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Everything posted by Nekhbet
are you sure she didnt scratch herself or cause an injury? It can also explain the extra weeping
or running about in circles trying to lick it off ... or is that just my lot
a good bonding time is in the evening when both dogs are in the living room with you and having a snooze on their respective beds. Slepp them separately and do not let the get onto each others beds unless the other dog invites them Dont just separate and then introduce down the track the pup still needs to learn canine body language and respect. I would be putting it with a less cranky dog and have it on leash with the older one, correct it with a little tug on the leash if it gets too boistrous. Make good habits now and they have a better chance of getting along in the long run.
remember the size difference and puppy skin is fragile. The big dog is probably sick of the little ones harassment. Remember to always provide your dogs with time apart and the ability to get away from each other. If the bigger dog has been showing his teeth and growling a lot I would be considering limited interaction only when you are around or have the puppy on lead until the older one accepts the puppy.
because they sell other pets and do a bloody bad job at that too .. apparently a one foot blue tongue is fine in a 2 foot fish tank and on sand substrate There are other alternatives. If people rallied together they would soon realise that selling ANY animals is not the way to go.
Veggiedent Recall In Australia By Vibrac
Nekhbet replied to CooperDog's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
not all foods are irradiated it is just the brands that do not comply with manufacturing standards. RC, Eaglepack, Nutrience etc are not and never have been. If people fed their dogs fresh bones or home made treats instead of this crap they'd be healthier anyway. This is all junk food for dogs -
I like Eagle Pack or Royal Canin especially as i find it the least allergenic of all foods for my dogs. I also add chicken frames/wings and lamb flaps to the mix for their teeth. Just watch the protein you have a large breed dog and you need something made for a large breed puppy.
This Is What The Dobes Were Bred To Do ;-)
Nekhbet replied to MonElite's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
oh no your dobes are beautiful ... you know the ones I mean ... they can counter surf the top of the fridge without lifting their paws off the ground -
This Is What The Dobes Were Bred To Do ;-)
Nekhbet replied to MonElite's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
yup .. wanty wanty!!! thats how a good solid working dobe should be not these swan necked overgrown min pins some people have these days -
completely possible I have trained it with a few notorious bolters before. Dont let obedience be your trap this is a manners and habit problem I will PM you tomorrow as I should be studying for my human physiology exam
rub something horrible tasting on the leash and let him learn on his own - bitter apple spray, a bit or chilli sauce or hot mustard (not too hot but hot enough for him to spit it out) they learn in no time and if he tries again ... repeat the process.
This Is What The Dobes Were Bred To Do ;-)
Nekhbet replied to MonElite's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
This Is What The Dobes Were Bred To Do ;-)
Nekhbet replied to MonElite's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
ditto you lucky lucky lucky ... i hate you ... *grumbles off* So Furia is obviously not living up to her name enough I'll have to have a little word in her ear .. or she can come stay with my lot for a while :D they'll teach her some LOVELY habits -
you are a backyard breeder - unless you plan to register her with the ANKC, have a breeders prefix and register your own kennel you are a backyard breeder. Fact of life. Just because you have a dog with papers does not make you eithical in any way shape or form. Your dog may be a carrier of genetic problems, have her own genetic problems or not be a good breeding specimen but hey, you're a backyard breeder all you care about is the cuteness factor. Anyone that skirts around why they dont want to desex I know will breed or at least has the idea in their head - see its called experience and knowledge. Somehow I think now you're telling little furfies to cover ... one minute she was a puppy farmer and you knew you shouldnt have bought her and now suddenly she's a registered breeder who sent you papers .... I can drive a truck through the holes in your stories. Doesnt make a difference its still all backyard breeding. yup completely. I have worked in the dog training and veterinary industry for quite a few years I'm also a qualified biochemist and geneticist. I know what they do for their 'veterinary' degree and many many vets do not consider diet as an allergy causing agent. He probably also thinks its a great idea to breed her does he want a pup too or does he own the prospective father?
Somehow doesnt look like any papers or quality lines here.
I was actually waiting for the 'oh she's accidentally pregnant' scenario
because we dont support puppy farmers and backyard breeders here. This is a forum about education not about you deciding its YOUR dog and you want a litter because its cute. You have an unregistered dog, and you want our help yet you dont understand the ethics of the people who give you advice. I knew you wanted a litter from her from your first post it just took this long for you to spill the beans - we're not stupid and dont treat us as such. Its like if I put a $1000 on the other side of a 6 foot fence .... now you have a reason to scale it and get it ... its not rocket science. your vet has no clue frankly taking any of his advice is rediculous. If he thinks the diet you are feeding her on was fine he needs to rethink his veterinary degree.
Your dog was not in full season yet. 6 foot fencing is nothing, every pound in australia has dogs that are there because they scale fences bigger then that. You have too much faith in the safety of your yard. As for your plans I hope that doesnt include one cute little litter of puppies before you have her desexed. I dont buy the 'waiting' game unless you have good reasons and frankly my gut says your tempted for her to have pups. You can have her desexed and leave one ovary in. No chance of pregnancy but she still has some hormones.
it is aggressive responses brought about through fear the dog has irrespective of the object causing that fear.
well you better keep her in a better confined area. Unless your backyard is a fully enclosed chain mesh run, the more seasons she has and trotters that lovely bitch in heat smell all over your front yard is a calling card for roaming entire dogs. Unless your bitch in heat is in a crate in the house or attached to you on a leash she is not 'safe'. If you're not going to breed you should be desexing instead of driving your male crazy every 6 months as well - interesting how you didnt have an issue desexing the male. The dog has skin and coat issues from the diet, thats blatantly obvious and again the vets didnt even look at diet as being the cause. Desexing wont really make that much of a difference to the diet but keep your girl safe from pregnancy or attracting random entire males to your property. Just hope a rather large breed male doesnt get into your yard.
where did you get the dog from? sounds like she has learned to pee in her bed I dont expect a 13 week old CKCS to hang on all night I think you will be waiting longer then that keep the crate size small, she has not had anywhere near long enough to break that ingrained habit. I think you just need to be more consistant and patient with this puppy she will eventually learn but you will have to show her.
diagnosed by ... is he shy, fearful or just aviodance is he maybe not socialised are you really sure its fear driving his behavior or lack of socialisation and a learned response to situations he doesnt like if he is aggressive then he shouldnt be in a park where there is stresses that can set him off. The point of taking him out would be to step by step train him to get over his problem not make them worst. Have you seen a behaviorist about this problem? THere are few dogs that are 'write offs' when it comes to being so aggressive, maybe there is something you guys have missed or misread in his behavior
Is it the mark up or the 'dispensing fee' that is teh issue? yes people have to mark up in order to stay in business but I have seen 'dispensing fees' sometimes as high as the cost of the medication itself which I find absolutely insane and prohibitive for some people
his face is so similar to my Krueger