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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. ETA Hey Midol is there anything about apple seeds? I cant remember I think a few are good and a lot are bad (I hate it when I cant find my references) or does he poop out the core whole ahh my spoilt brats wouldnt eat apple although the DDB brings me fallen grapefruits and looks at me pleadingly until I peel it and he sucks out the juice
  2. since it is already a hole and pups would be severely stretching the abdominal muscles I would say yes. The biggest risk with hernias is if they tear and a piece of intestine pokes through and becomes twisted or squeezed it can cause severe pain and a much bigger operation. I would get it fixed, the younger the better, I hate the way they look too *ick*
  3. extra costs are due to extra time, surgery, equipment and anaesthetic. Most hernias are suturing of a few different tissue layers so $100 really is not that much
  4. nahhh I think this is a little furfy actually. I dont see the problem especially since bones themselves which are part of a raw diet take a while to digest as well and dogs are not that delicate. As for lettuce leaves they are mainly water and rubbish as a big part of a dogs diet. Cheap feed? offcuts, carcasses, mince etc with a cook up of home brand/no name rice and veges. I can feed 3 dogs on $10 a week on this diet and none of them look bad, in fact their appetites are satisfied and they look pretty good. I add soem flax seed oil to the food as well for their coats if the meat is a bit lean.
  5. uhhh thats not balanced. No wonder your shepherd was growing too fast sheesh bulk it out a bit. Dont go following those crackpot american diets Midol you'll ruin a good working dog.
  6. I've found quite a few dogs allergic to the grains in pro plan, especially dogues. I cant even consider it otherwise I would have two bald dogs and folliculitis covered DDB in no time
  7. some dogs need less food then you think. She is getting a huge amount for a 10 week old cav so feed her what she can eat in 15 minutes then wait until the next meal.
  8. RC giant is fine but stick to giant only I love RC compared to EP and have fed all my dogs on it (ahh the days I had money) but stick to it if it works
  9. Amandas show line Malinois are different from the working line, she just puts them all on the same page She even states what the pups would be good for "We expect puppies from this litter to be suitable for show, agility, obedience, lure coursing, tracking and last but not least loving family companions." and I know she would pick the right pup for the owners needs and situation. OMG I'd kill for one of the upcoming Lakenois pups btw Midol I have owned working line sheps, pet sheps, and currently have a working Mal so yup I dont think in the scheme of things a show line Mal from an excellent breeder who knows her dogs inside out would be a bad thing to consider either. They have less conformation problems then GSDs and are also a smaller dog, sharp as a tack, and truely multi purpose. Guard your house but love you to death with doe eyes say no to that thing will ya dawwww she was so cute
  10. ugh get her off the supercoat and onto Eagle Pack Giant Breed with a carcass a day better diet If she is right weight or a bit underweight add some lamb offcuts as well best thing for a healthy trim muscly dogue
  11. GSDog2 with the length of time that you have been interested you'll be fine. Trust your own judgement you know exactly what YOU want in a pup and thats all that matters of course this may be something you need look here!
  12. why dont you make a 'soup' out of meats, fish and some veges, blitz it up in the blender and feed him that?
  13. prey drive, focus, control, training ... yadda yadda again a proper trainer needs to assess whats going on high drive can cause snappings (Malinois owner here) and you not being the true 'owner' of the prey item hence the fight. ETA - biting, snapping, rolling etc are not always aggression. Dogs have limited communication and hence use signals we see as 'aggression'. True aggression towards other dogs is blatantly obvious (ie literally tearing another to pieces) and hence rough play is usually misconstrued.
  14. A few brisbane DOLers will have ideas about who is good and realistic up there. Firm but fair you dont have to hit but at the first sign of roughness grab the dog by the collar and let it settle. I would probably have it on a lead when with the malt/shih so if too rough you can walk it away. remember ... always mark/praise whenever the dog is doing well. If it starts playing nicely or quietly just softly say 'good dog, gooooood dog' to reinforce what is the right thing to do praising is what 90% of owners forget
  15. more discipline and a trainer to come in and give you some tips discipline shouldnt be harsh or cruel. You dont have to terrorise a dog into respect. My dogs live by Nothing In Life Is Free - if you want it you have to work hard for it! She may be a rough player, most bully breeds are, and can be mistaken for aggressive behavior. But a profeesional is the way to go first.
  16. YAAAAAAAAAAAY FOR PUPPY!!!! many happy years to come then!
  17. yeah it was born a Malinois :laugh: pay up your chiropractor too also visit a psych you could be too sane to want a high drive Mali God I cant wait to get more one day ... certified Mali Nut
  18. unless she's very underweight I wouldnt worry too much with a dog the size of a GSD good to see you're back long time no see!!!
  19. gee someone loves Eukanuba dont they what a crackpot. No edible bones only thick ones they cannot eat uhh ok remember BARF in the USA can mean bones and meat only, not a meat/vege/mineral mix like we have here in australia. Literally they throw sides of animals to the dogs and THATS IT so no I do not agree with that either.
  20. why buy a ferrari if all you're going to do is drive on the highway? If all a person wants is competitive obedience then I seriously do not see why go for above and beyond the requirements and end up with more work for themselves. I'm also assuming the OP wants a family pet as well so I think if she's happy with the breeder then its the way to go instead of a kennel that breeds working line sheps - who predominantly would not only have prey but a decent amount of civil drive/defense and be a little pushier. Everything you want in a security dog, probably not in a competitive obedience dog. ETA Steve you have your opinions and theories but I dont appreciate my posts picked to death over really stuff that is minor details and having you make your tiny modifications to it to suit what you think. Not everyone HAS to work in drive, not everyone as a handler is happy or suited to own a high drive dog. They are not the be all and end all of dogs and in fact can be more trouble then they are worth at times.
  21. actually you can. Some dogs can have too much drive and not enough stability, its cropping up in a few Malinois and its not a pretty sight. Spinning, crying, foaming etc its bloody rediculous to watch and it doesnt help the dog. Also some high drive dogs cannot cope with 100% drive training no suppression work. medium level drive is good for obedience, she's not doing schutzhund. If you have a high drive dog then you also require some suppression work so you dont end up with an out of control monster, highly distracted dog or a dog that is in drive every time it sees you.
  22. if all you want is obedience then I dont see why you particularly need a working kennel. Actually I would probably steer away and go for a good kennel with solid and even tempered dogs, mid level drive and high focus on people.
  23. Nekhbet


    maybe you need to read up a little more and see some more dogs before just disagreeing for the sake of it behavior of a dog is not 100% based on its hormone levels. Its genetics, environment and learned behaviors - is it not? common misconception is desex a dog it will fix its aggression - no it wont. It can help in making the dog more biddable as it is not hormonally charged BUT the dog will still exhibit the old personality traits it had before. There is a difference between prey drive, civil and defense drive. A desexed dog can still work perfectly well as a security dog IF it has it in its breeding and training to be that way and i have not seen desexing diminish prey drive hormones sexually mature a dog, they dont completely shape its personality. Plus people want working dogs by 18 months-2 years how are you going to achieve that if you remove the hormones that push it through puberty and the 12/18 month maturity period.
  24. Belgrael they look SO much happier and healthier congratulations on stripping their weight down I never understand how people say a fat dog is a happy dog breaks my heart to see the little waddlers Bartok hows the diet going at the moment?
  25. Nekhbet


    Midol it doesnt change the intrinsic personality of the dog it doesnt lower prey drive as that is something that is encouraged through training and the lines of the dog A working dog requires more then just prey drive - if thats all the dog is basing its behaviors on you have a sport dog, not a working security dog working dogs are kept entire because of the hormonal maturity. When you leave a dog entire it will display hormone driven 'punchiness' as I call it (not all will, but you have a better chance) Basically you want the dog to display macho man, testosterone driven attitude. Saying that my entire bitch got better after every season (and being in season too you realise why they called them bitches ) Look at what we want to eliminate from a basic pet dog - hormone driven dominance, exacerbated fear periods, hormone driven posturing and territoriality etc. In a working dog we want this at the natural levels the dog would display, not slightly muted after removing the majority of hormones. keeping a dog entire will not guarentee a working dog at all, but desexing at 2 will not necessarily destroy a good dog either. My rottweiler is desexed, he was at about 9 months of age. He has heaps of prey drive, a strong will, stubborn streak, will join in guarding if someone comes round to the back fence and yesterday the little bugger pushed himself to go for an 1 1/2 hr hike around the city. Desexing destroyed nothing of his personality at all but he doesnt have masses of testosterone pushing him to fight with my other entire male.
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