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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. wouldnt that technically make the dog a private rehoming then?
  2. I got a price, it's actually not that bad for a custom made brace, I would def. put it in the afffordable category
  3. There is also Erny, Cosmolo and Kelpi-i here on the forum, my prices are on my website
  4. you need to work on control on your dog and better manners with her. She sounds very pushy and she needs to learn that some things are a non negotiable no no that WILL be enforced. bobchick your partner also has to realise your dogs are not fully mature adults. What is funny now can be two dogs tearing each other apart at 2-3 years old. Missy may also start transferring her pushyness to people - which you dont see because she is never told off. I will put money on the fact if you had to try and make her do something you two would be shown a set of teeth and an attitude to back it up that he has created. Tell him his situation is something I see all the time and I know usually how it ends (and unfortunately that is when the owners realise their mistake and call a trainer/behaviorist in) Dont wait till its too late!
  5. my rottweiler needs one of those do you know how much they are roughly>
  6. is it fresh or cooked? Are you sure it wasnt a bone you gave him aaaaaaaaages ago and he rediscovered? by the way baits would be in meat not bone.
  7. that is not really a viable legal complaint. That is called tresspassing and provocation. Null and void Rangers question more then one neighbour before fulfilling a complaint to ensure there really is a problem. Call the ranger and explain the situation of what she has done, you will find it is harrassment and trespassing.
  8. How about a holden Combo? They fit a lot, drive like a car and easily cleaned
  9. if a dog is going to be a worker I'm not fussed on colour ... it can be butt ugly as long as it can function IF we ever get a show dog (and OH has his heart set on a frenchie) it will be a particular colour. He's obsessed with pieds and it has to have a patch over one eye *sigh*
  10. not in WA but email Ataraxia Kennels in NSW, they'll be able to give you info on the breed in Australia http://www.ataraxia.ozehosting.com/
  11. I agree why are these dogs not being desexed? Do they really think a purely profit breeder will be put off by a couple of hundred dollars for a young bitch when she can make them a few thousand? Really negates the reason for rehoming. Does keep them in business though I suppose, more puppies means more upcoming auctions LDH in melb is similar, I asked about a dog and was told first to call in on the first adoptable day would be in with a chance to take the dog ... what happened to best home?
  12. some registered breeders advertise in the trading post. I wouldnt jump to conclusions without the full story Start with the DOL listings and the boxer club of their state, they will always have a puppy person who has listings
  13. you got a heap of info about brands of food and what to feed. Your breeder should also be helping you. I'll repost here for you
  14. yeah them rockwheelers do real good at Boganis Method doggy dancing ;)
  15. you have to check local council websites about where they are using 1080 Remember too councils and farmers will use Pindone oats to kill off rabbits. You dont need a license or signage for this so if you're close to a farm with rabbits keep them on lead.
  16. Now to write up a charter and list of commands ... how about some advertising Does your dog have a few bad habits? Come to the Boganis Modern Gentle School of Dog Training! Started 5 minutes ago as what seemed like a great idea over a few beers out the back porch, we promise to use the most up to date, gentle and modern methods to fix up yer dog. Or trained canine specialists will have your dog fixed aaaaaaaall up in: working and hunting under stimulated dogs and chronic leash pullers socialisation and how to behave out in public show training to enhance that eye catching factor in the ring! The Boganis patented form of 'doggy dancing' (the actual content of dancing may or may not be as advertised. It also may or may not be involving some element of bitework. Maybe. Not really if the government asks) Yes call us now with your problems ... I mean LOOK AT THESE RESULTS! We'll have a TV show up and running in about a week so book quick 'cos after that we're bumping up the price tenfold
  17. We should start out own society ... Call it the Boganis Modern Gentle Method of Dog Training
  18. it's a little kids toy, just a cheapy plastic one but the dog works for it - not very loud though The owner bought it, I got a clicker at a seminar and my dogs have walked away from the novelty of it. They really dont want to listen to it, must be the tinny click noise I've been clicker training the poodle with it but she's a tough little cookie. Doesnt want to put in effort then vibrates her bottom lip whining at you like 'no insert food here, I DUN WANNA DO TRICKS!'
  19. awwww lilli cant we all have our dawww moments ... OH agrees on the provision it is schutzhund trained I actually could see that happening with a little male if it has half the attitude of this one I've taken her for a hydrobath and blow dry to get whatever the heck was rinsed through her coat by the last groomer. It wasnt washed out so when Cherry went for a walk through the damp grass this morning she stank like unrinsed shampoo, I think that Fidos stuff. And I brushed her out, her coat is SO unevenly cut i'm dying to grab a pair of grooming scissors to shape her half decently
  20. OMG TV crew ... that would be the most bogan moment ever LOL *Bloudgeoned into using gentle leader and a clicker* although says the woman who currently has a cloicker in the shape of a frog OMG it's awesome
  21. yeah OH is in love with her too I just adore ther temperament, no backing down and sooooo trainable! We've been clicker training this arvo and when the malinois got too close to her little piano she yipped and told her to back off, my training and MY treat she's here to fix the whining problem though she does just whine and whine and whine until she gets what she wants or she demands. Ahh its not that bad though she's just gosh darn gorgeous!
  22. let's not forget the ever faithful 'oi' command which has multiple wonderful uses - dont touch that - get away from that - dont eye each other off - get off the couch/clean washing - dont you dare walk through that door - try it again and it wont be worth your while
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