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Everything posted by Nekhbet

  1. dont ever bash the crate or throw cans with coins ... quick way to terrorise a dog! If she's absolutely being a pain and 1)does not need to go to the toilet (make sure first) 2) is not cold, hungry, thirsty etc then I would give her a quick squirt with the bottle when she's in her play pen NOT in her crate. Crates are a place of safety, imagine if you were locked in a small room then hosed down! Your trust level would sink quickly. When you put her back in the crate I would give her something yummy to munch on until you're ready to get up. Crates always have to be places of good things, not a place where the dog cannot escape an aversive. In her pen she can get around, go to bed, play with her toys etc, she has another option of what to do. You simply need to teach her that she can do something else productive while you're up and about.
  2. I'm not even going there ... oh not all aggressive dogs need you to gain their trust either, most dont. Ahhh gotta love paper educated people that think they know everything. And how punishment is always abuse and torture ...
  3. I dont see any problems with it, you're slowly changing the food onto something superior. If it was me, if she's being genuinely rude then I would simply keep contact to a minimum. It's not fair to say crate training is cruel and make you feel bad when you're obviously putting in a lot of time, money and effort into this new pup. It's not as if you've thrown the pup outside to sleep and feeding it Pal.
  4. I say anyone with objections to this start writing letters to the FCI. The ANKC is not playing fair to breeders, especially of other breeds who also participate in schutzhund, ringsport etc. Time to stop the rot and self serving agendas.
  5. FCI rules for members and associates meaning titles already on paper cannot be removed/altered as far as I see it. So you cant just change a Sch dog to a non Sch dog by changing all the original paperwork. also http://www.fci.be/circulaires/4-2010.pdf
  6. harnesses are all well and good but will not decrease excitement. Try the pressure technique and some patience I find it very effective on dogs that just wont quit
  7. If you have a larger dog then 5 months may not be too young for a check chain if used properly. I think a good trainer helping you out may be the way to go to get this problem sorted sooner then later
  8. rubbish used to be old meat and food, not cheap junk laden with every nasty chemical known to man PLUS slather our dogs in more chemicals. Not saying they create the problem entirely but they can exacerbate or bring it on in dogs that otherwise may not show
  9. if you have an adjustable martingale then tighten it until it sits firmly at the top of the dogs neck behind the ears. It has to be quite tight but not too uncomfortable. Now when she gets excited apply pressure gently until she settles, say nothing, then praise for focus. Get ready for a tantrum or two but it settles dogs down quickly. A check chain can also be used up that high but clip the lead to both the ring and another link close to her neck so it cannot widen. Same thing applies. Just no jerking movements, pressure when she's getting excited and release when she settles. Also, make sure she's on a short leash, almost hold your hand near the clip so you can effectively guide and quickly correct the dog.
  10. some people dont see it an issue, as they also dont see some temperament faults as a problem either. It comes down to when you want to buy a dog ask what diet the parents are eating and if there is any known scratching or allergies. There is enough dogs about because people either feed them rubbish or they come from bad lines.
  11. why dont you put a correction collar on her and correct her? Teach her enough is enough? Reward for calm behaviour with a reward that does not illicit the same response. It's perfectly doable but you cannot get though to over excited minds, you need to settle them. If she skittles about give her a correction, say nothing and wait to move off until she's calm. If she bolts ahead let her correct herself. If you are not confident with corrections then find someone who can use them effectively to teach you.
  12. If people adequately care for that many dogs and can provide them and their puppies the right level of socialisation and stimulation then there is no problem. But like I said, registered or not, if you[re just going to have masses of dogs crammed in kennels for profit then you're a farmer. Some people with 50 dogs do a better job then some people do with one. It comes down to quality of life for the animals and that they are not being overbred or undersocialised, or that their pups are being unsocialised then released on the unsuspecting public. The objections were, like I said, were because the facilities were going to be very poor and cause problems IE too many dogs on the property causing waste, water, noise problems. Thats what the objections were, and these then fed into the high chance of the owners not being able to provide the necessary standard of accomodation to their breeding animals. oh bulltish Steve. They dont bother with the law because theyre money hungry see their animals as cash machines. Their previous behaviour gets them in trouble not some premonition of evildoing. When you keep dogs like shit on one property, then want to go open another and you're NOT a registered breeder what do you think is going on? If a registered breeder wants to apply to create a 50+ dog property and abides by council regulations about kennel properties and waste/draininage then there will be no problem. Unless they too start keeping dogs in their own filth or chained to wrecked cars. There seems to be a short sighted worry that registered breeders will suffer from this. If your animals are well socialised, well kept and healthy then what do you have to worry about? Dogs cost money, if you cannot or will not afford to give them decent living then you shouldnt have them. The issue never was the number, but simply the conditions they will be kept in and their treatment be it 5 or 500.
  13. there are plenty of farmers who are known to both council and RSPCA. They visit them (IF they can be bothered), see not much wrong and let them keep running in the filthy conditions they are in. Well that is until Animal Lib take a few photos and release to the media then all hell breaks loose and suddenly there is an uproar. Please, I've been in the midst of farms enough lately and I can tell you the fact is councils a lot of the time like the revenue, and dont give two hoots about shutting people down or the fact these numbnuts are releasing diseased or dangerous animals into society. They dont even bother visiting, so why invite them? There is regulations for pet stores and I can tell you few, if any, that sell live animals abide to them fully. Profit first, animals somewhere down on the scale. This country is too happy with complacency. We also come up with these grand schemes about zero tolerance policy does nothing ra ra ra then we let people go do what they want and dont even enforce what restrictions we have put on them. So it becomes 'OK'. We want to stop people impulse purchasing yet we find it OK to let people farm dogs, WTF. How is that going to change any attitudes at all? It wont. It makes it mainstream and OK. People pumping out litters with NO health testing, NO regard to welfare and quality first and keep mass dogs above their capabilities for the fact of simply profit are farmers. Having an ANKC registration has nothing to do with it, look at the last one shut down around here who had a prefix. By the way they disposed of their dogs on a flaming heap ... no authorities had an issue with that either. If you want 50+ dogs you hire the necessary staff to cope with them. Just like a kennel facility has to, or a pound, or rescue org. Simple, if you want to be a commercial breeder you start hiring staff and a vet has to sign off at least every few months that your dogs are healthy. Cant afford it, dont breed it.
  14. if you were going to do the right thing there wouldnt be a problem. The puppy farm was also going to try and cram too many dogs onto the space and cause all sorts of logistical problems with waste, noise, water etc. Wow didnt think I would hear people rather puppy farmers go ahead and be monitored. No one monitors them now, councils have the bare minimum of officers, who's going to do regular checks? Laws dont work without people regulating it. Dogs are not animals that need to be kenneled their whole lives and bred like farm animals period.
  15. Uh yes it is a character flaw when other dogs deem it as unnatural. There is a difference between being cautious and over-pronouncing behaviours - a dog that rolls over pissing on itself when a (for intensive purposes) castrated male dog comes near IS a flaw whether you chose to accept it or not. Weak nerve can makes a dogs life hard, training hard and frankly it is a BIG character flaw as it can push dogs into fear aggression and panic reactions (i'm not saying necessarily for your dog Nina, but in general). And sorry, but its common in GSDs, BCs, kelpies, and some other breeds. Hence the screaming and incessant whining some of them do. In the wild these dogs would probably starve to death as they are just so non-confrontational everyone steamrolls over them or they would be chased away to be a recluse. The wolfie is not pronouncly posturing yet the GSD is still producing over displays. Seems like the wolfies character is fine. The other GSD just sounds like he's jack of the stupid behaviour the other one is producing. My Malinois is the same, if a dog does stupid flattening rolling over type behaviour for no good reason she pokes them like 'come on now, get up, enough of that' He probably would have paid to have been left entire. Is there any way to check testosterone and other hormone levels? I'd say most of it is genetic though if he's always been a submissive dog.
  16. the people that put in this app were already high volume puppy farmers who breed designer breeds. And not to a high standard either. http://www.govegan.com.au/puppies/?p=346
  17. I think one makes up for the other two HD ED chemical allergies food allergies gets hives hair falls out collapsed hock yeast in the ears bacteria on the skin if he gets an allergic problem apart from that he's fine. His attitudes a bit crooked too just like the rest of him
  18. they'll find another property to go do it on. Heaps of other councils that allow this crap.
  19. sounds like very bad nerve. He's got a character flaw the other dogs are not happy with obviously and he's so submissive he's probably giving off abnormal signals to the other dogs which puts them on edge. Rileys obviously a lot of man for him to handle. Why are your dogs able to access each others resources, especially food. You're then putting pack behaviour totally in their hands with this. Everyone eats out of their own bowl and touch no one elses, if you have to tether them then do it. There doesnt have to be fighting. Posturing and a quick glare can be enough to make a weak willed dog piss itself. What was he like as a pup, very submissive? Did he exhibit similar behaviour and you find it returned during hormonal periods? Also how young was he desexed, he may have been a low testosterone dog in the first place and now he never really 'grew up' if you get my drift.
  20. yeah when we went to Jamieson Diesel brought some friends home with him, probably from munching on deer poo the grot. He was wormed 3 times just to make sure.
  21. a dermatologist does not just work with skin but with the immune responses as well. An allergy is an immune response as is any redness, itching etc the immune cells make the body release Histamine, a chemical that causes itching, redness, swelling etc. If your dog is coming up in blisters your vet should have sent you straight to a specialist in the first place, not just keep giving you tablets. Get in there ASAP and meanwhile I would be removing ALL chemicals from the dogs environment including flea treatments, heartworm injections, wash all bedding in warm water and only put natural fibres like cotton washed in just plain hot water near the dog. If he's an inside dog go over all the floors with a plain hot water mop and dont spray anything on the carpets.
  22. I use home brand thick baby wipes for wiping faces and just inside ears, or some other unscented cheap version.
  23. of course its shifty. You watch, the next step is they will want all mention of schutzhund to just magically *poof* into the air, yet they will still want their SV papered bloodstock from Germany and other countries who also use Sch. Remember this will also go for KVNP, ringsport etc they want all mention of bitework off not just schutzhund if I read it correctly. So all our working line malinois will simply be plain old untitled animals according to the ANKC paperwork. seems like the ANKC want one of these for christmas. We'll be sure to make it big enough to fit everyones head in it.
  24. why do you need to pour water over it? Unless the dog has a problem let him chew it.
  25. I only wash in malaseb when there is a problem and the skin is red or scaley, then after 4-5 days if its not settling I repeat. I find less is more with that stuff, great to fix problems but unless there is a bacterial/fungal infection it wont fix the skin. How heavy is the staffy? ETA changing foods can help but it wont be instant. You need to give it a few weeks before a good change is occuring as there is residual irritation in the system. Oh and when you bath make sure the dog it totally dry. I have noticed with itchy dogs leave them a little damp and their skin suffers for it. That could be why the collar is irritating as well, if some water gets under there the lack of oxygen and bacterial growth can make a red patch. I'd leave the collar off unless you really need it on.
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