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Everything posted by Nekhbet
oh the things you find ... or should I say the 1001 retarted faces my dogs are capable of pulling over the years Thanks Mum, you got me my own pet moron! :D first day the DDB arrived hehe yes ... the shepherd ate my car seat ... german that is can't stop here .. this is bat country wow there's a welcome for a new friend hehe you work this one out :p my old shepherd Sheba ... having stolen the pomeranians toy and eviscerated it she was rather proud of herself I still have this tshirt for my Malinois yes that is a 3 legged cat ... and yes that is a shaved rabbit in a jumper .. yes I did that to him :p
agreed twice a day is enough for a dog that age has she ever done that noise or reverse sneezing before?
Steven R Lindsay Seminar
Nekhbet replied to Herr Rottweiler's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
well aren't you so special then well the course coordinator is an old friend of mine from pro wrestling so I'll send her an email to see if she knows whats going on -
your pup has been there for a week and has noooooooooo idea what 'no' 'stop' 'dont' etc means. She also would not know that the couch is off limits in this time space, you are expecting a lot from just being there a week. to your pup those are just noises! You need to make it black and white! If you see that little glint in her eye stop her right then - either 'BAH' in a low growly voice, or just remove the dog. I would not bother with treat for sock, grab the scruff, 'BAH NO' loudly and put the pup away from the situation until it settles. I would also be right there with the two of them to nip things in the bud 8 year olds have neither the timing nor the physical presence to deter a nipping puppy it's a SBT, you need to be tough at the beginning as they can be very exhuberant, physical adults! If you need a hand I do travel and can come fix all the problems before puppy preschool and get your skin and fur kid getting along
Steven R Lindsay Seminar
Nekhbet replied to Herr Rottweiler's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
hmph still have nothing back from them will email again -
if you want to breed her then you better get cash together for hip and elbow scores, a couple of thousand in the bank for emergencies she might need during pregnancy or birth (you know how much a cesarian costs?) plus paying for the food, medical bills and time off for the puppies. if your GSD is NOT on full register pedigree and you do not have a kennel name and breeder registration then do not breed your dog. If you cannot afford to feed you cannot afford to breed more shepherds into an already overloaded system. Supercoat is probably too low in what she needs. If you cannot afford anything more then at least bump up the raw food content and look into BARF feeding.
Steven R Lindsay Seminar
Nekhbet replied to Herr Rottweiler's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
just got the heads up from a hotel that march is around the time for the royal show so accom can be a bit limited! I found a nice pet friendly place to stay all I need is the dates now! -
I'll add a bit about what happens if you dont research your breeder or buy from a backyarder Diesels website as with every dog research your rotties especially, HD, ED, allergies are becoming a bit of a problem perpetuated by the unscrupulous out there
you need to change to quality not quantity - look for a dry food that has no wheat and the first ingredient is meat - throw away the cans they are empty rubbish and simply run the dog through - dont cook meat! It's a dog! As persephone said, lamb flaps, fattier cuts from the butcher are a better idea as roo, rabbit etc are all virtually fat free - I use the rice/vege diet for weight loss! A good dry and raw meaty fatty offcuts from the butcher will get the weight on saving that, many shepherds go through a lean period. My previous shepherd was a shocker it took so much maintenance to keep the weight on even with Royal Canin and meat scraps!
so? what about the south african Boerboel? The CAO? Dogue de Bordeaux? what is the history of these dogs and other guarding, hunting, fighting breeds? I see more of the average dogs with weak temperaments as a risk to society. How many weak nerved guarding and herding breeds hurt people in this country before the well bred and trained ones? If the Fila was truely a maniac dog it would tear its owner to shreds as well. They choose dogs with workability and natural drive to suit the purpose. Sounds extreme but that is the environment it comes from. Saying that there is nothing to say, as Paulni has stated, that under more normal conditions the dog will not conform to living in a normal environment with socialisation. The dog obviously has a good temperament and is not flightly what is wrong with that?
does anyone know who runs the preschool here? could you PM me please if you do thanks
Steven R Lindsay Seminar
Nekhbet replied to Herr Rottweiler's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I'm thinking of driving, extending the stay a little and bringing the dogs too so that means there will be room in the commodore for an extra person who wants a lift yeah dates would be good as getting leave from my work late is like asking for a $1000 cash ... you know there is no point because your chance is very very slim -
Can Immunised Dogs Pass On Parvo
Nekhbet replied to Belgianlover's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I usually try and avoid dogs that go absolutely everywhere all the time ie dog club, busy dog beaches and parks every day etc for a once vaccinated pup saying that my pup got parvo and barely met other dogs *sigh* sometimes it's luck of the draw like Tess said -
Pup Threw Up Brown/grey Sludge?
Nekhbet replied to brigie bear's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
do you have a cat yourself or does a cat visit your yard? If your dog is passing its own poos then there is no blockage sounds like she just found some lovely poo, ate it and her stomach decided not to keep the little present Dogs with blockages will not be vomiting up their own whole fecal matter, the gastrointestinal tract has several sphincters to prevent backflow into the stomach and the movement of the gut pushed food forward, not back. you can suspect a blockage if - dog vomits constantly food, then bile, then nothing but clear mucus. They will eat a meal and it will bounce straight back up again - cannot pass any more poo, dog can try then nothing come out - cramped walk - stomach ache, whining, laying down, looking generally uncomfortable -
try the RC maxi NOT the medium which has different carbs to the maxi. My dog is allergic to the med but not the maxi and it's the only food he can eat (EP brings him out in welts) saving that RC also have the exclusive protein range
yes diesel has been through acupuncture, chiro, massage, supplements, special diets, you name it he got it. I think his body just cannot carry the weight of him any more he's well oversize for a rottweiler and being stick thin and still weight 47kg doesnt help him at all. I'm in werribee at the mo so I will have to wait to pass on the cuddles until tomorrow night thank you all I just hate going through this again. First watching Krueger and having him go to sleep in my lap and now Diesel will have to as well. I am truely dreading the day. He's such a trooper though
you have to be able to do the job of his failing system. He will be on diuretics so his body is removing the fluid which his poor circulation is now not properly moving to the kidneys. If it was my dog I would be sticking with the meds until he is stable and happy before relying on tonics, and would be consulting a holistic veterinarian with a proven record of treating this condition without traditional meds.
it depends on the actual type of drive the dog has and the confidence. Why do you want to play tug is a starter? It is a very confrontational game for many dogs. You can start with a rag on a line on a stick like some bitework is done, not too threatening to the dog but still encourages prey. Then gradually move on from there. If your dog doesnt want to play tug I woudnt worry nor actively keep encouraging it
Steven R Lindsay Seminar
Nekhbet replied to Herr Rottweiler's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
oooOOOoooooh sounds like a must do then can you PM me some more details HR so I can work it out around university? Well whatever you know dont know wether to fly or drive -
just an update. D is slowing down. He went for a romp in the backyard with Mina on wednesday and then refused to get off the couch for the rest of the evening. EVEN FOR PIZZA! He is getting thinner, I have him on beautiful cooked and raw food, higher fat but his muscles are starting to waste. He is cuddling up to us more and now wants to be on our laps. Even the muscle on his head are wasting away. His good leg (ironically) is collapsing more and now rotates to a point OH is so upset he cannot bare to watch it ... his 5 min romp left his hock bent and his leg rotating at least 90 degrees outward. I think D doesnt have long left. My poor poor baby. We went for a walk on the beach and he looks like an oversized puppy again, not a dog of 2 years old. His poor skinny hinds are getting him about for now my poor baby boy. Why does it have to be sooner then later. Damn you backyard moron for breeding my D. Off for a while now it's getting hard for me to cope, I just cuddle him and cry silently
it was kick the dog or go to hospital to reattach various parts of my arms and face. Bloody trained dogs, thing is you have to stop them before they get to you Any dog that makes the attempt to latch onto mine. This ACD x tried to attack my old shepherd once when I was a teen, it went to grab her face and it got a right boot in the shoulder. Roaming dogs get no chance with me, I dont know what they're capable off and with that behavior its boot. 2psinapod I had that but on my boob after a pomeranian attacked me ... yes. on the booby. And I share your sentiment he needed a right kick in the bum for it! *bloody mums dog grumble grumble*
get yourself a martingale collar or even a light check chain. Also have a nice long lead. Now from the sounds of it you are pandering more to her and not giving her an incentive to listen to you. She doesnt have to! Also the dog is to be hungry, no food that day at all and have some super tasty food in your pocket. just start walking, if she doesnt follow give little sharp tugs on the leash and 'come come come come on pup pup pup' in a high pitched loud voice and she will follow. DO NOT STOP. biggest mistake is stopping, just keep walking, talking, tug tug tug until she catches up then when she does GOOD DOG *TREAT* and keep walking. If she looks at you keep praising the moment she doesnt, stop all praise. If she bolts ahead, do a 180 and same again, tug tug tug and keep moving. I dont want you to stop once. Keep it at a good pace, keep her interested and she will follow you in one small session. She obviously wants interest BUT you have to show her she has to work for it, you are providing everything too easily and there is no repercussion for her ignoring you. She's big enough now to behave and pay attention. This works on dogs of all ages and I use this with many of my clients. You find you get a natural focus from the dog as it learns to think and treat you as the leader. It also learns it HAS to pay attention or it looses track of where you went and the chance for praise or a jackpot treat (I dont feed constantly I really do not believe in it for this, many dogs can get ill from rich food and romping about. Jackpots for great behavior and thats it)
what food are you feeding? The diet can also be a great help in the prevention of hotspots especially a diet low in grains and no wheat!
a big crate and start making it more a 'safe' zone. so treats and bones only in the crate, cover it with a cover so he cannot see and get him used to crate time is quiet time. Put the other dog out too and gradually get him used to this type of thing so when you go out - crate, bone and he's quiet.
did she maybe start cleaning herself? if there is no pus, fluid or irritation I would leave it and just keep her clean if she doesnt. Some will, like my bitch, others dont ... the joys of an entire bitch is she acting OK otherwise