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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. She will be fine, just offer her water and dont feed her for 24 hours. It's only potato, oil and salt, she's probably sick from the sheer quantity! My rottie ate 5kg of Royal Canin once, we just didnt feed him for 2 days despite the STILL pleading face he pulled.
  2. A lot of dog foods are not what they used to be, Nestle Purina has had a major shake up in the past couple of years so a lot of their brands have pretty much equalised in the crappyness stakes.
  3. Because in conjunction with the ideas of the GSDC and ANKC, all bitework is dangerous and encourages aggression towards people and we don't want that we just prefer big working breeds that we try to cram in the wrong pigeon hole of basic training and when they fail, we blame the dog. Worst fate is euthanising it because it can't conform. Thats as far as the logic went. We just have more easily swayed people down here to create the laws hence they came through. Prong collars used on a dog come under animal cruelty and can get you charged or I think the fine is now up to $10,000. E collars, technically too you need to be under supervision of a veterinarian or recognised dog trainer (and by recognised the Vic Government only recognises certain groups - Delta, Gentle Modern School of Dog Training etc as ACTUAL dog trainers) So you need supervision from someone who has no idea how to actually use the collar properly in order to train the dog BRILLIANT! Euthanising a dog because it hasn't been channeled or controlled with the right equipment is not cruelty. Burning horns off baby ruminants with no anaesthetic and letting them pass out from pain is not cruelty. Farming dogs on mass with little attention, no proper interaction and no decent life is not cruelty. No Joe Hillbilly can buy whatever he wants to train the dog. Constriction means we're losing the ability to understand and rationalise these animals properly. The public NEEDS to see bitework demonstrations as far as I'm concerned to FULLY understand how difficult it is to train some dogs properly and what dedication is required to do it. Potential owners should be playing with trained dogs a bit and see what intensity they can have and how reality is sooooo different from YouTube. Smart arses who think bitework is funny or don't take it seriously need to be put in a suit and let a couple of good hard dogs bite through. The bruises will remind them of the potential consequences of their actions.
  4. Gladly! I've made myself the Working Belgian Mal rescue contact here, I know enough people who look for these dogs to put into working homes and I know they're becoming more common in rescue Fortunately a Mal that has not behaved in a manner you expect from other breeds in temp tests is not a waste or a reason to euth, they're special and need to go to places that will harness that. I'm trying to get through they are NOT pets and NOT for the average owner. Anyone considering I let play with my own Mals and 99.9% are instantly put off :laugh: brilliant! One day in the future when I set up proper runs and have more space I'll be able to take in unwanted and retrain, but I don't have the resources at the moment with 5 dogs of my own.
  5. Check out Sprinter Gold Results Plus or even Whelp and Grow, it has a yeast base so I don't know if it will interfere or not. It's made by Dr Kohnke who also makes really good horse supplements. I think his son is still the rep from the product, order online from http://www.greyhoundproductsdirect.com.au/ or any horse supply place that sells Kohnkes horse supplements will get it for you 8 Speedwell Place South Windsor NSW 2756 Tel: 1800 112 227 Email: [email protected]
  6. With that money why don't you just bake some dog cookies? $10 total-ish should get you enough ingredients to make a batch big enough to share between 3.
  7. Don't be logical :laugh: We have a massive problem and the laws have been a great causative. Of course a lot of breeders and decent trainers left the state to go follow their passions, working dogs have less and less ability to outlet their natural drives. We have one dogsport club left pretty much in the state (although that will be changing soon ;) ) My main client base is working breeds for the school as we offer so many structured outlets - tracking, trailing, SAR, scent detection, competitive AUS/IPO obedience, agility etc and we stay small so dogs can actually get proper time with a trainer. I have dogs coming down from throughout the state, dogs written off as aggressive, untrainable etc because this sportdog type training is disappearing and of course it's what they need. Boredom breeds destruction, that goes for mentally as well. You can't argue with over 100 years of training tailored towards these dogs. My oldest client just turned 60 and I'm helping her now with her second dobermann. She can easily handle the dog, not get pulled over or have the dog out of control and I'm trying to convince her to go enter a few competitions with her as she's done such a good job with the dog, it's not even 12 months yet. The dogs I see here where I live with the potential to bite are frustrated, under trained (I wont say untrained as most of the owners do try and do they best they can with what information they can get) and/or of average genetics.
  8. Should fit no problems, I too have a Vito and fit 3 crates in there
  9. Technically it's written the dog 'biting' anything attached to a human. Steve Austin from NSW was at a pet expo and was playing tug with his dog and got told off for doing it. So by word of the law if you use a tug toy or bite pillow you hold in your hands that counts as bitework. Wonderful isn't it. Like I said there is provisions in the law for licensed security businesses who get a permit to do the work, but the dogs then have to be muzzled. It's why the security dog industry has pretty much died compared to other states. Such constrictions, you wonder why we have massive dog problems down here. We technically cannot use a thing or have proper dogsports for dogs that need it.
  10. calcium sandoz syrup saying that it might be still lacking a lot of things especially trace elements if you're going to do it long term. Have a look at the Sprinter Gold range or the Vets All Natural supplement. Both are made by Australian Veterinarians who you can call/email to see if they may be considered allergens.
  11. Oh yes it's paradise here no bitework unless you're a registered security organisation/security guard then you should have your dog declared dangerous ... which means it's muzzled at all times outside the yard ... derp no prong collars really, no e collars welcome to the arse end of the country.
  12. Would you believe a bitch was called Scooby :laugh: I know, everyone thinks shes a boy, and she's a big girl too now really filled out. Every Malinois is a lap dog, in fact they have to live in your pocket. They're nosy, in your face, demanding, high energy but the most loyal dog you will ever know. They're not that difficult to train at all, they're super smart but if you stress, they stress and the whole situation goes pear shaped because they do everything dialed up to 11 :laugh: We teach all of our dogs to be picked up and carried, in case of emergencies or needing to be lifted into/over things (don't ask lol) they won't freak out. They also learn to be shoulder carried, later LE raised dogs will need to learn the same to we practice now. I offer free help to any rescue which gets a Malinois, and those deemed unrehomable as pets I say DO NOT euthanise, I can work out a program for retraining/socialisation and find a proper working home for it.
  13. Chuck the supercoat, it dries the coat out as it's pure filler and low quality protein/fats. Why don't you just put the dog on a home made diet and add something like Vets All Natural health booster powder to balance it out, and mix tinned fish through the mix. You'll notice a difference in no time. And less shampooing, strips out the coat.
  14. Using a longer tug wont affect the dog, you freaking out when the dog grabs your hand does though :laugh: Are you using a one or two handled tug? If you want some help with targeting with minimal risk of hurt hands, a tie back on a harness is a great way to do it since the dog is tethered and you know the dogs distance limit. A wide tug with two handles presented wide, either straight at the dog or even side on at the boundary of the tether works very well. Also look at if your dog is having to turn it's head to the side to grab the tug or can it go straight in while learning to target.
  15. I accept titre testing as well as I know a lot of people are moving away from yearly vaccinations in favour of the 3 year scheme. As long as you can provide me with some viable medical paperwork I will accept the dog at the school :)
  16. Why don't you look for an agouti husky?
  17. Malinois are very hard to rehome, I should know I still have the last 'rescue' one :laugh: Saying that Scooby really had little chance of going anywhere since OH fell in love with her A lot of their normal behaviors can be mistaken as negative when it's just their nature. Scooby was written off because she barked at other dogs in the pound. She was beaten and starved, refused to look at any toys and ran like a rabbit if you raised your voice. It took time but she lives in a group of 5 dogs, two small ones who boss her around, quiet as a mouse and as you can see very confident. Now she flies for any toy you hold in you hand this photo was for a simple rag she wanted to play with. They're a specialty breed that can look hopeless or restricted by their visible behaviours but in fact are very able to live normal lives.
  18. Love the photos Ridgiemal ... damn you Victoria *shakes fist*
  19. I know about Nikki, I was the one who pointed out she was a Malinois to the rescue. I think if Nikki is to find a new home we need to teach her some usable social skills if shes still nervous with other dogs. I'm happy to assess her and write up a recommendation as theres still a decade of life left in this dog.
  20. D1000 ... not rescue Malinois proof whatever apparently :laugh:
  21. If he's pestering you for treats give him carrots to chew on. He'll either eat them and leave you alone or be so turned off with repeatedly being offered carrots he'll stop :laugh:
  22. If thats the only wound from the dog then the dog was rather well trained, particularly after getting a punch in the nose from an offender. Should have keep his legs shut :laugh:
  23. Is it because you have been rewarding him anyway for his non complience? So you show him tennis ball, he performs command, you reward? If you have, go back a few steps. Ask him to do a command, if he doesnt on the first go give him a marker like UH UH to show, sorry, wrong, try again. When he does it with no ball in view reward.
  24. Brindle is Malinois x dutch or dutchie. Belgians don't carry brindling.
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