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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. I think the closing date was last night so for everyone who did thank you very very much! It all adds up in the end
  2. because a horse is a prey animal just like a cow, sheep, pig, chicken, duck, gazelle, deer, gnu, zebra, donkey, goat etc. It is a herbivore that is naturally prey to carniverous animals, which accounts for their innate behaviours which we train against in order to make them a calm, rideable animal. Why do you think unbroken or wild horses act like nuts when you come up behind them or try to mount them. The only issue is that it is viewed as a 'pet' not a prey animal. It is totally different to a dog which builds little muscle compared to feed input and preys off other 'prey' species in order to survive. eta carnivore meat is edible but usually stinks due to hormones and diet. We like herbiverous animals because the diet carries through to the meat. Most carniverous carcasses reek.
  3. I put up brush fencing to fill in any gaps and extend my fence to over 8 feet. THe neighbours grandkids try and hang over the side and bark at the dogs so I put a ping string fence a couple of meters from the fence on that side too so the belgian cant jump up and accidentally hurt on of the precious darlings.
  4. http://caninebreeds.bulldoginformation.com/blue-dogs.html http://homepage.usask.ca/~schmutz/dilutions.html#other to get a dilute you also need 2 recessive genes. So you have to be severely limiting your genetics to get consistent blue dogs since a normal gene will mask the blue. Limiting genetics also limits genetic diversity and health of the breed long term
  5. I get about 400Kms to the tank with my car, further if it's just highway driving. Although commodores dont like traffic I can tell you that!
  6. I spend up to $100 a month on food for 3 dogs (50kg, 60kg, 24kg). This is because someone is super sensitive so we are limited to what they can be fed and I would rather they all eat the same thing. If i'm tight it can go down to less then $50 for the month but I prefer to spoil them with the good stuff vet bills - slim to none we dont have yearly vaccs here and rarely see a vet anymore. worming - $20-$30 a year heartworm - $0 Shampoos, probably 1 bottle a year or use what the hydrobath has in it already toys - probably up to $100 a year at the most Diesel is the most expensive with his supplements but I get those through the bargain chemist/work so probably $40 every 2 months Although I added up the rotties vet bills, supplements, therapy and equipment he's gone well over the $5000 mark in under 3 years
  7. I second a commodore. And parts/repairs are common and cheap! I have a VS wagon, I can fit 2 crates and 5 people in the car, or 4 crates and 2 people. It's massive and cheap to buy, VT is the next model up and still common to get.
  8. you NEVER put this sign up. You are admitting you own dangerous animals and if something happens it will be on your head since you admitted they were dangerous. Even 'Beware' and 'caution' signs will point to you as the accountable one. I used thin brush fencing from bunnings, it will bend with the gate swinging or have the end over the gap. Just cable tie it on. As for the sign, something like 'dogs on premises' is enough. If some dickhead child tresspasses on your property to stick his hand through the gap in the gate that is his or his parents problem for raising a child that has no respect for other peoples property. You could even argue provocation on the unattended childs behalf since he purposely entered your property, walked up to the gate and did god knows what to the dogs.
  9. it comes down to technique. All very well buying no pull paraphenalia but one good session with a trainer teaching focus and calming techniques goes a lot further then spending money on equipment at times. In the mean time practice in the backyard. Give the dog the whole leash, and no tension! Call him to you, reward for being near you. Then start walking around, if he pulls then quickly change direction and give him a couple of little pops on the leash while calling him to follow you. When he's behaving heaps and heaps of praise! If he does it in the backyard then try the front yard, praise heavily for giving you natural focus. If he lunges off just give him little pops with the leash, not drags. If he rushes off towards something quickly walk away from it and call him to follow you. He cannot get to things he finds very attractive (except for you of course!) until he settles and doesnt put tension on the leash. Remember to pop pop pop as soon as you feel any pressure at all, not when he's already pulling. Corrections and rewards have to be given as soon as a behaviour is shown, dogs think in snapshots - if you give a pop or change direction when he's been pulling for a while he wont know exactly what its for. If it happens as soon as there is tension he will think ahaaa I get the pop for pulling! And being near mum with no pressure on the leash is really really great! Find his favourite food, make tiny little squares and give them to him when he's being super good as a bonus reward. But no grumbling or growling at him, you ONLY speak to praise him or call him to follow you. Less is more with verbalisation. I would rather you do this every day with him and reform his leash habits to good ones then take him for a walk and get dragged along. DO it in increments, progress from front yard to your street, then further etc. A dog wont die without being taken for a walk if he gets a good work out mentally.
  10. It is a permissable colour by the breed standard, its just not as popular as the orange (which I believe was originally a rarer colour!) I dont see why the OP shouldnt get another pom if they love the breed and understand it is a tiny dog that needs grooming and a lot of indoor time and human attention. They just saw a different colour and loved it!
  11. they were investigated a couple of times from what I remember and no one did anything. As per the norm here in australia.
  12. at this age it would be best to at least have a session or two with a good trainer to put you on the right track. He should not be hopping about on lead at this age
  13. I use phenergen, with the added bonus it makes them sleepy and comfortable no matter what the problem. The rottie gets massive hive like allergic reactions and 1-2 tabs makes them settle
  14. ok emails needed today, the morrabool puppy farm application was REJECTED due to 1300 letters sent! It takes 2 minutes of your time, the template is here so come on, lets stop another! John McCarrey has been operating his puppy factory for years, and was in business with Ron Wells. This was the property that Ron kept his larger breeds on. When it came time for the dogs to give birth, Ballarat puppy factory staff would meet John McCarrey on the side of the road and swap dogs, dogs due to whelp would be given to the Ballarat staff and dogs that have just weaned puppies were give back to John. John McCarrey would take the dogs to his property to be impregnated again. This trade in dogs occurred on the side of the highway between Ballarat and the NSW/Victorian border on a weekly basis. Woodpark puppy factory is currently being investigated by the RSPCA. Business must be good though because now John’s daughter, Gemma McCarrey and her fiance Samuel Hartley, want to open their own puppy factory and have lodged an application with Mitchell Shire Council. Please lodge an objection and stop this family business that relies on the cruel exploitation of our companion animals. Please write your own objection or use ours as a template to copy into an email and send to [email protected] COPY AND PASTE THE LETTER BELOW IN YOUR EMAIL TO COUNCIL
  15. my aunt used to have about 50 odd dogs in Jugoslavia, mostly danes and newfys. She fed them an entire horse a week and had a hired hand to walk them all daily. I wouldnt feed horse from Australia ... I used to live near a knacker and he was the filthiest, cruelest person I had ever seen. Horses were slaughtered in a tin shed and one day mum went out there to ask about rescuing a horse and there was a whole skinned clydesdale thrown in the carpark to be choppped up later THere is no quality control, if there was I would be happy to feed it.
  16. bitch inside or in crate and dog outside or behind a kiddie barrier when I'm around. I dont have dogs that are so desperate they smash things though.
  17. there is only one dog present per person when you visit, I dont think two people with two dogs ever go to a place and dogs are to be under control. They're allowed to be dogs just not have a go or be aggressive and out of control.
  18. greenies dont work better then an appropriate bone for the breed. Get something the dog can gnaw with the back molars as well as use the front incisors for and it will do the job. Greenies, petgetables and all that crap is simply .. well ... crap. I refuse to order them for my store.
  19. trust me it's not very hard at all if your dog is socialised and dog friendly. They dont ask for perfect obedience. Two of my dogs used to do it but I dont anymore.
  20. I have a dogue and a malinois in Geelong
  21. no if she has to pop out pup can go in crate with a chicken neck to amuse her (as not to mess rest of the house), just to make sure pup has a wee and a poo first so it's not caught short while in the crate ;) The point of her original Q to vet was how to get pup to realise the kennel is to be used when she has outside time. Vet said leave her out there tied to the kennel and that a pup that small doesnt have to be inside overnight! Kennel isnt meant to be her home just a shelter or if she wants a lie down eta crate is also where pup sleeps at night
  22. if you're going to get royal canin get the maxi, not the labrador. Since he's a cross he could end up anything really but being lab better to err on the large breed side. If not Royal Canin then Eagle Pack, Nutrience, Nutro, etc
  23. I was just thinking he must be from a poor background or diet ... pet shop pup with a great case of Pica ...
  24. no no owner was totally worried about leaving poor pup outside at all but when a so called professional gives you that advice ... :p vet said unless its -1 and raining the pup will be fine errr no! puppy is happily staying in laundry or crate and outside time is when owner is home and weather is good ;)
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