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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. canned food is mostly water, cereals and meat ... things :p seriously its a waste of money and creates a rather distinctive aroma instead of beef mince get offal and carcass mince mixed together so its more balanced between the calcium in the bones and the phosphorous in meat. Also raw meaty bones like chicken carcass, rabbit, lamb flaps, beef neck/spine/ribs are good too
  2. in the positions they were in better to have removed now ... I dont consider that a cosmetic procedure considering if the lumps decide to grow and restrict movement or quality of life later when she is not up for an anaesthetic then you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think you did the right thing, and yes, a good anaesthetic is worth the money
  3. puppies never need more then a flat collar. They do not have the muscles to cope with a correction from one of those collars and they are unneccesary for a dog of that age. you can teach any breed to walk on a flat collar and even introduce little tugs to get the puppy to follow or stop pulling.
  4. wildatheard she looks good, its nice to see a lean dog instead of a fat one! the RC might put more weight on her, and give her lamb flaps etc which have a higher fat content. Lean red meat is really not good enough for a dog unless you want to start mixing things. there is also the Vets All Natural health booster powder if you want to make sure she's getting all the trace elements and vits/mins she needs if you want to back off from the RC. remember too she does need some fibre in her diet to keep her guts moving, if you want to go prey model you need to feed her some whole animals as the fur acts like a clean out to push the bone matter through OR give her dry food every day. Meat is not the whole thing, there is connective tissue, fat, bone etc that is included in a more 'wild type' diet. dont worry I wont even eat a lot of human grade meat myself I find it either stinks or it hasnt been hung and hence is full of water (thats why the supermarkets usually vacuum seal now as the high water content in the meat will leak out or make it rot faster)
  5. We ferret so we get whole rabbits and the doggies eat them skin, head and all especially the older males we dont eat ourselves. I do gut them and check the organs first to make sure there are no lesions or worms. I also never feed rabbits that have swellings or infected sites (or I chop the bunny in half if its a buckshot wound) the dogs adore them! We do bleed our rabbits out straight away though so they wont stink
  6. thats an aweful lot of meat - if you are trying a prey model diet then you need to include more offal. If she wont eat the offal then she will be missing out so I would be sticking to RC more times per week and giving her RMBs as well every day. Human grade meat is useless for a dog. Its usually low in fat, low in blood (has to be drained or it stinks yet that is where a lot of good stuff is ) and low in calcium. get a 'scraps' mince which is everything including offal minced up if you want to feed mince.
  7. this is the whole high protein/fat biting in the bum! You are better to err on a giant breed food for a dog you KNOW or see will grow to a huge size. The point is not the dog will not grow to its full potential but that growth will be slow and sustained. They might take longer to get to adult size but they will be healthier and happier for it, something not a lot of vets understand as its not really covered at vet school. Your dog is a massive GSD, so treat him more like a giant breed then a large breed. also why not try some swimming exercises to ensure he has the musculature to hold himself up, some pain can also come from muscle exhaustion on the heavy frame My dogue was slower to mature but he has the fitness to compete in dog sports due to the fact he is lean and never had Pano as his diet was the Eagle Pack giant and raw meaty bones he looked great on it as well.
  8. Akira if you're going to spread the panic at least back it up with some information some Advance products simply contain the word 'preservative' I would be questioning the company as to what that is exactly that they will not name it on the packet.
  9. which biscuits are you using? Wheat free would be the way to go if there is skin problems I used it and it was OK, I never got good coats out of it the way royal canin did My rottweiler is allergic to most of the EP range anyway so I just gave up others have had real success with it there is a fish fomula (anchovy, salmon and sardine) as well as duck/oatmeal, lamb etc so at least there is a selection for you to try
  10. a vet behaviorist still has to do courses and practical understanding of dog behavior. Frankly I have seen a couple of them at work and was far from impressed at their practical application of dog behavior techniques. DOg behavior is different from training. a dog can be trained yet behaviorally it can be far from ideal. I work more on behavior before I deal with formal obedience training as you cannot have one without the other.
  11. get a belly band for sure especially if the dog is not used to knowing inside this behavior is a no no and they cannot keep and eye on him all the time. get biozet from the supermarket (laundry detergent) make up a solution and start washing the areas he wees on. Just because they have entire males does not mean they HAVE to mark. thirdly keep them within eye shot or get crates where they cannot roam and mark. If he does try to mark clap loudly and 'NO BAD DOG' so he understands his behavior is not allowed in the house. Until they understand I would not be letting them out of my sight.
  12. frankly I would be taking him off the eukanuba Some dogs get worst before they get better, some continue downhill. He's getting worst hence I would change the diet to a raw diet and if you want minerals/vits guarenteed then you cannot go past the Vets All Natural Health Booster added as well. Ingredients that do not completely agree with the dog may not show up when healthy BUT when already ill the help the dog get worst. Get it off the grains, I would go for a good pet mince/minced carcasses, veges and some boiled rice for fibre as well as the powder while the demodex is getting better. Add some tinned fish a couple of times a week for omega oils. No eukanuba, Hills, pro plan are not super premium due to their ridiculous filler content. I have bald dogs just feeding this to mine! For demodex it is off label use. Yes it is used in a wide variety of animals but some dogs have an allergy to this product as well. It is also very widely spread and resistance (suprisingly) is starting to pop up. I have seen dogs pumped with thestuff and the demodex remains because no one is treating the immune system. There is a product I use for my dogs from Melaluca called Activate Immune Complex which I found helped a lot with their skin.
  13. CoupeDash I took my rottweiler off the RC puppy as he too was growing too fast and put him on the adult at your dogs age. Remember too you are feeding mince and bones so increasing the daily intake of protein! I would NOT bother with mince, raw meaty edible bones are a better idea. He sounds oversized for a pup of his breed. Keep him lean and by lean, I mean very lean to help him cope. http://thenaturalhealthguide.com.au/practi...erapies/kimlim/ check out Dr Lim. She is well regarded for her work in skeletal problems and has helped my own dog immensely. She is not that expensive either if you go to her place for treatment, or she works from Highton Vet Clinic as well. Get any x-rays that have been done and show her then she will help you with diet, exercise, treatments etc.
  14. talk with the vet have bloods done, use a safe combination of pre-anaesthetic and then something like Isoflurane as the actualy gas which leaves the system quickly. IV fluids are something I would definately do as well. It will cost more but your dog will be better off. We did a small breed well into the teens at my clinic and it was hopping about like nothing happened by the time it went home. A good vet will be honest with you and insist on bloods first.
  15. puggy all cells feed on sugars - not just cancer cells. Decrease the carbs and the body start utilising monoglycerides and proteins as fuel sources.
  16. shelbyville - what a dog should be eating is enough to keep it healthy and happy. Some dogs eat like pigs and stay thin, others eat little and are fine. Your dog doesnt need nutrigel, just keep up a routine and dont worry :rolleyes: monica that smell could be bacteria on the skin, particularly if the skin is also red. Was the pup like that when you go it or has it happened recently? Also have you changed the diet and has it coincided with the skin problem? Personally I would cut out anything artificial, coloured, schmakos, treats etc and stick to the minimum - a good quality food and raw meaty bones.
  17. jigsaw if the dog was in pain and had medical problems why was teaching the drop important? just curious
  18. nope. He's too old for that type of sloppy food give him a proper meal with a meat based protein source in it, he's not a weaning puppy he's a growing doggy yes mine get left overs and cereals but its a small proportion of their overall diet.
  19. or we just have no other lives then dogs if you are worried dont be afraid to take to the vet... once a sensitive tummy then always better to err on the side of caution ... and remember your pup has a tummy so tiny! What you think is a tiny treat is almost a meal for your pup!
  20. brown rice is good. Is he on a kibble or are you raw dieting? If your dog already has kibble there is no need to give extra cereals in the diet, raw meaty bones are a better option
  21. Using something completely unsuitable for the dog is a waste of my time and makes me look unprofessional. I have not had an issue where people have limited me, and I use what the owner can handle as well as creating results in the dogs behavior. I do use corrective aids but I have a bag of various different ones as well as treats etc It comes down to what I assess the dogs problems to be, what they stem from and we work from there
  22. they mean cereals as in grains - wheat, oats, barley etc I stick away from dog foods high in that as they cause allergies in my dogs ... the furthest I go is rice and corn
  23. i would keep him on the basic, safe diet for at least another week and only introduce things in tiny amounts. Puppies tummies can be sensitive for a while after a tummy bug
  24. well there is the lesson for ordering a DOG off the internet some people get what they deserve ..
  25. you can use the Capstar tablets on the pup to get rid of the fleas he has now and then we always use Rudducks Flea-Di, even on the young kittens that came into the clinic. The Pyrethrin is a natural one and wont cause problems.
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