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Everything posted by Nekhbet
Contact Dr Kim Lim at Creatures' Comfort 5241 6213, if there is no one in Ballarat she is definately worth seeing!
Cosmolo I just had a session with a Vet/Therapist for Diesel. She does acupuncture, electr. stimulation, massage and chiropractic. She thinks we can get Diesel off the meds in a few months, build his muscle and maybe avoid surgery unless absolutey necessary! She is in Geelong but apparently extremely good, if you want her details PM me
can they use something topical like Otomax?
manky ear needed some reconstruction. Had been chewed by another dog and was blown up like a balloon ... very very ewwwww didnt even go home with antibiotic tablets hey I'm all for whats good for the dog and costs but that drain would not have fixed it at all ... I would have bought the lets give it a go if the kids hadnt suddenly developed itches ... Stormie I'm not having a go at vets in general - I just cant beleive that EDUCATED people can do such rediculous things that are not always in the best interest of the animal?!
dog in motion is doveton, melbourne Prahran Vet Hospital is a natural therapies clinic
Speak to the specialist and definately the physio cannot hurt - I have my 10 month old rotty HD, arthritic elbows and no one has really been very useful so far ... I know it is confusing ... hip replacement, femoral head removal, denervation, ester C, fish oil, chondroitin, joint guard, adult food, large breed puppy food, krill caps, glucosamin, sashas blend, exercise, DONT exercise, massage, acupuncture, cartrophen, carprophen etc etc etc my head hurts ... I suppose you can try the non invasive methods first, if that doesnt work then step up the supplments/meds. Then ultimately decide on surgery. Remember too that long term Carprophen has an effect on the liver and kidneys so you cannot remain on it forever.
OK official rant thread here .... I have tried my best to remain calm ... still trying ... breathe breathe ... I helped at puppy preschool the other week and two clients had brother/sister shih tzu x puppies. One had a funny mark on its tummy, so after the class I put the pups under a woods lamp ... lovely patching of flourescent green hair follicles - both puppies had ring worm and one had started to get flaky skin. Yep we're getting them vaccinated tomorrow, they say, we'll ask the vet. Saw the lady the day before - oh the vet says its not ringworm, its just a little rash did she put it under a lamp or do a skin scrape ... I ask, hoping said vet has at least one brain cell ... no. she said to take the pup home and see if it went away this woman has a couple of kids too. Guess who the puppy sleeps with *sigh* ... there's your sign. nasty aural haematoma in a bulldog combined with a pretty mucky ear infection - vet does an AWAKE drain job with a large needle and elbow grease, gives the dog some ear meds and packs it off home. Owner loving the efficiency and price ... ... there's your sign. boxer been on pred and ear meds for 5 years, vet doesnt EVER ask owner to change from cans of PAL and pal dry food. Switched to premium sensitive formula dog looks so much happier and isnt trying to tear its skin off... ... there's your sign then there is the corker ... small breed dog bitten everyone in the family, constantly fighting with the other dog (even as far as losing an eye) and vet gives it 3 monthly doggy prozac shots (??) with no behaviour modification techniques. Apparently he'll just be right at 6 years of age ... has the world gone mad or do I just see problems where there are none ... I feel sorry for the animals
yeah a real baby! Only had him for about 6 months, and I was nearly convinced I had gotten a black and tan coonhound because thats what he looked like. He has never bulked out (well his boofhead has) and his elbows have that wide stance pitty look to them but he remains a gangle! One of my friends calls him Seabiscuit because he's sooooo long. Even a 70cm coat is not long enough Flava his hock has actually started to bend inwards because he wont use the other leg. I'm getting a splint made for it that will allow him to use that leg and maintain some flex in the joint. Beleive it or not that leg doesnt bother him in the slightest, its the other one. Vets so far have not been worried (huh ... ) hence me finding new vets ... The hock is bending inwards because its carrying all his weight, and his front elbows have arthritic changes so he really uses that leg a lot. Dont worry, I carry him everywhere when he looks sore ... now who's going to fix my back
Hey cavNrott, sorry that sophie has had another bad day ... hope she stays comfortable for a little longer and you have more time with her while she's peaceful. Wednesday/Kiash This being my first Rotty (and no guarentee he's pure he was from a rescue) he's long backed and very gangly which I thought a Rottie shoudlnt be?! He has found it hard to gain fat since his extreme bout of parvo a few months ago (he actually has a decent coating on him at the mo) but he's not too poorly muscled - in fact only in the past week have we noticed a gradual reduction in the muscle in his right hind. I dont know could he have something else in him like Dobermann? Or is he just a really poorly bred rotty? Been looking for a dog pool/water treadmill in geelong but looks like Kepala might be the closest I have.
the worst thing is he has days like today where the little bugger is hopping around carefree at work and getting pats and cuddles. Arrrgghh I cant PTS when he has a day like this! But I know tomorrow will be a quieter day
up from 100mg to 125mg a day now. Aaargh have an appointment with a vet from Animals in Motion here in Geelong and see where we go from there. Some dogs can do well on shitty hips, I've seen dogs with a lot worst cope for quite a few years. Diesels clinical signs are worst then the x-rays show, as some dogs get lumped with as well. Its not being able to manage his pain and screaming which is the most distressing for both him and us. I could cope if he just was a bit wonky, doesnt phase me in the least, its the fact he cannot sleep some days because every movement causes pain and screams, then he's lame all day because he got up wrong. Weighing up quality of life at the moment.
I dont use anything and barely have had fleas. We took the cat to a cat show recently and he came back with a whopping dose of fleas! Capstar tablet for the cat Frontline plus for everyone havnt seen a flea since.
For The Schutzhund Enthusiasts - Some Bite Work
Nekhbet replied to MonElite's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Yeah Midol I have my dogs and a newly started dog training business to consider The law is still the law -
For The Schutzhund Enthusiasts - Some Bite Work
Nekhbet replied to MonElite's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
sleeves you can get over the net no worries, I get them from www.leerburg.com or from www.fordogtrainers.com The only issue with customs is the materials (eg leather) that the dogs will pick up. pinch collars contact K9 force in Sydney as you have to have an import permit. You cannot use them in Victoria or you will be prosecuted. -
For The Schutzhund Enthusiasts - Some Bite Work
Nekhbet replied to MonElite's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
actually the dog is fine to have no one holding lead and running with the prey item ... IF this is an experienced dog and probably has a pretty good aus command I wouldnt worry too much. Schutzhund has an off lead component anyway so the dog should be capable of it. And the dog should be able to be patted by the decoy for Schutzhund. the dog should be sleeve focussed not human focussed or this becomes civil agitation, but under more direct control from the handler. Civil dogs should drop the sleeve and refocus back on the decoy, even so when the handler turns off the dog it is able to be patted by the decoy. My Malinois is happy to get cuddles from decoys until we start working, even then - shut down command and she's back to happy happy la la -
I has flava is right, she's seeing how serious you are. Next time she goes give her the same treatment but growl incredibly loudly in her face quickly, get up and walk away giving her some alone time. And i mean LOUDLY give her a little scare so you dont just encourage her to up the ante
I think I'll get my friend to write a referral .. my boss considers himself an expert at HD and PennHip yet all he could offer me was "The clinical signs dont match up wiht his x-rays" (he's a 42kg puppy you idiot of course it hurts - he has hideously underdeveloped hip sockets) and my other boss just went wow. tits on a bull they are. He's not a huge fan of rottweilers so I think thats adding to his attitude, the nonce still wont even give him a pat or cuddle. two other vets wrote him off as a euth job when he gets too bad, another vet said to do a femoral head removal on just one leg - once again I have doubts with him already being 42kg and many people expect him to be 60+ kg adult that this is the smart thing to do with a growing pup considering the surgery is for 15-20kg dogs. I refuse to do a hip denervation denervation on him. bloody rotties ... they weedle their way into your heart and then get sick like this. Better find another 2 jobs to pay for all this
what are the parents? I thought staghounds are wirey haired due to the fact they are deer/wolfhound x cute shnoz on that one though
I'll add a Rottie if I can ... my baby boy Diesel has HD in both hips, arthritic changes in his elbows and now for some reason his left hind has somewhat collapsed?! His hock joint now bends inwards I think because the opposite hip hurts so much he has to put all the weight on that leg. 10 months old. 100mg Carprofen a day or he squeals and needs help getting up on a 50mg a day dose. Weekly pentosan shots, plus is on Eagle Pack giant puppy since he is already 42kg (i'm trying to limit his weight but any less and he's going to be more then underweight) So many vets have seen him, so many just shake their heads and look at me tearily. Bugger me. Another HD dog. If anyone knows how to build scaffolding for his hind leg that would be great, I'm trying to work out a brace that will prevent further hock damage but still allow movement in the joint
Then that was in fact what the dog required a correction is something that will stop the behaviour, anything else is just an interruptor - will snap the dog out of it this second but wont teach it a long term lesson. All mine are bigguns' and my method was when the puppy bit me to simply grab it my the muzzle and give it a little squeeze until it submitted, or it it was biting my hand put my thumb on its tongue and give its lower jaw a little squeeze... trick is to make the correction calm and quiet, 'the hand of doG' as it were. So it simply becomes one of those things the dog DOESNT do with anyone, not just learning that when mum/dad grumbles we lay off. call me barbaric but not one tried it again. And none of them hate me either the trick is to not make a huge fuss over it. Yelping can sometimes perk the prey drive in a dog so in working/hunting breeds I have found it to end up having the opposite effect. In any case, when the pup settles go back to interacting with it, have some food in your pocket or hand every time the pup plays nicely flick some food at it. This will let the pup know its on the right track, at the same time diverting the attention away from getting too razzed up. And being around you always means nice things!
Advice From Other Instructors
Nekhbet replied to JulesP's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Is the dog excited as in "I wanna get out of here" or trying to be in every place at the same time. Also is the dog actually used to the equipment the owner uses at club (ie does it wear it every day or just club days) What would happen if the owner starved the dog for a few hours beforehand and brought in high value treats, worked well away from other dogs and mark calmness with a clicker/whistle etc. Try and condition the dog when it hears a certain word/sound it needs to settle. -
For The Schutzhund Enthusiasts - Some Bite Work
Nekhbet replied to MonElite's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
If its an experienced dog that baulks or a beginner - doesnt make a difference. If the decoy shows aggressive behaviour and you miss the mark to activate the dog properly its literally 180, take the dog from the situation and start over. Some dogs can actually lose the idea or you can end up marking chewing/soft bites in your new dog. Proper stance should be standing straight, lean back on one leg and have your hands in near your tummy to stabilise yourself. You will find you wont have to move your feet much at alll, let the dog do the work. If you watch the dobe the lower you lean the more the dogs body position lowers as well, its taking cues from you. As for the decoy, if this is schutzhund he should be careful, that dog got him on the hand well and truely! Also I have never had a decoy take a sleeve from or really close to a dog, its really not safe at all especially in excited newby dogs. You run the dog with the sleeve (reward) you aus the dog and the decoy can get the sleeve back when you are praising the dog. If this is civil/security then the dog should spit out the sleeve and refocus on the decoy. I'll stop picking and be quiet now ... sorry I really love Sch/PP its great fun isnt it!!! You look like you guys are having a real blast too I'd love to try a dobermann on a sleeve one day. Malinois are little pocket rockets and mastiffs ... well mine worked out if he stood looking quiet the decoy would come in close enough for him not to have to exert a lot of effort in the launch sequence :rolleyes: laziest grab anyone ever saw - buggered if he would ever let go though -
For The Schutzhund Enthusiasts - Some Bite Work
Nekhbet replied to MonElite's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
noice full mouth there. about halfway through the vid there is a bit where the dog loses enthusiasm for the bite, looks a little confused but the decoy tried again a couple of times then the dog bites. I didnt have the sound on to hear the commands, but if my dog lost it she was walked out of there and we started again. Did you command a rebite for that section or bark/hold p.s. you keep standing like that with the dog and you are going to have a REALLY sore back or get dragged foreward one day. Trust me the largest dog I have worked with is 60kg and standing like that would cause me extreme pain! Have a firm confident stance it will be easier for you and the dog. -
Dog Poo: A Tasty Treat?
Nekhbet replied to Penny&Henry'sMum's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
if he's that thin try giving him more meals per day in smaller quantities. If he has been starved his system may not be able to handle large regular meals and the general protocol is to feed smaller more often. you can even try feeding a little bit of Hills i/d or a/d from the vets as a supplementary Also if the dog has been starved some will eat their own faeces in an attempt to survive. Whats good for your daschund may not be right for this little dog who may need a convalescence bland diet to help his body recover. -
how about Royal Canin Giant adult? those kibbles are HUGE!