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Everything posted by Nekhbet
you shouldnt be giving cows milk, the lactose can cause worst problems. pups need a better diet then milk, some softened puppy kibble or a good quality and some smashed chicken necks are good. Conversely some rice boiled up with chicken in it (no cooked bones EVER to any dog) can bring them back. If a pup refuses to eat or drink for a couple of days go to the vet, dehydration can make them worst and then its more problems.
Oh Kavik sleeves are fun ... especially getting hit by a Malinois running full pelt But you're right the ones with dodgy aim can put you off the sneaky little buggers! I'm thinking of marketing it as a new cardio workout
Although when the dog grabs on the inner thigh I have never seen a decoy NOT vocalise his concern at the dogs aim Try having a DDB on a sleeve and the lovely chompy marks that come from that ... although I do have a small lump on my finger when the Malinois bit down and chipped the bone ahhh dogs ... Best one so far ... nice nip on the inner thigh (sorry boys no photos) by the DDB wowsa that was the cleanest shark bite mark ever! Thankfully my bf at the time knew me about to realise I wasnt havn some hanky panky on the side ... just randomly mauled by the pets
Understand your predicament. Had the same problem with my 'Maligator' when she was a bub. Latched on like a vice grip. Yes it can be hard but the pup needs leadership NOW. You are lucky you have him it the perfect impressionable age. The pup will bond to you better if you show leadership - he knows who to become drawn to. Who will provide the food and guidance and he will be glued to you over all others. But start good habits. Grab a special toy and when he latches onto something dont engage him at all - your reaction is part of the fun. Wave the toy near him and encourage him to grab that instead then praise him when he does. Show him there are OK things to chew and NO NO things to chew. If he does go for the NO NO item again after being offered the alternative, spray then encourage him back to the OK item. Stay happy and calm, no growling etc so he doesnt associate the punishment from you alone. come on where are the Piccies!!!
pet supply stores should stock it
You can have fun without having the dog nip you. But I suppose you know best. Basically you know its associated, you want it stopped but you dont want to change what you do. Blow this dog up to say 60kg like my boy and then tell me its not an issue.
*Do not leave the pup out of your sight *when the pup starts bad behaviour tell him off then give him and alternative good behaviour (eg his bed with a toy) *glue the squares down better and spray them with bitter spray *give the pup more toys and cycle them to keep them interesting
Firstly, welcome! Ok a few questions: What do you do when he grabs something what breed is he pretty much sounds like typical puppy behaviour. Frankly I would grab a spray bottle and when he latches on get him right between the eyes growling 'No, Bad puppy" and when he lets go of it reward him (treat, pats etc) but dont be very hard on him. More details from me when I get more details from you!
You should not be letting your puppy bite and growl at you AT ALL. You are letting him do dominant picking at you and then it escalates. Your pup should also never be allowed to pin you, sit on you etc. You cannot teach a pup you are the boss if you allow the dog to dominate you, you are sending mixed messages especially at this impressionable age.
sheltiesrule GO TO A VET never do a home diagnosis. It could be something completely unrelated to an allergic reaction or you could make your dog sick.
Give it a sec its still early hehe Welcome to DOL! What are you currently feeding your dogs? How often do you feed them? You say your lab cannot eat bones as she vomits them up, does she chew or just swallow, and how long after does she vomit. What can she actually eat? A few more details and we can steer you in the right direction!
panadol and things like that wont really help with a burn. If a burn EVER occurs to the face, paws, stomach or genitals you should take the pup to the vet. This skin is thinner and the burn can turn into an infection if it goes deep enough. Plus the vet has special pain killers they can give if the pain is that bad. Do not put any cream on it at all - let it dry, do not keep wiping it or washing it. Maybe some Betadine cream as it has iodine and is quite dry.
Its not making sense - antihistamine, antibiotics and a respiratory infection from a vaccination? Have you tried getting a second opinion all this doesnt sound right. Immunisations are not the same doses, it is weight dependant. A dane would get much much more then your little pup. I want to understand why a 14 week old pup had a c6 anyway its a lot for a tiny breed pup to handle. You also mention her skin bothered her more then usual, what did you mean? Maybe she had the beginning of a chest infection, then the vaccination overleaded her system and it took hold.
You can start introducing the cooked vege/meat mix now but in tiny amounts. See how her stomach accepts it. I beleive meat is best raw but get good quality and store it properly.
Royal Canin IMO is a better brand then Eukanuba. How old is she? It would be better to break down the meals to 3 a day is she is under 6 months old. Keep the chicken wing/neck as a lunchtime meal as she can munch on it during the afternoon and a little dinner. If you are keen on introducing raw meat/veges as a meal you can but the diet the pup is on is sufficient. Roo and beef would be a bit rich at the moment, chicken/rabbit from a butcher that doesnt use too many additives is a good idea.
I cant see the Noraclav working ... its not a friggn Staphlacoccus or Eserichia infection. Also Cartrophen affects the immune system because its made for animals that have osteoarthritis - inhibiting the enzymes that destroy the cartilage. Go over the dog, check for bites, ticks etc. Also make sure that the pup is kept well hydrated for the moment, keep on the Vets back you need answers now. If the Cartrophen hasnt made any difference the pup could have infected joints (Viral, bacterial etC) Is there any swelling showing up anywhere, check over the whole dog for lumps and bumps.
An allergy is an immune reaction to an allergen. The body becomes hypersensitive to some 'allergens' in the environment and causes an immune response - production of more antibodies, memory cells, and stimulation of the body to produce histamine. Histamine is a chemical that causes swelling, vasodilation etc. So your issue is that the immune system HAS kicked in and is overworking. When you give an antihistamine you are not supressing the immune system but counteracting the Histamine floating around causing inflammation and itchy skin. You will not damage her immune system at all. Check her food. Very common source of allergens - food coloring, flavours, grains, protein sources, additives etc. Also, the chemicals you are putting on her. Something in the home, the carpet, couch.
stainless steel bucket and wire it to the fence so it cant be tipped over, or an industrial plastic bucket also tied upright to the fence. You dont want something too deep and narrow because if he falls in head first he could drown.
Yup avoid the whole thing and get her desexed now. Wont affect her adversely but if she goes into season its not wise to have it done till its over. I dont beleive a dog has to go through one season or have a litter. Not really necessary, maybe if she was a giant breed like a mastiff I would reccomend leaving it longer because of the delayed maturity but its better now, before all the fun starts hehehe. We humans get our 'period' when we have completed a cycle. We shed the uterine lining that built up to make the womb ready for implanting a fertalised egg. When the dog starts to 'bleed' per say they are ready to mate and have eggs ready. Completely opposite. Well there is doggy nappies but bitches keep themselves clean. They start chainging, you will notice she seems 'off', her vulva will start to swell, there will be a little discharge that changes to a blood colour. Unfortunately some bitches do not have extremely swolen vulvas or are very very clean, you dont realise they are in season and you end up with puppies. Also some bitches are like clockwork, others are more irregular. But they get cranky, go off their food, sook, fight, become complete BITCHES in other words. As for the eating... Tough titties. Dont want your food go hungry. If you are cooking the dogs food and she is enjoying it thats great, do NOT feed her from your own plates or while you are eating or she will begin to be fussy and refuse food. Dogs eat after the humans have finished and dont get 'tid bits' from the plates. Tempting I know, especially when they stare at you but unless you are going to spend the rest of your life pandering to a dogs fussyness and stressing out when they chuck a tantrum and wont eat for days then stay strong. She has 15 minutes to eat her tea or it gets taken away till the next meal time. She really is turning into a gorgeous little scruff! But yep I agree she has quite a bit more growing to do before she's an adult size.\ ETA: At the end of the dogs long bones are plates of active, growing bone cells called 'growth plates'. Its part of what causes the knobbly look in growing pups. From these ends the bones lengthen, the mid sections do not. If pups damage these areas you see the bones grow wonky or stop growing all together.
If he's anything like my Dogue those chooks are in trouble! Mine has enough problems trying to co-exist with a partridge, he'd have a field day with chooks. Hes still a baby and as such will find all those flapping noisy things reeeeeeally hard to resist! Yes attention will wander. Dont expect too much from him, the attention span is a couple of minutes at the most. Plus being a giant breed he will mature much much later then most other dogs, about 2 1/2 will be adult. He should not be allowed to chase chickens or run about anyway it is bad for his growing bones. Keep him on lead around the chickens for the moment. If he shows interest in them do an about turn and get his attention, the reward him for leaving the chickens alone and focussing on you. Its a bit much for him to be expected to just ignore them he has to learn patience, and now he has learned it is so satisfying to chase them its going to take more time. The trick is to find something more interesting - food or toy - and only dish that out when he is being good. BUT do not tether him up or lock him up directly next to the chickens when they are loose. Nothing will build up frustration and want more then him being so close to them without you around to guide him.
its all similar. You shouldnt allow your dog to mouth anyway, dogs find 'degrees' difficult and if you correct at different stages you will confuse teh pup. For me, any biting, mouthing, chewing, nipping etc is completely unacceptable. Stop it now and when the dog goes through puberty (and its much larger) you wont have any problems.
ADT runs classes at the Showgrounds on Tuesday nights, very good place to start. I cant vouch for any of the local clubs as I dont have experience with them.
Sometimes they novelty wears off with the dry. Have you tried soaking it in a little warm water or chicken stock? You would be suprised how quickly that dissapears because it releases the oils and smells that have been supressed during the manufacturing process. Chuck in some mince or mashed veges into the soaked food. She will turn into a vaccuum. Check she does not have a grain intolerance, what do her poos look like? Also, maybe limiting her activity? Is she really active? My Mal actually put weight on when she was not walked for a while, I was suprised she actually had a fatty waist!
Chuck the Eukanuba. My bitch was always a little under what I wanted her to be on that stuff. Stick to home made foods and maybe try Eagle Pack, Nutrience or Royal Canin.
Just be careful, silk balls are rich and can give her the runs. Unless a pup is emaciated or very underweight dont try and overfeed rich food. She doesnt need them, just a better diet. Anything with puppies needs to be done gradually. If you go to far and make her too heavy she can develop growing pains in her joints. I would reserve mega calorie foods for more adult dogs, never healthy growing puppies.