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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. Wheat Free Tasty Turkey Treats 1 undrained can of flaked turkey 1 cup of oatmeal 1 cup of yellow cornmeal 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/3 cup water Preheat your oven to 350°F Use a food processor or blender to mix the turkey, dry ingredients and water until it is well blended. Then remove the mixture and knead by hand until it forms a soft dough. Roll out dough approximately 1/4" thick. You can lightly dust the rolling surface with cornmeal to prevent sticking when rolling out your dough. Cut into shapes. Bake on a lightly greased or non-stick cookie sheet for 20 to 30 minutes. Be careful to avoid burning the treats.
  2. Ingredients * 1 cup yellow cornmeal or 1/14 cup corn flour * 1 cup oatmeal * 1/4 tsp. baking powder * 1/2 tsp. garlic powder * 1 small can tuna in oil -- undrained * 1/3 cup water Directions 1. Grind oatmeal in processor to make a coarse flour. 2. Set aside in small bowl. 3. In food processor, whirr tuna with the oil, and water then add all the rest of ingredient. 4. Pulse till mixture forms a ball, Pulse to knead for 2-3 minutes. Knead on floured surface till it forms a soft ball of dough. 5. Roll out to a 1/8"-1/4" thickness. 6. Cut into shapes. 7. ake on lightly greased cookie sheet , at 350 for 20-25 minutes. 8. Cool completely.
  3. Ingredients * 1 cup spelt flour * 1 cup quick oat * 1 cup water * 2 tablespoons olive oil * 2 tablespoons dried parsley * 1 tablespoon cinnamon Directions 1. Mix all ingredients together. 2. Let stand for about 10 minutes until batter thickens. 3. Drop by Teaspoon onto cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. 4. Flatten with finger diped in spelt flour. 5. Bake at 400 F for 20 minutes. 6. Turn off oven and leave cookies in oven over night to crisp.
  4. makes 1 loaf 450 g rice flour 25 g soft margarine 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) (use level tsp) 1 tsp cream of tartar (use heaped tsp) pinch salt 250 ml buttermilk 1 large egg, beaten conversion charts preheat oven: 200°C, fan 180°C, 400°F, Gas 6 1. Sieve the rice flour, bicarbonate of soda, cream of tartar and salt into a large mixing bowl. Add the margarine and rub in until there are no large lumps of margarine visible. You won't get a breadcrumb look because there is too much flour to too little fat to create this. 2. Whisk the buttermilk and egg together, then pour into a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and mix together. The mixture will be very dry, and won't hold together unless you start to mix it with your hands. 3. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured board and very lightly knead it for 1-2 minutes. There will probably be some of the mix left in the bowl which will be too dry to incorporate, don't worry if it's only a small amount. 4. Shape the dough into a rounded mound, approximately 13cm (56") diameter, then place it on a baking sheet. Mark a deep cross on the loaf, being careful not to cut all the way through to the bottom. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes. 5. When cooked remove from oven and cool on a wire rack. Best served warm. you can add to this things like bacon bits or other doggy flavourings, then slice it up and dry it again in the oven like biscotti. wheat free, and you can make it how you want. ETA you could add some liver sprinkles or chicken flavouring.
  5. Deedle is going on Thursday for his new nursing home, just close to home too woot woot unfortunately his elbows are now looking like they will shorten his life span. Despite supplements and therapies I think the fact his weight is carried on two shitty elbows is starting to take its toll. I cant make him any lighter then 45kg or he will start going into teh hideously underweight category and start losing muscle. Its not soon soon but OH and I discussed it last night we're thinking more up to 12 months before he becomes completely unhappy. He already is going back to his 'breaks' after play time by just laying in the garage for a while not wanting to get up and his elbows are bowing further outwards (think like chicken wings) to deal with the strain of his weight and bad back legs. *sigh* We hope we're wrong but we're prepared for the worst. He's still happy and reasonably sound so we shall see what we see. Here is a lovely photo of the big goober boy care of Vom Blaksta from the DOL BBQ:)
  6. one well aimed canine and the little frenchy could have some irreversible damage. I dont let dogs sort it out for themselves. If your frenchie looks at the rottie wrong I would grab two saucepan lids and bang them LOUDLY at him and then shout 'NO LEAVE'. Supervise snack times and let him learn that if he stuffs up food is gone. He's taking advantage of the rotties nature but the size difference worries me if he pushes the rottie too far. The trick is to get it before he gets to the stage of exploding a the rott. He leaves his food and starts trotting over BANG BANG BANG BANG in his face NO then take his food away and put him outside. Want to be a little macho man? Fine, starve. The loud noise will prevent his anxiety coming out as aggression, you will scare him and break his train of thought. Then simply march him away from her eating quietly and ignore him.
  7. are they doing regular training and behavior modification sessions as well or just meds? Are they developing a routine for the dog and clear, concise rules and expectations? And what meds is he on? Some medications are simply the cork in the proverbial bottle, owner is lulled into a false sense of security that the dog is 'cured'. Pull the dog off the meds and BANG emotional explosion. Meds are only a tool not a cure. THe dog needs a lot of training and a routine set if the meds are to do their job properly - they are reducing the brainless panic and allowing the family to get through to the dog. Lifetime medicating for me is not something I like or encourage as a healthy thing (having a mother on them is hard enough and they dont help, they mask)
  8. there is a few ... I've met most of them and they have been a bit ...err ... short with me shall we say
  9. well she's about to have one if she keeps the dog outside. Yeah great idea pull her aside and talk about how MESSY whelping and puppies are ... 8 straight weeks of blood, poo, wee, vomit and milk everywhere she'll give the dog up tomorrow :rolleyes:
  10. keep it in the laundry and then get it desexed or give it to a rescue that has room for it before it gets pregnant what an idiot. Some people shouldn't own dogs.
  11. Erny security dogs too are taught with a sleeve, then bite suit etc. Of course they will be considered one and the same even though there are glaring differences to anyone who pays attention. Schutzhund is a sport that is sleeve focussed and not training dogs that will do security work. Whether that dog goes on to do it or does both is nothing to do with Sch but you can see how the lines can become blurred. ANKC will not support it in any way, shape or form because it is seen as encouraging a dog to go onto attack a person - which is utter utter rubbish. The fact is the main governing body of dogs in Australia are not to be relied on for help in this matter, and neither is the GSDCA or its members. Such a pity. I've seen some GSD breeders have these quotes on their website too as not to encourage people to purchase their puppies for security, schutzhund or other such persuits.
  12. what has the breeder been feeding? Whatever it is you should continue and gradually change the diet to prevent stomach upsets or to see if your dog can truely cope with that diet.
  13. after throwing cash hand over fist at the vets with a parvo puppy I dont see why the 16 week is unneccesary especially in breeds that are more susceptible.
  14. Schutzhund has the bitework component which is the dog biting the sleeve. By victorian law that is a big no no and schutzhund dogs can be dual purpose - both competition and security trained. I dont see why they would not agree with either of the persuits since its what dogs were bred for. ANKC, Dogs Vic etc has released nothing up until now on this have they?
  15. also from the GSDC website. So the ANKC sees Schutzhund as attack dog training and hence it falls under the quote from the the ANKC website: IE we dont know what it is so we wont agree with it. Fabbo.
  16. thats a bit of overkill for me I have always stuck with 6-8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks
  17. depends on the breed. If we are talking mentally not a pup anymore it can vary. Giants will take longer then minis, some breeds mature later then others of the similar size
  18. There are people and rescues in USA that take in ex fighting pits or those who have a second chance because they show promise. Just because they may be rescued from a fighting environment I wouldnt discount them immediately, properly tested there may be a lot of reasonable quality dogs euthed because they are from 'fighting lines' as pitties dont really have a pedigree then how could you prove it. http://www.vrcpitbull.com/dogs1.htm take a look at some of the dogs - dog aggressive yet still on a rehome list. If the shelter is willing to keep them, train them and pass them on to an owner that will keep them safe then whats the problem. Pitbulls are not the only DA dogs on the face of the planet.
  19. whats wrong with a little healthy discussion? Without discussion there is no education! Too full of food and xmas cheer *hiccup*
  20. maybe they need to learn a bit of dog training. How do we extinguish a behavior ... or how do we make a behavior go away ... we ignore it or we provide some sort of aversive. dog commanded, got nothing for it and thought 'stuff this' and didnt do it again. I Dont think dogs are smart enough for true envy. Yes they see another dog getting treats, but I would be suprised if the dog didnt just start exhibiting behaviors to get one, then stopped when it saw it wasnt gettnig anything. ahhh another lovely push towards anthropomorphisation Dude why are you reading Cosmo ...
  21. dingos scavenge ... its the opportunistic nature of the dog NOT human breeding that has brought that on. Places in USA have problems with Coyotes, racoons etc because of garbage dumps and human waste. It is in all wild animals nature to take the easy route thats how they survive. There are true 'feral' dogs out in AUstralia. 2nd, 3rd, 4th gen wild bred animals which cause millions of dollars damage to stock and native fauna yearly. THere are not dogs out for a good time these are wild, dangerous dogs which have no qualms attacking humans either.
  22. It probably does more then we see but we are great at stuffing up dogs and confusing them. Remember dogs are trying to cope in a human dominated world. Even the ground they walk on is artificial. So no, you probably will not SEE 100% clear cut behavior (and then the poor buggers have to learn tricks to get the message through to us too) as you would out in the wild with dogs that are relying on themselves and their pack. There has to be SOME sort of structure otherwise there would be chaos, fighting and ultimately starvation. anthropomorphism is attributing human morals, thoughts and motivations onto animals, objects etc. Not saying an animal has NO thoughts or motivations of its own BUT they are not human ones. As I said before this : is an anthropomorphic concept. It is a human concept of morality, supporting the lesser able of the two to exist. That does not exist in a dog. We have given a dog situation a human spin. Dogs do not feed each other, in fact a dog that is weak usually gets turned on in a large group - because although they may work together dogs will turn on each other as well. Just like when a human owner provides everything for the dog, food, toys, attention etc and suddenly the dog lashes out and bites. You would have heard it ... "oh but he LOVES me and I give him everything and he APPRECIATES everything I do, how much MONEY I SPEND ON HIM" etc Nope. Dog sees a meal ticket, milks it and when it doesnt provide *bang* Oi slave come on NOW. I have upset a couple of people. Out of control dog, after a session with me it sometimes prefers to stick with me because I have provided clear leadership and consistancy (and a bit of a treat/cuddle) "Oh I thought he/she LOVED me" once again we think dogs do things for US because they love us. We think dogs get along with each other because they play happy families like we do. I think us humans need to stand back and take a good look at what dogs really are. Maybe we dont want to believe it. We have bred them so far removed we dont want to think they still have primitive urges and not be our pets that 'love us and would do anything for us'. A few generations of phenotypic breeding cannot remove thousands of years of hard wiring. Yes we have modified it but we have no extinguished it or suddenly added a whole new level of the dogs psyche - the ability to morally chose, the ability to love, to completely disregard the natural order of things and support the weak etc. They cannot and will not. Probably because it has become highly simplified and over used. Suddenly everyone uses 'oh dog X is alpha, it displays dominance etc" and I dont like it. Its not hard cut because, as I said, we all live in an artificial environment and keep packs which are also artificial. There are no desexed dogs in the wild. You would not have multiple bitches having puppies together in the same pack in the wild, as would you not have dogs roaming far and wide having 'puppy partys' and random meet ups (unless said random meet up included trying to scare away or shred new intruder) There is an element of hierachy but I dont think its black and white anymore. I dont see anything wrong with saying 'I am boss of my dogs and what I say goes, period." Its a smart concept especially for someone like me who owns combined 135kg of dog weight. But these days we want to be 'friends' more then leaders, it seems to be a dirty word - as is 'dominant' or 'alpha' or the concept of a consequence for an action. We SHOULD be understanding the hierachy a dog thinks is necessary and then understanding why our dog does what it does when put in our artificial environment. Why an entire dog may not see a desexed dog as a higher member but the desexed dog's attitude may mean it still wants to be boss ... oh then they blue! Why entire bitches, especially breeding ones, will fight to the death - they are fighting for breeding rights and the right to be top bitch in the environment. If they had human concepts we could have them get along merrily but they sometimes DONT. Because its not in their nature.
  23. If a dog is thought to think of no one but themselves and what is in it for them then why would they come to such a human plane of thought and understanding. An agreement of this level and a 'mutual' understanding is a human concept, not a canine concept. I think there has been a bit of anthropomorphisation in this whole 'theory'. Do we see a dog sharing and offering food to the other dog that has less in its bowl? Hell no! Christ if it finishes its own it would be happy to go over and eat the others food too if there is any. A dog is a dog. We delve too deep in dog thoughts and we end up projecting our own onto them and that starts down a road that should not be followed. I agree. Just because someone raises a new flag why are we suddenly 'closed minded' when we dont salute it? Theories come left right and centre, many end before they snowball on and many go on to become proven fact. But a theory is just that, a thought by someone/people that explore a new angle. Doesnt mean it is correct in all facets or that it automatically IS the new rule.
  24. Midol is right - anyone with more then one dog cannot ignore the fact that their dogs are unequal between themselves. One considers itself more then the other. Look at also the concept of territotiality - a dog will change the way it views other dogs/people when its property is at stake. It will protect but on its own turf it will try and dominate if it is a dog that is that way inclined. I do not see what he is trying to prove and how it is useful to us. I think its becoming a debate on what we consider the interpretation of terms. What we consider to mean 'pack' and 'hierachy'. Well yes if 'pack' is to mean a group of carnivores banding together ONLY to hunt down an animal together then no, dogs are not pack animals. But - how does a wild pack hunt. WIthout structure? Randomness? Do they just throw themselves at a herd of animals until they badger a few to death or do they hunt in an organised manner, pick off the easiest target then eat in the order of importance? I'm all for expanding my mind. I just want logical proof that doesnt have living examples that disprove it in my face daily. I dont see what the point of the mtDNA chart was, as I told you in the email, he simply proved that the domestic dog and russian wolf divereged from a common ancestor fairly recently. Yup we knew that already. not necessarily. Dogs are all the same species and share the same genes. You may introduce a new allele into that 'line' (ie a new version of a gene) but that is no guarantee that is an improvement. We are still infants in the world of genetics and him telling people crossbreeding will keep the domestic dog alive (wait for the DD people to latch onto this one) is a furfy. First generational crosses can have recessive genes MASKED. Thats it. You cannot make genetic diseases go away the only way is to NOT breed carriers or affected individuals. Then again diseases are the result of new alleles created through random genetic mutation of the gene so you will never stop diseases cropping up in any creature with DNA. Crossbreeding creates more carriers or recessive alleles then anything else. What about polygenic conditions? Things like HD are not a single gene obviously it is a conformation fault. mix together a few random shapes and what do you think you will get - no faults? please. We have seen ourselves time and time again how crossbreeding can backfire big time. Also we have bred specific breeds with specific drive patterns and requirements, cross them and see one very confused dog or one with little purpose.
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