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My Puppy Is Bouncing Off The Walls
Nekhbet replied to aquaticmalamute's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Malamutes are not giant breed dogs and you feed your puppy more then my 60kg Mastiff eats a day - no wonder he's hyperactive. Swap dry foods or cut down the amount of dry you are feeding he's going bonkers on energy. I've used Royal Canin with success it won't hype them up and you should not be feeding 6 cups + extras a day. Dogs dont need that much Vit c either, especially if they are on dry food. NO weave poles they put an immense amount of strain on the dogs joints when they speed up. You need to start exercising his brain and take him to group classes at least to get him mentally tired. He sounds bored, frustrated and too full of energy. -
Drugs For Increasing Appetite
Nekhbet replied to Zhou Xuanyao's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Unless she is becoming too thin I wouldnt worry. Give her the meals and if she turns up her nose take it away. On her starve days try offering the puppy milk (there is dog chocolate flavoured as well) if you are worried about her missing out on calories or put some Nutrigel on her tongue. -
you are not correcting at the correct time or in the right manner. You are letting him pull then you pause, brace and let loose with a big correction for (in the dogs mind) no reason. Make sure you have a long 6 foot lead and work in your back yard. Let him wander around and encourage him to follow you (high pitched COME COME COME and a prey toy like a piece of tubed labs wool) if he runs off big correction. If he lags give him little encouraging tugs to let him know to follow. Them move out of the yard to the foot path in front of your house and play there. If he does run off let him hit the end of the lead and give him a good correction but DO NOT verbally correct. You are seen has fun and control/permit drive the collar corrects when necessary. This way the dog will not shut down because of you. If you're in Vic and have probs let me know and we can catch up - I have trained security/schutzhund before
please tell me you have her on a leash at all times around your other dogs and not just letting her run around muzzled.
calm down and read my post. firm means you dont stress, you dont make loud noises but you dont smack or hurt the dog. Seriously have a nonchalant attitude. You're whinging - eh get over it. I'm going to leave you till you do. Dont want that food - tough wait till the next meal when you're hungry enough to eat it. Every dog is different and you simply see what is working and what is not. Dont stress out - dogs live in the moment. If you mess up and create a bad habit you can literally change your method tomorrow and the dog will accept it. Everyone has made mistakes before so don't feel like you're the only person with a problem dog.
ahh the impulse buy. You bought it you need to train it. 1) set her in a routine and socialise her. No feeling sorry this puppy needs some major life lessons learned. If she whines or stresses ignore and guide her. 2) buy a crate and use it. She needs to feel secure and safe hence following you around. If you want her out of the way put her in a puppy pen with food, water, toys in visual range of you or put her to sleep in her crate. As for puppy pads you are probably better off with a large shallow cat litter box and enclosing her in a small area. Leave a tissue with some of her urine in there and the smell will attract her (breeders choice paper cat litter is the way to go, no clay or crystals) 3) She's whining in the car because she is not used to it so train her. Let her explore the car with you when it is in the driveway. Then feed her in there ... progress to turning the engine on and letting her play in there a little. Then go for a drive. A car is a novel concept to an unsocialised dog. 4) get her onto a good, colour/flavour free diet and feed her small meals. Royal Canin I love for the littlies and give her a chicken wing to play with in her pen. Dont free feed - she gets fed in her play pen/laundry/crate so they are good things 5) ignore her whining. If she's afraid dont sook and cuddle her she has to learn to cope. Pat her when she settles and relaxes, not while she 'eeeeer eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee eee" or you reward stressful behaviour. Yes its hard but you buy a petshop puppy who's lived in a box for the most critical period of its life and they have bad habits. Routine, firm but fair and guidence is all this puppy needs. Its only a confused baby dont put it in the too hard basket.
3 things 1) put up something like the brush screen, bamboo or even extra palings so they cannot see each other 2) put up a little temporary fence about a foot away from the original to discourage him barking and fence running 3) If you are going to get a bark collar I recommend Innotec (they have a website) electronic collars especially for medium-large breeds. You will have to provide him with alternatives because you dont want him to bark and fence run but if he's bored stiff he'll try and bark through or become destructive sandpit (clamshell pool) clamshell pool with water all his meals stuffed into treat balls only bury treats in his sandpit rotate toys - 3-5 toys a day, hide them around the yard too Prestige Pet have a range of toys that make giggle noises, animal noises etc check the website and your local pet supplies can order them in for you
Royal Canin is a great food you cannot go wrong with it. I have recommended it to clients and use it myself. One thing to remember is fat labrador fitter labrador with a waist, low body fat coverage Sorry its a pet hate - as a nurse and trainer seeing so many labradors that are fat. Unfortunately its a perceived standard they are rolly polly doggies but it breaks my heart. A thin dog with good muscle tone and nutrition is a happy, longer lived dog then the chubby arthritic labs you see waddling around. And remember obesity is considered 15% over their perfect body weight. Your dogs shape will depend on its lines and breeding, but if you can't see a waist or those ribs have a nice layer of fat, time to decrease the total food per day Also labs are hunting dogs so get out there and do a brain sport with them - obedience, agility, flyball, tracking etc even if its just you mucking around in your backyard your dog will be happier if you do a mentally challenging activity a couple of times a week. Walks are great for getting out and burning off a little energy but overall they dont really challenge the dogs brain that much long term. OK back to our normal programming :D
Kavik Diesel and Mina have issues with dry dog foods and I dont have the money or time for a completely raw diet They still get chicken carcasses as well and Diesel has his supplements for his multitude of problems. Not much poo and they dont get a doggy smell on RC either. If you feel the kibble it is quite oily and Kreugers coat did very well on it.
well I figuired a special dog for special kids... Its a bit inspiring to see him walk about and cope with life - He's sort of like 'just because you're not 100% doesnt mean you can't achieve"
I worry about feeding a growing animal nothing but chicken wings - not a complete food - high risk of constipation/irritated bowls from the high mineral content its in no way a complete meal, why suggest this instead of chicken carcasses with some blitzed veges if you want an elimination diet? As for childrens vitamins there are canine vitamins available which are more suitable for a dog then a human formula. As for no vaccs and removing him from all meds - anyone considered it could be a simple case of lack of oils and over shampooing? If your dog has sensitive skin fleas can cause large reactions - flea allergy dermatitis - and the reactions can be greater if the dog already has an irritated system. I would be working on the fleas at least
cavNrott you have done above and beyond for your dog so don't feel upset for her. As long as she is happy and not in extreme pain then enjoy the time you have and cross the final bridge when you come to it. I have with D, sometimes I have sat there and thought today was the day because he was so miserable but I waited and he pulled through several times. At least you have had some good years with Sophie, so many times I was counting days ... both when he went through severe parvo attack and now his legs. Poor little blighter is 1 now and still hobbling about the best he can. I dont think he's upset though he knows no different and never will. He doesnt look at the other dogs and think 'why aren't I like that' he keeps up as best he can, rolls around the backyard and hunts imginary dog biscuits in the tall grass. And he's got a special order allowing him to dig holes and then look at you with a face covered in dirt like "what .. I didnt bury anything ... what you looking at" I have to be cruel to be kind. He should be a stocky, broad rotty and he's a skinny stick insect (still reckon he's a coon hound ) Its hard handing over a carrot instead of a massive treat to a puppy but he is walking so much better being thin. You just want to spoil them but thats no good either. Give her what she wants and spend quality time together. I've still entered Diesel into the Therapy Dog program and hope he passes he deserves to share his special personality with other people.
Eukanuba is quite a dry food so maybe all he needs is a change? Royal Canin can be good try the large breed puppy I have had success with it for a lot of dogs as the oil content is higher. You can also give him a fish oil capsule a day if that helps him as well. Royal Canin is pretty much the only food my Rottweiler wont fall apart or go bald on because of the oil content
it always starts this way ...
YAY Sophie. Rotties sure are tough aren't they ... I was thinking I should have called Diesel Tonka instead just a little picture of Deedle I cant believe him. He went through that period of absolute suffering and yesterday he was bunny hopping like a mad thing. I think he does it to stress me out I really do His hind leg wobbles about I dont think its in the socket anymore (not that he has one) but he gets about fine. He can trot around which is the main thing He has been swimming at the beach which I think has helped dramatically. He has nice solid muscle tone and I dont let him get fat at all. He looks more like a coon hound then a rottweiler but at least he can walk I think the summer weather will help him too
couldnt find the canine version but you get the idea! Elongated soft palate is genetic, its more common in the little breeds who do 'reverse sneezing'. Mums pomeranian has a mild form, he gets too excited or barks too much he has to be picked up and soothed until he stops snorting. A lot of the Brachy breeds get it too. Breeding ... talk to your original breeder but I wouldnt if it affects her that severely
Pro Plan selects all have salt (sodium chloride) in the food. Brewers rice is a processed rice product that is missing many of the nutrients contained in whole ground rice and brown rice thus reducing the quality. Corn gluten meal is a byproduct of the corn processing industry and its used as an animal food bulker - again cheap. Its also used as a herbicide believe it or not. Blueberry and sweet potato pomace is again a byproduct but sweetens the food slightly and adds little nutrition. Dont forget barley is a relative of wheat - watch allergic dogs. For the price you are paying, you still get a lot of bulk fillers. Still a cheap food dressed up. Go the Eagle Pack if you want to fork out the money at least it uses whole ingredients and not industry by products
make sure they keep an eye on it and it doesnt close up ... we opened up a pyo staffy once the dog was full of blood because the infection had ruptured an ovary. Dog was happy up to that point. age yes but I would rather have it taken out and properly ligated then just trust antibiotics.
I love ringsport videos ... there are some really creative ones when it comes to obstacles go team Malinois
I've dealt with parvo before and how everyone's 'less is more' protocol meant diddly squat. By half the opinions on here my rottweiler was more then vaccinated. He barely went into high risk areas as well. $2000 and over 2 weeks of constant care from me. He was on bag after bag of drip, pumped full of medications No 6 month old rottweiler should look like this. Poor little man I nursed him in my lap with so many tears, he was so weak and the other idiot nurse I worked with left him to lay in his own urine so I went to work on my days off as well. If people dont want to vaccinate ... fine. But at least show the other side of what happens and the risk people take with following below prescribed protocols. I dont want to scare the OP I'm giving them a chance to decide.
If you use Ivermectin your vet will be using it off label IE - if something happens to your dog tough you're not covered or entitled to compensation. Basically a lot of vets use the cattle version. Collies, Borders, Aussie shepherds etc can have sever reactions to Ivermectin (and Selamectin in Revolution) which are a similar class of drugs so be very careful and understand what happens when you use these drugs. Some dogs are perfectly fine, others convulse and can die. basically the brain cannot pump the chemical out and they have seizures.
Male Dog Barking To "work Hard" For The Female
Nekhbet replied to missmoo's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Its disturbing this person calls themselves a behaviorist. Adding no one else can help you BIG NO NO Another for the nuff nuff basket methinks. -
you need to look at what she is eating. It is not right for a dog on minimal food to gain weight. She could have a metabolic problem or someone could have started throwing food over the fence. Her diet should be a premium diet kibble (I find Royal Canin medium breed light knocks the weight off fast but I would only be feeding up to 1 metric cup of kibble a day in 2 meals) and decrease as you need to. Walk, do not run. Its uncomfortable to run carrying that much weight so start taking her for short walks morning and afternoon. Carrots are a great calorie free filler for fat dogs with appetites too/
Harness Suggestions Dogs Can't Slip Out Of Needed
Nekhbet replied to 4 Paws's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Well priced, strong and well padded too http://www.fordogtrainers.com/index.asp?Pa...&ProdID=143 http://www.fordogtrainers.com/index.asp?Pa...&ProdID=150 http://www.fordogtrainers.com/index.asp?Pa...&ProdID=166 -
Your problem is lack of consistancy. NILIF if not just for this week or when you feel like putting in the effort - the point is that is the rules of the house. nothing in life comes free. Write down the rules, stick them to the fridge and make sure everyone sticks to them. If she doesn want to pee - then she stays outside until she does. If she sneaks away - shut the door, get a child barrier whatever why do you give her opportunities for YOU to fail? You condition her not to listen? Sounds like any punishment you do is 1) not correct for the dog 2) very mistimed. teach the dog that she has to wee before bed time and remove water after last wees. Keep the crate doors locked all the time and no dog can enter anothers crate. Again - no opportunity. She wee's because she's letting you know she's the boss around there and if you think you're going to be boss your wrong. If you cannot be consistant then do not expect the dogs to take you seriously. If you say something you give them one chance to comply or there is an immediate consequence to not respecting the leader.