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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. is she getting some form of food or snack from someone or sneaking something you don't know about? A neighbour throwing over a treat? Visitor?
  2. I really don't understand that if it's not offensive or too close to someone elses what the issue is, from the sounds of it it's too choosy. If they don't accept my couple of choices there might be some stern phone calls :laugh:
  3. Mine all eat like horses, even if I get a fatty they're soon trim and eating more then they did before O_o pug was too fat and struggling to walk and breathe, now she's zooming around but eating double what she ate before. The malinois, jeezus if I could make them fat I'd be broke I think :laugh: A good attitude and exercise keeps a dog trim no matter the breed or age
  4. In reply to lolli's comment, yes outing a pup too early can create dissatisfaction in the game. It's got nothing to do with a motivational out which is the correct way if you want a rock solid out when the dog is in high drive, but everything with outing too early when the dog is tugging. Saying that her window of tugging is about to be cut short anyway with teething coming up, no tugging at all during that period or you really create problems.
  5. It can happen because you're never letting the dog truly be rewarded to the level it needs to be. It's got nothing to do with a dog that isnt trained properly, you can have the highest drive in the world and ruin the dogs pep during the developmental stage. Once again handler error. Michael Ellis is right on that one.
  6. ask your vet to order you a Buster muzzle from their vet supplier. I don't like the Baskerville muzzles by Purina as they're too short in the nose and frankly don't stay on. Either that or any stockfeeds place who orders through Shoof can get you their basket muzzles. I use them for aggressive dogs and they can't come off, very soft and very very strong. You're looking at $10-$15 for one.
  7. Brush her every day with a stripping brush and give her non edible bedding if she's grooming the bed as well all the time. The problem with the bed is that it's a synthetic fiber which cannot be broken down at all in the intestines hence the hairball. Good that it came out with minimal fuss though!
  8. You need to keep her off the hard surface for a couple of weeks because the soft tissue inside will be a bit bruised as well. If the skin is too soft just methylated spirits wiped on a few times a day for a week or two tends to do the trick too in toughening skin. I know a few vets still use formalin for that and also for horses hooves.
  9. Testosterone is required during the growth phase to help a dog achieve his full potential. I woudn't desex any med-large breed until after a year old IF I did at all.
  10. He would have had all the basics at 7 weeks, and a complete vacc at the second. Unless he's had a brand that guarentees 2 will cover I would go for a third. After having a dog with Parvo at a young age I think the benefit outweighs the risk.
  11. Oh yay more laws for Victoria. Like we fecking need them, we've smothered the state to death when it comes to dog matters. We even banned the methods for controlling big powerful animals too. Genuis, big clap for another propaganda shitstorm from the Victorian government.
  12. Go see Glenn Cooke at Pet Resorts Australia, he's a rottie professional. He can be motivated its just you're not pushing the right button. He's discovered the value of chasing and how fun it is now you're hard pressed to get him to listen, and don't think it's something you've done wrong over the years... Dog's come up with 'great ideas' all the time! We just have to learn to adjust ourselves and our training to cope with what they come up with next.
  13. Corflute from Bunnings and some cable ties :)
  14. Before desexing you can try Covinan shots in one or both bitches, it prevents them coming on heat. I used it with my eldest bitch and found it mellowed her a lot and now her and the younger can be on heat at the same time ... and be the bestest buddies EVER. It's creepy actually :laugh:
  15. I have 5 bitches ranging from 2 years to almost 11, trust me on this one :laugh: The grumbles that may crop up disperse quickly because they're all uneven in either age, health or size and the ranks are shifting quietly. The old entire Malinois is happy to let the young entire slowly take her rank, they never argue but the desexed 2 year old Mal is put in her place by both of them. The pug thinks she's the boss but she doesnt come up past their ankles so they ignore all her behavior :laugh: saying that when we are not home they're separated off into either singles or pairs. The systems working but I'm not going to leave that many dogs alone unattended, especially when two are so much smaller.
  16. If you're going to desex you only do one of them, otherwise they're both still evenly matched. You have to tip the scales of balance to keep things even ... irony I know. I find that uneven par with bitches is the best way to keep the peace.
  17. You have to think too a dog that age how much of the medication is he absorbing through his digestive tract, might be worth mega dosing for a while to hit the infection hard. If Baytril for almost a week is not working I would be considering changing ASAP
  18. They don't care and few want to care. It's freaking irritating, it's a contributing factor of the drop in decent working genetics as well, you cant breed dogs that you basically condemn to a life of death either through lack of home or inevitable euthanasia due to lack of control. The services are already lacking, it's the civilians that breed the dogs that protect our homes and our country. ALL DOGS BITE. YOU CANT TEACH A DOG TO DO WHAT IT ALREADY KNOWS - Proper training teaches them to control their impulses, give them an outlet and make them controllable in society. 10 years ago I remember when the Schutzhund clubs were still around, the hero's were put in their place and made to realise it's not thump your chest and have a mean dog on the end of the lead, it's a skill and a lot of work.
  19. He has a heavy growth of Morganella, it's resistant to most antibiotics out there Such a severe infection could also probably warrant IV antibiotics and a drip to ensure a proper dose is being received.
  20. Hey, I provide filtered water for my animals! Saying that our tap water is so shite my OH was vomiting for an entire evening and we lost 3 jills to it as well That's mains too
  21. Woohoo just sold more powertools and a houselot of door furniture oh my exciting life
  22. Can you tell Nekhbet's bored at work and is going off on a rant :laugh: damn Saturday mornings *taps feet*
  23. Digestion is the enzyme breakdown of products to usable forms for the body which are absorbed through the intestinal wall. Fermentation, in essence 'rotting' is when the products left in the GI tract start being converted to sometimes toxic byproducts by bacterial and environmental action - these can then be absorbed into the body. It's why digestion - excretion rates are quite critical, too fast (in the case of intestinal upset/disease) causes weight loss and deficiency whereas too slow can cause intestinal upsets, toxin build up, flatulence (from products producing gasses, but thats not the only reason for it) It's why when your dog gets constipated and it finally comes out it reeks to high heaven! Saying that high kibble diets tend to increase the pH of the dogs stomach due to their low protein content (adaptory mechanism in response to diet), so when you do feed meat/bone in large amounts you find the dog can suffer for it as the meat is not being digested properly (you need a low pH for raw protein/bone matter) and as such the dog can eject it from either end. A bit of kibble in the meat mix should not though slow the digestive travel time to that slow a level it causes a problem, it's usually when done as a once off in poor GI health dogs you find problems. What is not digested is excreted and a dog on a high proportion raw diet I would think has a better chance of coping with a mixed meal then the reverse as the pH is already lower.
  24. It shits me to be honest. Yes people do bad things but dogs are still dogs, some breeds more primitive, forceful and advance then others, that is a fact. Too many airy fairys in the world that think romantic notions and rainbows will make everyone get along. Management, experience and training will keep dogs in line and improve our chances of retaining and reowning these powerful breeds. I get enough tough cases who think they can own powerful breeds, they go down several pegs very quickly. All I have to do is hand them a toy and let my young Mal bitch off lead, she's fast as a viper and extremely dominant - it's enough to make a few people hand the toy back before even playing with her, others play tug once and throw in the towel. So far I only have ONE person willing to spend time with her every week to learn how to handle working dogs but he appreciates the skill it takes to own dogs like this. Conversely those that think yanking a big dog around will make it comply get a corrective collar around their wrist and I treat them like the dog. If we want BSL overturned we need to bring back realistic dog training, bring back equipment, bring back acceptance of sportdog clubs so these breeds have somewhere to go and someone to help control them and raise them right. Bring back common bloody sense in the community and the government will have to follow to overturn. You can't expect them to end BSL when we're out there still making the same bloody mistakes over and over again, and the attitude in this country is that of 'screw the law I'll do what I want' instead of tackling the ISSUES head on properly to ensure dog welfare is actually achieved. Why do you think they keep tightening the noose?
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