the behavior is severely flawed, don't think puppy experimentation will be permanent. As I tell a lot of people, stop aiming straight for positive associations especially for some breeds around strangers. Aim for neutrality - so the human has no rewarding nor frightening aspect. It's easier to achieve for a dog then jump straight from bad to good because that inbetween step will always exist there mentally. Your dog should show little reaction except acknowledgement and no raise in excitement levels be they good or bad. Keep focus with interaction and a treat and remember, always reward calm behavior, you wont have a problem.
  6. yeah that sounds like me lol told you I'm speshal OK all I can say is YAY! Hey Trigger's a real man magnet too I'm sure you want to take him too O_o if in doubt with the calming paste I mix it with meat or conversely, put said calming paste on finger and rub on her gums :) no choice but to take it
  7. hey lets see if my theories work first :laugh:
  8. You can have all the contingency plans you want on paper, if you hire people with such blatant disregard you might as well wallpaper the dogs kennels with them. He stuffed up big time, out.
  9. We really do live in a society that can't accept responsibility can we? You're fat, it must be the junk food companies fault. Kids take all their illicit drugs in lines of festivals and OD, it must be because there's dog handlers there that frighten them. An idiot forgets a living being in a car in the heat, it must be because the car isn't air conditioned. We need to grow up. It's entirely that staff members fault, no one elses.
  10. No it's quite simple. If you're not in the car, neither is the dog. If you have to transport a dog then you do nothing else until that dog is safely in it's kennel or run. Common sense, you don't need a special vehicle at all you just need people with half a brain. Imagine if that was your own dog that you have entrusted someone to transport. Would you go on with your life if they just said sorry, I forgot your dog was there I was too busy. They would be in traction if that was one of mine.
  11. I agree. If you are that useless in caring for a living being then put your hand up and say don't let me near a dog it's not high on my priority list. Especially in WA of all places where the weather for dogs in cars at any time unattended is pretty much unacceptable. You 'forgot' is a piss poor excuse in killing a dog. I don't care how busy, dead tired or preoccupied you are, if you're 'too busy' to not kill a dog with negligence you shouldn't be anywhere near them. I would sack him too. This isn't a misplaced memo, this is a living being he neglected as well as setting the organisation back both in time and financially.
  12. Hey I'm a self professed bogan we forgot to take photos, which we should have because we had a Dogue, St Bernard and Malinois there too :D But here are some of last years photos of Nekhbet being a fat bogan whilst training dogs ... thank goodness my back got better and I dropped most of that weight ... but Mr Nekhbet is the spunky one so have photos of him instead
  13. I don't see so far why Jelly can't get out of the house and leave Roo. We're trying some radical things with Roo and a bit of a lifestyle change to prevent her hurting herself, she showed today she can do totally new things without having a freak out so I don't see why we can't generalise. A bit of life control never hurt anyone, and Roo is actually quite malleable. She's just got that tough bully breeding that doesn't care when the body gets hurt so painful behaviors don't stop her doing what she thinks is a great idea at the time.
  14. Roo and jelly are on their way home. There is a lot of promise in roo she didnt stress once and she spent a lot of time in my crate in a closed van totally relaxed. Met other dogs, walked nicely on lead by me without pulling to or being in eyeshot of jelly and gave me focus wagging her tail. Implementing a new routine for home so jelly can have her social life back and roo can be home alone.
  15. We'll have to put some photos up if Jelly likes. You can all see what a bogan I am
  16. let her put up a scan of her ANKC papers that shows it says English Staffordshire Terrier :) argument ended
  17. We've had a chat about a few things and we're going to start with a proper crate but I'll do it under supervision. I want to see how supposedly unfixable this dog is before throwing more things at her :)
  18. See I have seen firecrackers done correctly, and it can work a treat. This is just blatant stupidity he should have started down the other side of the oval with a cap gun to guage the dogs first.
  19. I'm surprised after all this time you've just started crate training. It should have been one of the first things this dog was taught, as well as a 'safe' zone to go to when stressed that it can calm down in. Dogs like this need an almost reprogramming (as much as I hate the word, you get the idea) you have to corner their minds into doing a productive exercise instead of a destructive one. Sometimes not all the sunshine and roses method people want to see but when it comes to extreme panicking you are left with limited options.
  20. Come and hang out at last chance saloon :laugh: even if all you get is an afternoon of chatting with other people and running her over agility equipment/run around
  21. If you're free on a Saturday afternoon why don't you bring Roo down to my school and see how she goes. Another eye can't hurt and call it an Xmas present ;) Conversely if you know someone that does engineering or you can get a hold of a 'dog box' that goes on the back of a ute, I know it's mean but put her into one of those, just big enough for her to fit in if you have to leave her alone. She can't get enough leverage to hurt herself and if she's not crate trained already you should start.
  22. Yup you're right, which is quite a shame because he's a smart man with some easily understood ideas on how to treat a dog like ... A DOG. It's just a shame our action and adventure loving world just picks out the extreme bits.
  23. I'll tell you why the ingredients look so poor and I questioned the product too when I first saw it. It's not just 'whole' ingredients that go into Royal Canin like other dog foods do. What they do is take the proteins in the main ingredients and chop them up so the body does not recognise them anymore as an allergen. It's not the cheapest process to do hence the price of the food, and why so many dogs can tolerate it.
  24. there is no reason why CMs methods wont create a dog that wont connect with you, it depends what you do. CM is not based only on punishment I think people forget that and just focus on one part. I never said NILIF is harsh at all. I said it has to be balanced though, don't tip things too far one way or another. I'll say it for you Erny, that's a load of shite. Find a trainer with experience, balance and a smart head on their shoulders that produces a happy puppy that will work for you. There are plenty of reward based trainers who can ruin a dog out there, trust me.
  25. I don't see why they warn off turkey because of it's fat content, you have to add fat to it to stop it drying out. It's quite a lean meat as it's more a game bird then a 'chicken'. Remember too most turkeys cooked have a heap of butter and fat shoved between the skin and meat as well as in the stuffing, that increases the fat content as well as the spices. That's probably where the warning comes from, not from the animal itself which, like most of our eating animals, are slaughtered as babies.
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