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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. A spey should be the entire uterus and ovaries being removed ... that means the dog was not speyed at all or the vet for some weird reason did not do a full hysterectomy
  2. there are plenty of small fluffy dogs and big fluffy dogs, the public just have oodles rammed down their throats so they think they're the ONLY option out there. And considering the pricetag you cannot say it's because they're cheap or reliable at all They wont be a breed, most that I've met are just odd. Random creations with no real aim, what is there to create? Crossbreeding has a limited place in invention, creation and saving some lines of dogs. Just doing it for the sake of it ... why? Then why breed at all?
  3. I collect old books. I have Training Dogs by Col Konrad Most Koehler books A few other oldies about war dogs, guard dogs etc Some Balabanov
  4. good luck proving ... I'll bet on winning the lotto first I have a friend who's dog had ovarian tissue left in .... not a nice predicament. And yet, vets will excuse out the bum for it if it does happen Check for tumors, hormones are not only produced in gonadic tissue.
  5. Shyla's a mini but so damn gorgeous size and weight depends on line, my old working line boy was incredibly tall, almost like a dane. Yet I've seen some tine show line sheps, way too much difference in the breed. If you can feel ribs and have decent musculature then your dog is fine, I dont bother with numbers for dogs anymore.
  6. just get a lunge line from a horse shop or a couple of D clips and some rope from bunnings (we cable tied the knots) works well
  7. acupuncture, electrostim, supplements like omega and glucoasine/chondroiten made a huge difference in my really bad rottweiler I would x-ray to make sure it's actually arthritis
  8. I'll get there one way or another but no hounds in tow unfortunately this time woot woot holiday
  9. basically staranais, yes. A common thing you see is dogs that sit the go on a wonky sit they were taught to sit straight, then half flop You have to be fast with clickers and treats, which is why I dont have a lot of clients use them. Especially for aggressive responses or dogs with that find it hard to pay attention reward as soon as you see compliance and they dont produce undesired behaviors. By the time most people click and treat it's all over the place.
  10. sums me up on a day off ... tatty clothing, big muscly dog on a leather collar and down at the local market
  11. N@Dog you can import cropped dogs, what age you can import depending on the country, paperwork, quarentine etc so speak to Customs/AQIS. Most cropping is done at 8-12 weeks of age when the ear is strong enough to hold the shape (with some help) there is more to cropping then just whacking off an ear. Bit of an art and I dont have an issue with it. Oh there;s nothing wrong with prongs, it just seems to be a fashion to put a hideously oversized one around your pitbulls neck ... first it was truck chains and padlocks now this why do some owners have to be such bogans
  12. have a good talk to breeders and see it from their point of view - they have spent much much more then you can imagine on their own dogs, health tested, raised etc so yes the dogs will be expensive. I would more worry about a breeding quality anatolian at $1000 then at $2000. Personally if you want to start breeding you are better off investing more into a fabulous quality dog, prove he's great and then work from there. Wish you luck and let us know how you go. ETA maybe some people need to be more understanding from people not originally from this country. OK So the OP cannot understand why the dogs are priced as such why make fun? Educate, and if they dont listen dust your hands of them. Simple. Some people on here seem to be just wanting to start poking fun and berating anyone like a flock of vultures.
  13. I'd go for eagle pack giant breed or Royal Canin if it were my dog
  14. modern crops are not exactly like traditional crops I like cropped ears more then that stupidly oversized prong most pitties wear N@dog If I could own a cropped dog I would, might import
  15. I wouldnt get too upset python, this happens to most new people around this forum, even to regulars. Something about shreds and presumptions Good, healthy and breeding papered Kangals/Anatolians are pretty rare. I've seen a few when I worked in areas that had a high turkish population but there were no papers, just backyard bred If you can find one at the price you're asking, good luck If not, well I suppose either keep waiting or save up some more. You did choose a great breed
  16. not really ... I worked with a vet nurse who shoved her unvaccinated, underage abandoned kitten in every other animals face, even large dogs. I mean in their face. Her possum she did the same thing with that picnic had a couple of sandwiches missing
  17. so this is the new puppy farm technique spread and you wont look like a horrible 'farmer' ... people are sick sometimes.
  18. Yup I hate it too. I think it's one of the most irresponsible ideas every. And the cat ALWAYS wanders up to the dog that will do it the most damage. Try holding a huge German Shepherd, trying to pay the bill by eftpos with the other hand and then resident puss decides to play russian roulette by dangling off the counter in front of the dogs face. I had control but it the dog was internally going bonkers 'Oh the cat's OK with dogs' 'yeeeeaahhh but my dog will turn it into confetti if it gets within 2 inches of his face' and then you get that stupid stare back from them and 'oh, that's not good' if you want a resident cat build a bloody run for it or keep it in a big crate, sheesh that a resident cat roaming the surgery shouldnt be an issue for your dog if you have it under control
  19. http://innotek.com.au/products/animal-deterrent/cat-002 http://innotek.com.au/products/animal-deterrent/cro-101
  20. if it is bright red blood she has scratched the lower half of her intestinal tract or her just inside her anus so feed her a softer diet like boiled chicken and rice to help it heal if it is darker go to the vet NOW
  21. he probably hears noises that you dont, small animals, cars, people etc bring him inside, crate training is a great idea. If walking for one hour a day is the only stimulation he gets as well that is not enough for a german shepherd. Remember too you have a guarding breed so he is doing what is breed is meant to!
  22. OMG that is soooo cute! and doggy beer? :D I'll have to get my dogue his own 6 pack next party so he stops stealing others, he's such an alcoholic
  23. I've rarely had female dogs! Sheba Wilhelmina (Mina for short) errrr ... umm ...
  24. I got told off by one of their demonstrators ... I asked their list of ingredients (proper, not just the old meat, veges, pasta speil on the food) due to allergies and she snipped at me 'well what more do you want me to tell you' errr the proper ingredient breakdown?
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