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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. sharpie is a texta ... shar pei is a dog what a horrific cross. Backyarders are not bound by any code of ethics. Go have a look at the trading post advertisements you'll be blown away ... AND PEOPLE PAY HUNDREDS nay THOUSAND + FOR THESE BLOODY DOGS and then whinge papered, health tested purebreeds are expensive where's a DERRRR emoticon
  2. OK this could be circular. I am saying I would never let my dogs off lead in an unfenced area. The times I have is when we go camping and we're boundried the way around by a river and my pooncy dogs wont dare swim across. Anyhoo, as I said a dog is an animal. It can be unpredictable no matter how well trained it is. So to go somewhere and let my dog off lead particularly when handler is under stress and there are other dogs, main road etc IMO is irresponsible. Also IMO if you are training/running a school you are responsible. You are the supposed professional in the matter and as such should know that shite happens and the more you can prepare for it the better off things can be. OK Accidents will always happen, but there is such thing as harm minimisation
  3. You get that orange stuff in a roll, you know the soft temp fencing. Better then nothing at all isnt it? If a dog goes for a bolt the fact there is something reasonably solid (to them) can prevent them being hit by a car. I don't think lack of funds is an excuse for lack of safety at all.
  4. No I more meant that it does happen and for anyone to not take precautions is silly Huski I've never entered an ANKC obedience trial anyway so ;) I dont think I will be anytime soon either err yeah ok.
  5. You're not socialising to prevent nervous behavior you're socialising to give him tools on how to cope when he DOES have nervous or unsure feelings about something. That is what it's about
  6. I would not attend and put in writing why not. If not my dog doing a one in a million run off, then I dont want to see someones dog skittled by a car. And dogs DO run off at trials. Putting up at least temporary fencing is LAZYNESS, why no one sees it as a problem is beyond me.
  7. Actually, majority of dogs allowed to form a pack and uncontrolled will exhibit territoriality, some aggressive responses and wild behavior. It is a predator, I think we become a little jaded these days thinking that all dogs need is love and a few treats and they will love you unconditionally back. OK True for some softer breeds but others will steamroll over you Being from Ljubljana he probably had them as guard dogs too and thought the behavior was useful
  8. err they were due for euthanasia because they had already attacked someone just because you own a dog and feed it means you are immune from being attacked. He owned a pack of aggressive giant dogs and from the start obviously had no control over them. Waiting to happen. ETA why does a dog have to be damaged psychologically. You own a large, guarding or hunting breed and don't control it, they usually will bully or bite you. The quality of dogs in Europe when it comes to their working instinct far surpasses what we have here in Australia. His dogs formed a pack, showed aggression and instead of being smart and at LEAST trying to get help controlling them obviously he went back to old habits and paid the price.
  9. Even our 3 meals are a cultural/habitual process I prefer to eat once a day, and have tea/coffee the rest of the time. My dogs eat twice a day (because they're always starving ) but what time that is varies every day with our routine. I think dogs that are very active in particular benefit from 2 meals a day (food in the stomach + work usually = vomit with dogs anyhow) or the larger more bloat prone breeds.
  10. A dog is an animal, not a programmed robot. I have never let a dog offlead in an unfenced area and I never will. I dont care how well trained etc. The fact there is always a risk a dog can take off is enough for me to not do it.
  11. looks like a great pet food, I'd love to try some
  12. I simply use human chondroiten/glucosamine/MSM tablets and super strength liquid fish oil. A heck of a lot cheaper then the dog products and works just as well
  13. www.leerburg.com has some good info on it as well
  14. The easiest thing is to get away from all the books and advice your head will explode you sound like you're on the right track. He's a puppy, and just like a child needs to explore, experience and learn. Let him be inquisitive (as long as inquisitive doesnt mean acting like a lunatic) you're there to teach him the world, hardcore obedience can come later. As long as you have control over the dog and reward good behavior then you'll be fine My Malinois was a shocker ... never saw the outside world until 10 weeks (baaaaaad way to raise a working line Mal). Well we went everywhere ALL the time and we sat there until she got over her nerves and started to just relax. We played tug near truck routes, took trips on the train, went to the city etc and she took it all in and became (eventually ) a stable dog. Horses for courses. But remember pups are resilient and willing to learn.
  15. The Nazi party believed in making a better Germany for their people ... delve deeper and look what that actually entailed. Peta believes that animals should have rights and not be treated so cruelly .. yet they support terrorism, violence against human beings and the mass extinction of animals as pets. Hows the choice looking now. Just because something has a glossy exterior doesnt mean the core isn't rotten. And Peta is maggot infested right down to the center. They believe in better lives for animals at the expense of other animals and the human race. You want to support someone, go support Hugh Fernley Whittingstal. He is against the battery farming, the cruel conditions and is all for a more healthy, sustainable lifestyle where animals are free range and provided with happy lives, a quick death and not one bit is wasted. For people to get out from behind the TV and get out into the garden, to eat fresh non processed foods and to generally lead a happier life. Now there is animal welfare with someone who has a clue and about what is realistically sustainable.
  16. oh because miss tv vet is a major authority on things she's nothing more then a face on a few adds which is all she's worth
  17. because we are a 'free country' and that stopping an entire organisation on some simple media whoring comments would send the civil libetarians up in arms apparently everyone has a right to their opinion and to express it :D that and the government it always too gutless to put its foot down. Frankly anyone disturbing the peace like this, ban visas for life If I see ONE of those Peta minions trying to ram anything down my throat it's on. They're not here for the good of the animals, they do not understand animal behavior, they have no education etc they simply have a rose tinted goody goody BS view that in fact CAUSES more suffering then it helps. All they are is media whore terrorists under some warm and fuzzy guise. I've been targeted by some Peta nutjobs before. The stupidity level of their members is incredible, it's simple brainwashing and the sad thing is in the US they allow it at school age level. Now if only they could brainwash them to ALL DRINK THE DAMN COOL-AID AND DO THE WORLD A FAVOUR.
  18. I saw some dutchie pups for sale and had to sit on my hands I'd pay the price for them for sure ... ahh one day. Yes I know of Nordenstamm, they have a dog called Zico. ooooh I think we need to work on a fuller bite with that dutchie in #37
  19. easy enough dog is either attached to you, or if you cannot handle that for that moment (like not safe while cooking etc) put him in a crate to watch you. Crate during meal times (great habit to have too)
  20. socialisation is about how you teach the dog to cope with new things and listen to you then simply running down a list. I've seen some supposedly 'socialised' dogs with no social skills at all. Put him with other dogs that are cool, calm and know good dog body language. Teach him that if he has confusion, fear etc to simply follow your lead of not making a big deal out of things and praise for good behavior towards new objects.
  21. err actually you would be surprised how much damage a dog can do to a car, especially a modified police car
  22. Ahhh good work Zeping yes I have a dutchie on the wish list. I think when people say the FCI are a little softer we're still not talking about marshmallows here I am still to invest in a bitesuit, problem is I have two volunteers crazy enough to do it who are two completely different sizes! Hey Mon who was that Malinois on your back? Do you know the breeding?
  23. red bellies are not that aggressive compared to hte rest. They really are 'use venom as last resort' type snakes. Tigers on the other hand are aggressive old fellas that wen provoked can start to chase you (especially on really hot days) but poor red bellies get a bad rap!
  24. looks like he's desperately trying to get to the temp of your house, the poor bugger this heat is merciless on unlucky reptiles. If you have flat land and dams consider putting a few big rocks up the other side near the dams for shelter/cool for the snakes. They wont need to venture down to your house if they have everything they need somewhere else.
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