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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. why did you subQ? The fluids help keep the blood pressure up as well, how about inserting a gastric tube and IV fluids? yes a lot may come out the back end but pump enough in through IV and gastric tubing you may have a chance. Her guts are empty so she's not pooing is she urinating at all? She could be drying up on the inside. Have you had a fecal sample tested? Are they sure its not Giardia or some other internal parasite that can cause problems?
  2. I knew there wasnt, I kept telling this woman who had been sold 3 consecutive 'miniatures' that there is no such thing she was being led up the garden path
  3. Depends what drugs they use. Old dogs can have morphine mix or something else. There are some cheaper anaesthetics that our clinic refuses to use because it has a bad effect on the dog. Check they didnt use Dormitor or something similar, not pleasant for an old dog that stuff. Get a pre-anaesthetic blood test done and then decide.
  4. OK this is doing my head in There was a lady who came in looking for a Miniature Pomeranian breeder, as she had had them before and they had all been papered as miniature. told her there was no such thing, stand of at 20 paces and we agreed to disagree. Last night in the trading post there were 'miniature toy pomeranians' for sale and they were VCA registered with papers. am I going mad? did I miss somthing? I thought it was a Pomeranian and thats it ...
  5. www.fordogtrainers.com measure the dogs head and Guy will send you the right size
  6. without seeing the dog ... no idea. feel the dog, if he's showing rib, spine and hip bone he's too thin. If you cant feel his ribs well he's too fat. I would be including more bones (lamb necks, flaps, even chicken maryland pieces) into his diet.
  7. yeah I got a couple of big bastards that could do with some energy outlet ... I think the Amstaff club run something?
  8. Hands off ... yeah not for big dogs who nip you and use their bulk to dominate you and your children. The word 'generally' doesnt cut it. A well behaved dog that understands its rank in the pack doesnt exhibit these behaviours, and especially for the length of time you talk about. I have 5 dogs at the moment, 3 of which I went through the 'tantrum' stages and not one of them dared try continuing any of the nusience behaviour past the first try. action and consequence. What you are doing is not providing a clear cut yes or no. You are being inconsistant and obviously not at a high enough level. If my dog got on the couch and woofed at me he would be out the door so fast he wouldnt know what happened. The dog shouldnt be on the furniture and he shouldnt be allowed to continue bouncing around till he 'gets it'. If he misbehaves, grab him by the collar, growl and I mean LOUDLY and put him out of the room. Keep him on a leash when he's in the house dont let him haev an opportunity to misbehave. Crate train him as well so he knows that there is a quiet time. You're behaving like a puppy not a leader. Leaders dont jump up squealing, leaders dont let dogs keep annoying them and do nothing about it. 1 nip and it ends there. I wouldnt even involve treats if he's nipping. He's being a right upstart and I wouldnt let him near the kids off leash at all until he learns. If he goes not nip or paw the kids I would correct him and lead him away from there - you dont play nice you dont play at all. Too big a dog to keep chipping away at his behaviour. You dont have to whack or hurt the dog just make the correction big enough to stop him in his tracks.
  9. shpeshal this is like a train wreck ... I cant look away. Its so entertaining. Problem is poke a bees nest long enough itll jab you in the bottom like a chip toothed malinois :cool:
  10. or get a vet to check it out to make sure there isnt an underlying problem. They can give you advice on antihistamines and maybe some anti inflams in teh mean time
  11. My brain still hurts. Ducky why dont you go train your dog instead of arguing with people, or because you have no clue and life you find it easier to just insult people who have actually achieved something in their lives. Better yet go join the www.leerburg.com forums... we're soft compared to what Ed's gonna tell you
  12. Jeff, well at least one creature in the equation will be a great witness for a line up ... dogs pointing to man #3. This could be a whole new field of dog training we havnt explored!
  13. Hey ducky where do you live. Local council must be ecstatic to have backyarders like you training their dogs to bite, and improperly. Declare yourself so the council can keep an eye on you and your 'theories' and all the local families can be protected. people like you make my head hurt. I know best, I am so great blah blah blah. You know nothing of proper working dogs and how to handle. All you are doing is satisfying your own macho urges. Theres a one handed exercise that does the same. Heck of a lot safer then trying to train a dog to attack which is basically all you are doing no matter how long you try and convince us otherwise. People like you are the reason trainers dont give free information and the laws on having a protection dog are tight. The fact you poo poo on Jeff shows you know NOTHING.
  14. my ears are burning ... DD? ... security training ... huh ... what *cough* no idea what you're on about I have found that most security people (cramet dont listen) are dodgy. If you plan to work with a dog you should get one to take home, live with it, bond with it. If its not a stable animal dont bother with it. To me a 5 day course is BS. As far as I'm concerned handling a dog is not the same as driving a car. You can get away with driving a car and not being a mechanic. You cant get away with 'handling' a security dog and not know anything about drive training, defence and bitework. I have seen so called handlers ... a lot of then have scarred arms and wrists from the dog turning on them. I would never go out and work with someone elses dog and rely on it.
  15. Protections not clean cut. I have 2 dogs doing it and it takes a lot of skill and knowing how to prevent problems down the track. Its all fine until you have 1 session that goes pear shaped or the dog finally *snaps* onto an idea and you have a big problem. a 6 month old dog and 2 year old entire male are 2 VERY different things (and can be scary) go join a schutzhund club while your pup is younger. You cant compete but you will get the experience of trainers and other competitors BTW OI JEFF ... know anyone that wants a 12 month old female working Malinois?
  16. grab a large container, stick some cat litter (paper based) in it and one of her poos from the garden. This way she will get up, go toilet in there and let you sleep. Keep it far from her food/water and put a toy out for her to play with until you get up
  17. sorry but no 11 week old pup can hang on for 5 hrs + 'Dont give a late meal, remove water in the evening (not on warm/hot days) and get into the habit of going toilet before bed as well. A pups bladder will wake it no matter how much exercise it gets the night before
  18. good quality diet, keep the dog lean throughout its life and avoid bone trauma during growth (no excessive exercise/jumping etc) apart from that find a good breeder. Get an x-ray at 2 years as well to see whats going on.
  19. can be genetic or environmental. At 11 I would expect some HD in a larger breed. Have X-rays been done on the dog?
  20. Dont feed spicy foo dyou will make him sick if he already has intestinal problems! There is PetLax available from the vet/pet supplies that you can give no worries. I have heard some cooked pumpkin works a treat. Some vegetable oil is good as well
  21. Our vet clinic does C3 for the first, then C5 for 2nd and 3rd (6-8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks) I wouldnt just do 2x C3s C3 for the first because the pup doesnt need to be overloaded at 6-8 weeks with 5 different things
  22. Does anyone have plans on how to build a flyball box? I want to make my own agility/flyball equipment and plans on a good box would be great, photos would be just as good, me and the OH can spend time tinkering Thanks!
  23. keep washing away from pup ... its become a really fun game! You can hang a couple of towels smeared with chilli sauce or bitter spray and leave them up until she learns
  24. People need to get off their high uneducated bloody horses. If a couple of zaps from an E-collar is worst then death you need your head read. Good on you Ami for standing up for dog trainers and the rights of dogs from these loony tuney vegan d***heads. Sue em good.
  25. Malinois are different. Mine is with 2 other dogs but prefers human company. High drive, high energy and can be nusience barkers if in residential areas without enough mental stimulation. Jeffncel the 3 month old Mal/Lakenois would be a great start. I have to see if my German Shepherd is going to be OK before commiting to another dog ...
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