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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. as I tell clients ... you can either be firm today, or frustrated and miserable forever. Your choice
  2. Cosmolo is right. If it doesnt stop it, it adds to his sillyness. Hence why I say, don't gradually increase your corrections. You're either desensitising or loading, neither which will help. Get a good, loud correction or keep him on a leash. Scare the bejeezus out of him - GRRRRRR NO and clap your hands, stomp your foot. Hey this hurts! Dont be halfy halfy about it put a stop to it now! Get him as soon as he has that gleam in his eye and you wont need to use as big a correction or struggle with a hyper pup.
  3. What are you reprimanding for? Maybe you let her be a little too free in making up for her previous life. She now feels hard done by and right all the time. Have controlled interactions with them, if she goes to correct the other dog step in before she tries anything. My Malinois used to do the same thing, I told one dog off and she came in and nipped them on the face now if she even tries she gets an 'BAAAHH NO' and she backs off. I'm telling her, I've done the work you dont need to contribute thanks. keep both dogs on the same plane. I dont have a specific 'heirachy' between mine, I treat everyone equally whether they like it or not. Same rules apply for all and I have managed to get rid of most of these problems. I would also desex any bitch you dont want to breed from NOW. If you dont want a complete lack of hormones you can ask to leave one ovary in but at least she wont be full blown hormonal dominant female. Be careful, two entire bitches can be a nasty combo if the other decides she's had enough of being picked on and doesnt see any other way of stopping it.
  4. you can watch the video on the website. Bit of a filler really
  5. one size fits all training is not something I would pay for. I dont think people who run places like that truely can cater for all dogs and breeds. I use chains, only because here in Victoria anything else useful would land me in prison I sooo need to move. I dont like them on pups, there is NO NEED especially if you have had the dog since puppyhood. Even most adult dogs can be trained on a flat or with a martingale or nylon dominant dog collar before the chain. Border collies are people focussed, drivey dogs that want to work. Big constant corrections do NOT encourage they suppress - now thats useful for a dog that has too much outpouring of drive and is acting like a hurricane on a leash, they need something to get them back down to earth. But a 5 month old puppy? Nup. You dont build respect through force you build it through encouragement and trust. Also pups necks are quite sensitive and one good yank can cause bruising.
  6. poochmad might be time for a trainer. I think you're not being firm enough with him and he's just brushing you off. I wouldnt have him off leash in the house, he's ruined his chance so I would keep hiim on leash. Mucks up - outside. The house is a privilege not a right and he's abused it. conversely setting him up holding two pot lids then banging them in his face has worked for me as well. Be firm! You know you can be ! Really turn around and roar at him you wont traumatise him at all .... think of it as a stress release exercise as well
  7. isnt he going for his Heavy Rigid license next week Erny? Or is that after he graduates from university
  8. try having a baby malinois on the back step with a raggy dirty pigs head like 'awwwww come on mum I need to eat this on the carpet' ;) poochmad everyone has problems and those that say they have NEVER had an issue are fibbing or own a toy dog dogs will be dogs. I still have holes in the backyard the dogue starts and the rotty finishes
  9. oh yeah. I have seen some TERRORS! 11 week old beagle, butter wouldnt melt in its mouth but the owner was in tears .... we found out why after trying to vaccinate it ... it was a terror! It attacked the vet, biting, screaming scratching, launching until I grabbed it. It was like something out of a horror movie! Vet was bleeding, I was bleeding and we hadn't even go the needle near it yet! not saying one has to beat the pup I dont advocate hitting ESPECIALLY on the head/face. But dont fall for all their tricks, because dogs have a lot of them!
  10. You cant be hard and fast. I sometimes give my dogs a treat for existing and they dont go trying to kill me for it. OK so they have to sit first but you get it My mum thinks I run a military camp. I do have the same rules for all (although Diesel is allowed to dig holes ) but they are the basics - no fighting, no barking, no stealing food, no resource guarding, no provoking, no pulling on the leash. Everything else, say when we go out and about socialising, some get more pats, some are allowed to eat from other people, some can meet dogs etc.
  11. hand shyness can be an act in some dogs. The way is to do it the way mother dog did - grab some skin or the back of its collar (dont pinch) and simply control the dog like tightly holding its collar. The point is to say HEY CUT IT OUT. If you are not confident and you let go when the pup carries on he thinks 'eh you're not serious, get lost you cant catch me again'. Timing as well as soon as he grabs you scruff 'ARRRHHHH NO', wait till the pup relaxes and then walk away quietly. A pup that has had no discipline may be a little bamboozled but ignore it. You should only do it when the pup begins, dong wait till they've been nibbling at you for a while. Pups will squeal, roll, bite, bark, scratch etc and throw the mother of all tantrums. Dogs have to be used to being held and touched and manipulated, I've taught all of mine this way and no one is hand shy and everyone accepts being touched or held in all ways. Dont worry its pretty difficult to traumatise a pup and they can be little emotional blackmailers ETA scruffing i mainly do on younger pups when they do something VERY unacceptable like bite or launch with teeth bared. I find it gets through to their brains on the primitive level - BITE = NEVER
  12. SD I had a goat that would do that ... adult Anglo Nubian that would flatten herself under a table so she wouldnt have to come out and have her hoofs trimmed
  13. Sorry Corvus but tethering and trying to 'calm' a dog in a human way is dangerous the OP runs the risk of being bitten or trying to break up a dog fight. MEU cockers are a working breed. Many people take them as 'stupid, snappy etc' because they have not properly 1) trained the dog or 2) socialised it. Cockers can want to be the boss, from the sounds of it this could be the case. A few consults and a training plan from a good trainer/behaviorist will make more difference then advice from a forum as we cannot see your dogs body language etc. Yellowgirl you have to do what you can. You may PREFER positive reinforcement but what actually works for your dog? Think of it this way if you try and break up a bar fight do you wave $20 in between two blokes and say 'now if you settle down I'll give you this'. It wont work - but a big burly bouncer stepping in and saying 'right next one who tries anything flies' usually gets them to settle. When you talk about heightened emotions sometimes you have to use a bit of muscle to access the part of the brain that will learn and respond back in a positive way - something which relying on purely positive reinforcement cannot always do. Nothing wrong with the water bottle if it works - keep up the good work by the way I use a splash of vinegar for the smell and so some dogs dont turn it into a 'ooooh squirty water fun game!', the point is never to use enough to cause pain to the dog.... out to train it not to blind it
  14. huzzah ... and poor Henschke is thwarted for now around visitors maybe a leash would be a better idea then trying to chase him with a spray bottle. With my dogs I never let them be at the door as pups when everyone arrived and settled I walked them in on a lead. This saved the 'excitement' period razzing up the dog. ETA before hubby gets too comfy your boy will probably go through another 2-3 'I'm being an annoying turd' periods before he's a complete adult so stay consistant and you'll breeze through it all
  15. do you have a link to teaching leads? I cant live without my leather police leads. Love it. Can either be a long lead, normal lead, flat collar or dominant dog collar all in one lead. I need more as a certain ROTTWEILER who shall remain anonymous (Diesel ... mummy is talking about you ...) ate the others. Yes. Munched and ate sections out of the others. Correction chains Crates Leather harnesses - so comfy for the dogs especially when teaching tracking. Treat bag ... because I drop everything just have to make sure not to shove the mobile in with the treats like I did once
  16. that sounds a little excessive whic company do they use for the tests? Some clinic bump up their profit margin on it or add other tests anyway.
  17. Nothing wrong with being safe then sorry especially when the purchaser was aware he got an APBT. After helping friends of mine get back their dog who spent 12 months in the council pound being decided whether she was dangerous, an actual APBT etc to be finally released back to her family of 2 small children They let that poor dog live in her pen alone, go through 2 seasons surrounded by randy male dogs who tried to get at her as well so she came back snappy at other dogs which I helped her fix. Beautiful creature and knows all the cute tricks. dude call me oogy boogy but having seen the shit end of this law all I try and do is let other people learn from other mistakes. This dog was NOT an APBT in any way but if a dog that far removed could go through all this imagine what yours might if you dont follow the law.
  18. change the diet for sure, and make sure the dog is not accessing dirty water to roll around in. I would be using betadine cream from the human chemist if your dog has no problem with iodine that's my skin cure all for dogs around here wipe it on then remove excess with a tissue to make sure its not holding moisture warning on a white dog it will stain.
  19. dont try to gradually keep increasing your tactics. Do one action and give him a definitive instruction on your displeasure at his action. Black and white its the easiest, and this is why behaviors repeat - it was enough before but now he's a 'bit more of a man' he will try again. doesnt mean you have to be cruel, doesnt mean you stop rewarding or encouraging good behavior BUT if you want an adult entire male who has a habit of being a turd (try having a 60kg version), or breed him as well then be firm but fair. One chance, not 10, to make a difference and its so much fairer on the dog.
  20. dog smell depends on diet, if they smell then you need to change what they are eating. I have never had issues with 'doggy smell' unless the dog had an allergy to the food. Now they get fresh food and you cannot smell then even after a couple of weeks unbathed. www.leerburg.com has a lot of free articles and books about puppies, adolescents etc
  21. there is no repercussion for it so he continues - thats all it comes down to. he's an entire male close to adolescence and he's starting to push. Spray bottle with water and a little vinegar or grab him by the scruff when he bites you and growl NO, then put him outside. I never allow 'zoomy' or stupid behavior in the house anyway its a house rule, break it you go outside. Makes life easier in the long run.
  22. does it look red and inflamed? ingrown hair maybe or folliculitis?
  23. no he should get money together and abide by the law for the dogs sake. Socialise it, obedience train it and make it a model citizen. Not hide it, falsify its breeding and chain it in the backyard so it cant jump the fence.
  24. the fact he has a pitbull in a state that does not allow them and cannot afford to abide by the law or hide the dogs real identity. sydking have a read of this - http://www.dlg.nsw.gov.au/DLG/DLGHome/Docu..._-_Brochure.pdf "It is an offence in New South Wales to sell, acquire or breed dogs on the restricted dog list." "Staffy" is not a breed, and puppies can look either way. Staffy can be either a APBT, American Staffordshire Terrier or Stafford Bull Terrier, or crosses. You have no papers and from your other thread I assume you went out and purposely purchased a pitbull puppy. If you live with your parents have you let them know the law? Have you let them know as the property owners they share responsability for this dog if it is declared a DD or that if someone dobs you in a ranger may show up on the door?
  25. I thought you owned a fence jumping pit bull? Or do you have another dog now too?
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