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yup definately Brooke. Its more common then you think! My Malinois does it at my mum at times and the first time she shat herself that the dog was going to attack her ... she just wanted to play I told her be more afraid if the dog just stares you in the eyes with her ears stiff then the teeth clack. You cant really make them stop its part of the dog, just ignore them when they do it and they'll learn it gets them nothing. That or enjoy the quirk as part of your dog, it does no harm and it doesnt excalate unless you start razzing him up or waving toys in front of him to get him to nip.
My Malinois does it, it's an excited trait some shepherds have and can be rather disconcerting! As long its just the air clack and not the nip/bite towards you I wouldnt worry about it. Grotty you got a working line sheppy dont you?
I Give Up With Training Diesel
Nekhbet replied to Kavik's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
things wont always go to plan - I have a working dog where I thought there was nothing more then a lazy pet, and a prospective worker with heaps of drive and enthusiasm but without the physical capability due to poor health. remember push him too much and he wont want to work at all -
why does a dog with a grade 2 need to be on ACE inhibitors? Rediculous get a second opinion before the Fortekor! The meds will not stop the heart murmur, they are used in the management of dogs with severe murmurs or in heart failure so they dont drown to death from the inside since the vascular system cannot move the fluids around the body properly. A reasonably healthy dog doesnt need its body levels messed with - my own heart is worst then your dogs and I'm on no meds. Ultrasound is better - poor positioning of the dog can make things appear/dissapear on x-rays. Find a professional for this before the meds.
I Give Up With Training Diesel
Nekhbet replied to Kavik's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
well maybe he's more a pet then a performance dog. Medical problems especially in already low drive dogs can just crash their drive through the floor. Give him a break, love him for who he is and see if he perks up in you lay off for a while. -
I Give Up With Training Diesel
Nekhbet replied to Kavik's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
you have several reasons 1) medical. He's not really in the mood for structured training 2) your method is not right for the dog. Its either not structured enough, not motivating him enough etc 3) What you are doing is not suited to him, he's bored of the exercises and you Why does it have to be food based? He's a bit old for that particularly if he's not a big food lover. Toys, pack company etc are other ways to do it. As for Ruff Love I need to borrow that book and read up on it ... that is removing all stimulus from the dog so it works better and bonds to you better but I dont know... -
nope ... the ones who do think that way havnt been exposed to enough dogs.
if you put her food in the kong and feed her out of it she will get interested :D what breed is she?
give him a litter box for pee/poo during the day - a large shallow container with some paper based cat litter in it and a tissue with some of his urine on it placed in there to attract him. you can set up a web cam/video camera even just a tape recorder on long play to record what the dog is up to. Also speak to the other neighbours to see if he's barking a lot. Yes dogs know where you are by smell and sound. When you're not home its probably a different story :D sneaky buggers
if it is your parents dog and you have no way or means to get it to a vet then its not on your head. It is your parents responsability. Why not call the vet and ask what can be done since your parents are finding it hard to comply with instructions. I know what you're going through ... I've been in a similar situation but I forced OHs parents to pay to remove a rather large tumor inside the dogs mouth that she one day shoved under my nose like it was up to me to do since I was the dog person ... pffft.
never allow zoomies in the house - that is one thing I NEVER let my dogs do. Play is outside, quiet is inside. You risk the dog injuring itself severely if its rushing up on furniture or smashing something. zoomies are outside, pups will limit themselves. The trick is more not long marching on hard surfaces, up/down stairs or jumping on/off things like couches, in/out cars etc
does raw meat agree with him? Or is it just the necks etc you can try larger cuts of bone like a shank with a little meat left on - cant eat the bone but gets his exercise from it
spray citronella in your eyes and mouth and see what it feels like There is air, vibration and static. If your dog is young then anti-barks are not something that should be used - like I said try containment first in the house where the dog feels secure and try and find the cause before just going out and purchasing a collar. None of them are cruel - people often think citronella is the 'less cruel' option but if it doesnt stop the dog you come home to a citronella saturated animal and still barking. That is more cruel then one little static pulse but again, depends on the dog and the cause. Stress and fear should not be treated by a collar as they simply mask the barking and the dog moves on to more physical means of expressing their anxiety. Find out WHY he is barking - if they are doing renovations and he is anxious because of the noise then a no bark collar is not something that should be used. If he's barking for the sake of it then he may need one. I would rather he be contained in the house while you are out then straight to the bark collar. They're too readily available these days for my liking, and by that I mean all types. If your dog is hungry and only fed from the treat toy - trust me they use it too many people give the dog breakfast and then wonder why the treat toy is untouched OR they have a fat dog
what is her actual diet? I've seen vets say there is nothing wrong with diet when its blatantly the food causing it. Dogs dont scratch for no reason NEVER EVER let your dog run about in an unfenced yard without a leash. She's in season, she's maturing and most of all she's a creature with a brain - nothing will stop her from running off. Keep her on a leash. If you catch her you do not punish her. 1) the dog had no idea she was in trouble, doing anything wrong or that she was not meant to do it. You simply lucked out she never left your side all this time in the yard, you did not TRAIN the idea that leaving you = no no. So she tried it, it turned into a fun game and she has no idea she's doing something wrong in your opinion. 2) you crated her for the fact she came back to you happily. By the time you put her in the crate she has NOOOOO idea what you are on about 3) dogs dont speak english, nor can they be rationalised with. You may as well have read her a novel for all the good telling her not to do it again will do. Dogs rely on body language, tone of voice etc not conversation after the fact. You show and lead them by example. Your on heat bitch should also NEVER be off leash outside whilst in heat for even a second, if she becomes pregnant get ready for problems. Have her desexed a few weeks after she has finished her season. She has no more need to be entire.
not every dog that bites will growl - there are breed/learned factors that can mean a dog will not growl first. Both my OH and myself have been privvy to these situations. It does happen.
try containing him first in the house - dont feed him until you need to go out then leave food in a treat toy so he has to work for it I dont like citronella collars it irritates the mucosal membranes and burns the eyes. What breed do you have? An Innotec static bark collar is much more effective and teaches the dog when barking is OK
a large flat under bed storage container and some paper based cat litter (never clay or crystals) wipe up some urine from the dog on a tissue and put it in there, train as you would always toilet train (ie show the dog when it needs to go the box is an OK place) cheap, effective and hygenic
growling does not mean aggression - its part of the vocabular repetoire of a dog in order to communicate with a human or another canine. The dog you worry about is the one that doesnt say anything at all and just *bang*. Remember too some breeds communicate differently through growls - there is a play growl which my dogs do with me, there is the rotties growl when he wants his food or attention, there is the malinois growl that someone is on the property and she's heard them at night. Dogs with aggressive reactions are not bad dogs - the truely 'bad' dog is the one that can never be controlled and needs the vet, about .00001% of the dog population is unfixable to some degree. You also have to be careful how 'vigilant' you are as well about something that may be trivial - I have seen owners treat their dogs like they could suddenly morph into the Devil just because they had a growl or showed some teeth once. Have a good investigation and you find the poor dog was just caught in that moment and panicked or reacted from extreme pain/stress etc. So many different possibilities its not fair to tar a dog with the 'untrustworthy' brush because he behaved like a dog.
check he doesnt have a sore tooth or infected gum - open his mouth and have a good look call your breeder - an 8 week old puppy should not take that long to eat bowl or no bowl. If she has no ideas then just leave it out for him until he eats again and start weaning him back to meal times.
if the chicken neck doesnt last long move up to a large chicken wing instead. Those are OK for very occasional treats but with the tummy size of your dog they end up counting as a meal - and a very junky one at that. Yuo can also consider unbleached rawhide chews/pigs ears or even a section of lamb neck to chew on
you have to say the command once, clearly and slooooowly so the dog associates it with the action THEN treat. Otherwise the puppy brain just goes 'food food food food huh you said something?'
Food, Teeth & Skin - A Bit Long W/pics
Nekhbet replied to yellowgirl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I used a tbsp per day per dog - that was the old powder and 25kg + ... errr you probably less hehehe I always start them on half of what the recommended dosage is and work up from there. http://www.naturalequipment.com.au/~natura...products_id=347 $28.15 http://www.ozpetshop.com.au/product_info.p...roducts_id/1594 $24.60 I can't find a dosage for this new powder anywhere! -
Food, Teeth & Skin - A Bit Long W/pics
Nekhbet replied to yellowgirl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
VAN comes with the shark cartilage in there look at how much you need to use in your mixes too - there seems to be more 'meal' type substances in missing link, I have never used it is it a powder or granules? I have used the VAN before it lasted me well over a year -
he knows that sitting = treat but he doesnt know it has to be on command before he gets it. Its basically pulling a stunt to see what he gets. I would move away a little, get him to follow, then tell him to sit - as soon as he does 'oh good boy!' it wont ruin your sit
Food, Teeth & Skin - A Bit Long W/pics
Nekhbet replied to yellowgirl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I'd ditch the garlic and the cheese - have you tried the Vets All Natural Health Booster powder? (I think it used to be the canine nutritional powder) Its great for making sure they have enough minerals in their diet and vitamins. http://www.ozpetshop.com.au/product_info.p...roducts_id/1594 omega oils sound ok in the diet I dont see the prob. odd pingmentation of the skin is I think a healing process of a staph infection ... looking looking but I know that if she has Staph then that would be the cause of it ... have you tried Lucas Paw Paw ointment on her skin? Its the greatest cure all for everything around this household my boys can come up in blotches and within a day they're cured with the cream.