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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. blacklab I have my two entire for work - I agree with Midol though I wouldnt be desexing a working dog any time soon unless its retirement time
  2. what drugs should be used for and what some vets use them for are different things sometimes. I dont like watching rabbits wake up on dormitor, I had 2 rabbits done and I was VERY unhappy with the fact they couldnt use their hind legs for a few hours. The vet waved it off. Same vet who hated giving any cat castration/spey any meloxicam injection to help with the pain because of the risk it had on their kidneys - better to watch them squeal in pain for a bit then suffer supposed kidney failure apparently. good question badboyz. Probably not, unless the council mandated that all desexings were done at certain recommended vets. If you go to any vet then they would just say 'well its up to you to make sure you're happy with the service from your veterinarian and they are properly skilled' etc
  3. you sure she's not still teething and has a sore tooth. None of mine whined for no reason a dog stands to gain very little from constant whining unless its getting attention for it. Conversely grab a spray bottle add a bit of stinky vinegar to the water and spray when she whines. Dont talk to her or look at her just spray her in the face.
  4. she wont sleep outside because she is a baby and outside = not being with pack. Thats a freak out! why have a dog if you wont have it part of a pack. Crated inside at nigh prevents accidents and mischief, plus the dogs have their own 'bedroom' so will be comfortable and quiet.
  5. nope. If the vet or nurse (if one is even present) is not paying attention it is easy for a young dog to slip away. Dormitor - cat castrations, rabbit castrations I've even seen kitten speys on dormitor It works by constricting the blood vessels, raising the blood pressure hence lowering heart rate. It can also cause an irregular heartbeat and in susceptible animals the heart can stop from the strain. Thats why I dont like Dormitor, never have never will.
  6. I know it isnt Georgie boy but some people use it in castrations especially if they cannot get the dog to settle or want it done without a general anaesthetic.
  7. check what they used as a premed (I hope not Dormitor ) check they actually used a general anaesthetic check they had his vital stats before he went it Dogs hearts dont just stop. Hopefully they didnt leave the gas turned up too high after induction and forgot to turn it down. In all the time I've spent at vet clinics you would be suprised when the vet goes 'oops tell the owner X instead'
  8. she is only a baby and cannot hold onto her bladder for that long. She is probably distressed she has to wee and then sleep in it hence the howling and barking. If she is in a crate in your room and wakes up, grab her and put her outside to pee. Call the breeder and ask as well as they may created the habits. Sometimes little howls and woofs means NOW!
  9. if she has persistant ear infections I would change the diet anyway. BBQ is OK if you peel off the skin and give the less fatty parts like the breast and some plain boiled rice. You get the rest of course
  10. sebazole is a medicated shampoo and can be quite strong I wouldnt go using it too regularly on a healthy dog
  11. royal canin beauty is good for toy breeds introduce oils slowly as if he is underweight you can give him the runs also make sure you dont overload the bones and constipate him, so balance the diet.
  12. you need to nourish the dog from the inside out - their flakes and our dandruff are two different things. more oils in the diet be it change the kibble, switch to raw, add flax seed oil etc and dont wash too often. Do not blow dry but towel dry well and only use lukewarm water. never use fabric softener or human conditioners. There is a product called EpiSoothe which is good and ResiSoothe is the leave in conditioner.
  13. Excuse me where did I say you were a moron. The third time, after 2 incidences of showing aggressive behavior, you let her off lead in a public space. That to me is negligent so sorry if I'm realistic and dont sugar coat. People can make a complaint about your dogs behavior, even if it is rushing the fence when they walk past. Again apologies for stating the possible ramifications of her existing behavior. There are 2 categories of dog, a Dangerous Dog and a Menacing Dog which the council can slap on your dog and make life difficult for you AND your wallet. You dont know how I train so you cannot comment - I develop rapport with my clients and they appreciate the fact I politely tell them the truth and how to fix it considering their experience and physical limitations. I understand not everyone is a dog trainer and on occasion can make mistakes but if you intend to be a trainer I would have thought you knew a little more and understood how serious one needs to treat a dog that rushes people and bails them up when SHE decides to. again apologies for rubbing you up the wrong way I'm sure you will do what is best for your dog.
  14. This is where the problem lies. You should never get a dog primarily as a companion for another - why does JP need a friend? Does he at all? You should get a dog for yourself NOT for your dog. This is probably why you are running into trouble, find a dog that suits your expectations and lifestyle so maybe go get an older dog that is very low activity and soft temperament like your existing dog. Either way you need to set rules for new dogs, show routine, leadership and training in order for them to settle into the new family. Most dogs in a new place take a while to settle in and if you just expect them to 'fit in' you will be dissapointed.
  15. eh? severe lack of intelligence seems to be rife these days
  16. depends what the problem is and what you term 'heal'. Some things require rest, supplementation and physio, others require surgery if they have damaged growth plates or fractured bones. Even then I would be cautious and extend the 'puppy exercise limit' a couple of months longer to ease the body into adulthood. I treated my Dogue like a puppy until he was 18 months old and liftd him into the car, helped him out (no way was I carrying him out hehehe) and never took him on long extended walks. He also visited the chiropractor and was on a giant breed food. yes they can 'heal' but seriously if a 7 month old ridgeback has a knee not working what the hell is it doing it dog club - I would tell them to go home and not come back until that pup has seen a vet. That dog should be confined and taken to a GOOD vet who knows the breed or large/giant breeds ASAP. I really wonder about dog owners today.
  17. you should not allow a dog to go 2 days without drinking. Food OK they can live with but water is not a good thing at all.
  18. errr no. No matter the preventitive it needs a test first, thats how we rolled. I think my dogs have only had frontline once in their whole lives, I found a baby flea and dosed everyone. You are right pebbles I think that is another way the preventitives keep going as 'oh see you use them and there is no fleas' hmm cut out the preventitives and see if you do or dont. I remember seeing so many people with drooping faces when the boss said puppy needs X, Y, Z, etc etc etc this food, this wormer, heartworm, flea, mite, mange, vaccine. Its horrible by 6 months how many chemicals have been pumped into the puppy. Then there is the cost too. For the sake of a few fleas you need to spend a rediculous amount of money. And it is for what actually goes into the little vials. Dont always trust what your vet says do your own research. I had my rottweiler injected with Baytril as a puppy when the label said not for use in puppies/kittens under 6 months as it causes bone growth problems. 'Oh but our other clinic used it for all parvo cases'. mmhmm and now i have a dog with bone problems especially the crooked hock joint. I'm digging but its hard to find information, and people have their 'preferences' despite the labels.
  19. all the animals have eaten corn. our cats used to get the corn cobs when we were finished and pick all the bits out for hours. One is no 19 the other 16 still going no worries. The old GSD lived till 14 and loved corn cobs which we took away when she at all the kernels.
  20. heartworm preventitives and heartworm treatment are two very different things. If a dog is over 6 months we never gave preventitives without a test first. The chemicals were never made to kill and deal with adult worms floating in the bloodstream.
  21. Idexx produce a Simplify test which looks like a pregnancy test. You need a drop of blood and then you add solution, give it 5 minutes and it will tell you if your dog shows heartworm antigens. The incubation period for heartworm though is quite slow, 6 months, so if you gave Mandella a test every 6 months you would pick it up if you wanted regular testing. Then the vet would go on to draw blood and send it off to the laboratory to confirm infection. Worming tablets dont really stay in the system they just do a 'clean out' you could say, every time you give them. So no you wouldnt actually be overdosing the dog giving it Milbemax every month especially if that is what it is designed for. If you are worried about worm resistance then give something like a praziquental tablet every 6 months as well. But really In 5 years I have never seen worms, had literally 2 fleas and everyones passed a heartworm test so chemicals are minimal here. http://www.idexx.com.au/animalhealth/testkits/caninehw/ there is also SNAP tests for heartworm, Parvo and Giardia ETA - there is that line of prevention versus treatment. Why risk the animal getting sick they say? But yes I see way too many fairly potent chemicals pumped into animals these days. Fleas, worms, heartworm, mites, etc etc every month more and more that soak into the actually fatty tissue fo the animal. How can we confidently say that this has NO long term health effect on a dog/cat/rabbit? I I wonder how Ivermectin in dogs is actually considered off label use in a vet clinic but Revolution with the synthetic avermectin chemical Selemectin is promoted for dogs? Theyre too similar for my liking and especially considering some breeds HAVE chemical sensitivities to avermectins I wouldnt trust it. Are we killing our animals with kindness? I never use the heartguard or ProHeart injections i think thats just too much.
  22. if a pup is not strong in the rear wouldnt that mean it is throwing the weight foreward? no proof this is exercise related famage it could be pre-existing and the exercise is making it worst, or an old play injury that is now affecting the way the dog walks. vet, if that fails, chiro.
  23. Milbemax tablets can be used monthly for heartworm and worms we used them at our last clinic (milbemycin) heartworm is treatable depending when you pick it up. Early stages you have a better chance then when the dog is already in respiratory distress.
  24. professionals cost money but lawsuits cost more or your dog may be destroyed if it actually does bite someone. Third time - why did you let it get past the first? You need professional assistance NOT internet advice because problems like this need visual confirmation of body language, posturing and build up. Also the method used needs monitoring and maybe even changing with the dog itself and you may get the completely wrong information. DO NOT USE ANOTHER PERSON TO HELP YOU TRAIN THIS DOG YOURSELF. You are creating a potentially dangerous situation or you run the risk of fulfilling her expectation and escalating the behavior - so instead of bailing and barking she could take it a step further and attack. As Kavik has said it is not a failing at all to ask for assistance and professional opinions. I too have done the NDTF course, have trained dogs in various difficult disciplines but no WAY do I know everything. I will still ask others for their opinions because its the responsible thing to do.
  25. Never let her off lead you are so lucky you have not been reported and the council have rocked up on your door It is incredibly negligent of you to let her anywhere near people off lead. SHe is totally in control of her situations and so DO NOT LET HER. She needs training, stimulation and exercise. Get yourself a professional NOW to fix this problem and to have her properly assessed. Someone may have tried to break into your property as well and now she is on high alert. Still this is not a problem for the internet this needs a consultation ASAP. Which area are you in, we can make recommendations or may trainers here have contact numbers in their signatures if you see one close to you.
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