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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. think of it more subjectively. Read the lable on the bottle of Malaseb - it says for bacteria, fungus, yeast etc. Now, would you slather yourself in something like that if you had no problem? Or would you use a normal everyday shampoo? Same with the dog. Let me guess the same vet sold you a bottle for about $20 odd dollars?
  2. grab a packet of Phenergen and give 1-2 a day until the hives go down and keep them handy. Obviously the dog is severely allergice to something. Could also be a spider/bee sting?? I get hives and I can tell you they hurt a lot, especially if you scratch them. place a cool well squeezed towl on them if he's very uncomfortable but move it every 20 or so seconds so it doesnt end up insulating more heat
  3. it's like taking antibiotics for the sake of it. Malaseb is way too strong for a normal puppy skin no wonder he's smelling or chewing his feet. You're killing off the natural flora that lives on the skin and creating more stink from the inbalance. Use the aloveen if you absolutely have to, and trim him up to allow some oxygen near the skin as well. I would be simply wiping him down with non scented baby wipes if he gets a bit grubby, you shouldnt be shampooing on a regular basis unless the dog is absolutely reeking from rolling in something.
  4. I dont agree about a Koolie ... or most herding breeds. If there is no formal training, kids are going to be left in charge, a lot of prey items like dirt bikes, wrestling etc that will end in disaster. I say the kids need a tough little JRT. Maybe one a bit older but they are not too active or hugle/strong like a staffy, are fairly owner orientated and love kids and dirt :D Plus they live forever on the smell of an oily rag ... I say go for a Jacky
  5. actually I hear that a lot. Or if it has lab in the mix it will be a well behaved calm dog. Its an urban myth that a labrador will simply exist perfectly around a busy family. In fact for some families a labrador is not suitable at all. It's a gun dog! The OPs family - I would never rehome a dog to them. What kind of existance is that. And if the dog gets sick like ear problem or anal glands will it sit out in the backyard alone because they dont want the doggy smell on them or their precious car? What happens when the bad weather sets in ... days on end just having a food bowl shoved out the back door. That is no life for any dog let alone a family orientated breed like a labrador. Save another dog ending up as pound fodder, they shouldnt get a dog. I'm happy to email them if they require further clarification.
  6. Nekhbet


    what do you consider a correction? You can give a decent pop. Have her on a long lead, pop when she gets to the end and walk at your own pace. It is impossible to have no periods of slack lead unless you really are enabling it. Let her dash ahead, then let her hit the end, she will learn herself its not worth it. Call her back with either a toy or food. Do not stop moving, and praise any time she gives you focus. Unless your pup has extreme behavioral problems there is no reason why you cannot see some results in a day. This is young pups I mean. If you are still struggling with an older pup then move up to a check chain or matingale. This is loose leash walking I am talking about not competitive heeling patterns. Or it might make them think ... hmmmm what am I doing wrong here and use their minds to train their dog to walk on a lead instead of accept a low standard. Being told that the process is fine, that at 6 months you're still struggling, or keep buying more useless equipment to squeeze, pinch, twist your dog to me is a cop out. If you absolutely do not have the skills find a good trainer to help you get those handling skills you will need throughout the dogs life. If you have them, use them. How do you think it happened before all these bits of equipment existed, and trust me it wasnt that long ago there were no haltis, harnesses, etc etc. Pup was attached to a leash and walked until it got it. Got a correction if it played up and 'good dog' if it did well.
  7. there seems to be an idea floating on DOL that non guarding breeds and untrained dogs will do the job. If you are going to be that reliant on a dog invest in an already trained personal protection dog. Ridgebacks are NOT the right breed for it, they are not wired for that behavior and you are going against their nature. True protection is a very difficult thing to achieve and believe me VERY easy to get wrong at any step. Even encouraging a dog to bark towards people and rewarding it = potential disaster. WHat are you really rewarding? What drive is the dog in? Does it have potential fear aggression issues you are about to blow up? etc etc Remember to not everyone is afraid of dogs. Some offenders know one swift kick and your dog will be running off. YOu try and hold a large frightened animal you push to show protective behavior (even standing in front of you in a situation can be enough to stress some dogs) and you risk being bitten yourself or traumatising your dog.
  8. Nekhbet


    use a flat collar or a martingale dont jump straight to harnesses. They do not teach the dog to slow down they simply hinder movement - effectively you do not teaching the dog. Get a trainer in or join a dog school at least for a few months to show you how. Too many people on this forum recommend harnesses, head halters etc and I see their dogs control is reliant on a piece of equipment hindering the dogs movement to get results. Until you have trained a dog to walk decently on lead without a crutch I wouldnt be dealing out advice to another novice. Walk at your own pace, if he dashes ahead give him a little correction with the collar and call him back to you. If he keeps dashing ahead change direction, call him to follow and reward for natural focus and slack lead. DOnt be afraid to give a short sharp correction with a flat collar. If he is distracted, change direction, keep moving and little tugs on the lead until he follows then reward for following. You can teach your pup to walk on a flat collar in a day without all manner of paraphenalia.
  9. you can teach a dog to bark but if pressed by the possible aggressor through offensive body language the dog will in all probability back off. I dont like the idea of rewarding dogs to bark at strangers in a pseudo protection situation either, it can snowball into other unwanted behaviors or confuse the dog completely. If you are that worried about being attacked walk in another area or take a big stick with you.
  10. protexin powder, cheap pet mince as well as the dry food. Even a supplement like Livamol can help. Dont put an already active dog on a high energy active formula, the reps have told me (and I found out with my dog) that it simply hypes them up so they run more = no weight gain. If you get desperate make up some satin balls to add to the evening meal. Should definately be 2 meals a day for weight gain with the fattier meal at the end of hte day
  11. I can tell you SOME dobermann breeders are very easy to talk to if you are willing to pay their price O_o nuff said on that, be smart and dont just jump at a working line Dobie because the breeder may tell you its suitable. If the parents are not friendly, calm dogs then move on. Trust me. Or you will be ringing me by the dogs first birthday asking me to extract its teeth from your arm. Mon stop posting Dobie photos I'll be forced to buy one .. well I will when their drive can rival that of my Malinois LOL
  12. depends on the concentration of Xylitol ... considering it is the active ingredient in Aquadent, a product you put in the dogs drinking water to help prevent tartar buildup, Virbac has the studies on Xylitol too. If he's only had a couple of pieces and his bloods are OK after 24 hours I wouldnt be panicking. Hope hes OK!!!
  13. The innotek bark collars have setting that go up as the dog continues. So after the first couple of barks the dog gets a warning, if it keeps going the stims go up. I have used them before and they really did do the trick. It didnt remove all barking just random nusience barking. Remember to leave bones, toys etc out so the dog can redirect any excitement into something quiet
  14. up the bones to daily and throw the dentastix in the bin. Lamb flaps, necks, spine, tail, chicken maryland etc are better for the dogs teeth. Despite the fact the dog may have uneven enamel that attracts plaque, if its a problem that requires sedation at 7 months of age to clean then you need to restructure the diet to compensate. A dog cannot go through life being sedated every 6 months.
  15. I'd be socialising that pup with some older dogs that have good dog body language. She will soon learn that behavior will not be tolerated. Meanwhile if she starts that grab her out of play and calm her down. If she's having a good go at another pup there is nothing wrong with scruffing her to teach her enough is enough and she really crossed the line
  16. your dog is a baby. Try and keep that in mind. You sound like first time dog owners so remember - your dog is a living creature that uses its teeth, tongue and nose to explore and express itself. His berzerk sessions are a working breed dog letting out its energy. Remain calm, give a little squirt with the water bottle then after a few seconds redirect to a toy. I dont believe in a complete life of no consequences. It does most dogs more harm then good. There is nothing wrong at all with telling your dog no, or AHH, or BAHH, or any other manner of things. Trust me dogs do a lot worst to each other when reprimanding.
  17. The dog will need training, but if you are in Vic unless you have a security license the bitework component is not allowed. Contact Eagle Heights Schutzhund Club if that is the direction you want to go in, the obedience and tracking at least will do your dog well. Oh and remember indoor is always best I'd look around instead of just von forell, I'm sure Mon will give you some great advice.
  18. a well trained dog is also trained in food refusal to ensure they are not able to be baited. Although dogs do a good job insurance wise you are better off investing in a static guard instead of dogs that companies see more as a liability for litigation from the person bitten. Most dogs in yards are simply loud and untrained. There are few people in the country who can train a dog to do this job properly we're quite young when it comes to work like this.
  19. how are you using the check chain? If used properly you wont have pulling and you can calm a dog down.
  20. here is one with method attached somewhat his page also has good other videos
  21. it's self rewarding, he sounds bored as anything as well coupled with a lower nerve to hold in his barking. Personally, get him a bark collar for when he's out there alone and do some more brain work with him in between time. A tired dog is a quiet dog. There is no consequence for his actions so why stop? Dogs also do not know what quiet means. Well if you taught him quiet he probably cannot extend the association with permanent barking too.
  22. he's perfectly healthy. You're too used to seeing an obese dog. Ollie will thank you for it in the long run, always better thinner then fatter
  23. frontline wont do ear mites or mange. Try swapping everyone to advocate for a while and see what happens
  24. I beg to differ on that. Dogue de Bordeauxs are going through a popularity spurt and you should see how much people are charging. My own Dogue was comparable to bulldgo price. When I got him he stank, was covered in acne, flat feet (all from a bad diet) and his owners couldnt wait to dump him at the airport. He was given away at just over 7 months of age. Quite a few of these expensive dogs go for free or get dumped at the pound because the novelty has worn off. I have also seen other dogs well over the bulldog price tag treated like garbage too. As for the BYB element, a couple of cheap or free to good home bulldogs would set you up for quite a while Expensive price tags and exclusivity also attract many of the wrong type of dog owner.
  25. integraguard use Von Forell lines. The problem with australia is 1) we have little to no ringsport/KNVP 2) Schutzhund is hard to do if legal at all in your state if it was as common and required as Europe then we would see more Sch titles. A dogs working life proves its worth and thats what we go on here sometimes. Have a look at other working kennels, not many of their dogs would have Australian working dog titles - doesnt mean they're rubbish. There are many famous working dogs in australia, not all have titles.
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