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Everything posted by Nekhbet
Tracking In Summer
Nekhbet replied to Dory the Doted One's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
remember the hot ground also impacts on the workability of the dog. ALso inhaling sand is not really that pleasant. the top layer of sand blows around so you might have a very confused and sore nosed dog tracking on loose sand, and water isnt the best retainer of scent at all. Radiant heat will also dehydrate and the dogs nose loses the ability to scent a lot faster. You wil go from straight-ish line to more side to side and double backing or the dog may give up. -
Swimming For Conditioning
Nekhbet replied to kelpiechick's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
check with your council how big you are allowed and if you are allowed to fill a new pool at all. With water restrictions they may have some limitations in place especially when you first fill it how about a cheap treadmill instead? -
there is another thread on this in Health, Nutrition Grooming which is more comprehensive
How To Teach A Dog To *not* Run Away
Nekhbet replied to tira_mia's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
yup you need to deprive him a smidge. He's bored and you're as exciting as a mouldy sock .. maybe less so :rolleyes: It doesnt have to be scented just sometimes lambswool (go to the op shop and grab an old teddy or fake car seat coner) and make a foot long tube of it. Nice and squishy and your fingers wont get munched in the excitement. If you ONLY bring it out when he's excited and condition him that ooooh you only get this super duper exciting toy if you're good, watch him snap into action forget the food, sometimes dogs in prey wont take food or you bounce the drives food - prey - food - prey and since for him prey might be higher he buggers off DOnt feel silly at all - I see few clubs teach it because few people actually know 1) how to build drive and 2) how to use it. yeah they know the dog HAS drive but, yeah, thats as far as it goes Here read the little section on prey drive its the bare bones of how it works for the dog -
How To Teach A Dog To *not* Run Away
Nekhbet replied to tira_mia's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
the dog is in heightened drive whilst doing the course and you're reward is not very interesting for him. He see's another dog and because you're lower down the scale of good things at that point in time he cant help himself and he runs off. yes. You're boring what I would do is get a new toy like a piece of labswool on a couple of thin rope handles and tether him up. Take away his toys while at home and tease him with it. Dont tease till he shuts down just run around madly and let him have it occasionally and praise the hell out of him. Then take the agility course step by step again, get him to jump then pull out the toy and madly 'COME ON GOOD DOG GOOD DOG!!" and let him grab the toy (watch fingers) you only have this toy, he never gets it you own it completely. He's barking because he's excited. You should use this as an opportunity with the tug toy to proof him - if he ignores the tug toy then no agility until he learns. Take a few steps back before you move foreward. -
breathe people ... deep breath in ... deep breath out ... now. Before this rather interesting and potentially CONSTRUCTIVE AND RATHER INFORMATIVE thread heads to the septic pits as many do these days ... If everyone was so panicked about the incidences of Ovarian Cancer then wouldnt the risk of showing/breeding be too much? Really its not like 90% of entire dogs will GET ovarian cancer and remaining entire and cycling only increases the risk it DOESNT guarentee it. If having your ovaries in gives you cancer will then there's one hell of a major design flaw eh? male dogs have have one testicle removed only and the other one vascectomised if overly dominant behavior is attributed to hormones in the lines. I think really people need to be a tad more selective about their breeds and understand their own limitations if we're having so many people need to completely remove hormones from the dog in order to make it able to be a family pet. Dont get me wrong I'm all for desexing - we sure as hell dont need more litters in the world. But why not leave one ovary or teste in? What is so horrible about that? A bitch is not going to spontaneously spring a new uterus or come into a full blown heat? As for the incidence of cancer, dogs are outliving their average life span these days just like we are. Dogs lives are getting longer and longer, are we looking into that as the incidence of cancer increase? If a dog has cancer at 3-6 yup I'd be worried and I'd sure as hell avoid those lines. But cancer at 10, 11, 13 ... since from the day we are concieved our DNA degrades (hence aging) and since cancer/tumor is a weird allele that has decided to make sure those cells maniacally reproduce who's to say that the incidence of cancer is not attributed to old age degredation and the amount of chemicals in the environment as well?
yup most pet stores/pet supplies will sell black dog products. They sell a heap of different dried goods including roo, emu, lamb, beef, pigs ears and different dry training treats already made. Most of it is the stuff they sell just by itself in the rack (like the smoked bones, roo chews, emu chews etc) or in clear packets with a black rotty as the logo. They also make those bone shaped biscuits you buy individually I wouldnt worry too much. Processing chemicals do NOT have to be listed on the packet so technically a company could wash it in formaldehyde and DDT for all you know, and pack it off. I get the Masterpet dog rawhide knot bones, no one's died yet
eh a full set by for months? stay away from this dog trainer please obviously has NO idea about dogs depends on the dog, being a Belgian I would email Midniara and ask as she would also know 1) when her dogs teeth usually and 2) when you should start to worry about retained baby teeth. Remember when you were losing your teeth and one didnt want to fall out but the adult one came through anyway? dogs get that too. It can make the adult tooth permanently sit crooked so good idea to PM the breeder anyway. I'm sure Midniara wouldnt care one bit about you showing interest in the health of your pup
yup I always hit the reset button with new dogs. Treat them like they are 8 weeks old again and enforce the rules. You'll find they pick up a new routine much more quickly and you can get on top of behavioral problems. But yup I agree ... I wouldnt take another older dog with problems, I think I want a break and get another puppy (one day) before taking on another dog with problems. I need puppy wiggles and kisses
Samodor I think winterpaws was a tad miffed at the fact you posted that you had the option to give the dog back already - and it was only doing what every lab puppy does. Get firm, if it cant be around kids quietly put it on a leash. I would get a professional trainer in to help you NOW instead of searching for internet advice as they assess the dogs behavior and can answer any questions you have in a practical sense, then show you there how to fix it. I use the thumb under the tongue method for biters as it stops it instantly. You also sound like you need a lot more skills in your leadership methodology and general training knowledge. Remember too that 80% of puppies will not be like your samoyed. He sounds very soft and you will be surprised by other dogs behavior if you treat them like you treat him. He will behave, they will see it as a way to get one over you and do what they want. LJ doesnt obviously push any boundries, most others do.
a dog can still have a behavioral issue without its testicles or ovaries. Its rediculous too that some vets only entertain the idea that a dog wil behave if its desexed and if it has problems after, well, its just a BAD DOG! yup. some do. WEIA what do you think about leaving one ovary in to prevent problems like hormonal incontinence etc in dogs down the track? Technically a dog only needs one ovary not two anyway but they wouldnt really cycle. There is a vet promoting this option now but I cant find the link *DAMMIT* I lose everything ...
since you dont know what the pup is eating best to not let him. Or you can grab an egg, blow it through a hole and fill it with pepper. Leave it out for him boy will he have a surprise when he finds that egg Hills is not made for giant breeds ... dont know exactly what its made for but I wouldnt feed it to my dogs. Try the Eagle Pack and see how you go with it, its great for giant breeds. Because of the protein level being lower your dog wont grow as fast as others on double the protein (not a bad thing) they mature at the correct rate for their bones. Highly reccomend it, did wonders for my Dogue de Bordeaux OMG I saw a newfie on a ute yesterday parked next to my car :rolleyes: he was HUGE! So lovely he sat there with his eyes drooping and bottom lip drooping too drooling on me while I gave him a cuddle! If I could deal with the hair I would think about it but OMG that fur! Biotin is Vitamin B7 (or Vit H) and because I'm lazy
if they are anything by BlackDog then there should be no chemicals. pigs ears would not have the same process as it is the whole ear not a skinned, scraped and processed hide. A pigs ear I thought would have to be manufactured in Australia because of the quarintine laws (well those really oily fresh ones anyway BlackDog make them too) Lime is calcium oxide Bleach is chlorine - hook up to any city water tap and see how much of that we drink. Chlorine is a fairly volatile chemical and wouldnt remain on the hide long especially bcause it's left in the open air hydrogen peroxide is used to make chlorine free products. It also breaks down into O2 and H2O very quickly when exposed to light as it is not the most stable of compounds. It is able to be put directly onto wounds - it doesnt cause cancer or have hideous side effects and you can even drink a solution to make you vomit. As for formaldehyde - well what that would be used for who knows. It is fairly expensive to just process a hide with. Unless its used as a preservative but even then that is not something that is ecanomical to use to preserve an edible product.
whats wrong with pigs ears? if you monitor so he doesnt get fat or get those big rawhide knot bones I dont see the problem theyre only skin
Experiences With Hip And Elbow Dysplasia- In The Same Dog
Nekhbet replied to Cosmolo's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
he may not be as sore as you think. Different dogs different reactions My GSD Kreuger didnt really cry a lot but towards the end he did. He was reluctant to get up, he'd try and play then you would see him wince and he would limp back and lie in the warm dirt. He became snappy, relucatant to socialise and on our last walk together his hip made a huge *pop* noise and his hind leg wobbled around going *pop - pop - pop*. I was heartbroken but I had him set free from his misery he even offered out his front leg like "i'm ready to go mum". He had his other compliment of problems as well so we did what was ultimately best for him. ... shoulnt add to threads like this I have a job interview and now I'm crying *hmph* -
Experiences With Hip And Elbow Dysplasia- In The Same Dog
Nekhbet replied to Cosmolo's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
is Dexter already arthritic? Diesel's a complete lemon and I've watched him scream and crawl enough in pain to put him through more. Between parvo and hip displaysia the poor pup has had enough torture in his life so I'm letting him live it out comfortably. not saying Dexter is at the same stage but carry a 40kg rottweiler around to pee and watch him cry himself to sleep day in day out and I dont want to be the cause of any more. hey CHarles. ever dealt with a collapsed hock before? -
tubal ligations can occasionally not work especially since vets are not really trained for that. hysterectomy is good in my books, little chance of pyo but the dog still gets its hormones. if we have to remove bits of our dogs to prevent cancer maybe we should look at our breeding, not frankensteining them to 'reduce the risk' crap ETA you can have a vascectomy done on male dogs, again you have to find a vet willing to do it. My boss said it was easier to take them out ... I stared him down ... he laughed and said 'OK but you better be there so I dont get carried away and whip em out" why do they have to be so insistant. The dog is not able to breed so what is wrong with that? Many cant give you an answer and I dont want to give my dog to another vet to find he 'accidentally' removed the testes or ovaries. My dog, my choice, as long as I am not BYB or causing harm/trouble why insist on telling me what is best?
Experiences With Hip And Elbow Dysplasia- In The Same Dog
Nekhbet replied to Cosmolo's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
it's going to be a couple of years. The reason I dont want to do surgery is that he is 1) still growing and 2) already 43kg and I have to try damn hard to stop him getting any heavier. I have kept his weight even for 3 months but its hard because he's a growing boy. If I let him bulk up then he cannot get up at all and we're back to counting days. He has very little hip socket at all, arthritic changes on his hip and arthritic changes in his elbows. I love him to death but if he lays down for a couple of weeks, well, he will never get up again i make sure he does at least some form of exercise every day, I push him even if he's a bit sooky and he's fine for it. He loves walks, the beach, the city etc but why should i cause him extreme pain and more complications through surgery. Plus dont even ask how much it is to do all the surgeries and follow up specialist care - with little guarentee it will definately fix him. He's not a small breed, and he's not a small example of his breed either. -
9 cups holy shmoley I dont even feed a 63 kilo Dogue on that much per day! I say change the food to something like Eagle Pack giant breed and give him things like carcasses etc I wouldnt let him eat 4 eggs every day, eating too much raw egg causes a vitamin deficiency in the dog, particularly Biotin
no offense meant towards you or Montu LM I was having a simple discussion with K9 and his information I miss my sheppy now
Experiences With Hip And Elbow Dysplasia- In The Same Dog
Nekhbet replied to Cosmolo's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I got the full compliment here - 2 bad hips, 2 bad elbows, collapsed hock, skin allergies and the occasional balding. Lets not forget that lovely lump on his front paw too I dont want to do surgery it is immense pressure on him. his elbows showed arthritic changes months ago (he's about 14 months now) and we manage him with supplements, exercise, chiro, acupuncture and massage. As much as I want him to be around forever I have seen his x-rays and everyone else put a death sentence on him months ago. He's being managed until he cannot walk anymore which i think is fair enough. His body was not made to be doing what every other dog does but his quality of life is fine he can jump, play and go for walks. -
try being a vet nurse with two entire dogs I agree why not leave one ovary in, why remove everything. I dont understand when vets will wave off the whole ovariohysterectomy as no big deal but leave your dog entire and OMG ITS GOING TO DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH RIDDLED WITH INFECTIONS AND CANCER!!! ultimately its your dog and your decision. personally I see nothing wrong with leaving one ovary in but remember if your dog still attracts males then dont go taking her to obedience comps etc where she could tease males when she's 'in season'
in order for an electric fence to work the animal has to complete the circuit to feel the zap. If the dog is in mid air and only touches the fence technically she wont feel anything. Also if your lawn is very dry you may have dead spots. sometimes more trouble then the bloody things are worth hehehe
I didnt hand her back steve because she was due for euthanasia. SO call me a sucker I didnt want a 10 week old puppy to die. You dont know how I train or socialise, although you seem to have some preconceived ideas about me, so your comment is invalid. yes all your random, confusing issue skirting and subject changing is unproductive. As for the offer of a catch up, I've paid and watched your opinions once Steve that was enough for me.
hehe Erny have you walking into a litter of Malinois? have a look at You-tube at Malinois litters by 8 weeks many are already chasing rags and doing a hideously cute version of bitework if I walked into a litter and waved a towel around, and the pup stared at me, gave a half-assed little go at it then gave up then no way. If it was madly chasing it, boldly still went after it and showed it really wanted it I'd probably aim for that one. ah for this I mean things like bitework and schutzhund. You are correct what you look for in a puppy is situation specific, what is required in one discipline would be a complete no no in another. That's what we were trying to ascertain but you keep skirting the issue. And Midol posted he was 'warned' about discussing his training on here by a few people. Oh well off to walk the doggies and get the paper