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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. some people will find any excuse to make themselves feel better about dumping their pets. Others delude themselves their untrained mutt will simply find a home because its so cute, like the other thousands at pounds who all end up euthenised. THe ones that dump pups then keep the entire parents are the doozys (and for cats too). Dont worry I'm related to serial dumpers, as soon as it outgrows its usefulness, cuteness or it doesnt train itself to be the perfect dog out it goes. God forbid one makes an effort.
  2. direct her in AAPS in Keysborough, unless you have the time to dedicate to retraining such a strong animal there is no point just trying to push it pillar to post
  3. whippets may look scrawny but they are quite strong, trust me an untrained whippet can drag you over easily! They are a sighthound, their body is built for speed. They do have fabulous personalities I say go meet a few you may be surprised!
  4. some dogs will no longer squat they need to pee cocking their leg like my boys do. I let them pee on cue if it's a genuine need, if they're stuffing about I call them off and we keep walking. I let them have an opportunity for a sniff and a pee during the walks too. You're confusing me! Just tell him no if it's a marking pee and keep walking. IF he looks like he needs toilet then give him a cue that he can sniff about and do his business but I wouldnt be using a piece of equipment as a sort of chastisement. Either use the halti all the time or dont bother.
  5. nervous or not it's an unwanted behavior. If he is a nervous dog then teach him to come sit by you quietly when he feels unsure. I teach all dogs to come to me if they feel unsure, frightened etc they are to look to me for behavioral cue about how I want them to act and what is going on and not simply take it upon them to do whatever they feel like. As for doors etc my lot can go through before me, its easier especially with hands full of bags. Just attach a command to it (I do in/out etc) As for the bed stacks on is a totally normal dog thing. Just be wary if when told to get off he refuses, that is more of a signal of relationship problems then cuddling up to you to sleep
  6. why dont you use a martingale collar on her? you can give a slight correction if she starts to pull or apply pressure which you release when she settles. Even on a flat collar a sharp short tug like a correction can be applied just at the point where you feel some tension on the lead
  7. I think more research has to be put in on bitches that are having the injections to cease seasons. A bitch on heat is usually the major drawback to most people and they dont want to deal with it, hell I can understand why its a total PITA especially at training and there are a lot of male dogs about. But I think discounting bitches for some work simply because they are a bitch is not the way to go, I think we're well and truely past the dark ages.
  8. your dogs walk ahead, you have broken her pattern of understanding with you. You teach her to walk beside you, then you let the other dog out in front WOWEEEEE what fun lets go go go! One dog on either side, correct for pulling with a corrective collar or if you use head collars mm use that if someone has shown you the right technique. No one walks on until EVERYONE is quiet and calm, and by calm that is not dog is a sit vibrating like a mobile phone and whining its head off. A great way is one person per dog if you can manage it, then you can correct the dog that is doing the pulling.
  9. time outs are no point. I dont bother with them, it teaches the dog little. He is allowed to sniff about he just cannot pee everywhere. So when you see him going to cock his leg (or assuming the about to pee position LOL) just go AHH NO to prevent him doing it. If he continues get up and correct him with his collar or put him on lead with you so you can control him. He had his moment of freedom, he stuffed up, privelage gone.
  10. keep him on lead or keep an eye on him. If you see him go to mark, AHH NO. If he continues you need to rethink your level of verbal control. He's simply asserting himself in his new surroundings, I have a bitch that does the same thing but if I tell her enough she will stop it
  11. If you want a working dog you go on the dogs merits. OK when we talk about civil testosterone DOES help in territoriality. But there are a good number of civil bitches out there. Also there is not always a massive size difference between males and females. A good working female can still be a muscly dog. Take a look at the bitches on this site - http://www.truehaus.com/ - I wouldnt wipe them off particularly with their proven performance record. I want that bitch to raise my future pup, not just 'bitch out of Blah vom Blerky blah" as her only achievement. If you want a performance dog you go on the merit of the dog. Males can fail as well as females. Fear periods can be just as annoying and crappy in males and females. A dog bred from good stock and has a strong desire and capability to work coupled with a good handler/owner will succeed. SecretKei I will get back to you on the injection, I know it can prevent the chance of future litters but since my bitch wont be bred from (HIGHLY ANNOYING but what can I do) I dont care about infertility. My friend has her dog on it and it has not had adverse effects on it physically or mentally. I think we forget the SV system is not limited exclusively to males. The reason people here import males is you get better value for money from stud fees then the possibility of a bitch that cannot produce a litter.
  12. No the attitude would be if the DOG cannot come up to standard snip and find another hobby. No matter what the gender. You bias yourself before you even try it out. Yes in security and schutzhund I think its the macho mentality that keeps bitches out. They're shit, they're hormonal, they're unreliable. Crap. I would and I have. I know a couple of other people that do as well. Entire as well. IF a dog has drive a season will not reduce her to a shivering mess, in fact I have seen maturity of attitude, more ferocity and improvement after every season. My bitch is 6 1/2 now and she keeps my males in line, and she is my fearless protector. I think preconceived notions and sterotypes prevent bitches being trained, not the fact that many many people have actually tried and failed. You know what its like, the males go training and work and the bitches stay at home ot have the puppies. That is a mentality that is THANKFULLY changing. Do you know Max von Stephanitz preferred bitches as working dogs over males? They were more responsive to the handler and bonded more closely. He thought males were a bit too full of themselves at times and I agree, as much as I like working them my Malinios is incredibly responsive. You want to preserve the breed and talk about working dogs make sure you have a read up on history. Bitches can be fearsome fighters and workers AND still produce the pups that go on to perpetuate the breed. There are injections to stop bitches coming on heat, greyhounds are on them so they can race. I am going to start these now with my girl to see how she goes on them as I simply am running out of the time to deal with another season. She always wants to work and train for most of the time she is on heat as well so I dont see it as a barrier.
  13. have a look at ebay there are plenty of books especially in UK which are quite cheap
  14. well try some chicken wings in a furry sock - sort of combines food and toy so the dog finds it a novelty. I just happened to have a few bunnies in the car as we went straight from ferreting. Worked well in food/item refusal too :D
  15. sounds gross but I had a dog that was bullied away from toys by other dogs and refused to touch anything. pulled out a fresh, furry dead rabbit and withint half an hour we had mouthing :D like I said, gross but it worked a treat, after a week he was well into a flirt pole
  16. south african boerboel btw
  17. testosterone is NOT the only and overwhelming factor in aggression. The dogs drives, breeding and environment contribute way more. Unless the dog has a hideous overdose of testosterone pumping about its system (which sometimes happens, you will see testicle size be well over that for a dog its age) then the argument is null and void. Dogs get attacked because the other dogs are either untrained/aggressive or your own dog is giving off poor body language which gets other dogs on edge. I have an entire male I use with aggressive dogs as he is calm and simply doesnt care. Other dog goes off, he turns around and ignores them. Vets are not taught anything different in vet school. Many still think entire dogs will be aggressive and nasty - UNTRUE. They still think desexing will fix behavioral problems ... UNTRUE. You should take the advice of breeders and experienced trainers over a general veterinarian. If you think there is a high risk of your dog mating or escaping - fix your fences and get him a vascectomy. I desexed my rottweiler at under 12 months and I regret it a lot. I should have left him entire for his bone and muscle development. those behaviors are environmental as well as coupled with poor training on the owners behalf (or lets have a laugh when the dog starts, it's funny etc etc). No more horror stories then the average person who puts in little to no effort with their dog desexed or not. And trust me I see a lot of dogs desexed and have problems so hormones are not the factor here. I wouldnt desex a lab under 12 months. If he's too much to handle that is not the hormones, that is the dog itself. Train it, dont use surgery as a magic bullet.
  18. I own the second and third and both are excellent books. Balabanov especially for fully understanding the competition
  19. it is illegal to purpously course, but if you are rabbiting and a rabbit bolts the net then there is no probs in vic if the dog goes off to catch it. We just use ferrets
  20. Yes this is true if you have a therapy dog that visits hospitals. The dog was to be swabbed and a culture sent away which Delta paid for. Nursing homes and disabled centres were OK AFAIK. In the US there is a huge amount of people that for them, raw diet is game meat or knackery meat NOT something from the human butcher. So I dont see the issue since yes the dogs can shed pathogens to immunosupressed people they visit.
  21. honestly if it is a drivey mal why not find it a good working or trialling home and get something more suitable for your grandmother if she wants a companion. THe dog will always need a lot of stimulation despite how much boarding/training she gets and if your grandmother has periods where she cannot exercise the dog she may find it become frustrated and bored quickly.
  22. it's because there is only one Staffordshire Bull Terrier. The American Staffordshire Terrier is a completely separate thing - no bull in there
  23. if you do I'll love you forever dead sheep He fits within the breed standard ... couldnt have won 4 BOBs if he didnt. Remember a well muscled dog will have a decent chest on it as well. I'm one for dogs looking like dogs, not blurring the line between dog and bitch. OK he's a bit heavier set then a lot of dobies but I like him. Standard even says forechest well developed ... and dogs that have especially done some work will also be wider. and from the FCI
  24. I dont like those tall crops they tend to flop over, the crop is MEANT to be more rounded like the pics I put up. Then they dont bend and look like the dog lay near the heater too long
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