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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. just give half a frame. You risk breaking the blades if you do this. keep an eye on your pup he'll be fine. Whats with the spate of terrified owners lately?
  2. you clip it to the dead ring and it wont tighten. A check chain doesnt make you not listen to your dogs at all you should be paying attention to them no matter what the equipment it just applies a different correction from other equipment thats all. corvus any dog dangling with 4 legs off the ground isnt good no matter what the collar is.
  3. I have had dog eat whole chickens, maryland, wings, necks, turkey bits, duck, lamb flaps, beef bones, necks etc and now they get whole rabbits head and all. Our cats always got raw bones and now even the ferrets get bunny heads and bits. Everyone has shiny coats and pearly white teeth. no one has ever choked, pierced, bled or died in a horrible way. stop worrying. Your dogs need bones so get them larger ones like beef spine, beef neck, lamb flaps etc but watch the fat content on the flaps. Your dogs jaws AND gut need exercise. I'd me more frightened of the supercoat then the bones to be honest.
  4. Rex try a prong collar on your GSD you'll find you wont need as hard a correction for your dog. Check chains do not distress dogs unless you are doing it wrong. Dont feel too sorry for your dog or apologise because he sure as hell has no issues administering an aggressive response towards a person. Yes teach him train him but dont feel sorry for a correction that moves his learning foreward. Being a good strong leader will form a stronger bond with your dog just as much as treats and hugs especially for dogs from more serious lines.
  5. depends on the grade if its low sometimes they come good keep it think, keep it out of the heat and dont over exercise the dog. At least yearly checkups.
  6. means they cannot gobble it down as fast (well sometimes hehe) hope he likes it!
  7. I have been feeding the Maxi Junior and the ingredients you list are the ones in it. Maize is corn, it is not a high allergy product. I have been back to the puppy food as his weight and muscle tone dropped recently but usually he ate Maxi (large breed) Adult formula. Like I said I do not have an issue with it and my dog is hideously sensitive... this is what Eagle Pack did to him in a couple of meals. Whereas RC products are not an issue. The GSD formula was not recommended to me as it is made for a different skin pH to help GSDs with some problems that crop up apparently. I have seen many dogs flourish on RC large breed puppy (in the blue and white bag with the GSD on it ironically hehehe)
  8. again no one said this at all. Advice has been given no the information you provided. I never said you were a horrible person I just said put the treats away because you now need more focus not just a yummy reward and sometimes food can be a trap for that. Teach more focus from them and they will stop feeding off each other.
  9. I dont like them walking in front ever and they dont. They should be beside you at the most when out walking and I find that the dog will naturally gravitate to that position for me when I walk it, even clients dogs. How can they look to you or see what you are doing to follow if they are ahead? When i train the dogs will look to the client too to see if they are doing the right thing, for guidance and praise. Tracking, show etc is a different story. Dont let them get ahead, do a 180 pop the dog and call them to follow you. The prong was not intended for dogs out front as the angle of the leash takes the pressure off the collar to give a decent correction. as for timing - if the dog is about to walk ahead correct. simple. Dont say anything just let the correction come from the collar. Change your direction regularly and call the dog to follow and pay attention to you, leave the leash long and let the dog learn on its own to be a follower. If you let them out front, put a couple together and you have little chance of making them listen.
  10. did you mean to or accidentally? Your dogs should not be walking in front of you at all so you have plenty of time to issue corrections. use short half leads instead. what in particular do your dogs do? If they start even trying to walk past your leg you correct. Sounds like you are correcting after the action not before they get ahead. If you find the prong collar not working make sure its up higher on the neck and a little tighter. If your dog cannot walk quietly on a loose leash by itself do not walk it in a group situation or it just snowballs. I wrote that comment because some people cannot issue good physical corrections of the right level or timing and an e-collar can help as Cosmolo said under instruction.
  11. Huski you do what is right for your dogs. You know your dogs, you dont need everyones advice at the same time. If it's not working or helping - then its wrong. Right and wrong is different for every dog. They are not babies they dont need treats anymore and they're not responding to them - so you move on. you do not have complete control - so you try something else. Dont over dramatise because I never said you had no control at all. I said it is borderline - low distraction you will have better control then when their pack member is in close vicinity, it is common. Move away from all the training books, treats, methods etc and simply put your foot down. Like it or lump it puppies mum is in charge end of story. If you cannot give good corrections invest in e-collars. you need to work more one by one then move them to closer proximity and work from there.
  12. I consider it better it has less grain based products then proplan. Ihave my hideously sensitive rotty on RC and its the only food on the market that doesnt reduce him to a welted red stinking scratching mess. give him as much as he needs, one carcass or 3 wings should be plenty at the moment but that should change quickly! You dont need much RC though I feed my adult dogue about 3-4 cups a day plus raw extras at the moment and he's fine. Its definately a better product IMO
  13. you are doing too many things and its all over the place. Still you need to get them under control together, apart etc and I think move from training and get back to control. as for this - nope she's not. She knows that you really wont do anything to stop her and she can get away with it so she will. My comment still stands your control is borderline over the dogs. When together they feed off each other more then you and the handlers do not do enough to show them what is acceptable or not in a way they understand 100%. As I said ditch the food and start working on the like it or lump it principle. They get a verbal praise from you or a correction from the collar and thats it on walks. They should know how to walk on a leash by now so put away the treats they're not babies.
  14. what drive are you using if she is ignoring you? If you cannot redirect her focus encouraging drive is a step backwards. Your dogs behave for you alone because they have nothing else to feed off. Its similar to how a dog behaves well at home then plays up on the street. You are not leader to them completely, you have your control on a borderline and having anything too close crosses that border pushing them into uncontrollable territory. put the treats away and get those dogs listening to you. If you are having issues with too much prey I would be suppressing it not encouraging it as its backfiring for you. I walk 3 dogs together, yet the rules are there all the time - my word is final, no one gets excited or pulls or carries on. They walk by me unless I say otherwise and thats that.
  15. I dont use a word for food taking - then it becomes a sometimes good behavior. For me its a standard. Offer the food in a closed fist as a separate exercise and when the pup is gentle open the flat of your hand and push it into their mouths. Repeat this exercise moving it on with the commands. The dog soon forgets to snap as when we offer with fingers we tend to make jerky or potential drops and the dog snaps it up.
  16. you have had her a week and are expecting way too much. when you are eating put her out of sight or in a crate and ignore her until you are well and truely finished. As for the barking she could be frustrated or just a higher drive and wanting to vocalise. She wont know most of the commands, you are probably talking at her more then showing her so she 'talks' back and bows because she has no idea whats going on ... as with dogs if in doubt they just make something up, its just a game for her. give her time, use a crate they are a wonderful invention all my dogs have always been crate trained. The great thing is wherever the crate goes the dog is happy and secure with their 'bedroom' coming with them. I use the crates as beds not two separate things :D
  17. you will find that play growls and some breed specific teeth showing are different to aggressive, anxiety or fear growls. My DDB will growl on command as well but its a different pitch and tone to the 'there is someone outside in the dark' dogs may be able to lie to us but they cannot lie to each other
  18. they have rice, barley, potato etc in it it would cause severe allergies around here
  19. great to hear it is working for you! Just relax and keep up the praise and you will notice a happier more relaxed dog as time goes by excellent!!!!
  20. PF he's not called the million dollar rottie for nothing so far he has costed me thousands and we have found most commercial products do not work, my holistic stuff does fortunately! He actually itches from EpiSooth and Resi-Sooth work that out O_o he'll have a chamomile bath in the morning when his skin has settled slightly. a good soak and more paw paw should reduce the welts the meds have knocked him out. yeah he's on our bed taking up all the space ... well couch we cant afford to heat the whole house so we're on the fold out couch in the living room
  21. yeah we have antihistamines (claratyne a no no with him) but it hasnt stopped the itching. I had to give him his old norocarp tablets, slather him in paw paw cream and keep telling him off for itching
  22. I have no idea. RC is the only food that doesnt do this to him although he is super sensitive after parvo virus as a pup he was 12kg at 6 months old. I have had to give him a pain killer to stop him scratching he's going insane. arrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. why me.
  23. I would go with something better then supercoat - upgrade to a large/giant breed puppy formula at least by Advance, Royal Canin, eagle Pack etc and the rest of the diet is fine as long as the mince is not pure meat. Minced carcasses is better then human mince it is more complete.
  24. most movie attack dogs are schutzhund/security/police trained with decoy actors you cannot train a dog to randomly wave its tail, bare its teeth or do a complete submissive posture without capturing the associate anxiety level that goes with it. there are general actions and then there are inherent actions. I have a book of Koehlers who trained all of Disneys movie dogs. You cannot make a dog do what is against nature. Many movie goers do not understand dog body language and mistake tricks for actual aggression, fear etc.
  25. I had to come home didnt I... Can I say I'm frustrated, sick to death and about to cry I had bought Eagle Pack (was on special!) and OH got a bag of RC for DD (thats Diesel to the uninitiated ) I just discovered he's tucked into the EP, must have been last night and today he's been licking and scratching himself while I've been at uni he's welted himself up and he's itchy as buggery ... meds, bath, paw paw cream should fix it up in a few days but I'm so frustrated with it all. I hate seeing the poor bugger like this, he's farting away too so I know its the EP. His legs are giving him the shits too so its just more on top
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